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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 27 أبريل 2024

    UN Security Council members on Saturday called on the warring parties in Sudan to immediately halt the military build-up and take steps to de-escalate the situation in El Fasher, the provincial capital of North Darfur.

  • 27 أبريل 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments globally.

    Investing in prevention saves lives and money, DiCarlo emphasizes at DPPA donor meeting

    On 24 April, DPPA held its annual donor meeting at UN Headquarters. More than 100 participants from 65 Member States attended the event, demonstrating their strong support for the work of the Department. Underscoring that the current moment was “the most dangerous period in global relations since the end of the Cold War,” Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo said “nothing saves as much on humanitarian aid, refugee assistance, the costly consequences of conflict as resolving or preventing it in the first place”.

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    SRSG Salvador underscores “urgent need for international assistance” for Haiti

    On 22 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti María Isabel Salvador told the Security Council “some of the worst scenarios for Haiti have become realities in recent months and weeks,” with gang attacks targeting police stations, prisons, schools, hospitals, and religious sites in Port-au-Prince. On the political front, she noted the establishment of a Transitional Presidential Council and urged all Haitian stakeholders to put governance arrangements in place, especially the appointment of an interim Prime Minister and Government and the swift nomination of the Provisional Electoral Council. Salvador highlighted that the first three months of 2024 saw a 53 per cent increase in casualties from the previous reporting period. “The severity of the current crisis underscores the gaps in capacity within the national structures and the urgent need for international assistance, namely through the immediate deployment of the Multinational Security Support mission,” she stressed.

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    New approach needed to address Syria’s political challenges, Pedersen tells Council  

    On 25 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria Geir Pedersen told the Council that piecemeal measures to tackle Syria’s political, economic and humanitarian challenges cannot bring stability. He instead called for a new, comprehensive approach that addressed all issues with the warring parties. This approach “would need to fully engage all critical stakeholders — this includes the Syrian parties and the international actors in the Astana format, the Arab Contact Group, the Western Quad and this Council,” Pedersen said. He went on to stress that Syria was becoming “a sort of free-for-all space for settling scores”, citing the “dangerous and escalatory spiral” of recent events, such as the strikes on Iranian diplomatic premises in Damascus widely attributed to Israel and Iran’s retaliatory strikes on Israel.  

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    Special Envoy Xia stresses need to avoid “regional conflagration” as violence worsens in DRC

    On 24 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region Huang Xia told the Council that the security situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo was deteriorating as fighting escalated between the 23 March Movement (M23) rebel group and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). In addition, strained relations between Rwanda and Burundi were also compromising progress, said the Special Envoy. “We must urgently increase our efforts at de-escalation and decrease tensions so as to avoid regional conflagration,” Xia said, welcoming Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço’s political and diplomatic efforts to keep Kinshasa and Kigali engaged in the Luanda process.

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    ASG Jenča urges restraint while Nord Stream investigation continues


    On 26 April, Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča told the Council that the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September 2022 highlighted the vulnerability of critical commercial and energy infrastructure in the current regional and global context. He went on to note that “the incident has sparked widespread speculations that risk further fueling the already heightened tensions and mistrust" among Member States. “In the current sensitive security context, we urge everyone to exercise restraint while we wait for the remaining investigation to conclude and for the information to be shared accordingly,” he said.

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    Peacebuilding Commission holds Ambassadorial-level briefing on activities of the Peacebuilding Fund

    On 25 April, the Peacebuilding Commission held an Ambassadorial-level briefing on activities of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) chaired by Sérgio França Danese. Speakers from two major PBF partner countries, Sara Beysolow Nyanti, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Liberia, and Cecilia Adout Majok Adeng, Permanent Representative of South Sudan to the UN, underscored the Fund's contribution to peacebuilding priorities in their countries. Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar briefed Member States on the Fund’s 2023 highlights through the allocation of $202 million in programming, including in UN mission transition contexts, cross-border settings and in support of inclusion of women and youth. She highlighted priorities for 2024, while regretting that reduced voluntary contributions mean the PBF will not be able to commit more than $150 million to new initiatives.


    Special Coordinator Wronecka calls for women’s economic empowerment and leadership representation in Lebanon

    This Week, Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka attended the general assembly meeting of the Lebanese League of Women in Business. In her remarks, Wronecka said that “tireless efforts and contributions toward gender equality and women’s empowerment are even more indispensable today and critical against a backdrop of immense challenges, both nationally and globally.” She went on to note that “Women’s education and economic empowerment is critical to achieving gender equality, inclusive economic growth, development, and poverty reduction in Lebanon. Improving the economic status of women can lead to better outcomes at the individual, family and community level.”

    Special Coordinator Wronecka discusses Lebanese presidential vacuum

    This week, Special Coordinator Wronecka held a round of meetings with Lebanese and foreign stakeholders on the importance of supporting efforts to end Lebanon’s prolonged presidential vacuum. The Special Coordinator met with the Ambassadors of Qatar and Egypt, who are members of the Quintet committee for Lebanon, and with the Ambassador of Jordan. They discussed the best way to coordinate foreign efforts to help Lebanon overcome its political stalemate. In meetings with former Prime Ministers Fuad Siniora (pictured) and Tamam Salam, talks focused on the importance of drawing lessons from history in order to reach viable and long-term solutions. In meetings with several parliamentarians, including from opposition and pro-establishment parties, the Special Coordinator underlined the importance of prioritizing the national interest and fortifying Lebanon’s stability during this period of crisis.

    On Earth Day, DSRSG Isaczai highlights impact of climate change in Iraq

    Marking Earth Day on 22 April, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq Ghulam Isaczai said that climate change was a driver of humanitarian needs that disproportionally affected vulnerable groups, such as smallholder farmers, the poor, and those with existing health conditions. Currently in Iraq, over 21,000 families were displaced because of drought conditions, he said. Iraq's unique ecosystems, such as the Mesopotamian Marshes, faced significant threats from changing climate, resulting in biodiversity and local livelihood losses.

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    UNAMI Human Rights Office marks International Roma Day

    On 24 April, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Human Rights Office held a workshop to mark International Roma Day. The event brought together 23 participants, including representatives from the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights and members and representatives of Iraq’s religious and ethnic component groups, including Roma, faith leaders, representatives of civil society and religious endowments as well as journalists. Presentations were made highlighting the human rights challenges facing Iraqi Roma, including their exclusion from mainstream spaces and lack of access to and participation in economic, social, political and cultural life. 

    In Colombia, communities work together to create Café Patía, a coffee for peace

    On 21 April, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia helped launch “Café Patía” on the national marke. Colombia’s peace signatories and the communities from the south of the Department of Cauca worked together to produce a high-quality, environmentally friendly coffee. The initiative aims to help achieve economic reintegration in the region. The coffee is produced by the Cooperativa Integral de Mujeres y Hombres Constructores de Paz ‘Coopatía’, with the support of the UN Verification Mission and the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalisation (ARN).

    Foundation for widowed women victims of the conflict works for peace

    On 20 April in Villavicencio, the Verification Mission supported the annual assembly of the Fundación Sin Olvidos, which brings together widowed women peace signatories and victims of the conflict from various country departments. The Fundación Sin Olvidos was created in 2020 and is led by Luz Marina Giraldo, a peace signatory from the department of Meta. The assembly elected committees to address issues raised by victims, as well as to work on issues related to gender, disability, development and sustainability in the departments of Putumayo, Caquetá, and Huila.



    Next Week

    On 1 May, Mozambique will assume the Presidency of the Security Council for the month.

  • 26 أبريل 2024



    New York, 26 April 2023


    Madam President,

    The destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September 2022 highlighted the vulnerability of critical commercial and energy infrastructure in the current regional and global context.

    The incident has sparked widespread speculations that risk further fueling the already heightened tensions and mistrust among Member States.

    The Council has convened in total seven times to discuss the issue.

    I recall that our briefings on this topic are based solely on information that is publicly available. The United Nations does not have any additional details of the events and is not in a position to verify or confirm claims or reports made regarding the incident. I will therefore use this opportunity to recap what has been stated so far.

    Between 26 and 29 September 2022, four leaks were reported in the Nord Stream undersea gas pipelines. These pipelines are located in international waters, within the Swedish and Danish economic zones in the Baltic Sea.

    The first leak was reported on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the morning of 26 September 2022. Later that day, the second and third leaks were reported on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. The fourth leak was reported on 29 September on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

    While the pipelines were not in operation at the time of the incidents, they reportedly contained several hundred million cubic meters of natural gas.

    In February 2023, the United Nations Environment Programme estimated the plausible range of total methane emissions leaked during the incident to be between 75,000 and 230,000 metric tons.

    The full extent of the environmental impacts of the incident, including on marine and local wildlife, is yet to be grasped.

    After the leaks were reported, the Danish, German and Swedish authorities announced the launch of separate national investigations. The concerned authorities provided updates on their respective investigations, including in a joint letter to the President of the Security Council dated 10 July 2023 [S/2023/517].  

    The letter indicated that, according to the investigations, the leaks were caused by the use of explosives. The authorities also reported having informed the Russian Federation about the progress of the investigations.

    In a letter dated 25 August 2023 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council [S/2023/627], the Russian Federation expressed concerns about these national investigations and called for "comprehensive and objective proceedings".

    In February this year, the Danish and the Swedish authorities informed about the closure of their respective investigations in joint letters from the Permanent Representatives of Denmark, Germany and Sweden to the United Nations, addressed to the President of the Security Council dated 7 and 26 February 2024 [S/2024/149 and S/2024/189].

    We look forward to hearing about the findings and conclusions of the ongoing German investigation in due time.

    In a letter from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, dated 1 March 2024, addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council [S/2024/230], the Russian Federation reiterated its concerns and that they see a need for an international commission to investigate the Nord Stream incidents further.

    Madam President,

    We reiterate that any intentional damage to critical civilian infrastructure is of serious concern, should be condemned and investigated.

    In the current sensitive security context, we urge everyone to exercise restraint while we wait for the remaining investigation to conclude and for the information to be shared accordingly.

    We strongly encourage Member States to continue cooperation and sharing of information to ensure the security of all international waters, including the Baltic Sea, which is critical for regional commerce, security, and stability.

    Thank you.

  • 26 أبريل 2024
  • 26 أبريل 2024

    Speech for the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon

  • 26 أبريل 2024
  • 26 أبريل 2024

    MOSCOW, Russia

    On 22-24 April 2024, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia, Head of UNRCCA, Kaha Imnadze, paid a working visit to Moscow and had...

  • 26 أبريل 2024

    As deadly attacks in Ukraine continue, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned on Friday that the number of children killed so far this year has increased by nearly 40 per cent compared to 2023. 

  • 26 أبريل 2024

    Escalating violence in Sudan’s North Darfur state has left dozens dead and people trapped in El Fasher city, which is home to around 800,000 people, many displaced due to fighting. 

  • 26 أبريل 2024

    A UN office investigating Israeli accusations that 12 staff members from UN Palestine relief agency UNRWA were involved in the 7 October Hamas-led attacks has closed one of the cases because Israel had not provided any supporting evidence, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said on Friday. 

  • 26 أبريل 2024

    Following the installation of a transitional council in Haiti, seven countries officially notified the UN Secretary-General on Friday of their intention to contribute personnel to the Security Council-backed support mission for the crisis-wracked Caribbean nation. 

  • 26 أبريل 2024

    Bassem Al-Habal carried a large bag of flour provided by the UN agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA, inside one of the shelters in the city of Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, part of his daily journey to find food and water for his family while overcoming displacement, bombardment and the challenges of being deaf and mute in a war zone.

  • 26 أبريل 2024

    Making Gaza safe again from unexploded bombs could take 14 years, UN demining experts said on Friday. 

  • 26 أبريل 2024

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 25 April, the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy invited UN Volunteers (UNV) to introduce the United Nations Volunteers...

  • 25 أبريل 2024
  • 25 أبريل 2024
  • 25 أبريل 2024

    The international community must take immediate action to end the wave of sexual violence being carried out against women and girls in Sudan, two senior UN officials said on Thursday.

  • 25 أبريل 2024

    On 25 April 1974, military officers overthrew the nearly 50-year dictatorship in Portugal in a largely peaceful coup known as the Carnation Revolution.

  • 25 أبريل 2024

    Unexpected blistering temperatures across Gaza have added to the daily misery faced by the enclave’s people and sparked new fears of disease outbreaks amid a lack of sufficient clean water and waste disposal, UN humanitarians said on Thursday.

  • 25 أبريل 2024

    The war in Gaza continues to cast a dark shadow over the wider Middle East region, in particular Syria where a series of strikes and attacks are exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation, the UN Special Envoy for the country said on Thursday.

  • 25 أبريل 2024

    The international community must take immediate action to end the wave of sexual violence being carried out against women and girls in Sudan, two senior UN officials said on Thursday.

  • 24 أبريل 2024

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary A. DiCarlo's

    Remarks at DPPA's Annual Donor Meeting

    New York, 24 April 2024




    Welcome to the Annual Donor meeting of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs.  Thank you for being here and for your support of DPPA’s work. 

    Fittingly, today is International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace – a day that really highlights our work, and the challenges we face.

    When we met just over a year ago, the world was still reeling from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  Two weeks after that meeting, armed conflict exploded in the Sudan, sending the country spiraling.  

    Today, we are more than six months into a devastating Israeli military campaign in Gaza in response to the Hamas terror attacks of 7 October.  And we are seeing the growing regional ramifications of this conflict across the Middle East.

    These wars are destroying lives and compromising the future of millions of people – and they are far from the only ones. Violent conflict has proliferated markedly in the last decade, accelerated by an erosion of – if not an outright assault on - international norms and growing geopolitical competition and division.

    I’ll be blunt: This is the most dangerous period in global relations since the end of the Cold War, perhaps even since the end of the Second World War.

    The UN’s prevention work and our efforts to foster trust, cooperation and solidarity through diplomacy has never been more important.  Similarly, the role of DPPA in accomplishing these tasks is critical.

    This is work that we plainly cannot do without your support.  Work that, though often painstaking, arduous and discreet, makes a difference, even if it rarely makes the headlines.

    Let me also be blunt on another aspect.  These are difficult times politically – but also financially.  DPPA has been deeply affected by the liquidity situation and the resultant measures and constraints affecting regular budget resources and activities. 

    We know this is a difficult time for many of you.  Some of our partners have cut back.  Others have told us that they will not be able to maintain their support at the same level as in previous years. 

    We understand the constraints you face.  But I can also assure you that the return on your investment is worth it. We are not a costly operation.  Conflict prevention saves lives – and it is cost-effective. 

    Nothing saves as much on humanitarian aid, refugee assistance, the costly consequences of conflict as resolving or averting it in the first place. 


    Today, I want to share with you some of the progress we made in 2023.  We will also endeavour to respond to your questions and concerns. 

    And I hope that we will leave here today with an even stronger shared commitment to do all we can to advance peace and security globally – and to leverage the cost-effectiveness of conflict resolution and conflict prevention.

    As you know, we are currently in the thick of preparations for the Summit of the Future in September. In 2023, the Secretary-General tasked DPPA as the lead penholder for his policy brief on “A New Agenda for Peace.”  The New Agenda outlines his vision for how Member States can advance shared interests and strengthen multilateral action for peace.

    In the brief the Secretary-General stresses his commitment to enhance his Good Offices to prevent and mediate conflicts as well as the importance of addressing drivers of conflict.  Conflict prevention is a central theme.

    DPPA widely consulted Member States and other stakeholders for our analysis and recommendations with the support of the Multi-Year Appeal.

    Such consultations and engagement, and translating them into analysis and policy recommendations, are a foundation of our work.  They are also vital for the Secretary-General’s Special Representatives and Special Envoys, who rely on the MYA for many of their diplomatic efforts.  

    In a few minutes, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Hanna Tetteh, will share with you how the MYA supports her ongoing efforts in the Horn of Africa.

    Indeed, the MYA supports a broad range of activities including political and peace processes:

    • In relation to Gaza and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, MYA funding has enabled DPPA to meet critical monitoring and analysis demands.  This has helped ensure timely and effective support to the wider  UN system.
    • The situation in in Ukraine continues to require timely and actionable political analysis to inform the UN response.  Our liaison office in Kyiv, funded 100% from extrabudgetary resources under the MYA, provides updates and inputs, including for over 100 Security Council briefings over the past year.
    • On Sudan, following the closure of UNITAMS, DPPA is supporting the new Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, Ramtane Lamamra, in a challenging assignment.  MYA funding is critical to equip him with staff support and other capacities.
    • In Haiti, amid escalating gang violence, MYA-funded support has enabled DPPA and BINUH to engage politically and bring together civil society stakeholders. This remains critical in the present volatile conditions in the country.
    • In Colombia, the UN contributed to significant advances in peace talks in 2023 between the Government and the National Liberation Army (ELN).  The MYA enabled us to complement the resources of the Verification Mission regarding the inclusion of women in implementation of the 2016 Peace Agreement.
    • In Afghanistan, MYA funding enabled DPPA to support UNAMA in advocating for women’s rights, facilitating dialogue with authorities, and maintaining workforce diversity.  
    • And in Mozambique, the MYA supported our efforts on the disarmament and successful reintegration of combatants. The closure of the final RENAMO base in June last year successfully completed the reintegration of all 5,221 former combatants into communities throughout the country.  With this success, the good offices of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique concluded in October 2023.
    • Our Rapid Response mechanism continued to enable us to quickly act on emerging needs by deploying resources within 72 hours.  This agility was crucial in providing timely interventions in Chad and in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, where we supported prevention and peacebuilding efforts at critical moments.  We did so working closely with the RCs and UN Country Teams in both countries.
    • We also provided timely and risk-responsive support to our partners in the field.  Funded by the MYA, our Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisers engaged in 131 mediation support assignments in approximately 26 different contexts in 2023.  The African continent saw the largest share of these engagements.

    These examples underscore the increasing demand for our services and expertise.  Each crisis presents unique challenges.  Your contributions make possible the tailored responses such challenges require.


    In 2023, we again balanced crisis response with non-crisis prevention efforts.  This is always a challenge, but one that is more pronounced the more crises there are – and when we have to make do with limited resources.

    DPPA led 53 electoral missions to Member States, demonstrating our commitment to supporting democratic processes globally.   

    We dedicated $8.2 million, or 19 per cent of the MYA budget, to Women, Peace, and Security initiatives. This surpasses our target [18 per cent] and demonstrates a firm commitment to inclusive political and peacemaking efforts.

    Through our MYA-funded Innovation Cell, we used AI technology to promote participation in peace and political initiatives, notably enhancing the inclusion of youth.  

    In Bolivia and Guinea, for example, we engaged youth in meaningful consultations in the context of political transitions.  Our  virtual reality films about Lebanon and Chad provided viewers with insights into local challenges.  

    We also provided essential real-time support to combat disinformation and hate speech across various field presences.  

    For example, we helped UNAMI with social media monitoring ahead of municipal elections in December and enhanced analytical support for UNOCA, UNOWAS, UNSCOL and the Verification Mission in Colombia.

    Our work on climate, peace, and security relies also entirely on voluntary contributions through the MYA.  In 2023, we enhanced our capacity to address climate-related security risks in the field.  

    We successfully deployed climate, peace, and security advisors to our special political missions across West Africa and the Sahel [UNOWAS], Central Africa [UNOCA], the Horn of Africa [OSE-Horn of Africa], Somalia [UNSOM], and Iraq [UNAMI].

    Additional deployments are planned for this year [e.g. UNAMA].  By doing so, we are advancing from general policy work to concrete, operational engagement on the ground – where it matters.

    As always, over the past year, we also continued to emphasize and deepen our partnerships with regional and sub-regional organizations.  

    For many years, we have maintained liaison presences that have enabled collaboration and partnership with such organizations, across the globe.  However, some of these critical collaborations are now at risk of being downsized or closed due to funding constraints.

    But while the world is confronting more and more crises, in 2023, we achieved only 76 per cent of our annual funding target of $41 million. We gratefully received a total amount of $31.1 million from 31 donors.  The resultant 24 per cent funding gap, equivalent to $9.9 million, highlights the critical need for sustained and enhanced support.   

    For this cycle of our Multi-Year Appeal from 2023 to 2026, we are seeking to raise a total of $170 million. Our immediate goal for 2024 is $42 million. This funding enables us to do things, concretely and operationally.  It also enables us to maintain our work on key thematic areas of engagement, be it the women, peace and security agenda; climate, peace and security; our mediation support; and innovation.

    Excellencies, colleagues,

    Allow me to conclude very simply by expressing my sincere gratitude and that of our colleagues in the field and here at HQ for your indispensable support.

    We know you face many appeals for contributions, and that the current funding environment is difficult. That you have consistently shown up to bolster our efforts, over and above what you already contribute to the UN budget, is deeply appreciated.  And we hope, very much, that you can continue to do so.

    I would now like to give the floor to Special Envoy Hanna Tetteh.  

    Hanna is joining us from Addis Ababa and will be speaking about the impact of extra-budgetary contributions on her work.

    Thank you.


  • 24 أبريل 2024

    The UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, launched a $1.2 billion appeal on Wednesday to address the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the besieged Gaza Strip and to respond to needs in the West Bank as violence there increases. 

  • 24 أبريل 2024

    Russia used its veto to quash a draft resolution aimed at keeping weapons out of outer space.

  • 24 أبريل 2024

    Dangerous levels of acute hunger affected a staggering 281.6 million people last year - the fifth year in a row that food insecurity has worsened - heightening growing fears of famine and “widespread death” from Gaza to Sudan and beyond, UN agencies warned on Wednesday.

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka held a round of meetings with Lebanese and foreign stakeholders on the importance of...

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka delivered this week a keynote address at the general assembly...

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    From Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan to Colombia and Mozambique, the UN’s Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs’ funding appeal showcases how donor contributions have enabled it to remain responsive during extremely challenging times.

    A vehicle is driven through the destruction in Khan Younis. OCHA/Themba Linden

    “Our Multi-Year Appeal Report for 2023 underscores that investing in peace remains not only essential for the preservation of human life and the prevention of suffering, but also the most cost-effective strategy for securing enduring peace and development gains.”

    — Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo

    On 24 April 2024, the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is presenting its 2023 Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) Annual Report.

    The MYA is a trust fund that supports a substantial share of the Department’s work, complementing UN regular budget funding. It allows DPPA to respond quickly and flexibly to requests from UN member states and other entities. Crisis response, mediation support and electoral assistance are almost entirely funded by the MYA, for example.

    The Appeal also helps DPPA fund innovative initiatives, for example the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to increase participation in peace and political initiatives by women and youth.

    Voluntary contributions to are indispensable to the Department. However, in 2023, the MYA fell short of its $41 million target by 24 per cent. Despite strong ongoing support from our current and new donors, this deficit impacted the MYA portfolio. The Department had to tap into its cash reserves and, in some cases, recalibrate its activities and scale back engagement.

    The MYA facilitates DPPA’s response to heightened demands, such as those stemming from the crisis in Gaza in the wake of Hamas’ attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 and the subsequent Israeli military response. Through MYA-funded capacities, DPPA has been actively involved both at Headquarters and backstopping the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO). The Department also deployed surge capacity to UNSCO to reinforce its crisis response and planning and its coordination with UN Headquarters.

    In Ukraine, DPPA’s Liaison Office in Kyiv monitors developments and supports crisis and humanitarian responses, while also promoting peace efforts through coordination with local stakeholders.

    Similarly, in Sudan, MYA funding enables real-time analysis and coordination with UN entities, bolstering peacebuilding efforts amid escalating hostilities.

    A school in Al-Geneina City in West Darfur State, which had been serving as a displaced persons shelter, was burned to the ground amidst the ongoing crisis in Sudan. Mohamed Khalil

    The MYA also supports initiatives in Mozambique, Colombia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Syria, ranging from peace negotiations to humanitarian assistance and reconciliation efforts.

    The MYA report highlights the Department’s three strategic goals . Goal 1 focuses on DPPA’s work preventing and resolving violent conflicts and sustaining peace, work that is guided by the vision of “A New Agenda for Peace.” With a network of special political missions (SPMs), Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs), and Headquarters-based capacities, DPPA collaborates with the UN system and external partners to respond to and prevent conflicts.

    The Appeal enhances the mediation, preventive diplomacy, and peacebuilding activities of the Department, building resilience, support local mediation, and foster social cohesion. Emphasizing inclusive participation, DPPA ensures involvement of women, youth, and marginalized groups in peace efforts. MYA’s flexible funding and rapid response window enable swift adaptation to evolving situations.

    DPPA’s Mediation Support Unit (MSU) and the Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisors (SBT) play a pivotal role in global peace efforts, deploying experts to negotiations worldwide. Funded by the MYA, the SBT offers rapid deployment within 72 hours, providing specialized advice and training for mediators and parties to conflicts. In 2023, the SBT engaged in 131 mediation support assignments across approximately 26 contexts, spanning regions from Africa to the Americas. Notable engagements included support to Special Political Missions in Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen, focusing on issues such as gender inclusion, ceasefire arrangements, and public participation.

    Simultaneously, DPPA’s Electoral Assistance Division provided multi-faceted support to 57 Member States in 2023. This support ranged from technical assistance to good offices and mediation, ensuring peaceful and credible elections. The Division worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, and Paraguay, emphasizing the prevention of election-related violence and strengthening partnerships with regional organizations.

    Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel and Head of UNOWAS visits Liberia prior to 2023 Liberia elections. UNOWAS

    Goal 2 of the MYA report underscores the Department’s commitment to enhancing the multilateral architecture for international peace and security. This involves supporting various UN bodies such as the Security Council, General Assembly, and Peacebuilding Commission.

    DPPA recognizes the increasing interconnectedness in today’s world, emphasizing effective cooperation with regional and sub-regional organizations. Partnerships with entities like the African Union (AU) have been strengthened, supported by MYA funding, facilitating joint initiatives such as the UN-AU partnership on peace and security. Collaboration extends to areas like hate speech prevention in media and enhancing maritime security in regions like the Gulf of Guinea.

    In Southeast Asia, DPPA’s partnership with ASEAN focuses on introducing climate, peace, and security as a new policy focus area. This includes collaborative efforts to assess climate-related risks and promote policy discussions within ASEAN countries. Cooperation with organizations like the League of Arab States (LAS), Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) aims to deepen strategic dialogue and forge common approaches to preventive diplomacy and conflict resolution.

    In 2023, funding from the MYA played a pivotal role in advancing the Department’s Goal 3: A Stronger, More Diverse and More Effective Department. Central to DPPA’s strategy was the enhancement of departmental capacities, focusing on knowledge management, staff investment, and innovation. The MYA enabled DPPA to continue its work as the UN’s central hub for mediation knowledge, focusing on digital technologies, ceasefires, climate, religion, and knowledge management. Initiatives included frameworks for conflict analysis, online courses on utilizing digital tools for peace negotiations, ceasefire mediation courses, and training on understanding religious dimensions of conflicts. Through these efforts, DPPA expanded its outreach, supported capacity-building, and identified emerging needs.

    “In the current difficult political and funding environment, DPPA is determined to continue to deliver on its mandate, working around the globe and in cooperation with Member States and other partners to help build peaceful and equitable societies. With the support of our donors, we are confident that we can make a decisive contribution to achieving the mission of our Organization: to make peace a reality for all.”

    — Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo

    Read the full report here.


  • 23 أبريل 2024

    For over 75 years, the United Nations special political missions have been promoting peace, preventing violence and working to end conflicts. We joined these efforts in 2007, by the initiatives of the five Central Asian states, when the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia opened its doors in Ashgabat with the mission to liaise with the Governments of the region on issues relevant to preventive diplomacy.

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    Disturbing reports continue to emerge about mass graves in Gaza in which Palestinian victims were reportedly found stripped naked with their hands tied, prompting renewed concerns about possible war crimes amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    The General Assembly on Tuesday debated veto power in the Security Council on the eve of the second anniversary of a special measure adopted to monitor its use, following on the heels of the United States vetoing Palestine’s bid last week for full UN membership.

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    The UN verified 3,688 cases of rape and other sexual violence committed in war in 2023, a “dramatic increase” of 50 per cent over the previous year, the Security Council heard on Tuesday. 

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    The UN acknowledges assurances from the South Sudanese government that the recent imposition of taxes on fuel and supply trucks does not apply to the Organization. Still, concerns remain regarding the delivery of humanitarian aid efforts in the region since some of the UN’s fuel and supply trucks are being held at many depots and the border. 

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    The head of the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, on Tuesday reiterated that he welcomed the recommendations of a much-awaited report on its efforts to ensure neutrality and to respond to allegations of serious breaches when they arise. 

  • 23 أبريل 2024

    The opening of the exhibit “...

  • 22 أبريل 2024

    UN chief António Guterres issued an appeal on Monday to “actively support” the UN agency for Palestinians, UNRWA, adding that he accepted the final findings of an independent probe into the organisation, launched amid serious unconfirmed allegations of UNRWA collusion with Hamas fighters and as part of efforts to assess whether the agency was doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality.

  • 22 أبريل 2024

    Meaningful action to prevent the use of explosive weapons in populated areas could reduce the number of child casualties in conflicts by nearly half, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Monday. 

  • 22 أبريل 2024

    UN chief António Guterres issued an appeal on Monday to “actively support” the UN agency for Palestinians, UNRWA, adding that he accepted the final findings of an independent probe into the organization, launched amid serious unconfirmed allegations of UNRWA collusion with Hamas fighters and as part of efforts to assess whether the agency was doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality.

  • 22 أبريل 2024

    As gang violence increases in Haiti, the international community must continue to stand in solidarity with the population, the UN Special Representative for the country told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 22 أبريل 2024

    The UN Middle East envoy has expressed concern about increased levels of violence in the West Bank, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told journalists in New York on Monday. 

  • 22 أبريل 2024

    Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Catriona Laing, is completing her assignment in May.

    “I have full confidence that Somalia will succeed and that the...

  • 20 أبريل 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments globally.

    "It is high time to end the bloody cycle of retaliation" in the Middle East, Guterres tells Council

    On 18 April, Secretary-General António Guterres reiterated to Security Council members his “strong condemnation of the serious escalation” represented by Iran’s attack on Israel on 13 April, as well as his condemnation of the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus earlier this month. “It is high time to end the bloody cycle of retaliation," he said. Guterres underscored that the international community must work together to pull the region back from the precipice by advancing comprehensive diplomatic action for regional de-escalation, starting with Gaza. “Ending the hostilities in Gaza would significantly defuse tensions across the region,” he stressed.

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    "Creating political space for youth to meaningfully engage in peace and security initiatives is key," DiCarlo tells Council

    On 17 April, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo, briefing at a Council open debate on the role of young persons in addressing security challenges in the Mediterranean, said youth needed to be empowered to participate in decision-making that can affect their present and future (see our Politically Speaking story on youth and peace and security initiatives). In the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, young people constituted 55 per cent of the population, she said, and recalled the wave of demonstrations – with youth at the forefront – that swept across the region in 2011. DiCarlo highlighted DPPA’s work in its special political missions, where it has deployed new technologies to organize digital consultations with youth. “Creating political space for youth to meaningfully engage in peace and security initiatives is key,” she said.

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    SRSG Bathily tells Council that the “selfish resolve” and “stubborn resistance” of current Libyan leaders must stop

    On 16 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Abdoulaye Bathily told the Council that his recent dialogue with the five key stakeholders on contested issues regarding electoral laws and the formation of a unified government were met with “stubborn resistance, unreasonable expectations, and indifference to the interests of the Libyan people.” He underlined that “despite continuous and extensive engagement with the main institutional actors, their persistent positions are significantly impeding efforts to advance the political process. “The selfish resolve of current leaders to maintain the status quo through delaying tactics and maneuvers at the expense of the Libyan people must stop,” he stressed, adding: “More than ever, the renewed and coordinated commitment among regional and international actors is imperative.” Following his briefing, Bathily confirmed to reporters that he had submitted his resignation as Special Representative.

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    Ceasefire and roadmap for political process “best possible chance for achieving peace” in Yemen

    On 15 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Hans Grundberg warned the Council that “In the absence of a ceasefire in Gaza and a complete termination of attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the threat of further escalation persists. The recent developments involving Iran and Israel further underscored the urgency of the matter, he said. While the conflicts in Yemen and the wider region have become interlinked, resolving the conflict in Yemen must not be contingent upon the resolution of other issues. “If we leave Yemen’s political process in the waiting room and continue down this path of escalation, the consequences could be catastrophic, not only for Yemen but also for the wider region,” he stressed.

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    UN Special Coordinator holds round of meetings in Lebanon

    This week, UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka met with Lebanese officials and political leaders to stress the importance of safeguarding Lebanon’s security and stability at a time of growing regional uncertainty. With caretaker Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi (pictured), the Special Coordinator discussed the need for a return to the cessation of hostilities across the Blue Line. In separate meetings with Gebran Bassil, leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, and leader of the Lebanese Forces party Samir Geagea, Wronecka highlighted the need to end Lebanon’s prolonged presidential vacuum. She also discussed with Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces Gen. Joseph Aoun the importance of adhering to Resolution 1701. She held similar discussions with the Acting Director of General Security Brig Gen. Elias Baissari.

    DSRSG Isaczai showcases past humanitarian work of UN Iraq

    Speaking at the 8th Sulaimani Forum on 18 April,  Deputy Special Representative for Iraq Ghulam Isaczai showcased UN humanitarian work in the country during the years of conflict. He also spoke about the transition from humanitarian to development and cooperation with the government towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

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    Peacebuilding Support Office partners visit South Sudan

    This week, DPPA's Peacebuilding Support Office organized a partner visit to South Sudan to highlight the impact of UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) supported initiatives. The delegation included representatives from Brazil, representing the Chairpersonship of the Peacebuilding Commission, contributing partners including Denmark, the European Union, Finland, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom, and two members of the PBF’s Advisory Group. Hosted by the Ministry of Peacebuilding, the participants met with the Minister of Peacebuilding, Minister of Governmental Affairs, the Upper Nile State Government, the UN Country Team, UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and other strategic partners. Interactions with communities and civil society in Juba and Malakal, Upper Nile State, where PBF-supported efforts are being implemented, showcased the willingness of many people to move forward towards peace and reconcile, and the possibility of undertaking projects to build peace.

    Promoting the role of women in Great Lakes region peace processes

    The Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region (OSESG-GL), in partnership with the African Union Office of the Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security, convened a meeting in Nairobi on 17 April to promote the role of women in the ongoing peace processes in the Great Lakes (the Nairobi and Luanda processes). The meeting, chaired Special Envoy Huang Xia, brought together a select group of women leaders, civil society representatives, women rights groups activists and experts from Burundi, Democractic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

    Preventive Diplomacy Academy holds training on gender equality

    This week, the Preventive Diplomacy Academy of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) held its 6th hybrid training session in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The training focused on gender equality. Presenters discussed issues such as the root causes of gender inequality, social norms, stereotypes, cultural factors, and the drivers of gender-based violence, as well as the role of men in promoting gender equality. The Academy highlights UNRCCA’s commitment to equip future leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to build a more inclusive and peaceful Central Asia.

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    For victims, peace signatories and police in Colombia, football is an act of reconciliation

    On 13 April, a soccer championship kicked off in the former Territorial Training and Reincorporation Area (TATR) Tierra Grata in Manaure, department of Cesar. Peace signatories, victims, police and nearby communities joined together to create 14 teams. The event uses soccer as a reconciliation activity to create bonds among children and young people from the Serranía del Perijá. The tournament is taking place in April and May with the backing of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.


    Next Week

    On 22 April, the Security Council will hold a briefing on the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH). On 23 April, there will be an open debate on Women, Peace and Security: Conflict related sexual violence sanctions. On 24 April, the Council will be briefed on the Great Lakes region. On 25 April, there will be a briefing on the Middle East.

    Starting on 22 April, a photo exhibit from the Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region (OSESG-GL) entitled “The Great Lakes Region Through Your Lens" will be on show at UN Headquarters. Read more about the exhibit in Politically Speaking.

  • 19 أبريل 2024

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary A. DiCarlo's

    Remarks to the Security Council on Sudan

    New York, 19 April 2024 


    Madam President,   

    Thank you for the opportunity to address the Council. It is crucial to keep the spotlight on the need to bring an immediate end to the war ravaging the Sudan and its people. 

    The conflict started just over a year ago when an outbreak of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces brutally interrupted the political transition.  

    Since then, the Sudanese people have endured unbearable suffering. Both parties have failed to protect civilians. Over 14,000 people have been killed and tens of thousands wounded.   

    My colleague from OCHA, Director Edem Worsornu, will expand on the humanitarian situation and needs, but I would like to cite just three appalling figures: half the country’s population - 25 million people - need lifesaving assistance, while more than 8.6 million people have been forced to flee their homes, including 1.8 million refugees.  

    Allegations of atrocities abound. There are reports of widespread use of sexual violence as a weapon of war; of the recruitment of children by parties to the conflict; and of extensive use of torture and prolonged arbitrary detention by both parties.   

    Thousands of homes, schools, hospitals, and other essential civilian infrastructure have been destroyed. The war has wrecked large swathes of the country’s productive sectors, crippling the economy. 

    Meanwhile, many media outlets and civil society organizations have been closed, while hundreds of human rights defenders and journalists have been forced to seek refuge abroad.  

    In short, this is a crisis of epic proportions. It is also wholly manmade.  

    The warring parties have ignored repeated calls to cease their hostilities, including from this Council. Instead, they have stepped up preparations for further fighting, with both the SAF and the RSF continuing their campaigns to recruit civilians.  

    The conflict started in Khartoum but has since engulfed large parts of the country. And it continues to spread.  

    In Darfur, recent reports indicate a possible imminent RSF attack on El Fasher, raising the specter of a new front in the conflict.  

    Already, clashes between the RSF and SAF-aligned members of the Joint Protection Forces have erupted in Mellit, a strategic town to the north of El Fasher.  

    Fighting in El Fasher could unleash bloody intercommunal strife throughout Darfur. It would also further impede the delivery of humanitarian assistance in an area already on the brink of famine.  

    Beyond Darfur, greater Khartoum continues to be the epicenter of fighting between the SAF and the RSF. Galvanized by recent gains, the SAF has intensified aerial raids in Khartoum, the Kordofan regions and parts of Darfur.  

    Since April, clashes between the SAF and the RSF also escalated in and around Gezira.  

    Madam President, 

    All warring parties must uphold their obligations under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law and adhere to the Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect the Civilians of Sudan.   

    I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid further bloodshed. 

    But if the parties have been able to sustain their confrontation, it is in no small part thanks to the material support they receive from outside the Sudan. These external actors continue to flout the sanctions regime imposed by the Council to support a political settlement, thereby fueling the conflict. This is illegal, it is immoral and it must stop. 

    At this critical moment, in addition to global support for aid, we need to redouble our efforts to achieve peace in the Sudan.  

    Over the past four months, the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, has tirelessly engaged with a broad variety of national, regional, and international stakeholders to promote the coordination of mediation initiatives.  

    Just yesterday, Mr. Lamamra briefed the African Union Peace and Security Council. Today, we look forward to hearing from the Chairperson of the African Union High Level Panel – Dr. Mohammad Chambas.   

    The United Nations stands ready to redouble efforts with our multilateral partners – including the African Union, Intergovernmental Authority for Development, the League of Arab States and key Member States and partners –to help bring about a durable cessation of hostilities and an inclusive and effective international mediation.  

    Madam President, 

    The Jeddah platform provides a promising vehicle for dialogue between the warring parties to achieve an agreement on a ceasefire and related transitional security arrangements.    

    We hope that it will be reconvened in the coming weeks.  

    A renewed push for peace also means continuing our work on Sudan’s democratic transition – by supporting and empowering civilians — including women’s rights groups and young people. 

    We salute the efforts of the African Union and the European Union to support Sudanese civilians in coordinating a common position on an inclusive political transition in the Sudan.  

    And we congratulate France, Germany, and the European Union for hosting the recent Paris Conference on Sudan and welcome its outcomes, including the overwhelming support for humanitarian efforts. The Conference emphasised the need for unity of purpose and action among peace initiatives on the Sudan. 

    To this end, the Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy has proposed the convening of an inclusive meeting to develop a comprehensive mediation and peace-making strategy. 

    Madam President, 

    We must build on the momentum of the Paris conference to boost our efforts to help end the fighting and return the Sudan to a path towards inclusive democracy and recovery.  

    This is a shared responsibility.  

    We must spare no effort in supporting the Sudanese people in their aspirations for a peaceful and secure future. 

    Thank you. 

  • 19 أبريل 2024

    The year 2023 marked a new beginning for the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs with the launch of the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. In the coming four years, DPPA will have a crucial role to play in helping shape how the UN adapts its work to this new global environment and in supporting the Secretary-General and the wider system to chart the path through this transition. This document was updated in March 2024.


  • 19 أبريل 2024

    The UN’s top human rights official on Friday raised alarm over the escalating violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state between junta and opposition forces amid reports of the military regime forcing members of the minority Muslim Rohingya community to join their ranks.

  • 19 أبريل 2024

    Following reports of alleged Israeli strikes inside Iran near a nuclear power station early Friday, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued a new appeal to all parties to “stop the dangerous cycle of retaliation in the Middle East”.

  • 19 أبريل 2024

    The year-long ongoing war in Sudan is “a crisis of epic proportions” and the world must rethink the way it supports the Sudanese people amid rampant atrocities against civilians and no end in sight, top UN and African Union officials warned the Security Council on Friday.

  • 19 أبريل 2024

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine is “a stark reminder” of the challenges to multilateralism and remains the top priority of UN partner the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Security Council heard on Friday. 

  • 19 أبريل 2024

    A new oral vaccine for cholera has been given the green light for manufacture by the UN health agency allowing for the massive scale-up of lifesaving immunisation in the world’s most vulnerable communities.

  • 18 أبريل 2024

    This reporting period covers the inaugural year of the Department’s Strategic Plan for 2023-2026, and demonstrates how DPPA was able to respond to new and protracted crises –together with our partners – amidst an ever more complex international peace and security environment. In 2023, the MYA secured $31.1 million, falling short of the $41 million target by 24 per cent. Despite strong ongoing support from our current and new donors, this deficit impacted the MYA portfolio.