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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 28 فبراير 2021

    The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Sunday urged all countries to repatriate and safely reintegrate their young nationals being held at Syria’s largest camp for refugees and internally-displaced, following a deadly weekend fire at Al-Hol camp which saw at least three children die, and another 15 injured.

  • 28 فبراير 2021

    In response to the killing of at least 18 protesters demonstrating against Myanmar’s military coup, the UN human rights office (OHCHR) on Sunday together with the UN chief, strongly condemned the “escalating violence” and called for an immediate end to the use of force.

  • 28 فبراير 2021

    Baidoa – Quiet and calm are rare at the Bay Regional Hospital in the city of Baidoa. 

    On any given day, the usual hustle and bustle associated with a major hospital feature throughout its grounds, as...

  • 28 فبراير 2021

    In Yemen, whose people are living through a long-running, brutal war, which has led to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, COVID-19 is far from being a top priority, says the top UN refugee agency (UNHCR) official in the Arabian Peninsula country.

  • 27 فبراير 2021

    The Special Representative for West Africa and the Sahel Urges the Gambians to Build Consensus Ahead of December Elections 

    The Special Representative of the...

  • 27 فبراير 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Swan: “This is a time to pursue dialogue”

    Special Representative James Swan on 22 February briefed the Security Council on the situation in Somalia. “Public communication from key leaders has become increasingly polemical and confrontational, revealing the frustration, mistrust, and sense of grievance felt by many,” Mr. Swan said. He urged Somalia's political leaders to pull back from confrontation and avoid risky “winner-take-all tactics”. "Instead, this is a time to pursue dialogue and compromise to reach an inclusive and credible political agreement to hold elections."

    Read his full remarks here

    Read more in UN News

    La Lime: Haiti needs ‘democratic renewal’

    Special Representative Helen La Lime on 22 February updated the Council on Haiti and the work of BINUH in the country. “The Haitian people deserve the opportunity to express themselves through the ballot box in an appeased climate and to actively decide on the direction their country will take, free from the fear of intimidation and political violence,” Ms. La Lime said. “Only a democratic renewal, resulting from the prompt holding of credible, transparent, and participatory elections, can provide Haiti with the opportunity to overcome its protracted political crisis and allow its society and leaders to focus their attention on undertaking the governance and economic reforms necessary to set the country back on the path towards sustainable development.” 

    Read her full remarks here

    Read more in UN News

    Wennesland: “It is critical to begin the process of restoring hope”

    Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland on 26 February briefed the Council the Middle East peace process. “Palestinians and Israelis are fully engaged in their respective electoral processes. The COVID-19 crisis remains a persistent health threat that has triggered a massive economic fallout. Meanwhile unilateral steps on the ground are eroding the prospect of establishing a viable and contiguous Palestinian state and are moving the parties further from constructive dialogue and compromise,” the Special Coordinator said. "It is critical to begin the process of restoring hope to Palestinians and Israelis that the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace can be realized", he concluded.

    Read his full remarks here,

    and his recent statement to the meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee here


    Special Envoy visits Djibouti

    Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, travelled to Djibouti from 20 to 24 February. He met President Ismail Omar Guelleh, as well as members of the diplomatic community, including representatives from the EU, US, France, Russia, China, Germany and Japan. The one-on-one discussion with President Guelleh focused on the political crisis in Somalia, as well as the Ethiopia-Sudan border dispute and related mediation efforts. During his engagement with representatives of the diplomatic community, the Special Envoy discussed political and security developments in the region, including the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia.


    Special Representative reiterates UN Support to the Government and people of Niger

    Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and Head of UNOWAS, undertook a solidarity mission to Niamey from 19 to 23 February, where the second round of the presidential election took place on 21 February. During his mission, he met with Heads of observation missions and visited "situation rooms" set up by civil society. On 23 February, Mr. Ibn Chambas met with the President of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou. He commended him for his leadership in strengthening democracy in the country and congratulated the Independent National Electoral Commission for the organization, and the Nigerien people for their peaceful participation. The Special Representative condemned the killing of election officials in the Tillabéri and Diffa regions on election day.



    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org


    Special Envoy calls on States to take the side of the people of Myanmar

    Special Envoy Christine Schraner Burgener on 26 February updated the General Assembly on the situation in Myanmar. “The situation in Myanmar is extremely fragile and fluid,” the Special Envoy said. “Ongoing violence, intimidation and harassment by security personnel, and deliberate acts to create insecurity and instability, as well as the enactment of draconian laws which deprive people of their basic human rights, are egregious.” In her conclusion, Ms. Schraner Burgener called on states to “take side for the people of Myanmar, to take side for democracy and human rights,”

    Read here full remarks here

    Read more in UN News


    Special Envoy visits Damascus

    Geir Pedersen visited the Syrian capital Damascus this week. On 22 February, the Special Envoy met with Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad and other officials to discuss the work of the Constitutional Committee.


    Fish farming project in Risaralda is a model of economic reintegration

    In Colombia, a group of former combatants came together two years ago on a fish farming project on a farm in the Santa Cecilia community, Risaralda department. On 25 February, they collected about 730 kilos of fish, the first harvest of 2021. This reintegration project has the support of the UN Multi-Partner Post-Conflict Trust Fund. The former combatants formulated the project’s operational plan alongside the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, UNDP, and the Agency for Reintegration and Normalization of Colombia.


    Peacebuilding Commission meeting on youth, peace and security

    Following the recent adoption by the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) of a strategic action plan on youth and peacebuilding, Commission Chair Mohamed Edrees convened a meeting to consider ways of strengthening support to youth-led peacebuilding organizations in 2021 and contributing to the implementation of Security Council resolution 2535 (2020) on youth, peace and security (YPS). At the meeting, the Commission called for collective efforts to address the systemic challenges of young people’s exclusion in decision-making, sustainable resourcing, and civic space restrictions. The Commission recognized the importance of prioritizing the development of dedicated local, national and regional roadmaps for YPS, and noted positive developments in that regard in Nigeria and The Philippines. The Commission discussed youth-led initiatives across a wide range of peacebuilding issues, including climate change, and heard the youth representatives’ call to prioritize the safety of youth advocates and young peacebuilders; ensure predictable funding for youth, peace and security; and include youth in national and regional peacebuilding initiatives. The Commission recognized the important contributions of the PBF’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative, and the useful guidance contained in the YPS Programming Handbook, developed by PBSO, UNFPA and UNDP, with the generous support of the Folke Bernadotte Academy.

    Next week

    The United States will assume the presidency of the Security Council for March.

  • 27 فبراير 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated much of the world’s attention over the last 12 months, but many other crises will continue to require the urgent attention of the UN and the international community in 2021.

  • 26 فبراير 2021

    The holding of free and fair elections in the Occupied Palestinian Territory will help “clear the path” for restoring a legitimate political horizon to realize a long sought two-State solution, the leading UN diplomat for the region told the Security Council on Friday.

  • 26 فبراير 2021

    Briefing by Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, to the Informal Meeting of the General Assembly on Myanmar

    Mr. President, 

    Members of the General Assembly, 

    It is now exactly four weeks since I was in contact with all stakeholders in Myanmar as the army insisted that the State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meet three conditions and threatened a takeover. She did not agree to these conditions, but dialogue appeared to follow and I hoped until the end that the attempted coup would not take place. Unfortunately, it did happen.

    I told you in 2019 that I would sound the alarm if necessary. This is now the case. I am ringing the alarm bells.

    I strongly condemn the recent steps taken by the military and urge all of you to collectively send a clear signal in support of democracy in Myanmar. 

    At this moment, democratic processes have been pushed aside and elected leaders including the State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President of the Union Republic remain detained.

    I have warned many times that, as we support Myanmar’s transition, the urgency in helping lay the foundations of a pluralistic democracy should be balanced with due consideration for the various complex domestic challenges the civilian leadership faces.

    I have tried again and again to explain the complex situation, namely that the army holds the real power. Three ministries were occupied by members of the army, and the police in particular were subordinate to it. 

    Genuine democracy requires civilian control over the military. 

    25 per cent of parliamentary seats were reserved for the army under the military-drafted 2008 Constitution. Changing the Constitution requires more than 75 per cent of votes. 

    You can imagine the challenges this posed for the National League for Democracy (NLD) Government in its pursuit of democratic reforms.

    The military was not only an obstacle before but has initiated reversing the process of many positive measures introduced by the NLD leaders. 

    Instead of resorting differences to established legal mechanisms, the military exploited differences to try to justify an attempted coup.  

    I say “attempted,” since the takeover has not stabilized, it would appear to be roundly rejected by the people.  

    It is important the international community does not lend legitimacy or recognition to this regime.

    I also say “Coup,” because the military takeover and declaration of the state of emergency was a clear violation of the constitution regardless of what they claim. 

    Meanwhile, democratically elected representatives were able to be sworn in according to the Constitution on 4 February and have formed the Committee Representing Pyidaungu Hluttaw (CRPH).  

    These parliamentarians have courageously sought to uphold their obligations to serve the people who voted for them and it is important they are given a platform.


    Military Actions 

    Mr. President, 

    As I briefed the Security Council on 2 February, the genuine will of the people of Myanmar must be upheld. The result of the election of November 2020 was clear with 82 per cent of the votes for the NLD. 

    There is no justification for the military’s actions, and we must continue to call for the reversal of this impermissible situation, exhausting all collective and bilateral channels to restore Myanmar’s path on democratic reform.  

    Despite attempts by the military and its appointed officials to justify its ongoing violations, including the killing of peaceful protestors and the continued detention of political leaders, civil servants and others, let us be clear there can be no “business as usual” under the current circumstances. 

    Before this crisis, Myanmar was opening up, including economically, following decades of military rule. It had become interconnected to the global economy, supply chain, investment and banking. 

    This brought with it not only the potential for national prosperity, but a sense among the people of Myanmar that positive opportunities long denied to them could follow.

    Going back to isolation will bring economic and political pains the people do not deserve. 


    Protection of Civilians, Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

    Mr. President, 

    The Secretary-General has called on Myanmar’s military and police to ensure the right of peaceful assembly is fully respected and demonstrators are not subjected to reprisals.

    According to the NGO ‘Assistance Association for Political Prisoners,’ around 700 individuals have been detained, many arbitrarily and without charges, trials and legal representation, and families are not able to locate or contact them.

    Equally concerning are the restrictions on internet and communication services. They must not be disrupted to ensure the right to freedom of expression, which includes access to information.  

    Ongoing violence, intimidation and harassment by security personnel, and deliberate acts to create insecurity and instability, as well as the enactment of draconian laws which deprive people of their basic human rights, are egregious.  some of them are also in violation of their own Constitution.

    We should not forget that most of the civil servants hired by the NLD government are still in office.  Many have been intimated and harassed, forced to change sides. This also affects Myanmar’s Embassies around the world.

    The ethnic armed groups who are signatories to the historic 2015 Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement collectively announced to suspend dialogue with the military. This is remarkable and reflects the major setbacks the current situation has created. 

    The military’s decision to release around 23,000 prisoners, among them those associated with political murders and divisive figures who have incited communal tensions, is regretful. 

    Weaponizing such individuals to cause unrest and fear is gross betrayal to the people the military has sworn to protect.

    No leader with the greater national interest genuinely in mind would create this level of chaos during a pandemic, which requires an effective, inclusive response.  

    An important opportunity to build unity across the country in the fight against COVID-19 has been lost and is a great danger for the people in Myanmar but also for the region. 

    Mr. President, let me give some remarks on human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities.

    The United Nations system will continue to stand with the people of Myanmar, and I appreciate the Security Council’s call for safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in need.

    Humanitarian need in Myanmar remains acute, with more than one million people in need, with many of those living in areas currently or previously subject to conflict with the military. 

    For the 126,000 Rohingya who remain confined in IDP camps in Rakhine, there must be genuine progress to provide them freedom of movement and durable solution to return to their homes.

    We must ask, how can we rely on a military regime when the very same led the security operations leading to the human rights violations and forced displacement of Rohingya people and others from their homes?

    In my discussions with the military leadership after the attempted coup, I was given assurances that efforts initiated by the NLD Government towards creating conducive conditions for the dignified, voluntary, safe and sustainable repatriation of the Rohingya refugees to their place of  origin or choice would continue. 

    However, recent reports the military will launch investigations into the work of Advisory Commission on Rakhine State initiated by Kofi Annan and take action against those who acted – I quote – “in the self-interest of an individual without taking national interests into consideration” is deeply concerning. The same has been announced for the activities of the Independent Commission of Enquiry (ICOE).  So all who worked to protect Rohingyas and were in favour of accountability are now under threat.

    We must be clear: accountability for previous and current crimes will not go unpunished.

    Mr. President,  we have a collective responsibility. In my discussions with the military leadership, including several calls with the Deputy Commander-in-Chief, I have echoed these concerns, amplified the Secretary-General’s advocacy and requested to visit Myanmar under the condition I can meet with detained government leaders.  

    My intention was to convey directly the concerns of the international community and help resolve differences through peaceful dialogue with the aim of upholding the will of the Myanmar people.

    Regrettably, the current regime has so far asked me to postpone any visit. It seems they want to continue making large-scale arrests and have been coercing people to testify against the NLD Government.  This is cruel and inhumane. 

    It is true, my unique access to key stakeholders in Myanmar, including civilian and military leaders, has allowed me to relay directly international concerns, give hope to affected communities and CSO leaders through continued dialogue.

    My visit was also intended to assess the situation directly.  For this reason, I had hoped to keep channels open, face those responsible for the current situation and build on existing relations to persuade a reversal of this crisis.

    As I have in the past, I hoped to channel many of the shared concerns and messages based on my regular consultations with many of you.

    If the regime is not giving access or accepting UN visits needed for these purposes, influential Member States could play an important role and support efforts to undertake objective assessments. 

    Member States gathered today have a collective responsibility towards the people of Myanmar and safeguard their democratic aspirations.

    I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call for Member States to exercise influence regarding the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the people of Myanmar. 

    I have been in close contact with a range of stakeholders, including in the region, and appreciate their various efforts and continued support for my role and mandate.

    The Security Council’s 4 February statement was an important first step but our solidarity with the people of Myanmar requires more action.

    I seek to continue my role as a bridge, in close continued consultations with elected NLD representatives and help facilitate their dialogue with the military as appropriate.

    Clearly, regional engagement is needed on all fronts and I will remain closely engaged, including with ASEAN leaders, reinforcing the Secretary-General’s support to regional efforts.

    Mr. President,  let me conclude.

    The situation in Myanmar is extremely fragile and fluid. 

    Observing the huge protests in the country and listening to the people, I must say it is not about a fight between NLD and Tatmadaw; it is a people’s fight without arms.

    If there is any escalation in terms of military crackdown – and sadly as we have seen this before in Myanmar – against people exercising their basic rights, let us act swiftly and collectively.

    We can no longer afford profound divisions.

    In closing, I would like to highlight that the Secretary-General has demonstrated early leadership in previous weeks, as he did in his letter addressed to the Security Council on 2 September 2017, urging concerted efforts to prevent further escalation of the crisis in Rakhine.

    If the numerous discussions here at the General Assembly and in the Security Council continue to fall short of a forceful and timely response, perhaps existing structures are indeed in need of reforms in keeping with the times.

    I call on all states to take side for the people of Myanmar, to take side for democracy and human rights. 

    May you as Member States uphold your responsibilities. 

    Thank you.


  • 26 فبراير 2021

    As the democratically elected leader of Myanmar, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is still in detention following the military takeover that triggered country-wide protests, violence and arrests, the UN envoy for the country observed on Friday, declaring that “democratic processes have been pushed aside”. 

  • 26 فبراير 2021

    As the democratically elected leader of Myanmar, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is still in detention following the military takeover that triggered country-wide protests, violence and arrests, the UN envoy for the country observed on Friday, declaring that “democratic processes have been pushed aside”. 

  • 26 فبراير 2021

    Independent UN human rights experts appealed on Friday for the new United States Government to adopt wide ranging reforms to end police violence and address systemic racism and racial discrimination. 

  • 26 فبراير 2021

    An attack on a secondary school in northwest Nigeria on Friday in which several hundred girls are still missing has been condemned by the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF. 

  • 26 فبراير 2021

    The political unrest in Myanmar has impacted the ability of humanitarians to respond to the needs of vulnerable communities, including internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the country’s conflict-affected areas, the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Thursday. 

  • 25 فبراير 2021

    Joint communiqué of the ECOWAS Commission and the United Nations (UN) on violence following the announcement of the second-round...

  • 25 فبراير 2021

    Joint communiqué of the ECOWAS Commission and the United Nations (UN) on violence that occured following the announcement of the second-round provisional...

  • 24 فبراير 2021

    A Moroccan-French woman whose son was killed in a terrorist attack nearly a decade ago, has been commended for her powerful activism countering youth radicalization, and her efforts to replace the desolation of loss with ‘a prayer of love’. 

  • 24 فبراير 2021

    Despite a successful presidential election and other noteworthy progress, the Central African Republic (CAR) continues to be plagued by violence and volatility, the UN peacekeeping chief told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 24 فبراير 2021

    Cristina holds a bag of coffee produced by former Farc combatants in Cauca. Photo by: Elizabeth Yarce/UNVMC

    A group of 32 women in reintegration from various regions in the country set up the “Women’s Market...

  • 24 فبراير 2021

    The United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) has called on the military in Myanmar to end the harassment and intimidation of workers by security forces, and ensure that they can exercise their rights to freedom of expression, in a climate free of violence and fear.

  • 23 فبراير 2021

    The World Food Programme (WFP) has provided further information on the deadly convoy attack in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on Monday in which Italy’s Ambassador to the country, his bodyguard, and a WFP driver were killed. 

  • 23 فبراير 2021

    More collective action is needed to address the risks climate change poses to global peace and security, the UN Secretary-General told a high-level Security Council debate on Tuesday, as renowned natural historian David Attenborough warned countries that the planet faces total ‘collapse’. 

  • 23 فبراير 2021

    Excellencies and distinguished delegates,

    Please allow me to thank the Norwegian Foreign Minister and the EU High Representative for organizing this meeting. Thank you to your team. Thank you also to the High Representative and his team.

    Given developments on the ground, it is well-timed to contribute to the Palestinian...

  • 23 فبراير 2021

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* call on all signatories of the 17 September agreement to come together urgently to finalize implementation of the electoral...

  • 23 فبراير 2021

    Fabiola Nastacuás lives in the former Territorial Area for Training and Reintegration -TATR of La Variante in Tumaco, Nariño, in southwestern Colombia. She left the life of the jungle behind...

  • 23 فبراير 2021

    UN’s Najat Rochdi Meets Patriarch Bechara Boutros El-Rahi


  • 23 فبراير 2021

    KABUL – There was a rise in civilians killed and injured in Afghanistan following the start of peace negotiations in September...

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    The top UN official in Haiti called Monday for a “democratic renewal” in the troubled Caribbean nation to lift it out of a drawn-out political and humanitarian crisis and put it back on the path to stability and development.

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    Increased “brinkmanship, pressure tactics, and tests of strength” are threatening progress in Somalia, the country’s UN envoy told the Security Council on Monday, warning that they must be resolved “through dialogue and compromise”. 

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    Increased “brinkmanship, pressure tactics, and tests of strength” are threatening progress in Somalia, the country’s UN envoy told the Security Council on Monday, warning that they must be resolved “through dialogue and compromise”. 

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    22 February 2021 - UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš, continued his meetings and...

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 23 February 2021, SRSG Natalia Gherman participated in the regional consultations within the framework of the Women Leaders...

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    TRIPOLI, 22 February 2021 - From 14 to 21 February, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations...

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    Mogadishu/New York, 22 February 2021 – The political stresses currently gripping Somalia and the need for dialogue and compromise to resolve them...

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    On the opening day of a new UN Human Rights Council session on Monday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres reiterated his “full support to the people of Myanmar”, three weeks after the military takeover that has brought thousands out onto the streets in protest. 

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    Madame President, Distinguished Members of the Council,

    Thank you for this opportunity to once again update the Council...

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    The Special Representative saddened by the death of seven CENI Officers in Niger, condemns the use of improvised explosive devices

  • 22 فبراير 2021

    The Italian ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a World Food Programme (WFP) staff member, together with an Italian embassy official, were killed on Monday during an attack on a UN convoy in the east of the country, the agency has said. 

  • 21 فبراير 2021

    The UN-backed International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reached a temporary deal with Iran so that monitoring of the country’s nuclear programme can continue, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi  announced at a press conference in Vienna on Sunday.

  • 21 فبراير 2021

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has condemned the lethal use of force against peaceful protestors in Myanmar, where demonstrations against the military takeover of the Government have been growing.

  • 21 فبراير 2021

    Amman, 21 February 2021 - The fifth meeting of the Supervisory Committee on the Implementation of the Prisoners and Detainees Exchange Agreement between the parties to the conflict in Yemen concluded today. The meeting was co-chaired by the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen and the International Committee of the Red Cross. During the talks, the parties discussed strategies and possibilities to fulfill their commitments under the...

  • 21 فبراير 2021

    Tripoli, 21 February 2021 - Yesterday evening, Special Envoy Ján Kubiš had a substantive telephone call with the President of the Presidency Council designate, Mr....

  • 21 فبراير 2021

    Tripoli, 21 February 2021 - Yesterday evening, Special Envoy Ján Kubiš had a substantive telephone call with the President of the Presidency Council designate, Mr....

  • 20 فبراير 2021

    TRIPOLI, 20 February 2021- UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš, continued his...

  • 19 فبراير 2021

    The UN chief expressed grave concern on Friday over an outbreak of violence in the Somali capital of Mogadishu. 

  • 19 فبراير 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Hennis-Plasschaert: "Transparency must rule" in Iraqi elections

    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert briefed the Security Council on 16 February. She said that the country has a responsibility to take back the more than 30,000 Iraqi citizens in the Al-Hol camp in Syria. “Al-Hol continues to be a ticking time bomb. And if it goes off, the impact will be immense,” the Special Representative warned. She also updated on the status on the upcoming elections, scheduled for 10 October. “For elections to be trusted, unfounded theories must be disproved, baseless accusations refuted, intimidation replaced with accountability. Transparency must rule and loyalties cannot be for sale,” Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert said.

    Read her full briefing here

    Read more in UN News

    Griffiths: Military situation in Yemen “extremely tense”

    Yemen Envoy Martin Griffiths briefed the Council on 18 February. “The military situation in the country is extremely tense. Indeed, I think it has not been this tense in the time I had the privilege to be engaged with Yemen. Civilians bear the brunt of the hostilities, as always; shocking violations of international humanitarian law takes place. In Hudaydah and Taiz governorates, worrying spikes of violence and hostilities continue, causing civilian deaths and injuries and damage to homes,” Mr. Griffiths said. 

    Read his full briefing here

    Read more in UN News


    Special Envoy visits Libya

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy and Head of UNSMIL, arrived in Tripoli on 15 February. This is his first visit to Libya since his appointment on 18 January. Mr, Kubiš, accompanied by UNSMIL Coordinator Raisedon Zenenga and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Georgette Gagnon, has held meetings with a range of stakeholders, including Fayez Serraj, President of the Presidency Council, and Mohamed Siyala, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Special Envoy expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and reiterated the UN’s full support to the Libyan people in their pursuit of peace, stability, prosperity and unity, especially through the holding of national elections on 24 December 2021.

    Read more here


    UNITAMS head meets Sudan Prime Minister

    The new Special Representative and Head of UNITAMS, Volker Perthes, on 14 February met with Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok in Khartoum. They discussed the new mission’s mandate and its four strategic and interrelated pillars, as outlined in Security Council resolution 2524 (2020). “I look forward to working in partnership with the Prime Minister, the Sovereignty Council, the Government, political parties, peace partners and all Sudanese stakeholders to advance Sudan’s political transition. This has to include those groups who are not signatories to the peace agreement. The overall aim is to support the country stay course on its journey to sustainable peace that responds to the concrete political and social-economic needs of its people,” Mr. Perthes said in a statement following the meeting.

    Read more here

    West African and the Sahel

    Women groups assess implementation of resolution 1325 in West Africa

    The Special Representative and Head of UNOWAS, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, on 12 February chaired a Regional Open Day on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. More than 100 women and young leaders from the region, including from rural areas, as well as actors from civil society organizations and representatives of regional organizations, participated in the virtual event. The aim of the meeting was to assess the level of awareness and implementation of resolution 1325 and to identify ways to accelerate action at the community level.

    Read more here



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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org


    New report on killing of human rights defenders and media professionals

    The period following the start of Afghanistan Peace Negotiations in September 2020 has witnessed a sharp and chilling number of killings of human rights defenders and media professionals in Afghanistan. A new report issued by UNAMA on 15 February analyses data and trends connected to the killings from 1 January 2018 to 31 January 2021. It traces the changing patterns of attacks on these key sectors of civil society and provides recommendations. No fewer than 11 human rights defenders and media workers were killed in targeted attacks in Afghanistan from the 12 September 2020 start of peace negotiations through to 31 January 2021. This trend, combined with the absence of claims of responsibility, has generated a climate of fear among the population.

    Read more here


    Special Representative holds meetings in Erbil

    The Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, on 14 February met separately with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, and President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani. The meetings took place in Erbil, and discussions focused on the current political, economic and security situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, including Baghdad-Erbil relations and the implementation of the Sinjar agreement.


    Reintegration process moves forward in Colombian Amazon

    In the municipality of Puerto Guzmán, Putumayo, in the southwest of Colombia, 90 former combatants take part in a cooperative to carry out their reintegration process with a fish farming project, the breeding of stingless beekeeping project, and a project of community nurseries for timber seedlings and Amazonian fruit trees. This week, the UN Verification Mission and UNDP participated in a follow-up visit with regional and national authorities to share, with the community, the progress and challenges of these projects.


    C-24 starts 2021 session

    “The specific challenges of sustainable development that the Non-Self-Governing Territories face have now been compounded by the health, social and economic consequences of COVID-19. Addressing these impacts requires improved global cooperation and solidarity,” Secretary-General António Guterres told Decolonization Committee at its opening session on 18 February in a message delivered by Under-Secretary-General Rosemary A. DiCarlo. The session marks the beginning of the Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism (2021-2030).

    Read more here

    Next week

    Special Representative James Swan will brief the Security Council on the situation in Somalia on Monday morning. In the afternoon, Special Representative Helen La Lime will update on Haiti and the work of BINUH. On Tuesday, there will be an open debate on climate and security. Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland will update on the Middle East peace process on Friday.

  • 19 فبراير 2021

    Large allocations of vaccines to cover priority groups are expected in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the next two months

    A newly published United Nations report describes 2020 as a year of setbacks for the Palestinians, their institutions, and their economy owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and an unprecedented fiscal crisis. The report highlights that during the first COVID-19 lockdown last spring, around 150,000 Palestinians lost their...

  • 19 فبراير 2021

    The UN human rights office, OHCHR, appealed on Friday for a de-escalation in hostilities in Marib Governorate in northern Yemen as Houthi forces, also known as Ansar Allah, attempt to seize the area from Government control. 

  • 19 فبراير 2021

    BENGHAZI, 19 February 2021 - As part of his first visit to Libya where he met with a large number of Libyan officials and interlocutors, Special Envoy...

  • 19 فبراير 2021

    Extreme violence and attacks involving thousands of fighters at a time have engulfed more than three-quarters of South Sudan, UN human Rights Council-appointed investigators said on Friday, warning that the bloodshed faced by civilians are “the worst recorded” since the country’s civil war began in December 2013.