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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 28 مايو 2021

    New York, 29 May 2021

    The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers honors the more than one million women and men who have served on the frontlines of conflict and the more than 4,000 who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Their service and sacrifices will never be forgotten.

    I express my deep gratitude to the 85,000 civilian, police and military...

  • 28 مايو 2021

    UN humanitarians expressed deep concern on Friday about serious and ongoing abuses carried out against displaced civilians who are also facing dire food insecurity in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, after months of conflict. 

  • 28 مايو 2021

    The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, was in Muscat yesterday 27 May. He met with Mohammed Abdel Salam, the chief negotiator of Ansar Allah. He also met with senior Omani officials. He discussed the UN plan to open Sana’a...

  • 27 مايو 2021

    Only a political solution will end the “senseless and costly cycles of violence” between Israelis and Palestinians, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland said in a briefing to the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 27 مايو 2021

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* welcome the successful conclusion of the Federal Government of Somalia – Federal Member States (FGS-FMS) summit in Mogadishu.


  • 27 مايو 2021

    With a focus for this year’s International Day of UN Peacekeepers on youth, peace and security, the UN chief told a commemorative ceremony on Thursday that “peace cannot be achieved without the active participation of young people”. 

  • 27 مايو 2021

    New York – The Secretary-General welcomes the agreement reached by the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States leaders on the...

  • 27 مايو 2021

    Honorable members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum,


  • 27 مايو 2021

    UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet called on Thursday for a “genuine and inclusive peace process” to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine and a repeat of recent deadly clashes that have been marked by possible war crimes by Israeli security forces.

  • 27 مايو 2021

    KANDAHAR - The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Afghanistan, Mette Knudsen, visited Kandahar this week to assess the situation in the region,...

  • 26 مايو 2021

    The UN Security Council met behind closed doors on Wednesday to discuss the derailing of Mali’s transitional government following the apparent forced departure of both the President and Prime Minister on Tuesday, by the leader of last August’s military coup.

  • 26 مايو 2021

    In response to the apparent forced landing of a commercial passenger plane in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, the International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO, convened an urgent diplomatic meeting on Thursday. What is ICAO saying about the incident, and what powers does the agency have? 

  • 26 مايو 2021

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On May 26, the UN Regional Center for...

  • 26 مايو 2021

    Violent conflict, terrorism and human rights abuses continue in Syria as its besieged population suffers economic destitution, displacement, detention and abduction, the UN’s Special Envoy for the country told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 26 مايو 2021


    Amman, 26 May 2021 - The Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, concluded today, Wednesday, a three-day visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where he met senior Saudi and Yemeni officials to discuss the United Nations’ plan to achieve a nationwide ceasefire in Yemen, ease restrictions on the movement of people and commodities to and from the country, and commit the parties to the conflict to the resumption of a political process to end the...

  • 26 مايو 2021

    Honourable members of the LPDF,

    Ladies and...

  • 25 مايو 2021

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) will facilitate a two-day virtual meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) on 26-27 May to discuss the proposed...

  • 25 مايو 2021

    The international legal framework and tools are all there to protect civilians caught up in conflict, and now it’s time for governments and armed groups to apply them, the UN relief chief told the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 25 مايو 2021

    New York, 26 May 2021

    I send my warmest greetings to Buddhists all over the world on Vesak, when we honour the birth, enlightenment and passing of Lord Buddha. Today, we recognize the contributions Buddhism has made to human spirituality and culture for more than two and a half millennia.

    All of us, Buddhists...

  • 25 مايو 2021

    A summit involving leaders of Somalia’s political factions is underway in Mogadishu, a welcome relief after months of escalating tension, the senior UN official in the country told the Security Council on Tuesday, expressing hope that a consensus on electoral plans will be announced imminently.

  • 25 مايو 2021

    Mr. President, Distinguished Members of the Council,

    Thank you for the opportunity to brief on the situation in Somalia. I am pleased do so together again with the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the...

  • 25 مايو 2021

    UN Deputy Special Coordinator Najat Rochdi Briefs Security Council Informal Expert Group on the situation of Women, Peace and Security in Lebanon

    25 May 2021


    Today, Ms. Najat Rochdi, the Deputy UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, briefed a virtual meeting of the Security Council’s Informal Expert Group on...

  • 25 مايو 2021

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Dear colleagues,

    Thank you very much for joining us for this side event. 

    We welcome the opportunity to have this conversation on the important contributions of special political missions (SPMs) to the protection of civilians and the broader protection agenda. 

    I am grateful to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for co-organizing this event with us. They are key partners in our work to protect civilians in regions we are deployed.

    Colleagues,  What we are discussing this week is at the heart of our Organization’s mission. I would even say that protection, in its different dimensions, is the essence of the UN. It is what people look to us for, it is what we commit to do. 

    In my job, I answer questions every day, including some very thorny ones, particularly from member states. But no questions are harder than those from survivors of violent conflict or people living under the shadow of war: What is the UN going to do to help us now? Why don’t you do more? How can you protect us?

    Those questions are not unrealistic or naïve. Our answers, however, often betray our limitations. Closing the gap between the expectations of those we serve and our capacities is our biggest challenge. It is also a privilege. 

    That is why I am so glad that colleagues from several of our missions are joining us today to brief us from the field on how their work contributes to the protection of civilians.  

    Special political missions are deployed to some of the most complex environments around the world, from Afghanistan and Somalia to Syria and Yemen. Protection does not always figure explicity in their mandates, yet it is fundamental to their work. 

    The surest way to keep civilians from harm is to achieve political solutions to prevent or resolve conflict. The recent developments in Israel-Palestine are a painful example of the devastating consequences for civilians when such solutions remain elusive.  

    Carrying out preventive diplomacy, working to end hostilities, facilitate local or national ceasefires, or promote dialogue and political engagement are ways in which special political missions seek to increase peace overall - and in some contexts engage specifically to change the behaviour of parties who perpetrate violence against civilians. 

    It is through these core activities that special political missions make their primary contribution to protection, in support of national authorities. 

    In Libya, for example, peacemaking efforts based on intense political engagement with key stakeholders led to a nationwide ceasefire agreement in October 2020. 

    The implementation of this ceasefire has resulted in a dramatic reduction in civilian casualties. While UNSMIL recorded 489 civilian casualties from January to June 2020, the number of casualties dropped to 31 in the second half of the year. 

    Today, the ceasefire continues to hold, and has helped to create space for a political process and establishment of a Government of National Unity.    

    In Yemen, the Stockholm Agreement reached in December 2018 under the auspices of the United Nations and the subsequent deployment of a United Nations monitoring mission in Hudaydah  averted a potentially catastrophic fight for the city and ports, and led to an overall reduction of violence across Hudaydah governorate. 

    A significant number of IDPs have now returned to the city, and previously deserted markets are crowded again with the increasing flow of vital commodities into the port.

    In Colombia, consecutive special political missions have backed the implementation and verification of the peace agreement that dramatically reduced, though not yet fully eliminated, conflict-related violence. 

    The disarmament and demobilization of the FARC-EP under UN verification removed from the battlefield a nationwide insurgency and its armaments.

    The impact of the peace process in Colombia was felt quickly.  Kidnappings, which in the early 2000s were at more than 2,700 per year, are now relatively rare (under 100 in 2020). Internal displacement in 2020 was estimated a 70,000 persons, less than a tenth the level at the height of the conflict. 

    The presence of the current Verification Mission allows it to constantly press for full respect of the commitments the parties have undertaken. These include, for example, the obligation to provide livelihoods and security to protect some 13,000 ex-combatants who are now unarmed civilians. 

    Second, special political missions’ work in the area of human rights – and in particular helping ensure the full protection of the rights of civilian populations, including to life, safety and security – is another critical contribution to protection. 

    Our special political mission in Afghanistan, UNAMA, reports on civilian casualties as a central part of its human rights work. In addition to helping identify areas of vulnerability for civilians, this reporting has provided a platform for the mission to engage in advocacy with conflict actors. 

    Just in the first three months of this year, UNAMA documented 1,783 civilian casualties (573 killed and 1,210 injured), highlighting the urgent need for measures to reduce violence and the ultimate, overarching need to reach a lasting peace agreement.

    The United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)  implements our Human Rights Due Diligence Policy - a framework  to ensure that security forces receiving the UN’s support -- including through the African Union Mission to Somalia-- are not involved in human rights violations.

    A third contribution of special political missions is to support host governments in carrying out specialized mandates from the Security Council.  These mandates may be related to the protection of specific groups, such as children, women, or those vulnerable to sexual violence in conflict. 

    Several special political missions, working together with the Office of the SRSG on Sexual Violence in Conflict, engage with conflict parties to secure commitments to prohibit sexual violence in their ranks. 

    For example, the UN has signed, over the years, Joint Communiques on the prevention of conflict-related sexual violence with armed actors in Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan and Syria. 

    And our missions in Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan have dedicated child protection advisers focused on implementing specific Security Council mandates together with the Office of the SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict.

    Finally, in specific cases, SPMs have received mandates from the Security Council to support national authorities in their protection of civilians efforts.

    The most recently established special political mission, the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) supports national and local authorities on protection of civilians, in particular internally displaced persons, in the conflict-affected areas. 

    As you will hear from the panel in more detail, UNITAMS and its  UN country team partners work closely together to strengthen the protective environment. They support  the transitional Government of Sudan in implementing the National Plan for Civilian Protection and in peacebuilding efforts.


    In closing, I want to reiterate the importance of keeping people at the centre of our work. People like the women I met in Afghanistan, forging a path towards an inclusive and equal society, against immense odds -- and physical threats. 

    Or the former combatants I spoke to in Colombia, trying to rejoin society as full citizens after decades of war. Or the the Somali youth who told me of their efforts to build peace and democracy in their country while often braving horrific violence. 

    Last year, I met with a young indigenous woman from Libya working on sexual and gender-based violence issues and the  advancement of women’s political participation. The hopes, fears and frustrations that she described of Libyan women seeking to engage in political life were both moving and, regrettably, applicable to so many others contexts. 

    Her voice, and that of other activists and community leaders working to defend the rights of people who are affected by conflict and violence will continue to be at the centre of our work.

    I am pleased that we are joined today by a very strong panel to share their experiences and good practices. I am sure that this will be a fruitful discussion.  

  • 25 مايو 2021

    New York – The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, will brief today the Security Council meeting on the latest developments in the country. 

    The meeting will start at 5:...

  • 25 مايو 2021


    25 May 2021

    This year’s Africa Day highlights arts, culture and...

  • 25 مايو 2021

    Mogadishu/New York – James Swan, UN Special Representative for Somalia and head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), said it is imperative that the summit yield an implementable...

  • 24 مايو 2021

    Attacks on water and sanitation facilities in conflict zones around the world are putting the lives of millions of children around the world in danger, and are a much greater threat than violence itself, warns the UN Children’s agency, UNICEF, in a report released on Tuesday.

  • 24 مايو 2021

    The UN Secretary-General said on Monday he was “deeply concerned” over the apparent forced landing of a commercial passenger jet over Belarus, and the subsequent detention of a prominent dissident and journalist by authorities there.

  • 24 مايو 2021

    Although the World Food Programme (WFP) is ramping up support to people in Yemen’s worst hunger hotspots, in efforts to prevent famine, sustaining response through the rest of the year is uncertain, the UN agency warned on Monday.

  • 24 مايو 2021

     UN blue helmets face an increasing number of attacks throughout the complex environments in which they work, the head of the Organization’s peacekeeping operations told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 24 مايو 2021

    New York, 25 May 2021

    This year’s Africa Day highlights arts, culture and heritage as levers for building the Africa we want.  Africa’s rich and diverse cultural and natural heritage is important for sustainable development, poverty reduction, and building and maintaining peace.  It can provide a strong foundation for inclusive economic progress as the continent strives to meet the challenges posed by...

  • 24 مايو 2021

    The UN chief on Monday, commended an award-winning Kenyan peacekeeper for her gender-mainstreaming work while serving in the restive Darfur region of Sudan. 

  • 24 مايو 2021

    On 23 May, the Co-Chairs of the Economic Working Group (EWG) including the UNSMIL Coordinator Raisedon Zenenga, together with the Ambassador Mohamed Abubakr of Egypt, Special Envoy and Ambassador Richard Norland of the United States of America, and Ambassador Jose Sabadell of the European Union convened a meeting with the Government of National Unity to review the Economic Track and discuss collaboration on the way forward. 

    The Government of National Unity was...

  • 24 مايو 2021

    Out now! Season 2 | Episode 4 | She Stands For Peace | Click here: https://unoau.unmissions.org/podcast-series-she-...

  • 23 مايو 2021

    A young soldier from the United Kingdom says he must stay on his “A-game” on patrol with the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali, to keep himself, colleagues and Malians safe in one of the most dangerous UN postings anywhere in the world. 

  • 23 مايو 2021

    At the invitation of H.E. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Libya, and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (...

  • 22 مايو 2021
    The G5 Sahel and the United Nations are committed to strengthening their partnership and the implementation of joint projects

    Press release in French

  • 22 مايو 2021

    The UN Security Council on Saturday made it’s first statement on the conflict that erupted between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza, calling for a “full adherence to the ceasefire” that brought 11 days of fighting to an end early on Friday morning.

  • 22 مايو 2021

    The United Nations system in Cabo Verde and UNOWAS support the holding of the General Assembly of the Cabo Verdean chapter of the Working Group on...

  • 21 مايو 2021

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    USG DiCarlo participates in UN forum on the question of Palestine

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo participated in the International Parliamentarian Support to the Question of Palestine on 18 May, convened by the UN General Assembly Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) to mobilize international support for a peaceful settlement of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In her remarks, USG DiCarlo said the UN has been actively involved in mediation efforts with all sides with a view to ending the violence immediately.

    Read full remarks here

    Launch of dialogue with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization  

    On 17 May, the Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas, Miroslav Jenča, and the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Vladimir Norov, launched the first Secretariat-to-Secretariat dialogue between the two groups. The event highlighted cooperation between the SCO and the UN, the role of women and youth, and collaboration with regional organizations. 

    ASG Jenča takes part in OSCE Conflict Cycle Seminar

    The ASG for Europe, Central Asia and Americas, Miroslav Jenča, participated in the high-level opening session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Conflict Cycle Seminar on 17 May, which marked the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the OSCE Ministerial Council Decision on “Elements of the Conflict Cycle.” "Conflict prevention and resolution efforts must systematically include women and women’s civil society organizations at all levels”, he said. The Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) also participated in the later session of the seminar on early warning and prevention. 

    ASG Fernandez-Taranco talks innovative financing for peace

    The Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, participated on 18 May in the high-level roundtable titled “Innovative Financing for Peace: Finding new solutions to meet local peacebuilding needs”, co-organized by the governments of Germany and Colombia with the support of the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO). “From a peacebuilding perspective, innovative financing approaches must be guided by principles of conflict-sensitivity, gender equality, and youth inclusion and be aligned with national strategies, support national ownership and involve local actors”, said Fernandez-Taranco. 

    DPPA releases its new Update to the Multi-Year Appeal and 2020 Annual Report

    DPPA released two new reports on 21 May: the Update to the Multi-Year Appeal and the 2020 Annual Report. The Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) is an extra-budgetary fund that supports an ever-larger percentage of the Department’s work. The additional funds provided through the MYA enable the fast, flexible and global actions often required to prevent violence and preserve peace.  The update calls for US$ 40 million for 2021 to respond to the critical and growing needs it faces. The 2020 Annual Report highlights operations and activities made possible through the generous support of our donors.

    Read full Update to the Multi-Year Appeal here

    Read full 2020 Annual Report

    Security Council

    Wennesland briefs Council members in open debate

    Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, updated the Security Council at an open debate on 16 May in connection with the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. He reiterated the Secretary-General’s urgent call on Israel and Palestinian armed groups to take immediate and decisive steps to de-escalate the situation and prevent any further loss of life. On 20 May, after 11 days of deadly hostilities, Gaza and Israel agreed to a ceasefire.

    Full briefing to the Security Council here

    Perthes encourages all of Sudan’s partners to continue supporting the country’s reforms

    Volker Perthes, Special Representative for Sudan and Head of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) updated the Security Council on 20 May on recent developments in Sudan. He said that the International Conference to Support the Sudanese Transition, organized by the French Government earlier this week in Paris, clearly demonstrated the international community’s continued support for Sudan. He encouraged all of the country’s international and domestic partners to continue their support as it implements key economic and political reforms. Regarding the peace process, he noted that UNITAMS will act as a facilitator, supporting the role of South Sudan as a mediator, while also working to ensure the meaningful participation of women.

    Full briefing to the Security Council here


    Kubiš: “The significant progress and achievements in the past many months must be consolidated”

    Ján Kubiš, the Special Envoy for Libya, briefed the Security Council on 21 May on the preparations for parliamentary and presidential elections. He noted that the security situation had significantly improved, although clashes between armed groups still continued to occur. “We need to work together with and provide meaningful support to Libyan authorities and institutions in their efforts to achieve national reconciliation and transitional justice, the unification of State institutions, the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement and to set the stage for holding the elections on 24 December, for their free, fair and secure conduct an acceptance of their results”, he said. “This is important not just for the Libyan people but for the region as a whole”.

    Full briefing to the Security Council here

    New Appointment

    Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee announced as new Assistant Secretary-General for Africa

    Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee of Ghana as Assistant Secretary-General for Africa in the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations (DPPA-DPO). She succeeds Bintou Keita of Guinea, who took up a new assignment as the Special Representative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). She was previously Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ghana to the United Nations from 2015 until 2020.

    Read more here


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

    United Arab Emirates

    Agreement with UAE on support for WPS agenda

    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed an agreement with DPPA on 18 May on a two-year contribution to support the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, as well as to enhance the voices of women, youth, and persons with disabilities in UN-assisted peace processes. “WPS is such an important part of our work because we know from experience that when women are at the table, peace agreements are more likely to hold and the benefits of peace are enjoyed more broadly,” said Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo, who signed the agreement on behalf of DPPA. “The support of the UAE is invaluable. Such contributions allow us to make a difference in peace and mediation efforts globally.”

    Read more here


    Special Representative participates in Unity and Constitution Conference in Kurdistan region

    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), participated in the Unity and Constitution Conference hosted by the Centre for Regional and International Studies (CRIS) at the University of Kurdistan Hewlêr (UKH). “A strong, united Kurdistan Region also strengthens federal Iraq, not only domestically but also internationally. Strength abroad begins with strength at home”, she said. 


    Special Envoy travels to the United Kingdom

    Ján Kubiš, the Special Envoy for Libya, was in London on 17 May where he met with high-level British officials, including those in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Ministry of Defense. He also met with Martin Reynolds, the Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister. They discussed the United Kingdom’s support to the Libyan people and authorities in their quest for peace, stability, unity, and prosperity, including through the Security Council. 

    Read more here

    Great Lakes Region

    Special Envoy chairs the Senior Policy Group meeting

    On 20 May, Huang Xia, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, chaired a virtual meeting on the Senior Policy Group while on an official visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The meeting discussed the Action Plan of the UN Strategy for Peace Consolidation, Conflict Prevention, and Conflict Resolution in the Great Lakes region


    UN Verification Mission facilitates peace dialogues

    UN Verification Mission representatives have attended various meetings this week to facilitate dialogue. On 16 May, the Special Representative for Colombia and Head of Mission, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, joined the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Church at a meeting between the national government and the National Strike Committee. The Mission also attended meetings at the regional level in Antioquia, Cauca, Nariño, and Valle del Cauca departments, between local authorities, youth organizations, civil society, human rights organizations, and other United Nations agencies, to help advance the negotiation of a joint solution for the benefit of Colombia, as mass demonstrations continue.


    Peacebuilding Commission meeting on institution building.

    On 17 May, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) met to discuss good practices and future support for institution building. The PBC stressed that investments in institution building, including through e-governance, must empower youth and women to shape governance systems and highlighted the importance of mainstreaming gender into national policies and public institutions. The PBC also underscored the need to include people with disabilities in local- and central-level institutions and called for more reliable financing for peacebuilding, considering the additional pressures caused by the pandemic. The PBC reiterated its commitment to build on the rich institution-building experiences with a focus on innovation and impact.

    A new episode of “She Stands for Peace” is out

    This week’s episode features André Mundal, Norway Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security. In this episode, he discusses the commitment of Member States to the WPS Agenda and stresses the importance of working with an active civil society, as well as creating opportunities for new learning. 

    For more information on the podcast series, click here

    An open course on Digital Process Design and Facilitation is launched

    The DPPA’s Mediation Support Unit, and the organizations Build Up, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and Tandemic have developed a new course, “Digital Process Design and Facilitation.” It aims to provide core skills for mediators in digital process design and facilitation, offering a set of emerging good practices that can help design and deliver mediation activities using online platforms and tools.

    For more information and enrollment, click here

    DPPA’s Innovation Cell, UAE, Mexico, and Switzerland hosts a panel discussion on “peacetech”

    DPPA’s Innovation Cell, together with the Permanent Missions of the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, and Switzerland, co-hosted a panel discussion on ''Technology as a Peace Enabler” on 17 May. The event was attended by over 70 participants, including 30 representatives from Member States. Participants discussed how frontier technologies could be better utilized by the UN system to ensure the delivery of public goods, as well as address potential peace and security concerns. 

    Next Week

    The Security Council will hold an open debate on 24 May to discuss the safety and security of UN peacekeepers. On 25 May, Special Representative James Swan will brief the Council on developments in Somalia and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). There will also be an open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict later that day. Special Envoy Geir Pedersen will brief on Syria on 26 May. Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland will brief on the situation in occupied East Jerusalem on 27 May.  

  • 21 مايو 2021

    On the heels of recent positive developments, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Libya pointed to renewed hope for peace in the conflict-affected country, and stability across the wider region, in a briefing to the Security Council on Friday.

  • 21 مايو 2021

    New York, 22 May 2021

    A healthy planet is critical for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Yet biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented and alarming rate, and the pressures are intensifying.

    We are depleting resources faster than nature can replenish them.  

    COVID-19 has further...

  • 21 مايو 2021

    The humanitarian community has welcomed the ceasefire agreed in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel but warned that the destruction in Gaza will take years, if not decades, to fix.

  • 21 مايو 2021


    Mr. President,


  • 20 مايو 2021

    The UN chief has welcomed the ceasefire declared between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas, following 11 days of rocket and air attacks, which have left more than 240 reportedly dead and thousands injured, the majority in the occupied Palestinian enclave of Gaza.

  • 20 مايو 2021

    Moving from Sudan’s current fragile transition period towards stable civilian rule, requires a continued “spirt of unity, partnership and collaboration”, a senior UN official told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 20 مايو 2021

    TRIPOLI, 20 May 2021 - As part of his ongoing engagement with Libyan stakeholders from all sectors of society, Assistant Secretary-General and UNSMIL Coordinator Raisedon Zenenga...

  • 20 مايو 2021

    New York, 21 May 2021

    Culture is the flower of the human being – the fruit of our minds, the product of our traditions, the expression of our yearnings.  Its diversity is wondrous, part of the rich tapestry of civilization.

    Culture is also a powerhouse – an employer of millions, an engine of economic progress, a force for social cohesion.  

  • 20 مايو 2021

    The co-chairs of the Berlin Process Political Working Group (Algeria, Germany, League of Arab States and UNSMIL) convened a meeting of the Working Group on 19 May to take stock of progress on Libya's political track. They reiterated that the holding of national elections on 24 December 2021 remains the overarching priority to complete Libya’s preparatory phase and democratic transition as agreed in the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) Roadmap...

  • 20 مايو 2021

    The past ten days have witnessed a “dangerous and horrific” surge in deadly violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), particularly Gaza, and in Israel, the UN chief told the General Assembly on Thursday.