مرحبا بكم في الأمم المتحدة

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 2 يونيو 2022

    Strengthening accountability and justice for serious violations of international law, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, was the focus of debate in the UN Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 2 يونيو 2022

    A truce between the Government in Yemen and Houthi rebels has been renewed for an additional two months, UN Special Envoy for the country Hans Grundberg announced on Thursday. 

  • 2 يونيو 2022

    Baidoa – It was December 2009, and Ilyas Abdilatif Sheikh Yusuf was in a fine mood.

    After seven years of arduous study, he found himself at the Shamu Hotel, in Mogadishu, to mark his...

  • 1 يونيو 2022

    Secretary-General António Guterres has strongly condemned a deadly attack on Wednesday against a UN Peacekeeping logistics convoy near the town of Kidal in northern Mali.  

  • 1 يونيو 2022

    Russia’s continued invasion of Ukraine is causing immense suffering and devastation there, but also creating a “perfect storm” which could devastate the economies of “many developing countries”, the UN chief warned on Wednesday.

  • 1 يونيو 2022

    In Ukraine, nearly 100 days since the Russian invasion, at least two children have been killed every day with many more injured, UN humanitarians said on Wednesday, the International Day for Protection of Children.

  • 1 يونيو 2022

    @UN Photo/Mark Garten

    The Secretary-General had a phone call today with H.E. Mr. Rashed Al-...

  • 31 مايو 2022

    © UNICEF/Seyba Keïta - Education is seen as the key solution to the multiple crises in the Sahel.

  • 31 مايو 2022

    The recent resurgence of the M23 armed group in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) constitutes a serious threat to peace, security and stability in the region, and urgent action towards curbing the violence is needed, a senior UN official told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 31 مايو 2022

    Baidoa– Accompanying Somalia’s newly-appointed drought envoy on his first field visit today, the United...

  • 31 مايو 2022

    The UNRCCA within its Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) initiative organized two online training seminars in May 2022 for forty-two youth representatives from Central Asian...

  • 31 مايو 2022

    Business development | UNIDO helps promote Somali businesses in...

  • 31 مايو 2022

    A young Cambodian woman says it is her dream to help remove all land mines from the south of Lebanon and improve living conditions for all people living under the threat of death or injury.

  • 30 مايو 2022

    The Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions (GID), UN Representative Cihan Sultanoğlu, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Viorel Moșanu, and EU Special Representative Toivo Klaar are currently undertaking a round of consultations with all GID participants starting on 30 May. These consultations are primarily aimed at exchanging views on recent developments related to security and humanitarian issues on the ground and to permit the Co-Chairs to gain a comprehensive understanding of the positions of the participants. They will focus as well on the timing and modalities of the next GID round.

  • 30 مايو 2022

    There is an “urgent need” to support the victims of sexual exploitation and abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) according to a local organization which works on the issue with the UN peacekeeping mission in the country, MONUSCO.

  • 29 مايو 2022


    The United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) and Amani Africa, invite you to a high-level panel discussion in commemoration...

  • 29 مايو 2022


    The United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) and Amani Africa, invite you to a high-level panel discussion in commemoration of the...

  • 29 مايو 2022

    Women are often “placed second or even ignored” when they are employed as corrections officers in prisons and other detention centres, according to Téné Maimouna Zoungrana, an officer from Burkina Faso serving with the UN Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). 

  • 28 مايو 2022

    New York, 29 May 2022

    Today, we honour the more than one million women and men who have served as United Nations peacekeepers since 1948.

    We pay tribute to the nearly 4,200 heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives in the cause of peace.

    And we are reminded of an age-old truth: peace can never be taken for granted.

  • 28 مايو 2022

    New York - On 26 May 2022, the Secretary-General held a phone call with H.E. Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The Secretary-General...

  • 28 مايو 2022

    28 May 2022, The first meeting of the parties' military coordination committee under the truce convenes under the auspices of the UN Special Envoy (Photo: OSESGY/Abdel...

  • 28 مايو 2022

    AMMAN, 28 May 2022 – UN Special Envoy, Hans Grundberg, concluded today an initial round of discussions in Amman, Jordan, with the parties on options to...

  • 28 مايو 2022

    “I am deeply concerned about the spiraling cycle of violence that has taken too many Palestinian and Israeli lives in recent weeks.

    As we approach 29 May, I call upon all sides to exercise maximum restraint and make wise decisions to avoid another violent conflict that will only claim more lives. The message of the international community is clear to avoid such an escalation.


  • 27 مايو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Digital technologies: Council considers benefits and risks for peace and security 

    Briefing the Council on 23 May on technology and security, Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, said digital technologies have created fresh possibilities for the UN’s peace and security work. However, advances in technology have also created significant new risks and can affect conflict dynamics for the worse, including using lethal autonomous weapons, technology to target civilian infrastructure, and social media to fuel violence and spread disinformation. DiCarlo stressed that more must be done to advance, elaborate and implement a normative framework to ensure responsible behavior in cyberspace.   

    To read her remarks to the Council, click here

    Swan: “Let us work together to capitalize on this moment of opportunity for Somalia” 

    James Swan, Special Representative and Head of the UN Support Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), during his briefing to the Council on 23 May, said the conclusion of Somalia’s electoral process the past week is a major milestone for the country. The Presidential contest followed an unduly protracted and contentious process to choose members of the legislature. Once the Senators and Members of Parliament were sworn in on 14 April 2022, however, they moved quickly to prepare for the Presidential vote. The new President was elected and sworn in on 15 May, and the outcome has been fully accepted. Speaking about the humanitarian situation in Somalia, Swan warned that following the failure of a fourth consecutive rainy season, the number of people affected by the drought has risen to 6.1 million.  

    To read his remarks, click here  

    Finding a negotiated exit to the crisis in Sudan should not be undermined 

    Time is short for Sudan to reach a solution to its protracted political crisis, Volker Perthes, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) told Council members on 24 May. He warned that if the impasse is not urgently overcome, the consequences will be felt beyond national borders, impacting a whole generation. “The crisis facing Sudan is entirely homegrown and can only be resolved by the Sudanese,” he added. In his briefing, Perthes called on the military leadership and the Sovereignty Council to release the remaining detainees, cease arbitrary arrests, and lift the state of emergency without limitations. “It is time for all violence to end,” he stressed.  

    To read his full remarks, click here  

    Wennesland: “There are tangible, ongoing arrangements that can be regularized and expanded immediately – if there is political will” 

    Tor Wennesland, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, told the Council on 26 May that there has been a familiar pattern of daily violence in recent weeks, including armed clashes, settlement expansion, evictions, demolitions, and seizures of Palestinian structures, as well as a deadly terrorist attack in Israel. In Gaza, he said, efforts by the UN and international partners to improve Palestinian lives and measures by Israel to ease pressure and facilitate more economic activity have enabled the fragile ceasefire to continue. Keeping the calm, however, is neither enough nor sustainable – more needs to be done to alleviate the humanitarian crisis and lift Israeli closures. “These dynamics – combined with the financial crisis – are dangerously converging and intensifying,” he warned.

     To read his remarks, click here  

    DiCarlo: Coordinated and constructive effort is required to prevent further polarization and end the political stalemate in Libya 

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Council on 26 May on the situation in Libya, voicing concern about the protracted political impasse, which is having an increasingly negative impact on security. “It is imperative that the ceasefire in Libya be maintained, calm preserved and any steps that could result in renewed violence be avoided,” she said. DiCarlo urged all parties to uphold their commitment to the peaceful resolution of political differences through dialogue and negotiations. It is also critical that Libyan political and security actors continue to engage constructively in the upcoming Cairo talks in support of the electoral/constitutional track. “This is the only way to fulfill the aspirations of the Libyan people to select their representatives through the ballot box,” she stressed.  

    To read her remarks, click here 

    Council members renew UNSOM and UNAMI mandates

    On 26 May, the Security Council adopted resolution 2631(2022) renewing the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq until 31 May 2023. The Council also extended the mandate of UNSOM until 31 October 2022, adopting resolution 2632 (2022).  

    Central Africa

    UNOCA takes part in UNSAC symposium on peace and security

    François Louncény Fall, Special Representative and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) participated in a symposium marking 30 years of theUN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC) on 23 May in Yaoundé, Cameroon. In his remarks, Special Representative Fall highlighted that the regular consultations between UNSAC member countries have become an essential pillar of the peace and security architecture of Central Africa, especially the ministerial meetings that are held twice a year. The next ministerial meeting will take place from 30 May – 4 June.  

    Read more here 

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative Annadif discusses prevention on violent extremism 

    On 23 May, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Mission in West Africa and the Sahel, participated in the 4th Regional Seminar on the Defense and Security Forces organized by the Center for Advanced Defense and Security Studies (CHEDS). He spoke on the adaptation of political frameworks for the prevention of violent extremism. 



    Special Envoy meets Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad 

    Geir Pedersen, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria, was in Damascus on 22 May, where he met with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad. They discussed a range of issues related to the implementation of Security Council resolution 2254 (2015), including the serious socioeconomic and humanitarian challenges affecting the Syrian people.  


    Special Coordinator Wronecka underlines need for solidarity following elections 

    Following the conduct of parliamentary elections on 15 May, Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka held a round of meetings this week with Lebanon’s religious leaders. The talks with the Grand Mufti of the Republic Sheikh Abdel-Latif Derian, Greek Orthodox Archbishop Elias Audeh, Deputy Head of the Higher Shiite Council Sheikh Ali Al-Khatib and Jaafarite Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Qabalan focused on the need to respond to the Lebanese people’s urgent needs through functioning and effective state institutions. The discussions also highlighted the need for wise leadership and quick decision-making to steer Lebanon towards urgent reforms. 

    New women parliamentarians to put women’s issues across Lebanon’s priority agendas 

    On 27 May, Special Coordinator Wronecka met seven of the eight women elected to the 128-member Parliament in Lebanon. Congratulating them on their election, the Special Coordinator hoped their presence in Parliament would encourage additional involvement of women in political decision-making in Lebanon, particularly at this juncture of the country’s history where important reforms that will shape the country’s future are expected to be implemented. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss ways of working together on short-term and longer-term objectives aimed at putting Lebanon back on track and meeting the Lebanese people’s needs. The participants agreed that women’s issues should not be perceived only from the lens of women’s rights, but as a cross-cutting issue in all of Lebanon’s priority agendas.


    Special Envoy Grundberg consults Yemenis on multitrack peace process design and priorities

    The Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, met on 22 May with a diverse group of Yemeni women peace activists, experts, civil society and private sector actors and other leaders as part of his efforts to consult on the framework for the multi-track peace process. On 24 May, he concluded a two-day meeting with Yemeni economic experts from diverse backgrounds to consult the same, where the participants underlined the momentum provided by the truce on economic issues and identified opportunities for incentivizing further progress. 

    Read more on the 22 May meeting here 

    Read more on the 23-24 May meeting here 

    Ongoing negotiations on implementation and prospects of truce renewal   

    On 25 May, representatives of the Government of Yemen and Ansar Allah started the negotiations under UN auspices in Amman to agree on opening roads in Taiz and other governorates. The Special Envoy, Hans Grundberg, called on the parties to negotiate in good faith to urgently reach an agreement that facilitates freedom of movement and improved conditions for civilians. The current 2-month truce agreement is to end on 2 June. More than 1,000 passengers have travelled since the truce, and the frequency of flights is increasing.   

    Read more here 


    UN-facilitated dialogue in Erbil 

    Heads and senior representatives of political parties in the Kurdistan Region met on 26 May at the UN compound in Erbil at the invitation of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNAMI Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert thanked the parties for participating and urged continued and stepped-up efforts to tackle the challenges of the region. 


    Special Representative Lyons calls for inclusive governance and upholding rights of all Afghans 

    Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), was in Kandahar on 22 May and in Mazar on 23 May, meeting with women leaders and Taliban representatives. She stressed the importance of building domestic legitimacy through inclusive governance, a genuine reconciliation process and upholding the rights of all Afghans, especially the right of girls to attend school. 

    Central Asia 

    UNRCCA co-organizes regional training course on preventing violent extremism and countering terrorism 

    On 24-25 May in Doha, Qatar, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and its International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter-Terrorism, organized the training course “Application of Behavioural Insights in Preventing Violent Extremism and Countering Terrorism Programming in Implementing National Strategies and Action Plans of the Central Asian States.” Participants discussed political and security developments in the region and their implications on counter-terrorism efforts. The training also touched upon more specific areas, such as approaches leveraging behavioural science and behavioural insights for preventing violent extremism and countering terrorism.  

    Read more here  

    UNRCCA capacity building workshop non-profit organizations financing  

    On 23-25 May, UNRCCA, in partnership with UNOCT and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG), organized a capacity building workshop on implementation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendation 8 for Tajik authorities and civil society representatives in Dushanbe. The FATF Recommendation 8 refers to the requirement for countries to review the adequacy of laws and regulations relate to non-profit organizations that can be abused for the financing of terrorism. The national workshop provided an opportunity to share best regional and international practice regarding the implementation of the Recommendation.  

    Read more here 


    Special Envoy meets with ASEAN Chair 

    Special Envoy Noeleen Heyzer was at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week. In her latest discussion with Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia in his capacity as the Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Special Envoy reiterated the importance of aligning regional efforts with ground realities and support towards a Myanmar-led process that reflects the needs and will of the people.  In this connection, she highlighted a visit to Myanmar would be consistent with her commitment to actively consult all stakeholders in the hope of delivering concrete outcomes to benefit the people of Myanmar.

    Virtual brownbag on DPPA Strategic Plan 

    On 26 May, DPPA carried out a department-wide internal consultation as it embarked on the drafting of its next Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. Through an inclusive and participatory process, the Plan will be developed to help us better define our priorities and how best we can play our role in implementing our mandates for the next four years. More than 100 staff participated in the discussion. Another session is to take place on 8 June.  


    ASG Spehar discusses climate security in Stockholm 

    Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar, together with a small DPPA team, participated in the Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, co-hosted by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. She spoke in two panel discussions, including Integrating climate security in Somalia and the potential role of the UN Peacebuilding Commission and overcoming financial barriers to women’s climate security action. DPPA engaged in meetings with the Swedish Secretary of State for international development cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs key partners, SIPRI Director, current and incoming chair of SIPRI, Director-General of Folke Bernadotte Academy, on the sideline of the Forum to discuss the strong partnership and support from Sweden to the UN Peacebuilding architecture, its prevention and climate security offer and tools. Additional meetings were held with the Director-General of Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, civil society organizations, youth and women’s activists to discuss local peacebuilding support and opportunities, including under the Peacebuilding Fund’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative. 

    Next Week

    Albania will take over the presidency of the Security Council for the month of June.  

    The Peacebuilding Commission will discuss the impact of climate change on peacebuilding in the Pacific Islands. For the first time, the Commission will visit the field through a cinematic 360° virtual reality experience: Sea of Islands, developed by DPPA's Innovation Cell. 




    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 26 مايو 2022


    Israelis and Palestinians must push beyond the paradigm of managing the conflict and move towards resolving it, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council on Thursday, as he expressed particular concern that dynamics in the occupied West Bank could spiral out of control “at any time”.

  • 26 مايو 2022

    Despite UN efforts, political, economic and security deadlock continues in Libya, the UN political affairs chief told the Security Council on Thursday, adding that human rights there have also deteriorated.

  • 26 مايو 2022

    Madam President


    Thank you for the opportunity to brief the Security Council on the latest developments in Libya.


    Since my last briefing to the Council on 19 April, the deadlock on the political, security and economic fronts has persisted, despite the best efforts of the United Nations to facilitate agreement among Libyan actors. Also, the human rights situation has deteriorated.


    We are concerned that the protracted political impasse is having an increasingly negative impact on security, as shown by the clashes in Tripoli last week.


    Madam President,


    Special Adviser Williams convened a second round of consultations of the Joint Committee of the House of Representatives and High State Council in Cairo from 15 - 20 May. The two delegations met in a positive and constructive atmosphere and reviewed the 2017 Constitutional Draft.

    The delegations reached agreement on 137 of 197 articles in the following areas: the form and nature of the state; basic rights and freedoms, including women rights; the structure and powers of a bicameral Parliament; and some of the prerogatives of the President and Prime Minister.


    The progress achieved during this second round of talks is commendable. Members have agreed to reconvene in Cairo beginning on 11 June under UN auspices and hosted by the Government of Egypt. 


    The objective of this third and final round is to reach consensus on outstanding issues to finalize the constitutional arrangements for the holding of national elections on the earliest possible date. In the interim, the delegations have pledged to continue consultations with their respective Chambers.  


    Meanwhile, national and international stakeholders are expressing concern over the continued impasse in the executive.


    Special Adviser Williams has continued to engage with Mr. Dbeibah and Mr. Bashagha to encourage dialogue. She is urging them to avoid provocative acts or negative rhetoric to keep the country from plunging back into conflict.

    The Special Adviser has also held meetings with members of the Presidency Council, who expressed their intention to continue working on a national reconciliation process with support from the African Union and the United Nations.


    UNSMIL and UNDP are providing technical expertise on the draft law on national reconciliation and transitional justice. In addition, they are helping with the development of a national online platform to gather civil society proposals for national reconciliation.


    Madam President,


    While the ceasefire reached in 2020 continues to hold, the security situation remains fragile.


    In the early hours of 17 May, Mr. Bashagha entered Tripoli, backed by armed groups. Clashes in and around the city with armed groups supporting Mr. Dbeibah ensued, lasting for several hours. The fighting left one armed group member dead, a policeman injured and several buildings damaged.


    Following mediation by local actors and outreach by the 5+5 Joint Military Commission, Mr. Bashagha was escorted out of Tripoli.


    While fighting has ceased, the situation remains tense. Tripoli-based armed groups supporting either Mr. Dbeibah or Mr. Bashagha remain in a state of high alert.


    On a positive note, I am pleased to report that on 23-24 May, the eastern and western delegations of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission met in Spain for the first time since the eastern delegation suspended its activities at the end of February.


    On the margins of the DDR meeting on Libya hosted by the Spanish Government, Special Advisor Williams met with the 5+5 Joint Military Commission discussed the implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement and expressed their readiness to resume their activities upon returning to Libya


    Madam President,


    As reported during my last briefing, the reluctance of the Government of National Unity to pay the Libyan National Army’s salaries for the first quarter of 2022 led elements affiliated with the LNA to close several oil fields and ports, cutting the country’s daily oil output in half.


    Following Special Adviser Williams’ intercession with the GNU, the outstanding salaries were paid. Oil production, however, has yet to return to normal.

    On 11 May, Mr. Dbeibah confirmed that he would authorize regular monthly payments for LNA salaries. We hope that this contentious and recurring issue has now been resolved.


    Meanwhile, the Economic Working Group of the Berlin Process has been crafting a revenue management mechanism to overcome the disagreement over the control and use of public funds.


    The mechanism would consist of a short-term financing facility to fund the National Oil Corporation and other specific priorities, including salaries, subsidies, essential government operations and expenditures. This mechanism could ease competition for resources and improve accountability.


    Efforts also continue towards the reunification of the Central Bank of Libya, with the help of independent experts. The Bank’s Governor and Deputy Governor held the third steering committee meeting on the Bank’s reunification and reform in Istanbul on 24 April. They will meet again in September to review progress and activate the Board of Directors.


    Madam President,


    The human rights situation in Libya remains a source of great concern.


    In the first week of May, Libyan security agencies launched a new wave of arrests of young people for alleged crimes against “Libyan culture and values”. 


    Security agencies were accused of posting on social media a so-called video “confession” and photos of those arrested. This was seen as a form of intimidation during the preliminary stages of investigation.


    Restrictions persist on the work of civil society organisations, including women’s rights groups, accused of violating quote “the principles and values of Libyan society” end quote.


    We remain concerned by the continued detention on these grounds of nine civil society and social activists who had peacefully exercised their right to freedom of expression. Some of the nine have been in detention for six months.


    On 10 May, Special Adviser Williams travelled to Tarhouna, where she visited the sites of mass graves and met with families of victims who disappeared between 2012 and 2020. The perpetrators of these horrific crimes have yet to be brought to justice.


    The situation of people internally displaced in Libya, including those displaced because of forced evictions, remains highly precarious. To cite just one instance, on 3 May, 477 displaced Tawergha families, totalling over 2,000 individuals, were forcibly evicted from two camps in Tripoli.


    Equally worrying are the continued campaigns by the authorities of mass arrests and detention of undocumented foreign nationals and migrants in urban settings in the western region.


    As of 8 May, 1,717 persons were detained in centres run by the Directorate for Combatting Illegal Migration. Some 5,000 other migrants and refugees are being arbitrarily detained in inhumane conditions in both regular and unofficial detention centers.


    Madam President,


    It is imperative that the ceasefire in Libya be maintained, calm preserved and any steps that could result in renewed violence be avoided. We must urge all parties to uphold their commitment to the peaceful resolution of political differences through dialogue and negotiations.


    It is also critical that Libyan political and security actors look beyond their personal interests and continue to engage constructively in the upcoming Cairo talks in support of the electoral/constitutional track. This is the only way to fulfil the aspirations of the Libyan people to select their representatives through the ballot box.


    The United Nations will spare no effort to support the Libyan people in building a noble and peaceful country, including through the continued provision of good offices and mediation.


    Madam President,


    The Security Council has been at Libya’s side on its journey out of conflict and towards peace and stability. The path has not always been smooth. But Council support and attention have proved invaluable in keeping a political process alive.


    Today, a coordinated and constructive effort is required to prevent further polarization and end the political stalemate. At a time of aggravated global turmoil, Council and international unity on the need for peace in Libya is especially important. It is what Libyans deserve. It is what the world needs.   


    Thank you.


  • 26 مايو 2022

    The United Nations paid tribute to the men and women serving under its flag in some of the most dangerous places in the world during a ceremony in New York on Thursday to mark the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.

  • 26 مايو 2022

    Every day, United Nations peacekeepers work to protect millions of vulnerable people in increasingly dangerous places in the world’s most fragile political contexts.

  • 26 مايو 2022

    Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefs the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. (26...

  • 26 مايو 2022

    Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefs the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. (26 May 2022)

  • 26 مايو 2022

    The UN Syria Commission of Inquiry said on Thursday that not extending current cross-border aid to Syria along the remaining route, would be a “failure of the highest order”. The warning to the Security Council comes as humanitarian needs throughout Syria are at their highest, since the start of the devastating 11-year war.

  • 26 مايو 2022

    The Secretary-General condemns the recent attacks in Afghanistan, including on passenger vehicles in Mazar-e-Sharif City and the Masjid Sharif Hazrat Zakaria mosque in Kabul City, which have...

  • 25 مايو 2022

    Esencias de La Montaña is a startup led by former women FARC combatants and the community of La Plancha in Anorí, Antioquia. The French and Norwegian embassies,...

  • 25 مايو 2022

    Conflict continues to inflict “widespread civilian death and injury” a senior UN official told the Security Council on Wednesday, outlining the “grim reality” for those caught up in the crossfire of war.

  • 25 مايو 2022

    The attempted destruction of Ukraine’s historic culture by invading Russian forces, will have a devastating impact on the pace of recovery in the post-war era, an independent UN human rights expert warned on Wednesday. 

  • 25 مايو 2022

    Governments must take greater action to ensure school remains a safe place for boys and girls, the head of the UN children’s agency, UNICEF, said on Wednesday, following the latest deadly school shooting in the United States. 

  • 25 مايو 2022

    The members of the Security Council welcomed the holding of legislative elections in Lebanon as scheduled on 15 May 2022, despite challenging circumstances. These elections were key to enabling the...

  • 25 مايو 2022

    Amman, 25 May 2022 - As part of the implementation of the truce, representatives of the Government of Yemen and Ansar Allah are starting the...

  • 25 مايو 2022

    Dushanbe, Tajikistan

    On 23-25 May, UNRCCA in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism...

  • 25 مايو 2022

    On 24-25 May, UNRCCA in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and its International Hub on Behavioural Insights...

  • 25 مايو 2022

    New York, 25 May 2022

    Africa is a home for hope. On Africa Day, we celebrate the enormous promise and potential of this diverse and dynamic continent.

    The prospects on the horizon are bright – from Africa’s growing and vibrant youth population, to initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area, the Decade of Women’s Financial and Economic Inclusion, and the African Union’s...

  • 24 مايو 2022

    Time is short for Sudan to reach a solution to its protracted political crisis, the Special Representative for the country told the Security Council on Tuesday, warning that if the impasse is not urgently overcome, the consequences will be felt beyond national borders, impacting a whole generation.

  • 24 مايو 2022

    For the first time ever, a Zimbabwean peacekeeper will receive the prestigious 2021 Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award, the UN Peacekeeping Office announced on Tuesday.

  • 24 مايو 2022

    For the first time, a Zimbabwean peacekeeper has been chosen to receive the prestigious 2021 Military Gender Advocate of the Year Award, UN Peacekeeping announced on Tuesday.

  • 24 مايو 2022

    The members of the Security Council expressed deep concern regarding the increasing erosion of respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of women and girls in Afghanistan by the Taliban, including...

  • 24 مايو 2022

    Late Captain Abdelrazakh Hamit Bahar of Chad, was named on Tuesday as the recipient of United Nations Peacekeeping’s highest award, for exceptional courage, serving in Mali, which will be presented on Thursday at UN Headquarters in New York.

  • 24 مايو 2022

    OSESGY/Sulafah AlShami

    AMMAN, 24 May 2022 – The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded today a two-day meeting with Yemeni...

  • 23 مايو 2022

    The recent conclusion of the electoral process in Somalia offers a long-awaited opportunity to make progress on other urgent national priorities, the UN Special Representative for the county told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 23 مايو 2022

    While digital technologies have offered “boundless opportunities” for sustainable development, education and inclusion, the UN political chief warned on Monday that there is also a clear downside.