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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 22 يناير 2021

    A sharp uptick in intercommunal violence in Sudan’s Darfur region has forced more than 100,000 people to flee their homes in search of safety, including many into neighbouring Chad, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) reported on Friday.

  • 22 يناير 2021

    A sharp uptick in intercommunal violence in Sudan’s Darfur region has forced more than 100,000 people to flee their homes in search of safety, including many into neighbouring Chad, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) reported on Friday.

  • 22 يناير 2021

    The first multilateral nuclear disarmament treaty in more than two decades, came into force just after midnight on Friday, hailed by the UN Secretary-General as “an important step towards a world free of nuclear weapons”.

  • 21 يناير 2021

    Illegally-armed groups and criminal organizations in Colombia are determined to “drive out State institutions and stamp out the voice of social leaders” through violence and intimidation, the head of the UN mission in the country told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 21 يناير 2021

    Perpetrators behind twin deadly suicide bombings at a busy market in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, on Thursday must be prosecuted, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement strongly condemning the attacks. 

  • 21 يناير 2021


    Following the decision of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum to adopt a selection mechanism for a...

  • 21 يناير 2021

    The UN chief announced on Thursday that he has set up an independent Senior Advisory Panel on strengthening the mechanism whereby humanitarian workers and sites are better protected from attack in Syria, according to a statement released by his spokesperson. 

  • 21 يناير 2021

    The top UN official in the Central African Republic (CAR) appealed to the Security Council on Thursday for more peacekeepers and equipment amid escalating violence surrounding elections last month.

  • 21 يناير 2021

    KANDAHAR – Peace remains the foremost priority for Afghanistan stressed participants during a series of UN-backed discussions and events held in the country’s south.

    Throughout 2020, community leaders from across the...

  • 20 يناير 2021

    20 January 2021 - The Constitutional Committee formed by the House of Representatives and the High Council of State held a meeting between 19-20 January in Hurghada, The Arab Republic of Egypt, and agreed on holding a...

  • 20 يناير 2021

    20 January 2021 - The Constitutional Committee formed by the House of Representatives and the High Council of State held a meeting between 19-20 January in Hurghada, The Arab Republic of Egypt, and agreed on holding a...

  • 20 يناير 2021

    After a decade of conflict, economic collapse compounded by COVID-19, corruption and mismanagement, the UN Syrian envoy told the Security Council on Wednesday that “a slow tsunami” is now “crashing across Syria”. 

  • 19 يناير 2021

    19 January 2021 - Following the agreement on a proposal for the selection mechanism of a unified executive authority, reached by the Advisory...

  • 19 يناير 2021

    Hurghada, 19 January 2021 - The Libyan Constitutional Committee started its second meeting today with the participation of two delegations from the House of Representatives and...

  • 19 يناير 2021

    Two United Nations peacekeepers were killed after their convoy was ambushed by members of the UPC and anti-Balaka armed groups in southern Central African Republic (CAR), the UN Mission in the country said on Monday, bringing the overall toll of 'blue helmet' deaths to nine so far this month. 

  • 18 يناير 2021

    Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States has been critical to addressing the ongoing war in Syria, the search for a two-State solution for Israelis and Palestinians, and other challenges, the UN’s political affairs chief told a virtual meeting of the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 18 يناير 2021

    The UN Secretary-General has praised the breakthrough made by a key committee of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum at the weekend, over an interim political leadership deal, ahead of nationwide elections at the end of the year.

  • 18 يناير 2021

    A group of independent UN rights experts released a statement on Monday condemning the violent storming of the United States Capitol building in Washington DC on 6 January, which they described as a shocking and incendiary attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election.

  • 18 يناير 2021

    Secretary-General appoints Mr. Ján Kubiš of Slovakia as his 

  • 18 يناير 2021

    Security Council Briefing on the Cooperation between the Security Council and the League of Arab States, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo

    Thank you, Mr. President, for convening this discussion on “Cooperation between the Security Council and the League of Arab States.”  It is an honor to be with you today.  I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, a valued partner of the United Nations. 


    Mr. President,

    The Secretary-General has made cooperation with regional organizations to prevent conflict and sustain peace a priority. We know that no organization or country alone can address the complex challenges our world faces today. The United Nations needs the cooperation of these groups and their members.

    Challenges that we face today, including the COVID-19 pandemic, remind us of the wisdom of the drafters of the UN Charter, who 75 years ago enshrined the potential role of regional arrangements in the maintenance of peace and security. Their vision has clearly taken hold.

    Cooperation between the UN and regional organizations has grown and evolved exponentially since 1945. Today it encompasses such areas as preventive diplomacy, mediation, countering terrorism, prevention of violent extremism, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, human rights, climate change and, most recently, our collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a stress test for the global community.  It has exacerbated strains on the multilateral system just as the need for solidarity and cooperation has never been more critical.

    On 23 November of last year, the Secretary-General held a high-level interactive dialogue with heads of 23 regional and subregional organizations - including Secretary-General Aboul Gheit.  Participants agreed on the multi-dimensional impact of the pandemic, including on peace and security, and pledged to work together, especially in fragile settings, to address these concerns. 


    Mr. President,

    In the early days of the pandemic, Secretary-General Aboul Gheit and Secretary-General Guterres called for a global ceasefire to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and open space for diplomacy. Since then, both the League and the UN have worked to implement this call.  Security Council resolution 2532 in support of this call reinforced the global commitment to change the calculations of conflict parties in order to end wars and crises in the region and beyond.

    The Arab region has experienced much tumult over the past decade.  Conflicts in Libya, Syria and Yemen; a stalled Middle East Peace Process, and fissures among members of the League have exacerbated regional instability and hampered economic and social development. 

    The close cooperation between the United Nations, including our Special Envoys and Representatives, and the League has been crucial in augmenting our efforts to address various situations in the Arab world.

    On Libya, the League has actively supported the efforts of the United Nations to broker the 23 October ceasefire and a return to the political process. An active member of the International Follow-up Committee to the Berlin Conference on Libya, the League co-chairs its political working group (together with Algeria and Germany).  The League has also been an active member of the Quartet on Libya, along with the UN, the African Union and the European Union. 

    In relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the UN and the League work to uphold the broad regional and international consensus on the two-State solution, promote intra-Palestinian reconciliation and focus on preventive diplomacy to avoid escalation of tensions.  We welcome the increased engagement of the League and its members, including through an expanded Middle East Quartet and the so-called Amman format.

    The two-State solution that realizes the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians and Israelis, in line with UN resolutions is the only way to lead to sustainable peace between the two peoples.

    The financial situation of UNRWA remains a serious concern. Sufficient funding is essential for UNRWA to continue delivering its vital services to millions of Palestine refugees in the region and playing its critical stabilizing role.

    Our two organizations are also active in the Friends of Sudan format, which supports Sudan’s transition to democratic governance.  We are grateful for the League’s generous pledge of support at the Sudan Partnership Conference, hosted by Germany last June.

    Since the outbreak of the conflict in Syria, successive UN envoys have worked closely with the League in the search for a political solution.  We are grateful for the League’s support to Special Envoy Pedersen’s efforts to facilitate the work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee and to broaden the political process to all aspects of Security Council Resolution 2254.

    On Yemen, the support of key Member States of the UN and the League is crucial to not only achieve progress on the political track but also to support the world’s largest aid operation and urgently address the growing risk of famine before it is too late.

    Despite our efforts, heightened tensions in the Persian Gulf region persist.  The Secretary-General continues to call for restraint by all sides and stresses the need to avoid acts of or rhetoric that may escalate tensions.  We urge all concerned, in the region and beyond, to opt for dialogue to address their respective security concerns.  The United Nations stands ready to support such measures.

    We welcome the recent al-Ula declaration recognizing the importance of unity among the Gulf Cooperation Council states and hope it will strengthen regional security, stability and prosperity. 

    The UN and the League recognize the urgent need to include more women at all levels and aspects of peace processes.  We have made important strides in this area. For example, 30 percent of participants in the Syrian Constitutional Committee are women, as are 22 percent of participants in the Libya Political Dialogue.  I commend the Arab Women Mediation Network, established under the auspices of the League in collaboration with UN Women, which will enable the region to increase women’s participation in resolving conflicts and sustaining peace. We encourage expansion of this important initiative. 


    Mr. President,

    The United Nations and the Arab League have increased cooperation in recent years, conducting staff exchanges, workshops on mediation and peacebuilding, and capacity-building exercises on inclusive peacemaking, among other activities. 

    The United Nations Liaison Office to the League of Arab States, established in 2019, has strengthened our communication and cooperation.  The Office has also facilitated regular contacts between UN Special Envoys and the League.  We look forward to building on these contacts as we address regional crises.

    In December 2021, we will hold the fifteenth general cooperation meeting between the United Nations and the League to advance a biennial framework that encompasses activities in peace and security, development, human rights and humanitarian concerns.


    Mr. President,

    Allow me to conclude by stressing the critical role of the Security Council in amplifying our collective efforts in the region.  The impact of a united and actively engaged Security Council is incomparable. We look to the Council, as a principal steward of Chapter VIII of the Charter, to continue to support the UN’s collaborative work with the League of Arab States to promote peace and prosperity in the Arab region.

    Thank you.

  • 18 يناير 2021

    In the current report, the evolving nature of armed conflict and violence is highlighted and seven major trends related to global peace and security today are examined. Areas of progress and areas in which solutions are still wanting are noted in the report, along with opportunities and persistent challenges faced by the international community.

  • 18 يناير 2021

    The United Nations Secretary-General has voiced deep concern over escalating violence in West Darfur and called on the Sudanese authorities to “expend all efforts” to end the fighting and protect civilians. 

  • 17 يناير 2021

    New York, 18 January 2021  - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Ján Kubiš of Slovakia as his Special...

  • 16 يناير 2021

    The UN Secretary-General has welcomed Friday’s announcement from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of the first full parliamentary and presidential elections in 15 years, scheduled to begin in May.

  • 16 يناير 2021

    17 January 2021 - Following the four-day meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum’s Advisory Committee in Geneva, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya, Stephanie...

  • 16 يناير 2021

    UN Photo by Violaine Martin

    Palais des Nations, Geneva, 16 January 2021

  • 16 يناير 2021

    The UN Secretary-General António Guterres has strongly condemned another fatal attack carried out against a peacekeeping convoy that left a ‘blue helmet’ from Egypt dead, and another seriously injured on Friday.

  • 15 يناير 2021

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged authorities in Cameroon to take steps to prosecute perpetrators behind two recent deadly attacks in the Anglophone provinces of the country, his Spokesperson said on Friday. 

  • 15 يناير 2021

    9 - 15 January 2021

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    Security Council

    Ibn Chambas: “Dialogue is one important arena for the building of national consensus”
    Special Representative Mohamed Ibn Chambas on 11 January updated the Security Council on the situation in West Africa and the Sahel and the work of UNOWAS in the region. "Elections are one-time events, but democracy is a constant process of deliberation and consultation, and dialogue is one important arena for the building of national consensus," Mr. Ibn Chambas said.
    Read his full remarks here
    More in UN News

    Griffiths: “The path to peace in Yemen was never easy”
    Yemen Envoy Martin Griffiths on 14 January briefed the Council on peace efforts in the country. “The path to peace in Yemen was never easy. And I believe that it is now a great deal more difficult than it was a month ago. There is a way out. We must remember that, even after all the tragedies that Yemenis across the country have suffered, peace is possible where there is the will to make it happen,” Mr. Griffiths said.
    Read his full remarks here
    More in UN News



    Nangarhar university students take peacebuilding discussions to communities
    Looking to promote dialogue and contribute to local peace, members of Nangarhar University’s Peace Centre have been engaging communities in the country’s east. At one event, participants strategized on how they could be more involved and support local efforts aimed at fostering peace and social cohesion. “Using our youth volunteer groups, we can reach out to wider communities, including those that are not easily accessible to the government,” said Hila, from Nangarhar's Batikot district. The event was organized and supported by UNAMA’s field office in Nangarhar.
    Read more here



    UN stresses the need for urgent action to alleviate Sinjaris’ hardship
    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert visited Sinjar on 10 January to follow up on the implementation of a recent agreement between Baghdad and Erbil aimed at creating stability, security and better living conditions in the town. She was accompanied by Deputy Special Representative and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano. The UN delegation stressed the need to do more – in unity and at a faster pace - to alleviate current hardships.
    Read more here


    New Deputy Special Representative
    Secretary-General António Guterres on 15 January announced the appointment of Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir of Iceland as his new Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). Ms. Gísladóttir brings a wealth of diplomatic and political experience to the position, including from her recent role as Director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and most recently as the Head of its Election Observation Mission in Ukraine.
    Read more here



    Training on countering the financing of terrorism
    UNRCCA, the UN Counter-Terrorism Center within the UN Office of Counter Terrorism (UNOCT-UNCCT) and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG) organized from 14 to 15 January a training course for some 30 Tajik officials and civil society representatives on preventing the use of nonprofit organizations for terrorist purposes. The training course focused on a contextual overview of the status of the nonprofit organization sector and its vulnerability to terrorist financing, analysis of international standards, risk-based regulations, mitigation and outreach practices.
    Read more here
















    Meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum
    Acting Special Representative Stephanie Williams addressed the meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum in Geneva on 13 January. “We want a Libyan-made solution, not a solution imposed from the outside. During this meeting, we will not discuss the names of candidates for leadership positions in the unified executive authority, and I will not accept that the Mission plays any role in naming the executive authority as promoted by some. This is a Libyan decision; a Libyan-Libyan solution, a purely Libyan solution,” Ms. Williams said.
    Read more here



    UN delegation visits South West State to discuss support and cooperation in 2021 
    A delegation of UN officials visited Somalia’s South West State on 14 January to discuss ways in which the world body can assist the Federal Member State in a range of areas in 2021. “It’s the first of our visits to the Federal Member States in the new year, and we have come to discuss with the President and his ministers the work of the UN in support of South West State. This ranges from support for ongoing reconciliation, security and stabilization efforts to providing humanitarian and development assistance,” Special Representative and head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia James Swan told the media in the state’s largest city, Baidoa.
    Read more here


    West Africa

    High-level meeting between the Mano River Union and the UN to enhance partnership
    The Mano River Union (MRU) and UNOWAS held a two-day high-level meeting in Dakar, Senegal, from 13 to 14 January. The objective of the meeting was to review a joint work plan (2020-2021) and assess its implementation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. There were also discussions between the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the UN Resident Coordinator Offices of the countries of the region on recent elections in Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia.
    Read more here

    Next Week 

    Security Council
    Sunday 17 January marks the 75th anniversary of the first-ever meeting of the Security Council. That gathering was held in Church House, Westminster, in London, in 1946.

    There will be a briefing on cooperation between the UN and the Arab League on 18 January; on 20 January, Syria Envoy Geir Pedersen will update the Council on the situation in the country; Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu will brief on Colombia on 21 January.
    Updated programme of work

    Special Representative Mohamed Ibn Chambas will be in Niamey, Niger, from 17 to 18 January in the run up to the second round of the general elections in the country, scheduled for 21 February.


    The Work of Peace

    Virtual exhibit
    Remember to check out our virtual exhibit: The Work of Peace. It highlights the UN’s key role in preventive diplomacy, good offices, mediation and elections over the past 75 years, and looks ahead at what the future may hold for this work.
    Enter here

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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 15 يناير 2021

    “Worsening” election violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) has forced 120,000 people from their homes, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Friday. 

  • 15 يناير 2021

    “Worsening” election violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) has forced 120,000 people from their homes, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Friday, as the UN Secretary-General also condemned another attack by combatants on a UN convoy, which left a peacekeeper from Burundi dead, and two others wounded.

  • 15 يناير 2021

    Jean Alam, UNSMIL Spokesman

    Geneva 15 January 2020


    Meeting in Geneva...
  • 15 يناير 2021

    Nairobi, 14 January 2021 – As the United Nations marked its 75th anniversary last year (2020), a new United Nations Strategy...

  • 15 يناير 2021

    DUSHAHBE, Tajikistan 

    On 14-15 January, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive...

  • 14 يناير 2021

    The Mano River Union (MRU) Secretariat and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), organized a two-day high-level meeting in Dakar, Senegal, from 13 to 14 January 2021...

  • 14 يناير 2021

    Senior UN officials have expressed concern over the potential impact of the decision by the United States to designate Yemen’s Ansar Allah, more commonly known as the Houthi movement, a terrorist group, the Security Council heard on Thursday. 

  • 14 يناير 2021

    Senior UN officials have expressed concern over the potential impact of the decision by the United States to designate Yemen’s Ansar Allah, more commonly known as the Houthi movement, a terrorist group, the Security Council heard on Thursday. 

  • 14 يناير 2021

    Baidoa – A delegation of United Nations officials visited Somalia’s South West State today to discuss ways in which the world body can assist the Federal Member State in a range of areas...

  • 14 يناير 2021

    Good Afternoon, Mr. President.

    I would like to thank you, President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed ‘Laftagareen,’ and your team for the usual warm welcome...

  • 14 يناير 2021

    Four United Nations peacekeepers in Mali were killed and five others wounded in an attack by unidentified armed elements on Wednesday, the UN mission in the country has said. 

  • 13 يناير 2021

    NANGARHAR – Looking to promote dialogue and contribute to local peace, peace centre members of Nangarhar University have been engage communities in the country’s east.

    During 2020, the United Nations...

  • 13 يناير 2021

    Geneva, 13 January 2021

    Ladies and gentlemen, members of the...

  • 13 يناير 2021

    The UN Secretary-General has called for action to ensure accountability for “heinous attacks” in the Central African Republic (CAR) on Wednesday that left a Rwandan peacekeeper dead and another wounded. 

  • 13 يناير 2021

    The UN chief on Wednesday issued a call for an “inclusive, transparent and peaceful” election process across Uganda, a day ahead of the polls opening. 

  • 13 يناير 2021

     The current political transition period in Mali offers an opportunity to “break out of the vicious circle of political crises followed by coups d'état”, the UN envoy in the country told the Security Council on Wednesday.  

  • 13 يناير 2021

    UN Urges People to Abide by Preventive Measures to Contain COVID-19 Spread

    Amidst Unprecedented Health Emergency


    13 January 2021 – As Lebanon registers new records in the daily surge of COVID-19 infections and after the Lebanese government has declared a health emergency, UN Lebanon and partners call on individuals and all sectors to strictly...

  • 13 يناير 2021

    UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré

    Just to say that we, of course, continue to be extremely concerned about the potential impact of the US designation of the Houthis as a foreign terrorist...

  • 12 يناير 2021

    Despite important strikes against terrorism over the past two decades, including in bringing perpetrators to justice and disrupting additional attacks, countries cannot afford to let down their guard, the UN’s counter-terrorism chief told a virtual meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 12 يناير 2021

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* are deeply concerned about the continuing impasse in implementing the electoral model agreed on 17 September by President Mohammed Abdullahi...

  • 12 يناير 2021

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) welcomes the meeting today between Minister of Finance Faraj Bumatari with his counterpart Muraja Ghaith in Brega to consolidate the 2021...