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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 29 مايو 2024

    UN Member States have been deploying “Blue Helmets” (or peacekeepers) since 1948, so on the occasion of the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, marked annually on 29 May, we’re spotlighting operations over the decades, from monitoring buffer zones in Asia to escorting aid trucks into Israeli exclaves in the Middle East.

  • 29 مايو 2024

    In 1948, the United Nations took a pivotal step by deploying peacekeepers to support countries in their journey toward peace. Since then, more than two million people – military, police and civilians – have served in over 70 peacekeeping missions around the world, offering assistance amidst ongoing conflicts or their aftermath. 

  • 28 مايو 2024

    [Scroll down for French version]

    Today we pay tribute to the more than 76,000 United Nations peacekeepers who embody humanity’s highest ideal: peace.

    Hailing from over 120...

  • 28 مايو 2024

    Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary A. DiCarlo's 

    Remarks to the Security Council open debate

    “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: The role of Women and Young People”

    New York, 28 May 2024


    Madam President,

    Thank you for hosting today’s open debate.


    We know that women bear the brunt of the global rollback of human rights.

    And we know that violence against women in its cruelest forms is a feature of virtually all wars.

    I recently traveled to Afghanistan, where the plight of women is a crying example of the ground lost in human rights.

    Afghan women and girls are systematically denied their rights and dignity in many areas of life, including education.

    Women I met in Kabul told me of their aspirations and dreams: the same education afforded to men, equal employment opportunities and freedom to choose their futures. 

    They look to the global community to support them in realizing their rights -- so that they can contribute to their country’s future.

    Of course, Afghanistan is not the only place where women face barriers to participating as equals in politics, peacemaking, public life and employment.

    Commitments on gender equality are being ignored, if not reversed, in many regions.

    In A New Agenda for Peace, the Secretary-General called for addressing the structural inequalities standing in the way of the full realization of women’s indivisible human rights. He called for dismantling patriarchal power structures.

    This means many things: it means equal access to representation, legal protections, physical autonomy, safety, economic opportunity, education, and healthcare.

    Ultimately, it comes down to a simple vision – of overcoming obstacles that deny the full contribution of women.

    Armed conflict exacerbates structural obstacles to women’s full equality. Institutional failure or collapse, impunity, and insecurity expose women to aggravated risks.

    More than half of the recorded incidents of political violence against women worldwide take place in conflict-affected countries.

    Doing away with structural gender inequalities is a matter of equity and right.

    But it is also a powerful means to improve the chances of success of peace and political processes.

    Our special political missions have strived to promote women’s rights and their meaningful participation in these processes.

    In Yemen, for example, community mediation efforts undertaken by Yemeni women, often with the aim of releasing prisoners or achieving local ceasefires, have bolstered the UN’s ongoing work to relaunch high-level, formal negotiations and put an end to almost ten years of conflict.

    Madam President,

    The Women, Peace and Security Agenda can only be successfully realized through national action.

    Over one hundred countries from all regions have developed national action plans to implement Security Council resolution 1325. This is commendable. But more countries must join this call.

    Member States can make a difference by committing to specific and targeted measures to advance women’s leadership – including as mediators.

    In UN-led peace processes, we ensure that women are robustly represented. Thirty percent of the Syria Constitutional Committee, for example, is female. And women make up 43 percent of our own mediation teams.

    In peace processes led by others and to which the UN provides some support, the percentage is often not so high. In such cases, we encourage increased representation of women.

    Madam President,

    Young people deserve the opportunity to shape their future.

    They are not “adults in the making”. They are full human beings with hopes, aspirations, ideas and energy to contribute right now.

    The Secretary-General’s third report on Youth, Peace and Security puts forward recommendations to foster urgently needed progress on youth inclusion.

    It stresses that youth must be allowed to safely participate in peace processes and electoral activities.

    But the report also compels us not to ignore young people’s growing mistrust in governance institutions and electoral processes.

    According to UNDP, 82 per cent of young people across 65 countries state that electoral violence hinders their participation. One can understand why – but it is still a distressing statistic.

    And as stated in the Secretary-General’s report, the engagement of youth in peace processes continues to be minimal. This is a missed opportunity.

    By practically encouraging youth to engage in politics and peacemaking, governments can increase solidarity between different generations and rebuild trust in institutions.

    National Action Plans for Youth, Peace and Security are instrumental in institutionalizing the meaningful participation of youth and involve youth in decision making about their futures.

    But they require dedicated resources and capacities.

    This year, in line with DPPA’s Youth, Peace and Security strategy, we are allocating resources from the Peacebuilding Fund to support the National Action Plans initiated by several countries.

    Regional efforts have the potential to catalyze national actions.

    The African Union was the first regional organization to establish a framework for youth, peace and security and appoint Youth Ambassadors in addition to its Youth Envoy.   

    The UN recently supported the Arab Regional Youth, Peace and Security strategy launched by the League of Arab States. With the help of artificial intelligence, young peacebuilders from 14 Arab countries were able to develop an action plan for their region.

    Our special political missions are also doing their part to enhance youth civic engagement. In Libya, for example, our mission engages with youth representatives to ensure they play a role in building consensus on the legal framework for national elections.  

    Environmental peacebuilding is another area in which young people are demanding a role.

    Young women are often at the frontlines of coping with scarce resources and defending the environment. This is linked to gendered social roles around caregiving and sourcing water and food.

    Young women’s and men’s roles as environmental defenders, community leaders, activists, mobilizers, and peacebuilders must be recognized and advanced.

    In conclusion, Madam President, 

    There are no quick fixes to entrenched power politics, patriarchal attitudes, or unequal social structures.

    Transformative changes rely on national action, involving all segments of society.

    In many places, they also rely on international support.

    Through its meetings and decisions, the Council can reinforce that women, along with men, are responsible for building peace and prosperity in their societies.

    That without women leaders, peace cannot be sustained.

    That gender equality and realizing the aspirations of young people are essential for sustainable peace and security around the world.

    This Council can also help promote recognition of young people as important agents of change. I welcome the Council’s efforts to more regularly invite women, civil society, and youth to brief the Council.

    Madam President,

    The Women, Peace and Security and Youth, Peace and Security Agendas offer us not just a vision, but a roadmap. 

    We all need to do more to make the transformative vision of these agendas a reality.

    Thank you.

  • 28 مايو 2024

    As fighting continues in Gaza, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday that he was “heartbroken” by images of people killed and injured in airstrikes on Sunday that hit tents sheltering displaced Palestinians in Rafah. 

  • 28 مايو 2024

    An Indian peacekeeper deployed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), who helped establish networks for local people to voice their security and humanitarian concerns, is the winner of the 2023 United Nations Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award, announced on Tuesday. 

  • 28 مايو 2024

    Gender equality and the aspirations of young people are crucial for ensuring sustainable peace and security, the UN’s top political and peacebuilding official told the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 28 مايو 2024

    Amid further reported bombardment of Gaza overnight into Tuesday, UN and partner organizations have expressed deep concern over the “inhuman” detention of suspected Palestinian fighters in the enclave by Israeli authorities, alleging treatment so poor that some had to have limbs amputated “due to prolonged shackling”.

  • 27 مايو 2024
  • 27 مايو 2024

    Senior UN officials have condemned Israeli air strikes on Sunday that hit a camp for displaced people in Rafah, southern Gaza, reportedly claiming over 35 Palestinian lives, including women and children.

  • 27 مايو 2024

    Dozens of people are believed to have died in an Israeli overnight attack on a camp for displaced Gazans in Rafah in the south of the enclave, the latest gruesome development in more than seven months of war between the Israeli military and Palestinian fighters, UN humanitarians said on Monday.

  • 26 مايو 2024

    Mogadishu – The Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Somalia (UNSOM), James Swan, arrived in Mogadishu today.


  • 26 مايو 2024

    GHADAMES – 26 May – On a three-day mission to Ghadames, Derj and Awal last week, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator,...

  • 25 مايو 2024

    An attack by Russian armed forces on a busy shopping centre in Kharkiv on Saturday reportedly killed at least four people and injured around 40. Denise Brown, the UN Humanitarian coordinator in Ukraine, strongly condemned the strike and called for civilians to be protected.

  • 24 مايو 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments globally.

    USG DiCarlo meets with Afghanistan de facto authorities to discuss upcoming meeting of Special Envoys

    From 18-21 May, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo visited Afghanistan to meet with the de facto authorities (dfa), the diplomatic community in Kabul, and representatives of civil society. She conveyed to the dfa an invitation from the Secretary-General to participate in the next meeting of Special Envoys on Afghanistan, to take place in Doha from 30 June to 1 July. The meeting will be the third such event, and aims to increase international engagement with Afghanistan in a more coherent, coordinated and structured manner. 

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    “There can be no long-term solution in Gaza that is not fundamentally political," Wennesland tells Council

    On 20 May, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland said he feared the worst for "the beleaguered and terrified civilians in Rafah, for the hostages held in unimaginable conditions for more than 225 days, and for the overstretched humanitarian operation that remains on the brink in the Strip.” The Rafah crossing with Egypt remains closed, he noted, while active hostilities and Israel Defense Forces operations continue to render “nowhere safe in Gaza." "There can be no long-term solution in Gaza that is not fundamentally political,” he stressed. The new Palestinian Government, with eight ministers from Gaza, represented an important opportunity to support tangible steps towards unifying Gaza and the occupied West Bank politically, economically and administratively, he said.

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    Peacebuilding Commission prepares advice for Security Council

    This week, the Peacebuilding Commission adopted advice to the Security Council on the role of women and youth in peacebuilding, ahead of the Council’s Ministerial debate on the maintenance of international peace and security, to be held on 28 May. The advice reiterates, inter alia, the critical role of women and youth in peacebuilding efforts, in particular in conflict, post-conflict, and transition settings. It also encourages the Security Council to include youth perspectives in its meetings and enable the timely consideration of the reports on Youth, Peace and Security, notably by drawing on the progress and precedent achieved by the Peacebuilding Commission through including the voices of youth in its meetings.

    Secretary-General announces appointment of Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert as Special Coordinator for Lebanon

    On 20 May, Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert of the Netherlands as his new Special Coordinator for Lebanon. Hennis-Plasschaert, who will finish her tenure as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq this month, succeeds Joanna Wronecka of Poland.

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    SRSG Hennis-Plasschaert stresses importance of women’s empowerment in Iraq

    On 19 May, SRSG Hennis-Plasschaert, Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), met in Baghdad with civil society representatives and Women Advisory Group members from Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region, along with Ajay Madiwale, UN Women Country Representative. SRSG Hennis-Plasschaert stressed that any pending legislation should have the protection of women and girls as a core objective. “There are genuine concerns, not just from women, but from all those in favour of promoting a safe and just society. As I leave Iraq, I laud the efforts of Iraqi women and men in advocating for legislation that supports the empowerment of women and girls," she said.

    DSRSG Isaczai meets with returnees in Salah al-Din

    On 22 May, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Iraq Ghulam M. Isaczai visited Yathrib District in southern Salah al-Din Governorate and met with a group of internally displaced families who had recently returned from Ashti camp in Sulaymaniyah, east of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The DSRSG acknowledged the efforts of the Government and the significant progress made in ensuring the safe and dignified return of displaced persons. He also recognized the ongoing challenges that returnees face, including the need for shelters, sustainable livelihoods, and access to essential services. The DSRSG also met separately with Salah Din Governor, Badr Mahmoud Al-Jubouri. Their discussions focused on enhancing cooperation on the provision of support and services to newly returned IDPs.


    UNAMI Human Rights Office holds roundtable discussions and workshops on principles of human rights


    On 22 May, UNAMI’s Human Rights Office (HRO), in coordination with the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights and the Human Rights Directorate at the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), organized a two-day human rights workshop for members of the PMF Security Directorate. The workshop provided an introduction to international human rights law, and covered a range of topics including national and international human rights protection mechanisms and human rights in counter-terrorism. On 20 May, the UNAMI HRO, in coordination with the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights Babil Office held a roundtable discussion with Babil Police Command on the due process rights of defendants and the right to a fair trial under Iraqi and international law. The roundtable discussion focused on fair trial guarantees under national and international legal frameworks including the right to legal counsel, the right to remain silent and the right to an adequate defense.

    On 19 May, the UNAMI Human Rights Office, in coordination with the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights Baghdad office conducted the sixth and final session in a series of human rights training for students at the Police Academy of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior. The training included lectures on the basic principles of human rights and human rights in law enforcement operations.

    Special Coordinator Wronecka holds round of farewell meetings

    This week, Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka held a round of meetings with Lebanese political and religious leaders ahead of her departure from Lebanon at the end of the month to thank them for their fruitful cooperation during her three-year mission. The Special Coordinator met caretaker Prime Minister Nabih Mikati and caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bouhabib. She stressed the need for a Presidential election, reforms and institution building. In a meeting with Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros El-Rahi (pictured), the Special Coordinator said she hoped that Lebanon’s religious leaders would continue to spearhead efforts to promote coexistence and understanding.

    Special Coordinator Wronecka visits FAO-supported project in Batroun, North Lebanon

    This week, Special Coordinator Wronecka visited community-led projects supported by FAO in Ram in the area of Batroun in north Lebanon. The initiative encourages resilient livelihoods and food security through the promotion of sustainable agriculture. The Special Coordinator highlighted the potential of development projects to "build back better" in Lebanon.

    SRSG Imnadze participates in Central Asia Women Leaders Caucus event

    On 23 May, SRSG for Central Asia and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Kaha Imnadze participated in the opening of the Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus in Bishkek. The event focused on the role of women in innovation and technology development, as well as the implementation of the green agenda. The conference was attended by Caucus representatives, women political leaders, female tech entrepreneurs and civil society. In remarks, SRSG Imnadze emphasized the link between women’s leadership in climate and green agendas and peace and security in the region.

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    “The participation process currently underway in Colombia is unprecedented," SRSG Ruiz Massieu

    The fourth plenary session of the National Participation Committee and the Amazon regional meeting took place this week in Bogotá and Leticia in the Colombian Amazon. Both were significant milestones for the social participation process and the peace talks between the government and the National Liberation Army (ELN), moving the parties closer to signing the agreement on the first point of the Mexico Agenda. In Leticia, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Colombia Carlos Ruiz Massieu underlined that social participation was one of the fundamental pillars of the peace talks.

    Chilean and Colombian women mediators attend meeting on peacebuilding

    From 20-25 May, the Embassy of Chile in Bogotá, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia and UN Women, hosted the international meeting Chile-Colombia Women Mediators for Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution, in Bogotá and Popayán, Cauca. Women peacebuilders from La Araucanía and Colombian leaders exchanged experiences in mediation, prevention and conflict resolution, using an intersectional gender and indigenous approach.

    Next Week

    On 28 May, the Security Council will hold an open debate on the role of women and young people in the maintenance of peace and security. On 30 May, there will be a briefing on Syria.

  • 24 مايو 2024

    On Africa Day, we celebrate this dynamic and diverse continent and the contributions of Africans to our world. The continent’s young and growing population, its rich natural resources, its breathtaking beauty and...

  • 24 مايو 2024

    Dar es Salaam, 25 May 2024 –SRSG Parfait Onanga-Anyanga paid a courtesy call to the Tanzanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African...

  • 24 مايو 2024

    Dar es Salaam, 25 May 2024 – The African Union (AU) marked a significant...

  • 24 مايو 2024

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday issued new provisional measures that order Israel to immediately end military operations in Rafah in southern Gaza and to open the governate’s border crossing for urgent aid deliveries.

  • 24 مايو 2024

    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Friday called for an end to renewed violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, where reports have emerged of attacks against the minority Muslim Rohingya community, including beheadings and the razing of homes. 

  • 24 مايو 2024

    The United Nations Security Council on Friday strongly condemned rising attacks on humanitarian workers and UN personnel, urging all conflict parties to ensure their safety and access.

  • 24 مايو 2024

    The humanitarian situation for some 800,000 civilians in El Fasher, Sudan, and surrounding areas in North Darfur continues to deteriorate amid ongoing clashes between rival military forces, the UN reported on Friday. 

  • 23 مايو 2024

    On 23 and 24 May, the AU and UN Task Teams, with the support of UNOAU, convened their first consultative meeting on the implementation of UNSCR 2719 (2023) in Addis Ababa,...

  • 23 مايو 2024

    From 23-24 May, the African Union & UN Secretariat Task Teams convened their 1st meeting on UN SCR2719...

  • 23 مايو 2024

    The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) its 1212th meeting, held on 20 May 2024, received a briefing on the attempted coup d’état in the Democratic Republic...

  • 23 مايو 2024

    On 25 May 2024, the African Union (AU) marks a momentous milestone, the 20th Anniversary of the Peace and Security Council (PSC). African leaders were visionary, strategic, and...

  • 23 مايو 2024

    The UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine on Thursday said she was “deeply disturbed” at the relentless attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Kharkiv which have been continuing virtually non-stop for nearly two weeks.

  • 23 مايو 2024

    Living conditions in Gaza continue to deteriorate, with reports of an increase in diarrhoea and suspected cases of Hepatitis A, UN humanitarians warned on Thursday.

  • 23 مايو 2024

    Peace is the key to unlocking Africa’s future and for strengthening the continent’s voice and influence in building peace globally, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 23 مايو 2024

    SRSG for Central Asia and Head of UNRCCA Kaha Imnadze at the opening event of the Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus (23 May, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)

  • 23 مايو 2024

    SRSG for Central Asia and Head of UNRCCA Kaha Imnadze at the opening event of the Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus (23 May, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)

  • 22 مايو 2024

    UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka held a round of farewell meetings with Lebanese political and religious leaders ahead of her departure...

  • 22 مايو 2024

    Hostilities across Gaza reportedly continued on Wednesday, fuelling already alarming aid access problems and dire food insecurity as the main entrance routes for relief convoys remained closed or too dangerous to access, UN aid workers warned.

  • 22 مايو 2024

    Haiti’s health system is now “on the verge of collapse” UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative in Haiti Bruno Maes warned on Wednesday, amidst an alarming decrease in the number of hospitals still functioning in the violence-wracked Caribbean nation.

  • 22 مايو 2024
    The agreement will benefit about 1,280 peace signatories, who count for about 70% of the 1,884 people in the process of reintegration who recognize themselves as...
  • 21 مايو 2024

    Bamako, 21 May 2024 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for...

  • 21 مايو 2024

    The plight of civilians affected by war in 2023 was “resoundingly dire”, as the world witnessed horrors not only in Gaza and southern Israel but also the intense suffering of populations in other crisis hotspots around the globe, senior UN officials said on Tuesday.

  • 21 مايو 2024

    As bombardments by the Israeli military reportedly continued overnight across Gaza, along with ground incursions and heavy fighting, the head of the UN World Health Organization (WHO) issued an alert on Tuesday for staff and patients at besieged Al-Awda Hospital in the north of the enclave.

  • 21 مايو 2024

    The UN expressed new concerns on Tuesday over a rise in displacement and humanitarian needs in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region amid “relentless” Russian air and ground attacks.

  • 21 مايو 2024

    Ahead of her departure from Somalia at the end of her assignment, UN Special Representative Catriona Laing sat down for an interview with the ‘Path to Peace...

  • 20 مايو 2024
  • 20 مايو 2024

    For the second time in less than a month, the UN Security Council failed to adopt a Russian-sponsored draft resolution aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space. This follows Russia’s veto of a text co-led by the US and Japan in April.

  • 20 مايو 2024

    The establishment of a Multinational Security Support mission for Haiti is moving closer as the Caribbean nation continues to face a crisis of violence and insecurity caused by entrenched criminal gang activity.

  • 20 مايو 2024

    Gaza stands at “yet another precipice of further catastrophe” as the latest round of hostage negotiations in Cairo failed to reach an agreement, a senior UN official warned the Security Council on Monday.

  • 20 مايو 2024

    At least 810,000 people have fled Rafah in just two weeks, UN humanitarians said on Monday amid reports of ongoing Israeli military operations in the southern city and in the north of Gaza.

  • 20 مايو 2024

    The establishment of a multinational security support mission for Haiti is moving closer as the Caribbean nation continues to face a crisis of violence and insecurity caused by entrenched criminal gang activity.

  • 20 مايو 2024

    Arrest warrants are being sought for the leaders of Hamas and Israel for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity linked to the war in Gaza, the International Criminal Court (ICC) said on Monday.

  • 19 مايو 2024

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert of the Netherlands as his new Special Coordinator for Lebanon...

  • 18 مايو 2024

    The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Colombia spoke in Bogotá and Leticia on Thursday and...

  • 18 مايو 2024

    Garowe – Continuing her farewell visits with Somali leaders, the top United Nations official for Somalia today visited Puntland where she discussed the world body’s...