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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 24 يونيو 2021
  • 24 يونيو 2021

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mahamat...

  • 24 يونيو 2021
  • 24 يونيو 2021

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    In June 2021, the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for...

  • 23 يونيو 2021

    Humanitarian convoys from Turkey that bring lifesaving aid into northwest Syria must continue, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 23 يونيو 2021

    Defense forces, soldiers from nearby countries and other security personnel have been fighting an “asymmetric war” against armed groups, sparking an “unprecedented humanitarian crisis”, the top UN official in the country told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 23 يونيو 2021

    Thank you, Minister Maas.  First let me express appreciation to the Federal Republic of Germany for hosting the Second Berlin Conference on Libya, and thank Germany for its leadership of the Berlin Process in support of the Libyan people. The United Nations is pleased to co-convene

    We are very pleased that representatives of Libya, Prime Minister Dabeihba and Foreign Minister Mangoush joined us for this session and thank them for sharing their views on Libya’s transition and for their requests to the international community, which we will do our best to honor.


    Libya has made significant progress since the first Berlin conference in January 2020:  

    • the agreed on 23 October ceasefire is holding;
    • a political Roadmap agreed by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum resulted in the formation of a new interim, unified executive authority;
    • and Libyans have committed to holding national elections by 24 December 2021.


    On the way forward, elections will be crucial. They respond to the overwhelming desire of the Libyan people to reinforce and consolidate the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity of Libya.

    The United Nations is providing technical assistance to Libyan authorities on the conduct of these elections.  It is critical to ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and youth in the elections as candidates and voters, as well as to enable the full participation of Internally Displaced Persons.


    Regarding the ceasefire agreement, the United Nations looks forward to deploying monitors in support of the Libyan-led and Libyan-owned Ceasefire Monitoring Mechanism.

    It is critical to implement all provisions of the ceasefire agreement, including the departure of foreign forces and mercenaries, who are a scourge not only on Libya, but on the entire subregion.

    Member States and regional organizations must apply and enforce the arms embargo on Libya and assist Libya in controlling and managing its borders.


    Further, we welcome the Presidency Council’s establishment of the High National Reconciliation Commission, especially its focus on community-level engagement with the rights of victims central to the process. These efforts are critical for sustainable peace.

    The United Nations, together with the African Union, looks forward to supporting the implementation of a Libyan-led and Libyan-owned rights-based process on reconciliation and transitional justice.


    The level of participation in today’s meeting demonstrates the regional and international commitment to peace and stability in Libya.

    I would like also to pay tribute to the work and the dedication of my colleagues in the UN Support Mission in Libya. Under the able leadership Special Envoy Jan Kubis, they have played an important role in getting us where we are today.

    As Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stressed in his message to the conference, the United Nations by the Libyan people in their efforts to achieve an inclusive, democratic society for all Libyans.

    Thank you.


  • 23 يونيو 2021

    Full implementation of a historic ceasefire agreement and the withdrawal of foreign forces are critical for consolidating peace in Libya, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday in remarks to a major international meeting aimed at shoring up the country after a decade of civil conflict. 

  • 23 يونيو 2021

    23 June 2021 

     Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

    I am honored to open this important meeting, and I...

  • 23 يونيو 2021

    Mogadishu—It was one hot Sunday late afternoon, in August 2020, when 42-year-old Batuulo Harun Amin’s world was ripped apart. 

    Fetching firewood near her...

  • 22 يونيو 2021

    New York, 23 June 2021

    United Nations Public Service Day honors the hundreds of millions of public servants across the globe who dedicate themselves to ensuring the wellbeing of our communities.  As the world continues to face the devastation of the Covid-19 pandemic, their work is more important than ever.

    This year’s observance highlights digital...

  • 22 يونيو 2021

    New York, 23 June 2021

    For many widows, losing their husband also means losing identity, land rights, property, income, and possibly their children.  Their physical safety is at greater risk, just when they may be suffering serious emotional trauma. 

    Human rights, including the right to inherit and own property...

  • 22 يونيو 2021

    With all the major indicators for Afghanistan’s security and development looking “negative or stagnant” as international troops withdraw, the threats that lie ahead cannot be overstated, the top UN official in the country told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 22 يونيو 2021

    TUNIS, 22 June 2021 - Following three days of intensive legal debate, the National Libyan Bar Association (LBA) succeeded in finalising its first-ever code of conduct for the Libyan legal...

  • 22 يونيو 2021

    Mogadishu – Mahad Abdullahi Wasuge knew from the outset that hard work and determination pay.

    The 32–year–old who is...

  • 21 يونيو 2021

    South Sudan, the UN’s youngest Member State, is marking its tenth anniversary of independence amid languishing political progress and a range of humanitarian challenges, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative told Security Council members on Monday.

  • 21 يونيو 2021

    UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet on Monday urged UN Member States to promote a more inclusive post-pandemic recovery to help the world’s most vulnerable recover from the impact of COVID.

  • 21 يونيو 2021

    More than 19,300 boys and girls affected by war last year were victims of grave violations such as recruitment or rape, and the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult for experts to reach them, the UN said in its annual report on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC), published on Monday. 

  • 19 يونيو 2021

    New York, 20 June 2021

    War, violence and persecution have forced more than 80 million people around the world to flee their homes, leaving everything behind to save themselves and their families. 

    Refugees must begin their lives anew.

    But for so many, the pandemic has wiped out their livelihoods, led to stigmatization and...

  • 19 يونيو 2021

    Mogadishu – On the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia...

  • 19 يونيو 2021

    Mogadishu – On the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General...

  • 19 يونيو 2021

    19 JUNE 2021 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is pleased to announce that it intends to convene an in-person meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum in Switzerland from...

  • 19 يونيو 2021

    TUNIS, 19 June 2021 – A group of Libyan experts – lawyers, judges, activists, and human rights defenders – met in Tunis from 16-18 June, to review...

  • 19 يونيو 2021

    I. Introduction

    1. The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 68/11 and Security Council resolution 2543 (2020), in which the Secretary-General was requested to report every three months on developments in Afghanistan.

    2. The report provides an update on...

  • 18 يونيو 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    ASG Fernandez-Taranco speaks on “Efforts for Peace in a New Era”

    Assistant Secretary-General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco attended the Republic of Korea-UN 30th Anniversary International Forum: Fostering Peace with the UN, which took place on 17 June. The ASG participated as a panelist and spoke of the value of peacebuilding, the contribution of the Action for Peacekeeping (A4P+) initiative and the impact of peacekeeping on sustaining peace, including through the support of the Peacebuilding Fund. He highlighted the need to support conflict prevention and peacebuilding across the UN system and beyond, and called for broader partnerships and more resource mobilization for collaborative prevention and peacebuilding efforts.

    Security Council

    Griffiths appeals for “real” leadership that secures the rights and the future of people

    Martin Griffiths, Special Envoy for Yemen, gave his final briefing on 15 June in the Security Council. He will succeed Mark Lowcock as Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator next month. Griffiths expressed his fears that armed and political actors have multiplied and fragmented over the course of the conflict, and that an international conversation of process may need to restate realistic goals for a negotiation process. “My worry is not so much about the ceasefire as about the future,” he said. “Yemen needs a pluralistic political future, and the UN-facilitated political process must reflect that in the most robust and inclusive way."

    Full briefing to the Security Council here

    La Lime: Political consensus remains best way forward for upcoming referendum

    Helen La Lime, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), told the Security Council on 17 June that the polarization of Haitian politics is ever-growing, while technical preparations for the referendum have been faced with critical operational delays. “A political consensus remains the best possible means to holding a peaceful process that will allow the Haitian people to fully exercise their right to vote”, she said, adding that "all Haitian stakeholders must urgently set aside their differences, eschew their narrow interests, and work together to tackle the protracted political, structural, and social issues that hinder the country’s progress."

    Full briefing to the Security Council here

    Central Asia

    Special Representative speaks on economic empowerment of women in Central Asia and Afghanistan

    Natalia Gherman, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), delivered an address on 15 June at the International Forum for the Economic Empowerment of Women for Sustainable Development in Central Asia and Afghanistan. The Forum was organized by the Women Leaders’ Caucus, launched in 2020 with the support of UNRCCA and UNDP. Gherman emphasized the link between the economic empowerment of women and the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. She also underscored the importance of economic co-operation in addressing regional challenges, including climate change and environmental degradation.

    Read more here

    UNRCCA organizes online seminar on Water and Emergency Coordination

    On 15-16 June, UNRCCA organized an online capacity building seminar and a meeting of experts from Central Asia and Afghanistan, dedicated to cooperation in the field of water and energy. Representatives of ministries and state agencies, partner organizations, and international experts attended the event. The seminar focused on addressing the promotion of mutually beneficial cooperation on transboundary water resources management through the application of legal instruments governing the sustainable exploitation of transboundary watercourses.

    Read more here


    UN supports call for help for Lebanese Armed Forces to meet emergency needs

    On 17 June, Joanna Wronecka, Special Coordinator for Lebanon, called on countries taking part in a French-hosted virtual conference in support of the Lebanese Armed Forces to do everything in their power to meet the immediate emergency needs of Lebanon’s military institution, which has been deeply affected by the economic crisis. She noted the pivotal role played by the Lebanese army in safeguarding security and stability and in the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). She said that meeting immediate material and human needs was necessary and that the UN will support the Forces in instituting follow-up arrangements.

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative concludes his visits to Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Nigeria

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), is continuing his regional tour to meet with the authorities in the subregion this week. On 14 June, he concluded a two-day visit to Burkina Faso, where he met with President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, among others, and reiterated his condemnation of the terrorist attacks against the people of Burkina Faso. On 15 June, he was in Côte d'Ivoire, where he discussed with President Alassane Ouattara the actions to be implemented to better support the country in its efforts to consolidate peace, democracy, and development. The SRSG then traveled to Nigeria on 16 June, where he met with President Muhammadu Buhari.

    Read more on his latest familiarization tour here




    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org


    Somali youths discuss role in political participation

    Adam Abdelmoula, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia (DSRSG/RC/HC), opened a conference on the future of the political participation of youth on 16-17 June in Mogadishu. The meeting brought together young politicians and representatives of women’s groups, people with disabilities, youth-led/focused civil society organizations, the Government and international partners to discuss ways in which young Somalis can overcome challenges and seek ways to strengthen political participation. “The opportunity of Somalia as a country depends greatly on the opportunities awarded to its youth”, said DSRSG. “Truly transformative change will happen only when young Somalis are invested in, included and partnered with in a meaningful way”.

    Read more here

    Central Africa

    Tenth edition of the UNOCA annual review

    The United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) issued on 15 June the tenth edition of UNOCA MAGAZINE, its annual review. The 24-page document showcases the Office’s main activities during a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers work on good offices, preventive diplomacy and mediation, cooperation with sub-regional, regional, intergovernmental organizations and civil society, responding to COVID and more.

    Read more here


    Former combatants guide birdwatchers in Tolima

    On 14 June, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia participated in a visit to Planadas, Tolima, in south-central Colombia, where the former FARC-EP guerrillas were founded. Delegates from the Canadian and United Kingdom embassies, donors to the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund for the Post-Conflict in Colombia, officials from the Colombian Foreign Ministry, and Colombia in Peace Fund learned about the projects carried out by former combatants in this area of the country. In addition, a bird watching activity was led by a former combatant who is now a specialized photographer and "bird watcher", together with a biologist who,15 years ago, was kidnapped by the FARC for three months while participating in a scientific expedition. Both shared their stories as an example of reconciliation. The community and former combatants now cultivate one of the best coffees in Colombia and generate reconciliation through a school of bird watching for children.


    Call for participants: Virtual dialogue series with Northeast Asian youth

    The United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), invites young people aged 18 to 35 to “Futuring Peace”, a Futures Dialogue Series starting in July 2021. It is a series of virtual dialogues dedicated to the role of youth in the future of Northeast Asia in 2060. Designed and led by young champions from the region, the dialogues will enable young people to share their visions for Northeast Asia in several decades. The call for participants is now open through 8 July.

    For more information

    “United Nations and Decolonization” video is now available in all official UN languages

    DPPA’s Decolonization Unit has launched translations of its animated video “United Nations and Decolonization: Past to Present” in Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian. The seven-minute film walks the viewer through the Organization’s work on decolonization since 1945..

    Watch the videos here

    A new episode of “She Stands for Peace” is out

    This week’s episode, released on 18 June, features Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict. SRSG Patten discusses sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against women in conflict and post-conflict settings. She also speaks about the plight of refugees in conflict areas and offers her insights on how the international community can better address the issue.

    For more information on the podcast series, click here

    Next Week

    Special Representative Deborah Lyons will brief the Security Council on the latest Secretary-General’s report on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) on Tuesday, 22 June. Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland will update the Council on the Middle East Peace Process on Thursday, 24 June in the morning, while Special Envoy Geir Pedersen will deliver a briefing on Syria on Friday, 25 June. 

    PBSO to host the first virtual country visit in Madagascar

    On 22 June, DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) will host a two-hour virtual country visit in Madagascar, inviting donor partners to see the ongoing engagement in the Southern part of the country. PBSO has been organizing country visits to engage with authorities at all levels, partners and beneficiaries. PBSO organized nine country visits between 2017 and 2019, though this has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

  • 18 يونيو 2021

    New York, 19 June 2021

    Sexual violence in conflict is a cruel tactic of war, torture, terror and repression.

    It reverberates down generations, and threatens both human and international security.

    In places affected by conflict, the turmoil caused by the COVID-...

  • 18 يونيو 2021

    The UN Special Envoy for Myanmar said on Friday she has called for timely action from the Security Council in response to the ongoing crisis in the Southeast Asian country stemming from the military coup in February. 

  • 18 يونيو 2021

    Mogadishu- The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Adam Abdelmoula, opened a youth conference on the future of youth...

  • 18 يونيو 2021

    Out now! Season 2 | Episode 5 | She Stands For Peace | Click here: https://unoau.unmissions.org/podcast-series-she-stands-peace

  • 17 يونيو 2021

    Amid worsening socioeconomic conditions, rising criminal gang violence and a resurgence of COVID-19, Haiti’s leaders must commit to good-faith dialogue aimed at ending a longstanding and damaging political impasse, the UN’s senior official in the country told the Security Council today.

  • 17 يونيو 2021

    Sexual violence in conflict “reverberates down generations” and threatens both human and international security, the UN chief said on Thursday in his message for the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.

  • 17 يونيو 2021

    UN Supports Calls for Helping LAF meet Emergency Needs 

    17 June 2021

  • 16 يونيو 2021

    New York, 17 June 2021

    Humanity is waging a relentless, self-destructive war on nature.

    Biodiversity is declining, greenhouse gas concentrations are rising, and our pollution can be found from the remotest islands to the highest peaks.

    We must make peace with nature.

    The land can be our greatest ally.  But the land is suffering.

    Land degradation from...

  • 16 يونيو 2021

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West...

  • 16 يونيو 2021

    Good Afternoon, Mr. President and members of the press. 

    President Ahmed Abdi Kariye and your team, I wish to thank you for the warm reception...

  • 15 يونيو 2021

    Yemen’s warring sides have been unable to overcome their differences, dashing hopes for peace, the UN Special Envoy for the country said on Tuesday in his final briefing to the Security Council in the role. 

  • 15 يونيو 2021

    Five health workers carrying out a polio vaccination campaign in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar Province were killed on Tuesday, and four others injured, during a series of attacks condemned by a senior UN official on the ground as brutal and “senseless”.

  • 15 يونيو 2021

    UNRCCA meeting of water experts from Central Asia and Afghanistan (June 2021)

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

  • 15 يونيو 2021

    New York, 16 June 2021

    As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged last year, so, too, did concerns about the potential negative impact of the crisis on remittances and on families that rely on them.

    Fortunately, remittances have proved to be much more resilient and dependable than expected.  The most recent data from the...

  • 15 يونيو 2021

    Good afternoon, it is a pleasure to be here with all of you. I just briefed the Council on the situation in Yemen. This was the last briefing in my capacity as Special Envoy. I’m grateful for the privilege of having served this...

  • 15 يونيو 2021

    Good afternoon, it is a pleasure to be here with all of you. I just briefed the Council on the situation in Yemen. This was the last briefing in my capacity as Special Envoy. I’m grateful for the privilege of having served this beautiful and...

  • 15 يونيو 2021

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office in West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mahamat...

  • 14 يونيو 2021

    Immediate action is required now to initiate critical reforms and lay the groundwork for credible elections in Mali, where the security situation is as worrying as ever, the Head of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 14 يونيو 2021

    International Forum “Economic Empowerment of Women for Sustainable Development in Central Asia and Afghanistan” June 2021

    Ashgabat, TURKMENISTAN...

  • 14 يونيو 2021

    International Forum “Economic Empowerment of Women for Sustainable Development in Central Asia and Afghanistan” June 2021

    Ashgabat, TURKMENISTAN...

  • 14 يونيو 2021

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office in West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mahamat ANNADIF,...

  • 14 يونيو 2021

    Senior UN officials have condemned a deadly attack on a hospital in Syria this past weekend, underlining the need for accountability for crimes committed in the country’s decade-long war. 

  • 12 يونيو 2021

    Every year on 21 September, the United Nations invites people around the world to celebrate peace by observing 24 hours of ceasefire and non-violence. On Sunday, the UN chief kicked off the 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace. 

  • 12 يونيو 2021

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office in West Africa and the Sahel (...

  • 12 يونيو 2021

    New York, 13 June 2021

    On International Albinism Awareness Day, I reiterate my solidarity with persons with albinism.

    This year’s theme is Strength Beyond All Odds.

    It reflects the resilience, perseverance and achievements of people with albinism in the face of pervasive misconceptions, discrimination and violence. 
