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  • 20 Jun 2024

    Involving people with disabilities in prevention and peacebuilding must be part of efforts to build sustainable peace. But physical, communication, institutional and attitudinal barriers continue to undermine their right to a seat at the negotiating table.

    Over a billion people around the world have a disability, and more than half of them live in areas affected by armed conflicts. Civilians with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to conflict-related risks, including forcible displacement, hunger and violence. Yet, their needs, rights and voices are too often not fully considered during peace processes.

    “In war those with disabilities are often presented as victims, denied equality in humanitarian support and excluded from peace processes,” said Giles Duley, UN global advocate for persons with disabilities, adding that “it is time for change.”

    Agents of change

    To recognize the disproportionate impact of armed conflict on people with disabilities and the need to fully involve them in peacebuilding efforts, on 20 June 2019, the Security Council adopted resolution 2475.

    The resolution calls on Member States and parties to armed conflict to protect people with disabilities in conflict situations and to ensure they can access basic services, humanitarian assistance and justice.

    It also urges the equal and meaningful participation and representation of people with disabilities in humanitarian action and peacebuilding, to make sure they can become agents of change and take part in decision-making.

    The resolution “[e]mphasizes the importance of building capacity and knowledge of the rights and specific needs of persons with disabilities across UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding actors and urges Member States to play a central role in this regard.”

    One benefit of the adoption of resolution in 2019 is that the Council has been increasingly focusing on the protection needs of persons with disabilities in its country-specific resolutions.

    For instance, in 2021, the Council mandated the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), managed by the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), to support the country in enabling the full, equal and meaningful participation of all Somalis, including people with disabilities, in peace and political processes. In recent years, Somalia has made substantive progress on the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, highlighted by UNSOM in December 2023.

    In 2023, the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), managed by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, also promoted the active participation of people with disabilities, including through a workshop aimed at training participants on advocacy skills and providing them with better knowledge of their rights. “Our physical shortcomings do not mean that we can’t have constructive opinions about South Sudan’s future. We have a role to play in the ongoing peace process and it is time we are no longer ignored by our leaders,” said Ahmed Ernick, one of the participants.

    Barriers to implementation

    Overall, however, implementation of the resolution on the ground remains challenging. People with disabilities in conflict and post-conflict settings often face physical, communication, institutional and attitudinal barriers preventing their full and meaningful participation in decision-making and limiting their rights.

    study conducted by Handicap International in 2022 in Yemen, where 4.8 million people are estimated to have at least one form of disability, shows that conflict continues to hinder their access to humanitarian assistance as well as basic and specialized services. The study also reports cases of people being separated from their caregivers or their mobility aids.

    In November 2023, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Heba Hagrass, warned about difficulties faced by people with disabilities in accessing safe places in Gaza. “People with disabilities must not be “left behind” because their families and relief teams are unable to give them the necessary support,” she said.

    According to disability rights groups and experts, moreover, the lack of accessible public transportation and documents continues to undermine the meaningful participation of people with disabilities in conflict resolution, together with a lack of funding and prejudice.

    Differentiating between conflict-induced disabilities and disabilities that predate or are unrelated to conflict can also fuel discrimination and create tensions among the community in peacebuilding efforts.

    At the same time, when given a seat at the negotiating table, people with disabilities are often represented as a homogenous group, leading to insufficient understanding of the broad variety of needs and perspectives of people with different disabilities, including intellectual and psychosocial disabilities.

    Way forward

    To make sure the participation of persons with disabilities in peace processes becomes meaningful, activists and experts highlight the need to collect and analyze disaggregated data. This would ensure the specific and different needs of people with disabilities can be identified and addressed.

    At the same time, as called for by resolution 2475, people with disabilities need to be regularly invited to the negotiating table, as well as to Security Council briefings, without being limited to sharing their disability-related experiences.

    “[P]ersons with disabilities are a unique resource of knowledge and experience to build more resilient societies,” said Secretary-General António Guterres at a meeting of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. “We need [their] leadership.”

  • 20 Jun 2024

    Desperate shortages of essentials in Gaza have left the enclave’s most vulnerable individuals struggling to carry on amid stifling heat, heavy fighting, disease spread and a breakdown in law and order, UN humanitarians warned on Thursday.

  • 20 Jun 2024

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday highlighted the dual-edged nature of cyberspace, stressing its potential for both immense benefits and significant risks when misused.

  • 20 Jun 2024

    Escalating gang violence and political instability in Haiti have forced a record 578,074 people from their homes this year, making it the country with the largest number of displacements due to crime-related violence, UN independent human rights experts said on Thursday.

  • 19 Jun 2024

    UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert Visits UNIFIL HQ in Naqoura


    UN Special...

  • 19 Jun 2024

    Mister President,

    Members of the Council, 

    Thank you for...

  • 19 Jun 2024

    Libyans overwhelmingly desire a political consensus so that credible national elections can be held that will restore legitimacy to national institutions, the deputy head of the UN Support Mission in the country (UNSMIL) said on Wednesday.

  • 19 Jun 2024

    UN aid coordination office OCHA said on Wednesday that Gazans continue to be displaced due to active fighting and bombardment.

  • 19 Jun 2024

    A UN probe into the Israeli military’s bombing of Gaza has pointed to the laws of war being “consistently violated” with regard to the use of hugely powerful bombs and an alleged lack of distinction between combatants and civilians, the Organization’s human rights chief said on Wednesday.

  • 19 Jun 2024

    The United Nations on Wednesday commemorated the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, highlighting the vital role hospital’s play in helping survivors heal.

  • 19 Jun 2024

    “Conflict, climate chaos and upheaval” have forced more than 120 million people from their homes including 43.5 million who have fled across national borders said the UN Secretary-General in his message for World Refugee Day, marked on Thursday.

  • 19 Jun 2024

    Mogadishu – On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the United Nations in Somalia today called for enhanced...

  • 18 Jun 2024




    New York, 18 June 2024


    Mr. President,

    This past weekend, many world leaders came together in Switzerland to build consensus on the elements of a just peace in Ukraine. Those discussions took place in the wake of a sharp  escalation of hostilities and an appalling increase in civilian casualties.

    According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), this May, at least 174 civilians were killed, and 690 injured in Ukraine. This is the highest number of civilian casualties in a single month since June last year.

    More than half of these casualties occurred in the Kharkiv region due to the Russian Federation’s new offensive, launched on 10 May. There has been massive use of explosive weapons both in the Kharkiv region and in Kharkiv city – the second biggest city in Ukraine with over a million residents.On 23 May, missiles struck a printing house, killing seven employees. On 25 May, two air-dropped bombs struck a large home improvement center, killing 19 people.

    And on 31 May, missiles hit a residential area in the city, including a multi-story building, killing nine civilians.

    North of Kharkiv city, the border town of Vovchansk, saw some of the most intense fighting in the past month.  It is now almost completely destroyed, with thousands of its residents forced to flee.

    This is a repeat of the devastation visited on Mariupol, Bakhmut and Avdiivka earlier in the war.

    While Kharkiv has been the region most affected by the recent intensification of fighting, civilians continue to be killed and injured in other parts of Ukraine.         

    Last week, on 13 June, an attack on Kryviy Rih killed at least nine people, including five children.   

    Regular shelling and missile attacks by Russian Federation forces have also been reported in the Kherson region, including the city of Kherson, resulting in civilian casualties and forcing many of the city’ residents to flee.

    The escalation of attacks impacting Ukrainian civilians is unconscionable.

    Since February 2022, OHCHR has recorded 11,126 civilians killed, and 21,863 civilians injured. The actual figures are likely significantly higher. In the same period, Russian authorities have reported that at least 91 civilians have been killed and 455 injured in the Russian Federation, primarily in the Belgorod, Briansk, and Kursk regions bordering Ukraine. We once again stress that attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited by international law. They must stop immediately.

    Mr. President,

    The relentless attacks have also caused massive damage to civilian infrastructure.

    Even before the current escalation, a joint Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment, conducted by Ukraine, the UN, the World Bank Group, and the European Commission, estimated that, as of December 2023, reconstruction and recovery in Ukraine would cost some $486 billion dollars over the next decade.

    Last week’s Recovery Conference in Berlin demonstrated international solidarity and support for Ukraine’s path to recovery.

    The longer the war continues, the greater the need for this global solidarity and support. The large-scale attacks by the Russian Federation against energy infrastructure have reduced Ukraine’s energy generating capacity by 68 per cent.

    Periodic strikes imperilling the critical power supply to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant have also continued. Any attacks involving nuclear facilities are extremely dangerous and irresponsible. They must cease immediately.

    The United Nations Development Programme has backed the provision of stable energy access for over 6 million people in Ukraine and is preparing for further delivery of energy equipment to help address shortages.

    But the worst consequences of the attacks against energy infrastructure are yet to be felt. That is because the shelling and airstrikes are also making it difficult to complete the repair of damaged facilities before next winter.

    Mr. President,

    The intensified hostilities add to the already difficult humanitarian situation. Thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes, and the UN is working with Ukrainian authorities to meet their immediate needs.

    So far this year, together with our partners, we have reached more than 4.4 million people with humanitarian assistance, thanks to our donors.

    The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan is currently 27 per cent funded. We urge our donors to sustain their generous financial support. This will allow us to continue to deliver life-saving assistance to the vulnerable population.

    Adequate funding is an issue everywhere. But for approximately 1.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine currently under Russian occupation, the key challenge remains lack of access.

    International humanitarian law requires the facilitation of rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for all civilians in need, no matter where they live. We urge the Russian Federation to enable humanitarian access to the areas under its control.

    Mr. President,

    This war has affected countries far beyond Ukraine’s borders.

    The latest Global Report on Food Crises shows that in 2023 nearly 282 million people in 59 countries faced high levels of acute food insecurity. This represents an additional 24 million people since 2022.   

    This rise has been driven by unfavorable crop conditions for the 2024 harvest and damage to shipping infrastructure and disruptions in navigation in the Black Sea and elsewhere.

    Over 80 percent of global trade is by sea.  The Black Sea is a critical trade route estimated to account for over a quarter of grain trade.Much more needs to be done to mitigate risks, reduce transaction costs and bring more stability in global agricultural markets.

    The UN has, therefore, highlighted the importance of stabilizing critical trade routes for agricultural products. 

    Mr President,

    The human rights situation in the regions of Ukraine under Russian occupation remains extremely concerning.

    OHCHR has interviewed dozens of people who recently fled these regions. They report increased pressure to obtain Russian passports linked to the Russian presidential decree of 27 April 2023.

    According to the decree, people without Russian citizenship in the occupied areas of Ukraine’s Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions will be considered “foreigners” after 1 July 2024.          

    International humanitarian law prohibits an occupying Power from compelling the population in occupied territory to swear allegiance to it. This includes forcing the population to obtain the occupying Power’s citizenship.

    Further, OHCHR has also interviewed hundreds of released Ukrainian prisoners of war, who recounted systematic and wide-spread torture and ill-treatment, including sexual violence.

    We welcome the prisoner exchange on 31 May, in which 150 people were released, and urge the parties to continue and scale up such exchanges.

    There must be accountability for all violations of international human rights and humanitarian law wherever they occur, in line with international norms and standards.

    Mr. President,

    Two and a half years since the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, there is no let-up in the killing and destruction.

    The broader region is less stable and safe, while other parts of the world watch nervously as they continue to feel the economic and political consequences of the conflict.

    At the same time, discussions on possible pathways to peace are multiplying.

    In Switzerland, over the weekend many voices stressed the need to adhere to the principles of the UN Charter. I would like to stress that these principles are as valid today as they were in 1945.

    The Secretary-General has been consistent and clear, calling for a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in Ukraine, in line with the UN Charter, international law and relevant General Assembly resolutions.

    The United Nations welcomes and is ready to support all meaningful efforts and initiatives towards this end.

    Thank you.

  • 18 Jun 2024

    Assistant Secretary-General for Africa Ms. Martha Pobee's

     Remarks to the Security Council on the situation in the Sudan

    New York, 18 June 2024

    Mister President, Distinguished Members of the Security Council, 

    Thank you for convening today’s meeting on the situation in the Sudan, a situation which continues to dangerously deteriorate.

    The persistent engagement of the Security Council is crucial. The warring parties do take note when we act collectively. And we must do more.

    Despite efforts by the United Nations, its Member States, and the regional organizations, we have not succeeded in preventing the escalation of violence in the country and notably in El Fasher.

    We are deeply worried that the fighting in and around El Fasher could lead to more mass suffering by the civilian population. There are atrocities along ethnic lines. And we witness the severe consequences of relentless shelling and aerial bombardments in densely populated areas.

    From 16 April to 9 June, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights documented at least 192 civilian deaths in El Fasher. Since then, dozens more civilians, including women and children, have reportedly been killed.

    Civilians are in the line of fire. Nowhere is safe for them.

    We strongly condemn the attack on the South Hospital in El Fasher, carried out reportedly by the Rapid Support Forces on 8 June, depriving hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped in the city of one of their last remaining lifelines.

    Mr. President,

    A ceasefire in El Fasher is needed now to prevent further atrocities, protect critical infrastructure, and alleviate civilian suffering. It could and should also pave the way for a broader-scale cessation of hostilities.

    The adoption of resolution 2736 (2024) last week is an important signal from this Council that the escalation of the military confrontation must stop and put an end to its deep negative impact on the lives of the people of Sudan.  

    The resolution underlines the well-established responsibility of the warring parties and reiterates the pressing need for them to abide by International Humanitarian Law. The parties are called to immediately de-escalate the situation in El Fasher and protect civilians throughout the Sudan territory. The parties must heed this call without delay.

    As requested by the Security Council, the Secretary-General will actively develop recommendations to more effectively strengthen the protection of civilians.

    Mr. President,

    As the Security Council meets to closely follow the developments on the ground, the fighting between the warring parties continues to rage, and is in fact escalating, in several other parts of Sudan, including Greater Khartoum, the Kordofan regions, and Gezira State.

    On 5 June, a horrific attack carried out in the village of Wad Al-Noora, Gezira State, allegedly by the Rapid Support Forces, reportedly killed over 100 civilians. Violence against civilians must stop now. No operational justification and even miscalculation would give reason for aiming at civilians under any circumstances.

    Without swift action, Sudan risks becoming engulfed in more ethnic violence and fragment even further. The risk of a conflict spillover remains high.

    As the flow of sophisticated weapons continues to fuel the war, all concerned external players should act responsibly and use their leverage over the warring parties to advance peace efforts. Their positive engagement could make a difference to the trajectory of this war and on the magnitude of its human toll.

    Mr. President,

    The human rights situation remains appalling. Serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law continue to be committed at a large scale. This includes summary executions of civilians, and arrest and detention incommunicado of hundreds of individuals in poor conditions, as well as widespread conflict-related sexual violence predominantly perpetrated by the Rapid Support Forces.

    We urgently need meaningful actions towards ensuring accountability for these violations. The victims deserve justice.

    Mr. President,

    So far, mediation efforts have not secured a ceasefire nor a sustained direct dialogue between the parties. Regrettably, there is no indication that the important discussions held in the context of the Jeddah platform will resume soon.

    We call on the parties to embrace dialogue, desist from destructive blame games, and seek every opportunity for peace.

    Mr. President,

    We cannot afford to be passive bystanders. A negotiated solution remains the only way out of this conflict.

    The Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, visited the region in May and early June. He held discussions with General Burhan and other Senior Commanders of the Sudanese Armed Forces and Members of the Sudan’s Sovereign Council in Port Sudan, as well as with a senior delegation sent to Nairobi by the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces General Dagalo.

    He urged them to spare civilians during all military operations – whether via land, or from the air.

    He urged them to agree on a local ceasefire in El Fasher, highlighting it is essential to ensure the safety of civilians.

    He  also conveyed the need for an action-oriented meeting of the humanitarian forum, chaired by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator, Ms. Clementine Nkweta-Salami, to concretely discuss and eliminate impediments to humanitarian access.

    Meeting with them, the Personal Envoy registered the commitment of both, the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, to the Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect Civilians, signed on 11 May 2023.

    Some fundamental differences between the parties still exist on how to advance the implementation of these commitments. We call on them to display a constructive attitude in charting a way forward.

    Mr. President,

    Mr. Lamamra continues to work on advancing a coordinated mediation endeavor, working alongside Member States and regional partners, including the African Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and the League of Arab States, to advance peace efforts.

    We welcome the Cairo communique, resulting from the consultative meeting convened by the League of Arab States on 12 June.

    The commitment to form a technical working group of the regional and international organizations is an important step. It will facilitate the exchange of views and coordination of diplomatic initiatives.

    We also extend our gratitude to Djibouti for offering to host, next month, a retreat for international mediators, to be jointly co-sponsored by the concerned multilateral organizations. This retreat will be crucial to revitalize coherent and coordinated peace efforts. It provides the opportunity to agree on shared responsibilities and a unified approach to peace in Sudan.

    We are also encouraged by the decision of the leadership of the African Union to launch a preparatory process for the convening of a Sudanese civilian political dialogue. The United Nations stands ready to facilitate the provision of a United Nations appropriate contribution.

    It is critical that civilian voices, especially those of women and youth, are heard. Upholding the promise of the transitional period for a fully credible democratic government remains crucial. We look forward to continuing our work with the African Union High Level Panel in leading these important efforts with the support and contribution of the other concerned multilateral organizations.

    Mr. President,

    It is high time for the warring parties to spare the Sudanese people from further suffering and come to the negotiating table to discuss in good faith.

    We encourage the parties to fully take advantage of the good offices of Personal Envoy Lamamra to promote constructive interactions which could help them to take steps towards a horizon of peace. The plight of the Sudanese people demands our urgent attention and decisive action.

    The warring parties have the responsibility to fulfill the aspirations of the people of Sudan and make decisions of historic nature and scope. The people of Sudan deserve no less.  

    Thank you for your kind attention.

  • 18 Jun 2024

    TRIPOLI – 18 June – Last week the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) held a workshop for civil society actors to improve communication and collaboration between citizens and state...

  • 18 Jun 2024

    The UN Security Council in New York on Tuesday focused on the worsening crisis in Sudan as civilians continue to suffer amidst the brutal fighting between rival militaries, while the Geneva-based Human Rights Council heard independent investigators describe combatants’ “blatant disregard” for fundamental human rights and international law.

  • 18 Jun 2024

    A conference focused on small arms and light weapons is taking place at a “difficult and dangerous moment for humanity,” according to the UN Chief António Guterres. 

  • 18 Jun 2024

    The UN’s top political affairs official on Tuesday reiterated that attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited by international law. More than 170 civilians lost their lives and a further 690 were injured in continued Russian strikes across Ukraine last month.

  • 18 Jun 2024

    The UN’s top human rights official said on Tuesday that Myanmar is in “agonizing pain”, suffocated by an illegitimate military regime which uses “horrific war tactics” and commits brutal atrocity crimes.

  • 18 Jun 2024

    As the war drags on in Gaza, UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Tuesday condemned Israel’s “relentless” attacks across the war-shattered enclave, while repeating longstanding calls for the release of all remaining hostages.

  • 17 Jun 2024

    Hate speech is a marker of discrimination, abuse, violence, conflict, and even crimes against humanity. We have seen this play out from Nazi Germany to Rwanda, Bosnia and beyond. There is no...

  • 15 Jun 2024

    Mogadishu – The United Nations in Somalia extends its warm wishes to all Somalis as they celebrate the special occasion of Eid al-Adha.

    “On behalf of the entire United Nations family in Somalia, I wish you all a peaceful...

  • 15 Jun 2024

    On behalf of the United Nations family in Libya, I extend our sincere congratulations to the Libyan people on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha. May this celebration bring blessings and peace to all.

  • 15 Jun 2024

    SEVENTH MEETING OF CENTRAL ASIAN EXPERT FORUM (14 June 2024, Astana, Kazakhstan)

    ASTANA, Kazakhstan

  • 14 Jun 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments globally.

    Special Envoy Grundberg calls for release of UN staff and NGO workers detained in Yemen

    On 13 June, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Hans Grundberg drew the Council’s attention to the crackdown by Ansar Allah on Yemeni civil society, non-governmental organizations and the United Nations. The Envoy noted that "last week, 13 UN personnel, including one of my colleagues in Sana’a, in addition to five staff members of international NGOs and many more from national NGOs and civil society were arbitrarily detained by Ansar Allah. They remain in incommunicado detention." He went on to urge Ansar Allah to respect the rights of Yemenis under international law and release all United Nations and NGO personnel immediately and unconditionally, and to refrain from the arbitrary detention of civilians. "Such arbitrary detentions are not the expected signal of an actor who is seeking a mediated solution to conflict," he stressed.

    Read more

    SRSG Abarry commends progress in Chad, Gabon, while noting continued dangers posed by armed groups in region

    On 10 June, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) Abdou Abarry told the Security Council that the region had seen positive developments. He welcomed the return of Constitutional order to Chad and Gabon, commending the facilitators of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). Noting that armed groups continued to “sow their reign of terror”, he welcomed the Joint Multilateral Force’s operations against Boko Haram and Da’esh-affiliated groups. 

    Watch here

    Peacebuilding Fund holds sixth annual strategic dialogue

    This week, DPPA's Peacebuilding Support Office, represented by Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar, alongside Norway’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Andreas Kravik, concluded the sixth Annual Strategic Dialogue with the Peacebuilding Fund's (PBF) top twelve voluntary donors. Hosted in Oslo by the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the event featured key speakers including the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom, Chief of Staff of the Office of the President of Guatemala, Ana Glenda Tager Rosado; the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bruno Lemarquis; and the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti, Ulrika Richardson. Partners underscored the value of the agreement of Member States on the use of assessed contributions for the PBF, though noted the difficult financial situation in many countries. Issues discussed included the continued urgency of peacebuilding efforts in UN transition contexts; assessing and communicating impact; building coalitions for peacebuilding at country and global levels; and the need to stay and deliver in challenging contexts.s

    PBSO participates in National Dialogues Conference 2024 in Helsinki

    This week, Awa Dabo, Director and Deputy Head of DPPA's Peacebuilding Support Office, participated in the National Dialogues Conference 2024 in Helsinki, hosted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the CMI - Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, Finn Church Aid, Felm, and the Abilis Foundation. The Peacebuilding Support Office moderated a panel discussion on the role of national dialogues and other non-formal dialogue processes in peacebuilding. Additionally, PBSO engaged in a panel session organized by CMI focused on multilateralism and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. During the visit, Dabo also met with the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs to discuss Finland’s partnership with PBSO, including collaborations on the UN-CSO Dialogue, Youth, Peace and Security, and Finland’s support to the Peacebuilding Fund.

    DSRSG Isaczai meets with senior Iraqi officials

    On 13 June, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq Ghulam Isaczai met in Erbil with Rêber Ahmed, Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) Minister of Interior (pictured), to follow up on the implementation of the government plan for internally displaced persons (IDP) in camps. Isaczai also met with Dara Rashid, KRG Minister of Planning, and discussed KRG's engagement with the new UN Cooperation Framework process. The DSRSG also met with Alan Hama, KRG Minister of Education, where he emphasized the importance of ensuring that education is provided for children in IDP camps.

    On 12 June, DSRSG Isaczai met in Baghdad with Iraq’s Minister for Migration and Displacement Evan Gabro (pictured), to address the challenges facing IDPs as the camp closure deadline approaches. Isaczai noted the Government's commitment to resolving protracted displacement through a roadmap focused on voluntary, safe, and dignified return and reintegration of IDP families within a practical timeframe.

    UNAMI holds consultations on UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

    In June 2024, the Development Support Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) conducted consultations on the upcoming United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for 2025-2029. The Framework serves as an agreement between the UN system and the Government of Iraq, specifically tailored to meet the country's priorities. In Erbil, Basra, Kirkuk and Mosul, regional and local government officials, UN agencies, non-governmental organizations, and civil society representatives had an opportunity to contribute their insights, underscoring the importance of local input in refining the UN's strategic direction in Iraq.

    UNAMI facilitates dialogue on freedom of expression

    On 13 June, the UNAMI Human Rights Office facilitated a one-day dialogue on “Promoting Freedom of Expression in Iraq”. The event, held in Baghdad, provided an opportunity for media workers to engage in structured discussions with representatives of relevant government ministries, the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, the Commission on Media and Communications, and members of the judiciary.  Participants discussed obstacles to the full enjoyment of freedom of expression and freedom of the media, both in the online and offline environment.

    Preventive Diplomacy Academy holds event on counter-terrorism

    On 10 June, the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia's (UNRCCA) Preventive Diplomacy Academy held a UN Office of Counter Terrorism (UNOCT) information session on UN prevention of violent extremism and counter-terrorism in Central Asia. The event focused on the international legal framework for countering terrorism, including international conventions and protocols, as well as relevant UN Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions.

    Read more

    Stitches for Peace: weaving hope in Caño Indio

    This week, in Cúcuta, Colombia, the reconciliation project "Stitches for Peace" celebrated an important milestone: the launch of its new fashion collection under the Ixora brand. This event was a sign of hope for a better future for the women of the former TATR of Caño Indio and their communities. The project, led by 10 women peace signatories, was guided by businesswomen in the fashion sector and tailoring experts. Since its inception four years ago, "Stitches for Peace" has had the support of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

    Next Week

    On 18 June, the Security Council will meet on Sudan. On 19 June, there will be a briefing on the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). On 20 June, there will be an open debate on Cybersecurity. On 21 June, there will be a briefing on the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

  • 14 Jun 2024

    As communities in Lebanon and around the world celebrate Eid Al-Adha, the UN family reiterates its call for all actors along the Blue Line to put down their weapons and commit to a...

  • 14 Jun 2024

    Mogadishu – Efforts to make the principles of human rights better known and understood among Somalia’s communities received a boost with a multilingual initiative centred on the...

  • 14 Jun 2024

    Escalating fighting in the south and centre of Gaza makes it near-impossible for humanitarians to deliver desperately needed food aid, the Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), Carl Skau, said on Friday at the end of a two-day mission to the enclave. 

  • 14 Jun 2024

    A cautious welcome was given by civilians in Gaza to this week’s Security Council resolution endorsing a ceasefire for hostages deal - mixed with frustration that the fighting continues with both Hamas and the Israeli Government signalling that the three phase plan falls short.

  • 14 Jun 2024

    A surge of attacks by Russian forces on the Kharkiv area of Ukraine is causing significant civilian casualties, as well as the destruction of homes and crucial infrastructure, the top UN official in Ukraine said today, in a plea not to “normalize” the dire conditions for Ukrainian civilians.  

  • 14 Jun 2024

    The UN’s top genocide prevention official warned on Friday that hate speech remains a significant threat to global peace and security, often targeting society’s most vulnerable.

  • 14 Jun 2024

    The head of the UN human rights office (OHCHR) Volker Türk on Friday called for serious measures to be taken to end human rights violations that are jeopardizing reconciliation and peace efforts in Ethiopia. 

  • 13 Jun 2024

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 10 June, UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy welcomed...

  • 13 Jun 2024

    Violence against children caught in armed conflict reached “extreme levels” last year, with a “shocking” 21 per cent increase in extreme violations, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a report published on Thursday. 

  • 13 Jun 2024

    Heavy shelling reported in the so-called safe zone of Al-Mawasi in southern Gaza on Thursday came despite the ongoing international push for a ceasefire and as the UN health agency reported 32 deaths from malnutrition “including 28 among children under five years old”.

  • 13 Jun 2024

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday welcomed the swearing in of Haiti’s new Government, urging stakeholders to continue making progress towards restoring democratic institutions through elections.

  • 13 Jun 2024

    After months of relative stability in Yemen between Government and Houthi forces, a return to all-out war is looking inevitable unless the current escalation in violence is halted, the top UN envoy for the country said on Thursday.

  • 13 Jun 2024

    The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Thursday that calls for the paramilitary Rapid Security Forces (RSF) in Sudan to halt their siege on El Fasher, capital of North Darfur state. 

  • 13 Jun 2024

    The UN humanitarian coordinator for Ukraine Denise Brown on Thursday said she was ‘appalled’ by the scale of Russia’s overnight attack on Kryviy Rih City in the Dnipro Region. 

  • 12 Jun 2024

    On 13 June,...

  • 12 Jun 2024

    Every year on 21 September, the United Nations invites the world to mark the International Day of Peace. This year’s focus is on “Cultivating a culture of peace”.In a world mired by conflict,...

  • 12 Jun 2024

    United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced on May 10, 2024, the appointment of Ms. Barrie Freeman of the United States as...

  • 12 Jun 2024


    In Cauca, Indigenous Mapuche women from the Araucanía region in Chile, Nasa and Misak women from Colombia and local...

  • 12 Jun 2024

    More than 200 people, including peace signatories and residents of corregimiento La Trinidad in...

  • 12 Jun 2024

    Armel Caracas was the only peace signatory in the country elected in the 2023 regional elections. For the last...

  • 12 Jun 2024

    Palestinian armed groups and Israeli authorities have both committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the attack on 7 October and the subsequent military operations, according to a new report by a UN independent human rights body.

  • 12 Jun 2024

    The international community must continue to pay close attention to the troubling human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and find ways to revive dialogue with the Government, the UN Security Council heard on Wednesday. 

  • 11 Jun 2024

    UNOAU supports AUC in Assessment for Mission Service for Kenya National Police Service to identify prospective Individual Police Officers to be...

  • 11 Jun 2024

    The Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) launched a campaign on Tuesday to address the unfolding crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan, amid the going war between rival military forces that erupted last April. 

  • 11 Jun 2024

    All of the 253 people indicted by UN tribunals for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed decades ago in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia, have now been accounted for, the Security Council heard on Tuesday.