مرحبا بكم في الأمم المتحدة

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 23 مايو 2022

    Madam President,


    Digital technologies have profoundly transformed every facet of our societies. They offer boundless opportunities – for sustainable development; for education; for inclusion.


    Social media, for example, has transformed human rights and humanitarian advocacy, making it possible to mobilize people around the world quickly and efficiently around issues requiring urgent attention.


    They have also created fresh possibilities for our peace and security work. Technological developments have improved our ability to detect crises, to better pre-position our humanitarian stocks, and to design data-driven peacebuilding programming.


    We are using digital technologies in our work in conflict prevention, peacemaking, and peacebuilding. Allow me to share a few examples.


    Digital tools strengthen our information-gathering and early-warning capacity. In Yemen, the UN Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) has used various mapping, GIS and satellite technology tools to enhance its monitoring of the ceasefire in the Governorate. 


    They have increased our preparedness to understand, analyze and respond to crises that may have a digital dimension, and to address digital risks.  We have, for example, worked with partners to build an e-learning platform on digital risk management. 


    New technologies can be beneficial in support of political processes, particularly to promote inclusion.  In various peace negotiations, we have used artificial intelligence-assisted digital dialogues to reach out to thousands of interlocutors, to hear their views and priorities. This has been a particularly useful way to reach traditionally excluded groups, including women.


    In Libya, the UN Mission held five digital dialogues, each with over 1,000 participants. This effort increased the legitimacy of the process, as different communities saw that their voices could be heard.


    In Yemen, through digital consultations the Special Envoy engaged hundreds of women from different governorates, which provided deeper insight on the gender dimensions of the war.   


    The use of digital technologies also can improve the safety and security of our peacekeepers and civilian staff on the ground. The launch of the Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Peacekeeping presents an essential step towards this goal, and towards more effective mandate implementation – increasing early warning capacities.


    Finally, with these tools we are able to visualize information and convey data-rich analysis to support the Security Council’s decision making. Our recent virtual reality presentation to the Security Council on Colombia shows how we can bring our work on the ground to the attention of this body in new ways.


    Madam President,


    The benefits of digital technologies for the maintenance of international peace and security are manifold. However, advances in technology have also created significant new risks and can affect conflict dynamics for the worse.


    There are several areas of concern.


    The number of State- and non-State- sponsored incidents of malicious use of digital technologies for political or military ends has nearly quadrupled since 2015, according to some estimates.  Of specific concern is activity targeting infrastructure that provides essential public services, such as health and humanitarian agencies.


    Meanwhile, lethal autonomous weapons raise questions regarding human accountability for the use of force.


    The Secretary-General has made clear, machines with the power and discretion to take lives without human involvement are politically unacceptable, morally repugnant, and should be prohibited by international law.


    Also, non-state actors are becoming increasingly adept at using low-cost and widely available digital technologies to pursue their agendas. Groups such as ISIL and Al-Qaida remain active on social media, using platforms and messaging applications to share information and communicate with followers for the purposes of recruitment, planning and fundraising.


    And the increasing availability of digital payment methods such as cryptocurrencies brings additional challenges.


    Further, digital technologies have raised major human rights concerns, from artificial intelligence systems that may be discriminatory to the widespread availability of surveillance technologies that can be deployed to target communities or individuals.


    We are also concerned about the increasing use of internet shutdowns, including in situations of active conflict, which deprive communities of their means of communication, work, and political participation.


    In Myanmar, for example, internet and mobile shutdowns have grown in number and duration since the military coup on 1 February 2021, particularly in areas of military operations.


    Social media can fuel polarization and, at times, violence. The misuse of social media – and the sometimes limited or not fully adequate response of social media companies – is enabling the spread of disinformation, radicalization, racism, and misogyny.


    This can heighten tensions, and in some instances exacerbate conflict. In Ethiopia, as the fighting escalated, there was an alarming rise in social media posts spreading inflammatory rhetoric, with some going as far as inciting ethnic violence, as recognized by the Security Council in its press statement of 5 November 2021.


    We have seen how online disinformation and hate speech can result in offline harm – including violence.

    We know that disinformation can hinder the ability of our missions to implement their mandates, by exacerbating falsehoods and fueling polarization.


    We are undertaking a number of actions to mitigate these risks, driven by the Secretary-General’s Plan of Action on Hate Speech and initiatives such as Verified.


    In Iraq, for example, after reports of increased on-line harassment of women candidates in last year’s election, UNAMI partnered with civil society organizations to monitor hate-speech, issue public reports and strengthen voter education.


    Madam President,


    We must fully embrace the opportunities offered by digital technologies to advance peace. But to do this, we must also mitigate the risks that such technologies pose, and promote their responsible use by all actors.


    Through the General Assembly, Member States have made important progress in establishing a normative framework to ensure responsible behavior in cyberspace.


    Member States are also cooperating to develop and apply a range of confidence building measures to prevent conflicts, avoid misperceptions and misunderstandings, and reduce tensions.


    However, more must be done to advance, elaborate and implement this emerging normative framework.


    In his report on “Our Common Agenda”, the Secretary-General called for a Global Digital Compact that would outline shared principles for an “open, free and secure digital future for all”.


    Together with other aspects of Our Common Agenda, such as the New Agenda for Peace and the proposed Code of Conduct for Integrity in Public Information, we have a critical opportunity to build consensus on how digital technologies can be used for the good of people and the planet, while addressing their risks.


    But collective action by Member States remains essential towards this goal.


    Thank you, Madam President.



  • 22 مايو 2022

    Photo: OSESGY/ Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    AMMAN, 22 May 2022 – The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, met today with a diverse group of Yemeni women peace...

  • 21 مايو 2022

    New York, 22 May 2022

    To achieve a sustainable future for all, we need to act urgently to protect biodiversity, the web of life that connects and supports us all.  We must end our senseless and destructive war against nature.  The rate of species loss is tens to hundreds of times higher than the average of the past 10 million years – and accelerating.

    Biodiversity is...

  • 20 مايو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    DPPA hosts virtual meeting with donors

    On 18 May, DPPA met with Member States that provide voluntary funding for its work. Over 30 countries were represented.  Markus Bouillon, head of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General, thanked donors for the support they provide through the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA). He said a well-funded MYA – which is calling for $40 million this year - is crucial for the Department to sustain efforts and carry out its mandate. Delegates commended DPPA on its response to the pandemic, including how it was able to adapt its operations. They expressed interest in  DPPA’s contribution towards achieving “Our Common Agenda” as well as in the areas of innovation, new technologies and climate security.


    Click here for DPPA’s MYA Annual Report

    Security Council

    Special Representative for Iraq: “A sincere, collective and urgent will to resolve political differences must now prevail” 

    On 17 May, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), presented the Secretary-General’s latest report on key political developments and the Organization’s activities in Iraq since February. She said that there is need for predictable governance rather than constant crisis management, underlining the importance of accountability as a key feature of the State. “The neglect of the population’s most basic needs has gone on for far too long,” she said.


    Read full remarks here

    Great Lakes region

    Regional Women’s Forum in Burundi

    The third General Assembly of the Regional Women Forum of Great Lakes Africa was held on 18-20 May in Bujumbura, Burundi, in which the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region participated in. In the presence of Burundi’s First Lady Angeline Ndayishimiye, the Assembly agreed to integrate disability and girl-child targeted programs in its strategy and Action Plan. Special Envoy Huang Xia called on Member States to fast track the implementation of the revised Regional Action Plan 1325 and to integrate national plans in budgeting processes.


    UN praises electoral process and peaceful transfer of power

    James Swan, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) met on 18 May newly-elected President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in Mogadishu. The Special Representative congratulated the new President and heard about the new administration’s priorities. They also discussed how the UN can best continue to support Somalia and its people. Earlier on 16 May, the conclusion of Somalia’s presidential election was announced.


    Read more here 


    UN-facilitated Joint Committee meets in Egypt

    Stephanie Williams, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on Libya, participated in the second round of the UN-facilitated Joint Committee this week in Cairo, Egypt. Making the remarks at its launch on 15 May, she reminded members of the High Council of State and the House of Representatives that it is their “role and historical responsibility” in lifting the voices of the people that is “so critical to the unity and stability of your country, and, ultimately, the prosperity of your fellow citizens, and of future generations”.


    Her full remarks here


    Special Envoy consults diverse group of Yemeni public figures

    Hans Grundberg, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, concluded in Amman on 19 May a two-day meeting with a diverse group of Yemeni public figures. Participants discussed the implementation and extension of the truce, as well as ways to capitalize on its momentum to initiate a comprehensive political dialogue. In the coming weeks, the Special Envoy will continue his consultations with diverse Yemeni constituencies, including economic experts, civil society, women’s groups and political parties. On 16 May, he briefed the Security Council in closed consultations. Speaking to the press on 17 May, he said that "Yemenis can’t afford to go back to the pre-truce state of perpetual military escalation and political stalemate” and that he will continue to engage the parties to ensure the extension of the truce.


    Read more here


    Special Coordinator calls on political leaders to put Lebanon's interests first

    Joanna Wronecka, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon, congratulated Lebanon on the conduct of parliamentary elections on 15 May. She urged the country’s political leaders to put Lebanon’s interests first and engage constructively to ensure there will be no vacuum nor paralysis in much-needed institutional decision-making.


    Read more here


    Special Representative meets representatives from the US and Kuwait  

    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met on 16 May with Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Permanent Representative to the UN and discussed the importance of renewing UNAMI's mandate which currently runs through 27 May 2022. On 18 May, Hennis-Plasschaert was joined by Charge d’affaires Bader AlMunayekh of Kuwait where they discussed Kuwait’s strong support of the work and efforts of UNAMI, and the willingness to strengthen this partnership even further. 

    UNAMI facilitates dialogue on countering hate speech

    The UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, and Danielle Bell, Chief of UNAMI’s Human Rights Office jointly facilitated a dialogue on countering hate speech, discrimination and marginalization on 17 May in Baghdad. The event brought together 19 representatives from different communities as well as civil society organizations, journalists, the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights, the Iraq Bar Association and Communications and Media Commission. 


    Read more here



    Climate security and the Peacebuilding Fund: Virtual visit to the Pacific

    To highlight the impact of the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF)’s support on climate security, the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) organized a virtual partners “visit” to its climate security project in the Pacific. The meeting chaired by the UN Resident Coordinator in Fiji, included the UN Resident Coordinator for Micronesia, representatives from the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Ministers and Vice-Ministers from the Governments of Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Republic of Marshall Islands, the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretariat, and local civil society. Representatives from over 15 Member States and PBF donors engaged from their New York and regional offices.  UNDP and IOM are implementing the initiative with $3.2 million in PBF financing, supporting key government departments, including the Office of the President in Kiribati, the Climate Change Directorate in the Republic of Marshall Islands, and the Department of Climate Change in Tuvalu. The project supports inclusive community dialogues on links between climate change and security as well as detailed risk assessments, as the basis for an informed and joint understanding of climate-related issues. The initiative also supports the initiation of pilot community activities to address identified risks. The participants also heard community perspectives with one civil society representative spotlighting how climate-induced relocation resulted in land disputes between family members and is a growing concern in Tuvalu as severe coastal erosion forces families to relocate to safer areas inland thus creating new tensions. Meeting participants emphasized the strategic nature of the support, both in terms of knowledge generation and global awareness, but also in terms of providing concrete pilot solutions to interlinkages between climate change and land, food security and migration-related conflict. Participants called for the continuation and the expansion of the initiative and for further support from the Member States on this issue in the regional and global fora, including through the Peacebuilding Commission.

    Learn more about the project here

    Training on youth- and gender-responsive peacebuilding in Senegal

    This week, PBSO, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), UN Women, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and UNDP jointly organized an in-person training on youth- and gender-responsive peacebuilding programming in Senegal with the funding support of UNFPA. This training focused on a smaller sub-set of eight countries eligible for the Gender and Youth Promotion Initiatives (GYPI), including Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, and Sierra Leone, where the UN Country Teams have been less successful in getting projects approved the past years. The training covered different aspects of the programme cycle to help strengthen both the gender- and youth-responsiveness of projects. Participants also discussed the concept notes for the 2022 GYPI call for proposals and received feedback from peers and facilitators. The deadline for submitting concept notes for this year’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiatives is 6 June.


    See details here 

    Peacebuilding Commission meeting on Liberia 

    During an ambassadorial-level meeting convened by the Chair of the Liberia Configuration of the PBC Anna Karin Eneström on 19 May, the Government of Liberia and international partners discussed priorities for continued support, with a focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment, including eliminating gender-based violence and promoting women’s political participation in the context of the upcoming presidential and legislative elections in 2023. Following briefings by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia, the Minister of Gender, the UN Resident Coordinator, and a civil society representative, the Commission welcomed the adoption of the Revised National Gender Policy and the second National Action Plan on Women and commended Liberia for prioritizing gender equality issues, while also underlining much more needs to be done. The Commission stressed the need for greater representation of women in politics, including the importance of the 30 percent gender quota for candidate listings in the election law. Several members of the Commission made the connection between empowering women and economic development and expressed full support for the implementation of the 2018-2023 Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, which outlines targets to increase the political participation of women at the national and local levels. Several delegations called for stronger and sustained Government action as well as the continued implementation of the Anti Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Roadmap for 2020-2022. The meeting fed into preparations for a joint visit of the Configuration Chair and the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support to Liberia scheduled for 6-10 June. The recording can be accessed here.  

    PBC Chair at the UN University World Institute for Development Economics Research

    At the invitation of the UN University (UNU) World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) Conference on "The puzzle of peace – towards inclusive development in fragile contexts" held on 17 May in Helsinki, Finland, PBC Chair Rabab Fatima virtually-delivered remarks during the plenary session on conflict legacies and post-conflict recovery.  In her remarks, she stressed the need for the PBC to remain fit for purpose in the face of increasingly complex challenges to peacebuilding and to enhance its ability to ensure timely and effective responses in support of local peacebuilding priorities. Fatima stressed that adequate, predictable, and sustained financing remained a critical challenge and reiterated the Commission's commitment to further promote coherence, forge partnerships, and mobilize creative peacebuilding financing and non-financial contributions.

    See here the full text of the Chair’s remarks

    Next Week

    On Monday, 23 May, Special Representative James Swan will update the Security Council on the situation in Somalia. The Council will hear from Special Representative Volker Perthes on the situation in Sudan on Tuesday, 24 May. And on Thursday morning, 26 May, a briefing by Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland will update Council members on the situation in the Middle East and efforts to address the rising tensions in and around Jerusalem. In the afternoon, the Council will discuss the situation in Libya. 

    The 2022 Thematic Review on Local Peacebuilding, commissioned by PBSO in partnership with the PeaceNexus Foundation and UN Volunteers programme, looks at youth-led primary research in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Kyrgyzstan, and the Western Balkans to explore how ‘local’ peacebuilding is conceptualized and approached, what factors enable or inhibit the effectiveness of local-level peacebuilding interventions, and how the Peacebuilding Fund and other donors can support local actors better.  A virtual launch event of the Review will be held on 24 May from 9 to10 am EST, where a panel of local civil society activists from Central Asia, the Western Balkans and West Africa will talk about what works and does not work in local peacebuilding. Register here.

    Learn about the Review’s key findings and recommendations from this animated illustration video in EnglishFrançais, and Español.


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 20 مايو 2022

    With a scorching summer fast approaching, food prices rising and access to water and electricity limited in many parts of Syria, donors must make good on $4.3 billion in humanitarian pledges committed at last week’s Brussels funding conference, the UN’s senior humanitarian official told the Security Council on Friday.

  • 20 مايو 2022

    Cairo, Egypt |20 May 2022

    I first would like to start this meeting by first expressing my sincere gratitude to the...

  • 19 مايو 2022

    “When war is waged, people go hungry,” Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday during a debate on conflict and food security chaired by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

  • 19 مايو 2022

    A record 59.1 million people were displaced within their homelands last year, or four million more than in 2020, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Thursday, citing the latest Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID). 

  • 19 مايو 2022

    OSESGY/Alaa Malhas

    Amman, 19 May 2022 – The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded today a two...

  • 19 مايو 2022

    Mali’s decision on 15 May to withdraw from the G5-Sahel group and its Joint Force is “unfortunate” and “regrettable”, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council on Wednesday, as she urged countries in the region to redouble efforts to protect human rights, amid protracted political and security crises. 

  • 17 مايو 2022

    The top United Nations official in Iraq made an urgent appeal on Tuesday for the prompt formation of a new Government that meets the aspirations of that country’s people.

  • 17 مايو 2022

    The top United Nations official in Iraq made an urgent appeal on Tuesday for the prompt formation of a new Government that meets the aspirations of that country’s people.

  • 17 مايو 2022

    A surge in violence fuelled by heavily armed gangs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, prompted the UN rights chief on Tuesday to express her deep concern over its severe impact on human rights across the Caribbean nation.

  • 17 مايو 2022

    New York, 18 May 2022

    Today’s State of the Climate report is a dismal litany of humanity’s failure to tackle climate disruption.

    Sea level rise, ocean heat, greenhouse gas concentrations, and ocean acidification – set alarming new records in 2021.

    Global mean sea level increased at more than double the previous rate and is mainly due to accelerating loss of ice mass.

    Ocean warming also shows...

  • 17 مايو 2022

    OSESGY/Sulafah Alshami

    Thank you very much and good afternoon everyone and as you can imagine I would...

  • 17 مايو 2022

    The UN Secretary-General has called for Lebanon’s political leaders to swiftly form an inclusive government in the wake of parliamentary elections on Sunday, that can help the crisis-wracked nation implement reforms to put the country “on the path to recovery”.

  • 17 مايو 2022

    The Secretary-General congratulates Lebanon on the holding of parliamentary elections on 15 May. Despite the challenging circumstances, the authorities demonstrated their commitment to...

  • 17 مايو 2022

    United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka congratulated Lebanon on the conduct of parliamentary elections in Lebanon on Sunday 15 May that enabled the Lebanese people to exercise their...

  • 16 مايو 2022

    New York,17 May 2022

    On this World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, we focus on digital technologies for older people and healthy ageing.

    From building smarter cities to combatting age-based discrimination at the workplace, ensuring financial inclusion, safeguarding independence, and supporting millions of...

  • 16 مايو 2022

    New York, 17 May 2022

    Around the world, millions of LGBTIQ+ people continue to face injustice, simply for who they are, or whom they love.

    I am deeply concerned by continued violence, criminalization, hate speech and harassment against LGBTIQ+ people, and by new attempts to further exclude them from education, employment, healthcare, sports, and housing.

  • 16 مايو 2022

    New York - The Secretary-General welcomes the holding of peaceful presidential elections in Somalia on 15 May and congratulates Mr. Hassan Sheikh...

  • 16 مايو 2022

    TRIPOLI, 16 May 2022 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) expresses its serious concern about armed clashes yesterday, 15 May, that involved indiscriminate fire and the alleged use of...

  • 16 مايو 2022

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* congratulate Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on his election as President of the Federal Government of Somalia.  

    We thank...

  • 16 مايو 2022

    Investigators probing allegations of war crimes in the Ukraine conflict must work closely together and in compliance with international standards of forensic best practice, the UN expert on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions said on Monday. 

  • 16 مايو 2022

    The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, on Monday welcomed the resumption of commercial flights from the capital city’s main airport after six years, as a potential game changer for citizens needing lifesaving medical treatment.

  • 16 مايو 2022

    The United Nations in Somalia welcomed the conclusion of the country’s presidential election held on Sunday, praising the “positive” nature of the electoral process and peaceful transfer of power.

  • 16 مايو 2022

    Mogadishu  – The United Nations in Somalia welcomed the conclusion of the country’s presidential election today.

    “I would like to congratulate the newly-elected President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on...

  • 16 مايو 2022

    Photo: OSESGY/ Ahmed Marii

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg,...

  • 15 مايو 2022

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Sunday appealed for greater commitment to harmony and diversity one day after 10 people were killed, and three wounded, in a racist attack at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York.

  • 15 مايو 2022

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Sunday appealed for greater harmony one day after 10 people were killed, and three wounded, in a racist attack at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York.

  • 15 مايو 2022

    New York, 16 May 2022

    I send my warmest wishes to all celebrating the Day of Vesak.

    For millions of Buddhists around the world, May’s full moon represents a sacred occasion honouring the birth, enlightenment and passing of Lord Buddha.

    This year, Vesak arrives at a moment of multiplying crises – from an unequal recovery from COVID-...

  • 15 مايو 2022

    Cairo, Egypt | 15-20 May 2022

  • 15 مايو 2022

    A group of former combatants with the FARC rebel group in Colombia have been reflecting on five years of peace and community building in a locality called Tierra Grata, which translates as “pleasant land”

  • 14 مايو 2022

    Mogadishu – On the eve of Somalia’s Presidential election, international partners* call on all members of Parliament to discharge their constitutional responsibility in the best...

  • 13 مايو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    DiCarlo in Vienna

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo addressed the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), meeting in Vienna on 13 May. Speaking on behalf of Secretary-General António Guterres, the Under-Secretary-General conveyed the UN’s full support for all diplomatic initiatives to help bring an end to the crisis stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The OSCE has historically played an instrumental role in promoting peace, stability and democracy in the region since its establishment, she said, adding that Europe is not immune to escalating tension and violence. “It is in our common interest to see an OSCE that is adequately equipped to continue meeting present and future challenges,” said Ms. DiCarlo.


    Read full remarks here

    Security Council

    UN calls for complete and verifiable denuclearization of Korean Peninsula 

    Briefing the Security Council on 11 May, Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Khaled Khiari reported on the continued development and launch of missiles by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. He echoed the Secretary-General's grave concern and asked for Member States’ strengthened efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons. “The unity of the Security Council in this matter is essential to ease tensions, overcome the diplomatic impasse and avoid a negative action-reaction cycle,” he said, underscoring the Secretary-General’s commitment to working with all parties for sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


    Read full remarks here


    Special Representative Lyons calls for women’s and girl’s rights

    Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), met this week with senior Taliban officials following the de facto authority’s latest proposals concerning women’s rights. Special Representative Lyons called for women’s rights to be expanded, not curtailed; for secondary schools to reopen to girls; and for women to be able to fully participate in work and public life. On 12 May, she briefed the Security Council in closed consultations.

    Central Asia

    Special Representative Gherman addresses Public Diplomacy Forum in Tashkent

    Natalia Gherman, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) took part on 11 May in the Forum “Public Diplomacy – mutual understanding for development” jointly organized by the Parliament of Uzbekistan, the Government of Uzbekistan and the Center for Public Diplomacy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Uzbekistan. She highlighted the importance of public diplomacy in restoring trust and mutual understanding between states and peoples. Noting the cooperation between UNRCCA and SCO, she underlined the potential role of public diplomacy instruments and institutions in strengthening regional cooperation and promoting implementation of the Women, Peace and Security and Youth, Peace and Security agendas.


    Read more here

    UNRCCA launches e-learning course on human rights and counter-terrorism in Central Asia

    Ahead of the High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism, which took place on 10 and 11 May in Spain, UNRCCA and the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) launched an e-learning course on the protection and promotion of human rights and the rule of law in the context of counter-terrorism in Central Asia. For this purpose, a side event with the participation of representatives from Central Asia and other member states as well as UN entities was organized in a hybrid format. The course was developed on the basis of the Joint Plan of Action and its newly updated version endorsed by the five Central Asian states in March 2022.



    Read more here


    Special Envoy Grundberg concludes visit to Aden

    Hans Grundberg, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, concluded on 11 May a two-day visit to Aden where he met with the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Alimi, Yemeni Prime Minister, Maeen Abdulmalik, and Vice President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Tareq Saleh. They discussed the status of the truce and the tangible benefits it has delivered so far to Yemeni civilians, particularly the significant reduction in civilian casualties. Discussions also explored ways to overcome challenges particularly with regards to opening roads in Taiz and other governorates and resuming commercial flights from Sana’a airport.


    Read more here


    Special Envoy appeals to not lose focus on Syria

    Participating in the ministerial meeting of the Brussels VI Conference on 10 May, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Geir O. Pedersen reiterated his recent message to the Security Council: don’t lose focus on Syria. “It is not secret…that recent international developments, the war in Ukraine, have made that even more difficult than it was before,” he acknowledged. “But as the UN envoy, I will continue to engage all key actors... on the importance of contributing not only to alleviating suffering but to confidence-building and a political path out of this crisis”.


    Read his full remarks here


    UNAMI’s For Iraq magazine spotlights UN activities across agencies 

    The latest edition of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq’s (UNAMI) For Iraq Magazine, is out. This was published on 9 May and is available here in English and Arabic.

    Middle East

    UN Report calls for more strategic approach to addressing Palestinian situation

    On 7 May, the Office of the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) highlighted the urgency of adopting a more strategic approach to address the economic and fiscal crisis the Palestinian Authority (PA) is facing. In a report prepared for an Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) meeting in Brussels on 10 May, UNSCO urged a coordinated and integrated response to resolve the current situation. While the report notes some improvements since the last AHLC meeting in November 2021, it also stresses that economic steps alone, while essential and desperately needed, will not sustainably address the multiple crises affecting the PA.


    Read more here


    Special Adviser Williams witnesses aftermath of human rights violations in Tarhouna

    On 10 May, Stephanie Williams, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Libya, visited Tarhouna, the city 90 km southeast of Tripoli that saw mass and targeted killings under the capture of a local militia from 2012 to 2020. Thanks to the facilitation of the Association of Tarhouna Victims at the Azzaytuna University, Special Adviser Williams met with the families of the victims and survivors of gross human rights violations perpetrated by the Kaniyat armed group. She stressed the importance of ensuring full documentation of the human rights violations in Tarhouna and pledged to amplify demands for justice and accountability.


    Read more here

    Central Africa

    UNOCA discusses women’s participation in elections in Gabon

    On 10 and 13 May, the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) held a joint workshop with other UN offices in Gabon, including UN Women and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). Participants discussed opportunities for strengthening the participation of women in elections in Gabon, for a more egalitarian, peaceful and inclusive process. 


    Geospatial World Forum

    DPPA and UNAMI awarded Geospatial Excellence Award

    The 2022 Geospatial World Forum awarded a Geospatial Excellence Award to DPPA and UNAMI for the Iraq Water Security Project. The project was developed by DPPA's Middle East Division, Innovation Cell (IC) and UNAMI. It collected data from hard sensors on 25 earth orbiting satellites to measure water diminishment in Iraq at a sub-district level. The IC presented the project at the Forum, which is sponsored by the European Space Agency, the British Cartographic Society and other public and private entities and was held in Amsterdam from 9-13 May. 

    New Appointment

    Secretary-General announces new Deputy Special Representative for BINUH

    On 12 May, the Secretary-General appointed Ingeborg Ulrika Ulfsdotter Richardson of Sweden as his Deputy Special Representative for the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH). With more than 30 years of hands-on development, humanitarian and political experience, Ms. Richardson brings to the position an in-depth understanding of the Organization’s mission through her latest engagement with the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). She will also be serving as Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti.



    Read more here


    Youth, Peace and Security  

    The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) organized an ambassadorial-level meeting on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) on 10 May, calling for more action to place young people at the center of strategies for peacebuilding and conflict prevention. The Commission welcomed the perspectives shared by the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, the UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, youth representatives from El Salvador, Indonesia, Kenya, and Liberia, and the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support. The Commission took note of a written update prepared by the Department’s Peacebuilding Support Office on the implementation of the Commission’s Strategic Action Plan on youth and peacebuilding and the second report of the Secretary-General on youth, peace and security. PBC members expressed concern about the negative effects of compounded risks, including conflict and climate change, on youth. 


    Full recording of the YPS meeting can be accessed here

    ASG Spehar visits London 

    Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar held meetings in London this week with officials of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and NGO and think tank leaders. She discussed peacebuilding priorities and partnership approaches with Nick Dyer, the new FCDO Director General for Humanitarian and Development and directors of the Office for Conflict, Stabilisation and Mediation. Key areas of interest included peacebuilding impact on the ground; economic dimensions of conflict and UN-International Financial Institutions partnerships; gender responsiveness; supporting and sustaining peace processes; and ensuring integrated humanitarian, peace and development approaches. The ASG also participated in a roundtable hosted by the FCDO and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) that brought together leaders of the UK and other international NGOs and think tanks. The discussion focused on conflict prevention, response and how to keep the SDGs on track when war throws them off. The ASG was the guest of a podcast, How can we stop wars before they start, after the roundtable.  

    Next Week

    On Tuesday, 17 May, the Security Council will hear from Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert on the situation in Iraq. The Council will then hold a briefing on peace and security in Africa (G5 Sahel) on Wednesday, 18 May, and have an open debate on the maintenance of international peace and security: Conflict and food security on Thursday, 19 May. 

    The Peacebuilding Commission Ambassadorial-level meeting on Liberia (in-person) will take place on Thursday, 19 May, 10am. 




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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 13 مايو 2022

    Amid new claims by Moscow of a covert biological weapons programme in Ukraine, the Director of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) affirmed on Friday that the UN is not aware of any such programme and has neither the mandate nor the technical operational capacity to investigate it - a message first delivered to the Security Council on 11 and 18 March, by High Representative Izumi Nakamitsu. 

  • 13 مايو 2022

    Mr. Chair,

    Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


    I am pleased to be here today on behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.  And I thank the Polish Chairpersonship-in-Office for this invitation.


    In line with Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations, regional organizations like the OSCE are crucial partners in preventing and resolving conflict and sustaining peace.


    Our shared commitment to preventive diplomacy, mediation, peacebuilding and the women and peace and security agenda informs the longstanding partnership between our organizations.



    Today, the war in Ukraine vividly illustrates the need for strong European and international peace and security mechanisms. Indeed, the role of the OSCE to promote dialogue, cooperation and mutual understanding has never been more important.


    The brutal conflict in Ukraine is now the largest in Europe since the end of the Second World War.


    Two weeks ago, I accompanied the Secretary-General on his visit to Moscow and Kyiv. The Secretary-Generals message to the leaders of the two countries was clear: Russias invasion is a violation of Ukraines territorial integrity and of the Charter of the United Nations. It must end.


    That is also the view of the UN General Assembly, which has unequivocally reaffirmed the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.


    The Assembly has demanded that the Russian Federation immediately end its invasion and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces.



    During his visit, the Secretary-General focused on ways the UN could expand support for the people of Ukraine, save lives, reduce suffering and help find the path of peace. In Bucha, Irpin and Borodyanka, he saw first-hand the devastation and human cost of this senseless war. 


    As a result of his engagement, the United Nations, together with the International Committee of the Red Cross and with support from Ukrainian and Russian authorities, successfully evacuated more than 600 civilians from Mariupol and surrounding areas, including from the Azovstal plant, over the last 10 days.


    But civilians in Ukraine continue to pay an unbearable price for this war.


    As of 11 May, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 7,326 civilian casualties in the country: 3,541 killed and 3,785 injured. The actual figures are certainly considerably higher.


    Most of the civilian casualties have been caused by explosive weapons with a wide impact area used in populated areas. According to information gathered by OHCHR, while such incidents can be attributed to both parties to the conflict, most of these casualties appear attributable to the Russian armed forces and affiliated armed groups.


    According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 6,029,705 refugees have fled Ukraine, while 8,029,000 have been internally displaced since 24 February. This amounts to nearly one third of the population (Total number of displaced people is 14,058,705 which is approximately 33.8% of the population of 41.4 million).


    The United Nations and our humanitarian partners continue to expand relief operations and have now reached more than 5.4 million people across the country with assistance since the war started.  More than 4.7 million people have received food aid, and nearly 1.5 million people have accessed critical health care.


    Cash interventions – a priority in our response - have increased, covering 550,000 people since 24 February.  More than 230,000 children have received support to continue their education, and 370,000 displaced people have received protection services, including assistance at border crossing points and psychological support.


    In response to the UNs humanitarian Flash Appeals, donors have made available $1 billion out of $2.25 billion requested through the end of August.



    OHCHR has received credible reports alleging violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Some of these violations may amount to war crimes.


    Further, OHCHR has documented mistreatment of prisoners of war by both Ukrainian and Russian forces.

    There have been frequent attacks on civilian infrastructure, including schools, residential buildings and hospitals.  As of 7 May, the World Health Organization verified at least 75 persons killed in more than 190 attacks on Ukrainian health care since 24 February.

    The United Nations supports efforts to investigate alleged violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. 


    The OSCE responded quickly to these allegations, establishing a mission of experts through the Moscow Mechanism.


    The Human Rights Council established on 4 May the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine. It is mandated to investigate, collect and verify evidence, and to identify, where possible, those individuals and entities responsible for violations.


    And the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, based in Ukraine, has been actively recording and reporting on these allegations.


    We are also heartened to see that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is undertaking efforts to effectively gather evidence on core international crimes committed in Ukraine and bring those responsible to justice.


    Ensuring accountability for violations will be a long and arduous task. But it must be done. 


    Let me note that earlier this week, the Secretary-General visited Moldova on a mission of solidarity and gratitude. Moldova has opened its borders and homes to nearly half a million Ukrainian refugees.


    Allow me to express the UNs appreciation to the OSCE participating States who have welcomed all those fleeing the violence in Ukraine.




    The prevailing military logic has so far squeezed out genuine diplomacy. But the stakes are too high – in terms of human life and regional and global security – to abandon the search for a peaceful resolution.


    We appreciate the role of Turkey and other OSCE members for their support for dialogue.


    The UN Security Council recently declared its unanimous backing for the Secretary-General's efforts in the search for a peaceful solution. The United Nations stands ready to support all diplomatic initiatives to help bring an end to the crisis.




    The war in Ukraine has already had serious implications on the European security architecture. We are concerned by the potential impact on longstanding confidence-building measures, arms control treaties and other frameworks designed to sustain regional security.


    Beyond Europe, the war has triggered global concern regarding a range of issues, from food and energy security to economic stability.


    The food security crisis threatens to hit the most vulnerable countries the hardest. This dire prospect led the Secretary-General to establish the Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance. The Group is mobilizing UN agencies, multilateral development banks and other international institutions to help countries face these challenges.  We hope to count on your full support in this important work.




    The United Nations has consistently supported the work of the OSCE in Ukraine, especially the Special Monitoring Mission and the Trilateral Contact Group.  Similarly, we continue to back other OSCE-led mediation processes, such as the Minsk Group for a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and the 5+2 Transnistrian Settlement process, as well as the Geneva International Discussions on Georgia. 



    These frameworks for dialogue and understanding contributed to general stability. This is thanks to the commitments of all relevant participants. 


    But we have also seen in the case of Nagorno-Karabakh how protracted conflicts have the potential to relapse into open hostilities despite such mechanisms. 


    We have a collective interest in ensuring that these critical mechanisms continue functioning to avoid new vacuums in areas prone to tensions.


    It is also why the United Nations is fully supportive of the important work of the OSCE field offices, from the Western Balkans to Central Asia, where our cooperation serves to advance the Sustainable Development Goals in ways that strengthen national cohesion and resilience.



    The OSCE has historically played an instrumental role in promoting peace, stability and democracy in the region since its establishment. But, as we have seen, Europe is not immune to escalating tension and violence.


    It is in our common interest to see an OSCE that is adequately equipped to continue meeting present and future challenges.


    In that context, we take good note of the efforts by the Polish Chairpersonship-in-Office to initiate a Renewed European Security Dialogue. 


    We encourage all participating States to remain committed to the principles and frameworks of the OSCE as well as constructive dialogue on European security, in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.


    The United Nations supports all efforts to restore mutual trust and respect among regional stakeholders, which is essential to preserving the continent from new conflict and the world from further instability.


    Thank you.

  • 12 مايو 2022

    The top UN official in the Middle East has urged Israel to halt all settlement activity following the latest approval given to new construction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, announced on Thursday. 

  • 12 مايو 2022

    The United Nations continues to explore all options to reach civilians affected by Russia’s brutal assault on Ukraine, deputy humanitarian affairs chief Joyce Msuya said in an update to the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 12 مايو 2022

    “I condemn today's decision by Israeli authorities to advance plans for over 4000 housing units in settlements in the occupied West Bank. These include the retroactive approval of two illegal outposts and a park.

    Continued settlement expansion further entrenches the occupation, encroaches upon Palestinian land and natural resources, and hampers the free movement of the Palestinian population.

  • 11 مايو 2022

    Amidst rising tensions, a months-long political stalemate and increasing speculation about yet another conflict in Europe, the international community must stand firm behind a peaceful, unified Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country’s UN envoy told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 11 مايو 2022

    The United Nations-African Union Joint Task Force on Peace and Security held its twenty-first consultative meeting via virtual platform on 5 May.  The meeting took note...

  • 11 مايو 2022

    ,Madam President, Members of the Security Council


    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – DPRK – has intensified the pace of its launches using ballistic missile technology. Indeed, it has launched more missiles in the past five months than in the prior two years combined.


    On 4 May, the DPRK launched a missile using ballistic missile technology which covered a range of 470 km and reached an apogee of 780 km.  It was launched from the Sunan area near Pyongyang.  The DPRK launched a ballistic missile of possible intercontinental range from the same location on 24 March.  The DPRK launched another missile on 7 May, possibly from a submarine, which reportedly covered a range of 600 km and reached an apogee of 60 km.  The DPRK did not issue public information on any launch, nor did it issue airspace or maritime safety notifications.


    Madam President, the Secretary-General strongly condemns the DPRK’s continued development of missiles using ballistic missile technology.  Such actions are clear violations of relevant Security Council resolutions and contribute to increasing tensions in the region and beyond. 


    It should be recalled that the Security Council, in resolution 2397 (2017), reaffirmed its decisions that the DPRK shall not conduct any further launches using ballistic missile technology.


    Madam President, there have been other troubling developments since our last briefing on 25 March.


    On 16 April, the DPRK carried out its first launch of a system it characterised as intended for use in quote “tactical nuclear operations”.  The system in question covered a range of 110 km.  Developing such systems was among the core defence development tasks for the 2021 to 2025 period set forth during the 8th Party Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party in January 2021. 


    The DPRK leader also made statements on 25 April and again on 30 April that Pyongyang could pre-emptively use its nuclear weapons.  Statements of this nature are deeply concerning. 


    Finally, there are indications of resumed construction activities at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site, which was declared shut down in 2018.


    Madam President, these developments all relate to the DPRK’s continuing pursuit of its nuclear programme.  While some States continue to rely on nuclear weapons in their security policies, nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to humanity.  Their existence heightens the risk of unintended escalation or miscalculation.  We must strengthen our efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons. 


    We have consistently conveyed our concerns to the DPRK.  The DPRK, by continuing to pursue its nuclear weapons programme, including its development of missiles using ballistic missile technology, however, continues to defy the repeated demands of the Council to cease such activities. 


    Madam President, the Secretary-General reaffirms his commitment to working with all parties for sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. 


    He urges the DPRK to comply with the decisions of the Council, reset the course to dialogue and build on previous diplomatic efforts.


    Further, the United Nations welcomes and encourages the regular contact and cooperation among the key parties regarding the Korean Peninsula.  We commend the parties for their willingness to engage in dialogue with the DPRK without preconditions.


    Madam President, the Secretary-General reiterates the importance of addressing the critical humanitarian needs of people in the DPRK.


    The United Nations remains engaged and stands ready, along with its humanitarian partners, to assist people in need in the DPRK, whose vulnerability has likely increased since the pandemic outbreak and border closures in 2020.  


    We reiterate our call for the entry of international staff, including the United Nations Resident Coordinator, and the unimpeded entry of humanitarian supplies, to allow for a timely and effective response.


    We also acknowledge the work of Member States toward resolving the banking channel for humanitarian operations and emphasise the growing urgency for its conclusion.


    Madam President, let me close by reiterating that the unity of the Security Council in this matter is essential to ease tensions, overcome the diplomatic impasse and avoid a negative action-reaction cycle. 


    Thank you.

  • 11 مايو 2022

    The world is facing “multiple and interlinked global crises,” the UN chief told journalists in Austria on Wednesday during a joint press conference with Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

  • 11 مايو 2022

    The world is facing “multiple and interlinked global crises,” the UN chief told journalists in Austria on Wednesday during a joint press conference with Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

  • 11 مايو 2022

    @Government of Yemen

    Amman, 11 May 2022 – The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded today a two-day visit to Aden where he met with the President of the Presidential...

  • 11 مايو 2022

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan

    On 11 May, SRSG Natalia Gherman took part in the Forum “Public Diplomacy – mutual...

  • 11 مايو 2022

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan

    On 11 May, SRSG Natalia Gherman took part in the Forum “Public Diplomacy – mutual...

  • 10 مايو 2022

    ASG Williams visited two mass graves where 220 bodies, including 8 women and 3 children, have so far been exhumed.

    TARHOUNA, 10 May 2022 - The Special Advisor to the Secretary-...

  • 10 مايو 2022

    The latest deadly prison violence in Ecuador has again highlighted the urgent need for a comprehensive reform of the country’s criminal justice system, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.