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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 29 يونيو 2022

    The resurgence of the M23 armed group has “broad repercussions” for the security, human rights and humanitarian situation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and for the wider region, the UN Special Representative there told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 29 يونيو 2022

    Geneva - 29 June 2022- The Independent Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) on Libya uncovers further evidence of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and gross human rights violations in its...

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    The “horrific conflict,” in Ukraine shows no signs of abating, the UN political and peacebuilding chief told the Security Council on Tuesday, pointing out that since her last update on 5 April, “countless Ukrainian civilians” have been killed in indiscriminate attacks, cities and towns levelled, and much of the country’s arable land “horribly disfigured by shelling”.  

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    Mister President,

    When I last briefed this Council on 5 April, it hardly seemed possible that the devastation being wrought on Ukraine and its people could get any worse.

    In the 12 weeks since, countless more Ukrainian civilians have been killed in indiscriminate attacks, cities and towns continue to be levelled, and much of the country’s arable land has been horribly disfigured by shelling.

    And this horrific conflict, an open source of instability in Europe, shows no signs of abating.

    The depravity of the war was again on full display yesterday following the missile strike in Kremenchuk, in the central Poltava region.

    Hundreds of people, perhaps even some trying to get a respite from the daily horrors of the war, suffered one of the most shocking attacks of the conflict when a shopping center was hit by what are reported to be Russian missiles.

    Eighteen civilians were reportedly killed and 59 injured. The final toll may be much higher.

    This incident, which should be investigated, was the latest in a new wave of airstrikes and missile attacks in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv and other cities far from the frontlines, with many civilians killed or injured.  

    Presently, the most intense fighting is in and around the towns of Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and Sloviansk in the Donbas. Heavy fighting is also reported around the cities of Kharkiv and Kherson.

    In scenes reminiscent of the World Wars, large-scale artillery duels are devastating industrial areas, with thousands of civilians forced to hide in basements or flee for their lives. Large military casualties are claimed on both sides.


    Mr. President,

    Civilians continue to pay too high a price in this war. As of 26 June, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recorded 10,631 civilian casualties in the country: 4,731 killed and 5,900 injured. These are figures based on verified incidents; the actual figures are considerably higher.

    Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by explosive weapons with a wide impact area. Many of these weapons are inherently indiscriminate when used in populated areas and, therefore, result in increased civilian casualties and devastating humanitarian impacts.

    The Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine concluded earlier this month its first mission to the country, including visits to Bucha, Irpin, Kharkiv and Sumy.

    Though only in the initial stages of its work, the Commission received information and visited cities that quote “may support claims that serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, perhaps reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity, have been committed” end quote.

    The work of the Commission of Inquiry, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and other fact-finding efforts are essential for establishing accountability for the crimes and atrocities committed during this war.

    This work must lead to justice. It is imperative for the people of Ukraine. It is also crucial if we hope to be able to prevent such violations in the future, wherever they threaten to occur.


    Mr. President,

    Since 24 February, over 8.8 million people across Ukraine have received some form of humanitarian assistance and protection services. At least 16 million people need such aid.  

    Needs are increasing, especially ahead of winter. Humanitarian partners are working on a winterization assistance plan and revising the Flash Appeal, which runs through August, to cover the needs through the end of 2022.

    Women, in particular, are facing immense hardship when it comes to health, safety, and access to food. A Rapid Gender Analysis by UN Women and CARE in April revealed that women are increasingly becoming heads of households and leaders in their communities as men are conscripted.

    They must be included in formal decision-making processes related to humanitarian efforts, peace-making, and other areas that directly impact their lives.

    Perilous conditions are hampering efforts by humanitarian partners to reach civilians, or for them to access the support they need. One statistic sheds light on this concern: since 24 February, the World Health Organization has recorded 323 attacks on healthcare facilities and personnel, resulting in 76 deaths.

    We strongly remind all parties of their obligations under international humanitarian law: All adequate measures must be taken to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure.


    Mr. President,

    Ukraine is suffering the largest human displacement crisis in the world today. Since the start of the Russian invasion, more than one-quarter of the country’s population – 12 million people – have been forced from their homes.

    Within Ukraine, over 7.1 million people remain displaced by the war. UNHCR estimates there are over 5.2 million refugees present across Europe. Over 3.5 million refugees from Ukraine have registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe.

    The UN remains committed to provide support for the Government-led responses in host countries. 

    Also, given the increasingly protracted nature of the conflict, we must not neglect Ukraine’s long-term recovery and rebuilding needs.

    Using early socio-economic assessments, UNDP launched a new Resilience and Recovery Programme to support the Ukrainian Government’s emergency response, its commitment to public services, and to keeping the economy running, as well as to help assess priority needs to deliver for the people of Ukraine.


    Mr. President,

    The war is having devastating consequences not only on the country and the immediate region, but far beyond Ukraine’s borders. As the Secretary-General noted on 8 June during the launch of the second brief of the UN Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance, the war is exacerbating the greatest cost-of-living crisis in a generation.

    Price shocks in the global food, energy and fertilizer markets are escalating - in a world already grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

    To address this multi-dimensional threat, strong political will across the multilateral community and a comprehensive approach is foremost necessary.


    Mr. President,

    We have run out of words to describe the senselessness, futility and cruelty of this war.

    As the Secretary-General warned, “for those on the ground, every day brings new bloodshed and suffering. And for people around the world, the war, together with the other crises, is threatening to unleash an unprecedented wave of hunger and destitution, leaving social and economic chaos in its wake”.

    No country or community will be left untouched.

    The cycle of death, destruction, dislocation, and disruption must stop. For the sake of Ukraine, Russia, and the entire world.


    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    Between 1 March 2011 and 31 March 2021, 306,887 civilians were killed in the on-going war in Syria - the highest estimate yet of conflict-related deaths in the country, according to a new report published by the UN rights office (OHCHR) on Tuesday.

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    Dakar, 28 June 2022 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the...

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    A “staggering” average of 71 verified grave violations a day, are committed against children by parties to conflict in more than 30 settings across Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    © UN

     28 June 2022, Geneva, Switzerland -

    Excellencies, Honorable Speaker of the Parliament, President of the High Council of State

  • 27 يونيو 2022

    Leaders in Libya must resolve outstanding issues so that long-awaited presidential and parliamentary elections can finally be held, UN political affairs chief Rosemary DiCarlo told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 27 يونيو 2022

    Mr. President,


    Thank you for the opportunity to brief the Security Council on recent developments in Libya.


    On the political front, I am pleased to report that, since the last briefing to the Council on 20 June, there has been some progress on the constitutional track.


    The third and final round of consultations of the House of Representatives (HoR) and the High State Council (HSC) regarding a constitutional basis for elections was held in Cairo from 12 to 20 June.


    The delegates reached a broad consensus on most of the contentious articles in the 2017 Constitutional Proposal. However, differences remain on measures governing the transitional period leading to the elections.


    Nevertheless, the progress achieved is commendable. The meeting was the first time the House of Representatives and the High State Council engaged in a serious review of the Constitutional Proposal since its adoption in 2017.


    We are encouraged that the leaders of both Chambers have accepted the invitation of Special Adviser Stephanie Williams to meet in Geneva from 28 to 29 June to discuss and reach agreement on measures governing the transitional period leading to elections.


    Mr. President,


    We are firmly convinced that elections are the only path to settle the disagreements over the democratic legitimacy of all Libyan institutions.


    Let me recall that the House of Representatives was elected in 2014 for a four-year term, and the High State Council, which is the legacy body of the General National Congress, was elected nearly ten years ago in 2012.


    I encourage this Council and all of Libya’s international partners to call on the leadership of the two Chambers to seize the opportunity presented by the agreement reached in Cairo. It is high time to agree on outstanding issues and make the elections happen.


    Mr. President,


    We remain committed to supporting Libyan national reconciliation efforts, working closely with our partners, including the African Union.


    In this regard, we welcome the launch, on 23 June, of the Presidency Council’s Strategic Vision for National Reconciliation.


    We appreciate the document’s focus on addressing the root causes of conflict. At the same time, we reiterate the need for a reconciliation process that is inclusive, victim-centred, rights-based, and grounded in the principles of transitional justice, with a focus on truth, accountability and reparations.


    Mr. President,


    Continued political divisions are contributing to a tense security environment in and around Tripoli. The issue of the executive is yet to be resolved.


    As armed groups continue to position themselves in support of either Mr. Dbeibah or Mr. Bashagha, the risk of escalation increases.


    I reiterate the United Nations readiness to facilitate dialogue between Mr. Dbeibah and Mr. Bashagha.


    I call again on all Libyan political and security actors to exercise maximum restraint and address all disputes through dialogue.


    I also welcome the recent resumption of the activities of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) and the Chiefs of Staff and commend their joint call for maintaining calm and stability in the country.


    On 7 June in Tunis, Special Adviser Williams co-chaired with France a plenary meeting of the Security Working Group of the Berlin Process, with the participation of the 5+5 JMC.


    The discussion focused on the need to strengthen the ceasefire, including by ensuring progress in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups and militias and the withdrawal of mercenaries, foreign fighters, and foreign forces from Libya.


    The meeting also provided a valuable opportunity for the Libyan ceasefire monitors from the East and West to hold their first discussions to operationalize the Libyan-led and Libyan-owned Ceasefire Monitoring Mechanism (LCMM). With UNSMIL facilitation, the JMC and the local monitors plan to meet again in Tunis on 28 and 29 June.   


    Meanwhile, UNSMIL ceasefire monitors continue to be based in Tripoli, pending approval by relevant authorities of accommodation and workspace, among other conditions necessary for the monitors to operate from Sirte.  


    Mr. President,


    On the economic front, the partial shutdown of Libya’s oil sector continues.  Since 16 April, the shutdown has reduced Libyan oil exports by one third and cost the country 3.1 billion US dollars in lost revenue.


    In addition, the disagreement over the control and use of public funds that triggered the partial shutdown continues and could lead to further oil field closures in the near term.


    The suspension of oil revenue transfers could negatively impact the ability of the Government of National Unity to pay salaries and meet other spending needs, including for basic social services.


    On a positive note, I am pleased to report that on 7 June, the United Nations and the Ministry of Planning signed the first Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, covering the period 2023 to 2025. 


    The Framework serves to guide the peacebuilding and development work of UN entities in Libya, in alignment with national priorities and in support of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


    Mr. President,


    The human rights situation in Libya remains alarming.


    Nine civil society and humanitarian workers arrested between November 2021 and February 2022 for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression remain in detention.


    On 8 June, four of these arbitrarily detained persons were not permitted to attend a scheduled court hearing. The hearing, moreover, fell far short of fair trial standards.


    I remain concerned that civic space is consistently being eroded. Arbitrary restrictions continue to be imposed on civil society organisations. Politically active women and men defending human rights are targeted with hate speech and incitement to violence, compromising their safety and security.


    Since May, UNSMIL has received further reports of serious allegations of torture against Libyans, migrants, and asylum-seekers in detention facilities and prisons.


    Libyan authorities must investigate all allegations of torture and other human rights violations in detention centres, including those facilities under the control of the Ministry of Interior’s Department for Combating Illegal Immigration.


    Those responsible for grave human rights violations, including atrocity crimes, must be held accountable domestically or, as applicable, by international justice mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court.


    Regrettably, for many victims and survivors, justice and accountability – including remedies and reparation – are illusive or painfully slow.


    For example, on 14 June, the Tripoli Appeals Court referred the 1996 Abu Salim massacre case to the military justice system, asserting that it lacked the competency to process the case.


    This latest judgment, coupled with the time lapsed, suggests that the Libyan criminal justice system is unable or unwilling to try individuals for atrocity crimes.


    To this end, the extension of the mandate of the Independent Fact-Finding Mission on Libya is essential to investigate and report on violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law.


    The Fact-Finding Mission’s role will serve to advance human rights, contribute to securing sustainable peace, and foster rights-based national reconciliation in Libya.


    Mr. President,


    As of 14 June, the United Nations recorded the return of an additional 10,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their places of origin since the start of the year. The total number of IDPs now stands at 159,000.


    However, threats of forced evictions of IDPs remain of concern. In Tripoli, on 15 June, around 90 displaced families were threatened by members of armed groups with bulldozers. They were ordered to evacuate buildings where they reside within ten days. This warning follows forced evictions of three camps hosting displaced Tawerghan families in May.


    Increased efforts are needed on the part of the Government, with the support of UN partners, to find durable solutions for those who remain internally displaced, in line with international standards.


    Mr. President,


    In closing, let me stress that Libya has made significant progress in the last few years toward a more inclusive society.  For the sake of the Libyan people, we should not allow this progress to dissipate.


    The United Nations’ priority in Libya remains to facilitate a return to the electoral process, based on a sound and consensual constitutional basis for elections. This is what the Libyan people have asked for.


    The outcome of the Cairo talks is a step in the right direction.


    It is my hope the upcoming meeting in Geneva between the heads of the House of Representative and High State Council will result in a final agreement that would lead to elections at the earliest possible date.


    Let me stress the Council’s continued and united support to these efforts is essential. 


    Thank you.

  • 27 يونيو 2022

    At least ten people have reportedly been killed by what Ukrainian authorities have said was a Russian missile strike on a crowded shopping centre, and attack which the UN condemned on Monday as “utterly deplorable”.

  • 27 يونيو 2022

    “High level” violence has resulted in “scores of Palestinian and Israeli casualties”, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 26 يونيو 2022

    New York, 27 June 2022

    Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises represent around 90 per cent of global businesses, more than 60 percent of employment and half of GDP worldwide. They are the economic lifeblood of communities around the world.

    But they have also been disproportionately impacted by a host of challenges that are...

  • 25 يونيو 2022

    New York, 26 June 2022

    This year’s International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking shines a spotlight on the impact of drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises.

    Conflicts, climate disasters, forced displacement and grinding poverty create fertile ground for drug abuse — with COVID-19 making a bad situation even worse. At the same time, people...

  • 24 يونيو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo completes her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina 

    Following her visit to North Macedonia, Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo was in Bosnia and Herzegovina this week. On 20 June, she met, among other leaders, Presidency Chairman Šefik Džaferović, and Presidency Members Milorad Dodik, and Željko Komšić in Sarajevo. She also met with representatives of civic political parties, and women leaders from civil society. Participating at the Oslo Forum on 21 June, USG DiCarlo stressed the need to review the European security architecture in light of the war in Ukraine. 

    Security Council

    Continued engagement and dialogue remain the only way forward in Afghanistan

    Ramiz Alakbarov, the Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), briefed the Security Council on 23 June. He described the difficulties that Afghans are facing – the human rights situation, economic crisis, the ongoing humanitarian emergency, and the need for continued engagement with the de facto authorities. “UNAMA will remain a vocal and visible voice for safeguarding the rights of the people of Afghanistan”, he assured.  

    Read full remarks here  

    UN News on the briefing here 


    UN reiterates support to empower newly elected female Members of Parliament

    On 24 June, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka, together with Danish Ambassador in Lebanon Merete Juhl, co-hosted a working session with elected female Members of Parliament (MPs) and representatives of 17 member states. They exchanged views on women’s rights, political participation, and the role of female MPs in shaping the future of their country. “Advancing the common agenda on women, peace and security in Lebanon is a national priority that should be supported by all Lebanese,” the Special Coordinator said. She also renewed her commitment to support the female MPs and agreed to meet regularly to assess opportunities and challenges affecting their legislative priorities. 


    Leaders of the House of Representatives and the High State Council to meet under UN auspices in Geneva

    Stephanie Williams, the Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for Libya, announced on 23 June that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Agila Saleh, and the President of the High State Council, Khaled Al-Mishri, have agreed to a meeting under UN auspices on 28 and 29 June at the UN Office at Geneva. The meeting will be to discuss the draft constitutional framework for elections, in light of the outcome of the consultations of the Joint Committee last week in Cairo, Egypt. 

    Central Africa

    Hate Speech Forum in Kinshasa 

    This week, the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) co-organized a forum with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to develop a draft regional strategy and action plan to prevent and combat hate speech in Central Africa.  The meeting gathered communications professionals, as well as media regulators and civil society from countries in the ECCAS.  

    Read more here 

    Northeast Asia

    Ulaanbaatar Dialogue discusses Youth and Peace and Security 

    The United Nations co-organized a session on Youth, Peace and Security at the 7th Ulaanbaatar Dialogue in Mongolia on 23 June, as part of the joint efforts to support regional youth engagement on security issues. “Youth are the engines of the future,” USG DiCarlo noted in her video message. “The visions, insights and solutions offered by young people will be paramount as Northeast Asian countries”, she said.  

    Full video message here 

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA co-hosts high-level event on the role of women parliamentarians  

    The UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), jointly with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), co-hosted the high–level forum on “The Role of Central Asian States’ Women Parliamentarians in the Implementation of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) National Action Plans” from 22 to 23 June in Istanbul, Türkiye. Noting the joint efforts to counter violent extremism and terrorism, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNRCCA Natalia Gherman underscored the role of women parliamentarians and civil society leaders in implementation of national strategies and plans related to PCVE. 

    Read more here 


    Historic transitional justice hearing with leaders of the former FARC-EP guerrilla

    The UN Verification Mission accompanied public hearings on crimes committed by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army (FARC-EP) held from 21 to 23 June in Bogotá. With several victims participating in the hearings, the former FARC-EP leaders recognized their responsibility regarding war crimes and crimes against humanity. They apologized to the victims and reaffirmed their commitment to contribute and participate in the search for people considered missing. 


    PBC Ambassadorial-level meeting on the Peacebuilding activities

    On 24 June, Elizabeth Spehar, the Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Peacebuilding Support (PBSO), briefed the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) on the activities of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF). The Secretary-General’s report ‘Our Common Agenda’ continues to place PBF and the wider Peacebuilding architecture at the heart of the Secretary-General’s vision for the UN. ASG Spehar highlighted the robust performance of the Fund, meeting high demands, while funding remains inadequate and insufficiently predictable. If not adequately addressed, she said, the funding gap would force PBF to curtail its planned support for this year. ASG Spehar also updated the Commission on the performance of the Fund’s priority windows, which include encouraging women and youth inclusion, facilitating UN Transitions, and enhancing cross-border approaches. The largest amount of Fund’s support remains focused on Sub-Sahara Africa, followed by Central and South America, Europe and Central Asia, Asia and the Pacific, and the Middle East and North Africa. The Fund’s growth, as foreseen in its 2020-24 Strategy, has been impacted due to the shortfall in resources. 

    Quarterly Peacebuilding Fund Group of Friends meeting

    The quarterly Group of Friends meeting of the Peacebuilding Fund took place on 23 June, co-chaired by the United Kingdom and Sweden. Alice Shackelford, the UN Resident Coordinator in Honduras, highlighted the Fund’s role in supporting national peacebuilding priorities. Since 2018, the PBF has invested around USD $13 million in Honduras. Strategic use of the PBF’s investments in Honduras helped bring the UN Country Team together to contribute to violence prevention in last year's election. Brian Willians, the Chief of Financing for Peacebuilding in PBSO, updated the partners on fund status and programmatic priorities for 2022. He noted the Fund’s investments on facilitating the gradual drawdown of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) and the projects under development in eastern states in Sudan. Cross-border programmes continue to be a priority, for example working in the border regions of Benin and Niger, where risks of spreading extremist violence are growing. In the Great Lakes region, the PBF is supporting UN agencies to help with regional reintegration challenges, in line with Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Huang Xia’s work. For 2022, the Fund still requires $145.3 million in additional contributions to meet its $275 million target. Preparations are ongoing for the midterm review of the PBF strategy 2020-24.

    Aswan Forum on sustainable peace and development

    On 21 and 22 June, ASG Spehar attended the 3rd Aswan Forum on sustainable peace and development in Cairo, Egypt. The Forum focused on “Africa in an Era of Cascading Risks and Climate Vulnerability: Pathways for a Peaceful, Resilient, and Sustainable Continent." Speaking as a panelist, ASG Spehar spoke on the linkages between climate, peace and security, and DPPA's support, as well as how financing for peace and development can be more sustainable, predictable and contribute to long-term resilience. ASG Spehar also had bilateral meetings with the Minister for Peacebuilding of South Sudan, Stephen Par Kuol, and counterparts in the African Union (AU) and the League of Arab States (LAS), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Foreign Ministry of Egypt, and the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding.

    Next Week

    On Monday, 27 June, the Security Council will hear a briefing on the situation in Libya. On Wednesday, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Geir O. Pedersen will brief the Council on Syria. On Thursday, 30 June, the Council will discuss non-proliferation.


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 24 يونيو 2022

    New York, 25 June 2022

    The world counts on seafarers.

    Their contribution is immeasurable. Ships transport a remarkable 90 per cent of the world’s commodities — from grains and energy, to consumer goods and much more. Without ships and the women and men who work on them, economies would stall and people would starve.


  • 23 يونيو 2022


    Ladies and Gentlemen,


    Let me begin by thanking the Government of Mongolia for hosting the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue at this vital time. The United Nations highly values its partnership with Mongolia, and we appreciate your initiative to convene this important meeting.


    Our world is facing multiple crises and threats that transcend national borders. The global peace and security landscape is becoming more complex and contested.


    Northeast Asia is facing rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, increased geopolitical competition, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and environmental degradation. At the same time, the region is on the leading edge of technology and the search for solutions for the future.


    I applaud Mongolia’s initiative – through the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue – to complement existing security and coordination mechanisms and explore ways to bridge any gaps.


    I am particularly encouraged by the inclusion of young voices here today. The visions, insights and solutions offered by young people will be crucial as Northeast Asian countries confront current and future challenges.


    This afternoon, the United Nations is co-organizing a session on the Youth, Peace and Security agenda. It is part of our joint efforts to support regional youth engagement, including in high-level policy fora on security issues. 


    This objective is very much a part of the Secretary General’s priorities outlined in his report, Our Common Agenda. I look forward to the ideas and recommendations of our young colleagues.


    We will all benefit greatly from a future-oriented Northeast Asia that is more integrated, engaged, and assumes greater responsibilities.


    As the region continues to be a center of economic dynamism and influence, I count on your courage and political will to promote peace, inclusion, and sustainable development.

    Thank you.

  • 23 يونيو 2022

    The devastating earthquake on Wednesday is just one of several emergencies facing Afghanistan, and continued dialogue with the de facto Taliban authorities remains the only way to address ongoing challenges in the country, the Security Council heard on Thursday. 

  • 23 يونيو 2022

    KABUL - The Acting Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Ramiz Alakbarov, today briefed the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan.


  • 23 يونيو 2022

    ISTANBUL, Turkiye

    On 22-23 June, the Special...

  • 22 يونيو 2022


    Efforts are underway to reinvigorate the Central African Republic’s political process, which has lapsed into a state of “de facto lethargy” even as horrific attacks against civilians have risen, the senior UN official in the country told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 22 يونيو 2022

    New York, 23 June 2022

    There is no higher calling than serving others.

    Each year on United Nations Public Service Day, we honour those women and men around the world who proudly dedicate their ideas, innovations and energies to serving their communities and humankind.

    As this year’s theme reminds us, public servants are increasingly...

  • 22 يونيو 2022

    Ceerigaabo, 22 June 2022 – Located in the remote eastern region of Sanaag, the small city of Ceerigaabo is some 560 kilometres from Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland

    Getting to Ceerigaabo by car...

  • 22 يونيو 2022

    The Secretary-General issued a statement on Wednesday expressing his shock and outrage over reports that well over a hundred civilians have been killed in the past week, during attacks by armed extremists in central Mali, and further north.

  • 22 يونيو 2022

    I was saddened to hear of the tragic loss of life caused by the earthquake which struck Afghanistan earlier today local time near the city of Khost.  Hundreds of people have reportedly been killed and injured,...

  • 21 يونيو 2022

    The UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide briefed the Security Council on Tuesday, reinforcing concerns already voiced by other senior UN officials in the chamber, over “the heightened risks” of sexual violence, and trafficking, which are “significantly impacting women and children”, following the Russian invasion of 24 February.

  • 21 يونيو 2022

    Critical relief supplies for nearly 64,000 people have been delivered to Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, two cities in the Government-controlled areas of the eastern Donetska oblast, or region, in Ukraine, the UN humanitarian agency OCHA reported on Tuesday. 

  • 21 يونيو 2022

    Global cooperation is critical to confront the surge in suffering due to conflict, climate disruption, hunger, the rising cost of living, and the COVID-19 pandemic. senior UN officials said on Tuesday at a meeting organized by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to strengthen delivery of humanitarian assistance. 

  • 21 يونيو 2022

    Nuclear weapons are “a deadly reminder of countries’ inability to solve problems through dialogue and collaboration”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday, urging the international community to abandon them once and for all.  

  • 21 يونيو 2022

    Mogadishu – To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, 30 survivors of sexual violence completed business skills training to improve their lives under a UN-...

  • 20 يونيو 2022

    With humanitarian needs in Syria at their highest levels since the start of the civil war more than 11 years ago, UN Secretary-General António Guterres appealed on Monday for the Security Council to renew a resolution on delivering lifesaving aid to millions in northwest Syria, through cross-border operations from neighbouring Türkiye. 

  • 20 يونيو 2022


    New York, 20 June 2022. The Secretary-General commends the people of Colombia for their participation and historic voter turnout in the second round of the presidential elections yesterday, 19 June, that resulted in the election of Mr. Gustavo Petro and his running mate Ms. Francia Marquez.

    The Secretary-General welcomes the largely peaceful...

  • 20 يونيو 2022

    With eight months remaining, the window of opportunity is closing for South Sudan to meet critical benchmarks required to complete its transition away from long-running civil conflict, the Special Representative for the country told the Security Council on Monday, pressing parties to the November 2018 peace deal, to implement their commitments in letter and spirit.

  • 20 يونيو 2022

    New York, 21 June 2022

    The International Day of Yoga celebrates the restorative healing and inner peace provided by this ancient practice.

    This year’s theme — Yoga for Humanity — reminds us how yoga is truly universal.

    With roots in India, yoga is now practiced worldwide, giving people of all faiths and walks of life the tools and...

  • 20 يونيو 2022

    Dollow - After witnessing the sweeping consequences of drought during a joint visit with Somalia’s drought envoy today, the United Nations humanitarian coordinator for the Horn of Africa...

  • 20 يونيو 2022

    2023 Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisers in the following areas of specialization:

    • Design and Conduct of Mediation, Facilitation and Dialogue Processes;• Security Arrangements (with an emphasis on...

  • 20 يونيو 2022

    Cairo, Egypt | 12-19 June 2022Cairo, Egypt | 12-19 June 2022 - 

    The third and final round of negotiations between the Joint House...

  • 19 يونيو 2022

    The Secretary-General strongly condemned on Sunday, an attack in Kidal, a city in northern Mali, against a convoy of UN peacekeepers that claimed the life of a blue helmet.

  • 19 يونيو 2022

    New York, 20 June 2022

    Around the world, 222 million children are having their education cruelly interrupted.

    Their dreams for the future are snatched away by conflicts, displacement and climate disasters.

    In the face of these crises, the UN’s fund for education in emergencies — Education Cannot Wait — is standing with children...

  • 19 يونيو 2022

    New York, 20 June 2022

    On World Refugee Day, we reflect on the courage and resilience of those fleeing war, violence, and persecution – and we recognize the compassion of those who welcome them.

    Today, the global refugee population is at a record high.

  • 19 يونيو 2022

    Mogadishu – The horrors of what happened that day still haunt Marian Osman Ali*.

    Ms. Ali and her children live in the Tufah camp...

  • 19 يونيو 2022

    Mogadishu – Marking the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the UN in Somalia today urged that the legal and...

  • 19 يونيو 2022

    In Colombia, decades of violence and armed conflict created significant obstacles to human development and sustainable peace. To encourage the private sector to move back into hard-hit areas, the UN is financing an innovative project that is supporting local businesses and providing sorely needed job opportunities.

  • 18 يونيو 2022

    New York, 19 June 2022

    Sexual violence in conflict is a tactic of war and repression that terrorizes populations, destroys lives and fractures communities.

    Perpetrators rarely face the consequences of their actions. Instead, it is the survivors who carry the burden of stigma and trauma throughout their lives, often doubly brutalized by harmful social norms and victim-blaming.

    On this International Day for the...

  • 18 يونيو 2022

    Garowe – Hosh Jama Farah says there is nothing particularly special or different about him. He insists he is just a young Somali trying to better himself, provide for his...

  • 18 يونيو 2022

    After two decades of dictatorship, The Gambia is on the road towards democracy and respect for human rights, The UN is working closely with the government on this journey, a process that involves facing up to the country’s violent past.

  • 17 يونيو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.
    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo visits North Macedonia 

    Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo embarked on a visit to the Western Balkans this week. Speaking at the Prespa Forum Dialogue in Ohrid, North Macedonia, on 16 June, USG DiCarlo pointed to the impact of the war in Ukraine on international peace and security to highlight the need for a renewed effort to agree on more effective collective security responses. She also spoke on the importance of women in governance at a panel discussion on 17 June, underlining that women’s leadership and gender equality should be at the core of peace and security discussion. The Under-Secretary-General also met, among other leaders, North Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. From North Macedonia she will travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

    DPPA Donor Visit to Dakar 

    On 14-15 June, DPPA conducted a visit to the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) in Dakar, Senegal, giving supporters of its Multi-Year Appeal the chance see first-hand its work on the ground with other UN entities and regional organizations. The visit saw the participation of 22 Member States and included discussions with partners such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on regional cooperation in the areas of conflict prevention and sustaining peace.  

    Security Council

    Yemen envoy: “The truce offers a rare opportunity to pivot towards peace that should not be lost" 

    Hans Grundberg, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, briefed the Security Council on 14 June. He noted that the truce in Yemen continues to hold in military terms, and there has been a significant reduction in civilian casualties. He also shared his plan to initiate negotiations on the economic and security tracks, geared toward a political settlement that meets the Yemenis' aspirations.  

    Read full remarks here 

    UN News on the briefing here 

    La Lime: “It is essential that Haiti remain at the forefront of the international community’s agenda” 

    Reporting on 17 June on the situation in Haiti, including on increasing levels criminality and violence, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and Head of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) Helen La Lime appealed for immediate assistance for the country’s national police. “It is essential that Haiti remains at the forefront of the international community’s agenda, and that national authorities receive the assistance they need to address these inter-connected challenges.” She also called on Member States to provide greater support towards Haiti’s efforts to address prolonged political uncertainty in the country.

    Read full remarks here 

    UN News on the briefing here 


    General Assembly hears about Myanmar’s multidimensional crises 

    On 13 June, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Noeleen Heyzer briefed the General Assembly’s informal meeting on Myanmar. She said that the political crisis unleashed on 1 February 2021 has resulted in collapsing state institutions, significantly disrupting critical social and economic infrastructures, while increasing criminality and illicit activities. Armed conflict has now become the norm, she said, and distrust among stakeholders has only deepened.  

    Read the full remarks here


    Lyons stresses that UNAMA’s presence is necessary 

    Special Representative of the Secretary-General Deborah Lyons completed her assignment in Afghanistan on 15 June. In her farewell message, she reiterated that the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) will remain as a credible observer and reporter on events on the ground and a reliable link between the Afghan people, the de facto authorities, and the international community. She said that the best hope lies in an engagement strategy that demonstrates to the de facto authorities that it is possible to construct a policy that is both inclusive and Islamic.  

    Read more here 

    Markus Potzel of Germany appointed as Deputy Special Representative in Afghanistan  

    On 17 June, Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Markus Potzel of Germany as his new Deputy Special Representative (Political) for Afghanistan in UNAMA, succeeding Mette Knudsen of Denmark. Mr. Potzel brings to the position over 27 years of experience in diplomacy and international cooperation, including most recently his service as Ambassador of Germany to Afghanistan. 

    Read more here 

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA Diplomacy Academy Training Seminars for Youth  

    In June 2022, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) continued its work with young people from Central Asia and Afghanistan as a part of the Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) initiative. The second online seminar was organized on 14 June, jointly with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), on countering violent extremism and terrorism in Central Asia. The attendees learned about the assistance UNRCCA and UNOCT and international and regional organizations provides and discussed the role of youth in implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the Joint Plan of Action for Central Asia. 

    Read more here


    Capacity building workshop on combating money laundering and terrorism financing 

    On 13-15 June, UNRCCA in partnership with the UNOCT and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (AEG) organized two back-to-back capacity building workshops for Kyrgyz nationals on the implementation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendation 8. International experts shared their knowledge and best practices on the implementation of the Recommendation 8, and the participants agreed to continue an open dialogue to improve cooperation between authorities and non-profit organizations.  

    Read more here


    Maritime border delineation between Lebanon and Israel 

    Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka met on 13 June with United States Senior Advisor for Energy Security Amos Hochstein, who was in Beirut to resume his mediation efforts for a negotiated solution to the delineation of the maritime boundary between Lebanon and Israel. “The UN is committed to supporting an agreed and mutually beneficial delineation of the maritime boundary between Lebanon and Israel,” the Special Coordinator said after the meeting. She also discussed the issue this week with Lebanese constitutional leaders and reiterated that the UN is ready to contribute to the ongoing efforts that aim at moving the negotiations forward as requested by the parties and within its capacity and mandate. 


    Head of the UNMHA briefs on the situation in the Hydaydah 

    Following his briefing to the Security Council in closed consultation on 14 June, Head of the UN Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) General Michel Beary briefed the media the next day at UN headquarters on the current situation in Hudaydah and the challenges his mission faces.  

    Watch the news conference here


    UNITAMS discusses protection of civilians in Darfur  

    Volker Perthes, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), held a meeting on 12 June with Regional Governor of Darfur Mini Arko Minawi to discuss security arrangements and protection of civilians in Darfur. On 15 June, UNITAMS Head of Regional Office in Darkur Abimbola Aina met with a group of women’s rights defenders in Elfasher, North Darfur, and listened to their views on protection of civilians and women’s participation in the democratic transition process.  

    Great Lakes region

    OSESG-GL co-organizes ministerial conference on enhancing judicial cooperation   

    On 16 June, the second Ministerial Conference on Enhancing Judicial Cooperation took place in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, co-organized by the UN Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes (OSESG-GL), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, and the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law. The meeting discussed the challenges of cross-border collaboration between criminal justice actors across the Great Lakes region and a way forward to address them.  


    Craft and enterprise fair promotes peacebuilding in Catatumbo region 

    In Ocaña, a town and municipality in the Department of Norte de Santander, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia and the local authorities of the Catatumbo region, one of the most affected by violence in Colombia, held a trade fair for products and enterprises of people in the process of reintegration, victims of the armed conflict, women's groups and migrant population. The fair, held on 11 and 12 June, brought together 40 productive initiatives that exhibited their products in the central public park of the municipality.  


    4th Annual Strategic Dialogue with PBF donors 

    The Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Peacebuilding Support (PBSO), Elizabeth Spehar, concluded the 4th Annual Strategic Dialogue that took place this week in The Hague, hosted by the Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The top twelve donors of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) and other partners were present. The meeting resulted in a strong endorsement of the Fund's direction of current priorities and commitment to more and better peacebuilding financing. Participants noted that UN values should be upheld through peacebuilding efforts, and further encouragement and commitments to collaborate on measuring and communicating its impact should be made. Strong advocacy for PBF’s role in bolstering the role of Resident Coordinators, UN Country Teams as envisioned in the UN reforms was also discussed. Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the African Union and Head of UN Office to the African Union (UNOAU) and Barbara Manzi, UN Resident Coordinator in Burkina Faso provided perspectives from Africa, where they underscored the ASG's call to not neglect countries in crises in Africa or elsewhere. Brian Williams, PBSO’s Financing for Peacebuilding Chief, explained the PBF's new efforts and agreed to further facilitate discussions within the UN system on how to further improve support to local actors. 


    Next Week

    On 23 June, the Security Council will hear a briefing on Afghanistan by Deputy Special Representative, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Ramiz Alakbarov.

    On 24 June, the Peacebuilding Commission will hold an ambassadorial-level meeting on 1) the activities of the PBF, 2) Report by Country Specific Configurations Chair, and 3) Follow-up to the PBC retreat in the UN HQ Conference room 1 at 10AM EDT.  


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 16 يونيو 2022

    Amid the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Haiti, discussions about the country’s future governance remain deadlocked, UN Special Representative Helen La Lime said in a briefing to the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 16 يونيو 2022

    One-third of Sudan’s population, or 15 million people, are facing acute food insecurity, according to a new assessment released on Thursday by the World Food Programme (WFP). 

  • 16 يونيو 2022

    A UN-partnered bid to address the use of explosive weapons in towns and cities took a further step forward on Thursday, as Member States prepared to gather in Geneva to examine a concrete new plan of action.