Bienvenue aux Nations Unies

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 18 juil 2019

    After 80 days of intensifying attacks, many on health facilities, “the carnage must stop” in northwest Syria, said the UN relief chief on Thursday, noting that more than 70 civilians had been killed this month alone across the last rebel-held enclave of the country.

  • 18 juil 2019

    In today’s Daily Brief: World celebrates Nelson Mandela; Security Council hears end of Yemen war may be in sight; South Asia children turned ‘upside down’ by monsoon rains; world ‘off track’ to meet zero hunger target; Italy urged to stop ‘criminalising’ migrant rescues 


  • 18 juil 2019

    As UN missions are drawn down and eventually closed, stronger partnerships are needed to ensure that countries recovering from conflict can transition successfully to a phase of durable peace and development, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 18 juil 2019

    Baidoa, July 18 2019 – On his first visit to South West State since taking office, the new United Nations envoy to Somalia emphasized the importance of...

  • 18 juil 2019

    With Yemen once again at a “crucial moment” the UN Special Envoy trying to facilitate peace there told Security Council members on Thursday that despite the dangers of being over optimistic, he could not help thinking the country could finally be “nearing the end of its war.”

  • 18 juil 2019

    @UN Photo/Loey Felipe

    Thank you very much Mr. President, and thank you for this opportunity to brief the Council on the latest developments in the Yemen peace process.


  • 18 juil 2019

    Baidoa – Continuing his inaugural visits to regional centres following his recent arrival in the country, the United Nations envoy to Somalia, James Swan, visited South West State (SWS)...

  • 18 juil 2019

    Baidoa – First of all, allow me to thank President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed ‘Laftagareen’ and the people of South West State for the kind and gracious way in which they have received us...

  • 18 juil 2019

    Co-chairs of the 24th Technical Support Committee meeting on 16-17 July 2019 (from left to right: Franck Okuthe of the ICGLR, Huang Xia of the UN, and Gonzague-Patrick H. Balagizi of the AU...

  • 18 juil 2019

    TRIPOLI, 18 July 2019 - UNSMIL is gravely concerned by and closely following up on media reports about the disappearance of Ms. Siham Sergewa and the injury of her husband. An elected...

  • 18 juil 2019
  • 18 juil 2019

    New York, 18 July 2019

    On this day, we pay tribute to an extraordinary global advocate for dignity and equality, and one of the most iconic and inspirational leaders of our time.  Nelson Mandela exemplified courage, compassion and commitment to freedom, peace and social justice.  He lived by these principles and was prepared to sacrifice his liberty and even his life for them. 

    Nelson Mandela’s...

  • 18 juil 2019

    KABUL- With the announcement of the appointment of the new Commissioners and Ms. Shaharzad Akbar as Chairperson of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, the United Nations...

  • 17 juil 2019

    Jowhar, 17 July 2019 – On his first visit to the state of Hirshabelle, the newly-appointed United Nations envoy to Somalia touched upon the country’s state-building...

  • 17 juil 2019

    In today’s Daily Brief: the DR Congo Ebola outbreak is officially declared a Public Health Emergency; UN Youth Envoy briefs Security Council; an ‘exciting and potentially defining’ moment for Sudan, says UN adviser; more cooperation’s needed to secure arrest of war crimes fugitives; and politicizing the migrant ‘crisis’ in Hungary

  • 17 juil 2019

    In today’s Daily Brief: the DR Congo Ebola outbreak is officially declared an international Public Health Emergency; UN Youth Envoy briefs Security Council; an ‘exciting and potentially defining’ moment for Sudan, says UN adviser; more cooperation’s needed to secure arrest of war crimes fugitives; and politicizing the migrant ‘crisis’ in Hungary

  • 17 juil 2019

    After visiting refugee camps in Jordan, UN-backed schools in Gaza, municipalities in Kosovo and Youth Councils in Denmark, the UN’s Youth Envoy visited the Security Council on Wednesday with a simple message from the field that “young people care about peace”.

  • 17 juil 2019

    Jowhar – First of all, allow me to thank President Mohamed Abdi Ware and the people of Hirshabelle for their hospitality and the warm welcome we received during this visit. It is a pleasure to...

  • 17 juil 2019

    Jowhar – In his first visit to the state of Hirshabelle since taking up his position, the new United Nations envoy to Somalia highlighted the importance of positive...

  • 17 juil 2019

    For immediate release


    Jowhar – In his first visit to the state of Hirshabelle since taking up his position, the new United Nations...

  • 16 juil 2019

    The human cost of the conflict in Ukraine is growing, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Tuesday, during a briefing on the current situation in the country.

  • 16 juil 2019

    Mr. President,

    I last briefed this Council on Ukraine on 25 April following the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi on 21 April.

    Today, the Council is again meeting only days away from another important election, on 21 July, when Ukrainians will go to the polls to elect their representatives in Parliament, the Verhovna Rada. We hope that the elections will be equally peaceful and democratic, and that they will be inclusive, including to reflect the broadest participation of women.

    In his inauguration speech, President Zelenskyi emphasized the need for peace and unity and for rejecting divisive policies. He underlined his readiness to engage in dialogue in order to advance domestic reforms and end the five-year conflict in Eastern Ukraine.

    The United Nations is encouraged by such statements emphasizing dialogue, peace and inclusiveness. We welcome efforts at dialogue at all levels, including bilaterally between Heads of State, and hope they can bring greater momentum for resolving the conflict.


    Mr. President,

    Today’s Council meeting coincides with the coming into force of the law “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the State language”.  The law, which regulates the use of Ukrainian as the sole State language in a large sphere of Government functions and services, was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on 25 April and signed into law on 15 May.

    It was adopted after two readings and consideration of over 2,000 amendments, 800 of which have been included.  While many of the law’s provisions commence today, the law also prescribes a transitional period, from six months to up to ten years, for the implementation of other provisions.  Also, the law requires the Cabinet of Ministers to submit to Parliament a draft law on the realisation of the rights of national minorities of Ukraine by January 2020.

    While the new law has raised concerns both within and outside Ukraine, Ukrainian authorities have described it as consistent with Ukraine’s Constitution, particularly Article 10 dealing with state and minority languages as well as its national legislation, and international commitments.

    As part of its regular reporting, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights followed the legislative process and shared with relevant authorities recommendations based on international standards. While many of the controversial points were addressed in its final version, the law still raises concerns.

    OHCHR recommends that the Ukrainian Government should elaborate, as established by the language law, a law on the realization of the rights of national minorities of Ukraine, to ensure a fair correlation between the protection of the rights of minorities and the preservation of the State language as a tool for integration within society. This should be done without undue delay.

    The Council of Europe’s Venice Commission is also analysing the law. The draft opinion is expected to be discussed by the Commission after the 21 July parliamentary elections.

    In this context, we welcome the previous statement from President Zelenskyi that a thorough analysis of the law will be conducted. We hope that this will pave the way for further measures to safeguard the rights of minorities.   

    The Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities has also advised the Ukrainian authorities regarding language questions in the interest of ensuring balanced legislation that unites Ukraine’s diverse society.  I therefore welcome the availability of the OSCE High Commissioner, Mr. Lamberto Zannier, to brief the Council in person on this issue.   


    Mr. President,

    It is the fourth time since the beginning of 2019 that the Security Council is meeting on Ukraine. The current political transition in Ukraine takes place against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict in Donbas, many of whose residents continue to face serious daily challenges associated with an active conflict.

    In recent weeks, we have seen signs that with sufficient political will in the Trilateral Contact Group, concrete steps are possible to improve the security and humanitarian situation along the contact line. We welcome the 26 June disengagement of forces and removal of hardware at the “Stanytsya Luhanska” checkpoint, as reported by the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission. Such steps should be further built on. We hope to see other confidence-building steps, including the restoration of the “Stanytsya Luhanska” pedestrian crossing bridge and the release of detainees.

    We note with regret, however, the persistent failure to reach agreement on a ceasefire.  We wish to once again echo the call of the OSCE for all concerned to work constructively, including during tomorrow’s Trilateral Contact Group meeting, in order to reach an agreement on this issue without further delay.

    The implementation of a lasting ceasefire should be accompanied by the withdrawal of heavy weapons from populated areas, disengagement of forces and protection of civilians and critical civilian infrastructure.


    Mr. President,

    The situation at the contact line remains unpredictable and volatile. Periodic escalations of hostilities bring about various levels of intensity of military engagement. Despite continuing security incidents and limitations on its activities, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, under the leadership of the new Chief Monitor, Amb. Halit Cevik, continues to carry out its crucial mandate.

    Meanwhile, the human cost of the conflict is still growing. Ordinary civilians continue to be targeted and suffer from indiscriminate shelling on a daily basis, as well as from the threat of landmines.  This year alone, as of 30 June, OHCHR recorded 91 conflict-related civilian casualties: 13 killed and 78 injured. 

    Fighting also continues to damage and disrupt civilian infrastructure. In May-June, the Donetsk Filter Station, which supplies clean water to some 380,000 people on both sides of the contact line, came under fire on three separate occasions. So far this year, water facilities have come under attack over 60 times; schools have also come under attack 17 times, already more than in 2018.

    We once again reiterate that parties to the conflict must take all precautions to avoid civilian harm. International humanitarian law must be upheld by all to protect civilians and their access to critical services.

    Humanitarian organizations are providing relief to the most vulnerable communities on both sides of the contact line. But safe, predictable and sustained access to all those in need is still a challenge. Their work must not be politicized or instrumentalized by any party.


    Mr. President,

    This Council unanimously endorsed the “Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements” in its resolution 2202 of 17 February 2015.  In its Presidential statement of 6 June 2018, the Council again unanimously reaffirmed the centrality of the Minsk Agreements, and on 12 February 2019, the Council held a special session focusing on the implementation of the Minsk Agreements.

    The United Nations expects any concerns related to the Minsk Agreements to be addressed through constructive dialogue and in the existing negotiation formats with full respect for the spirit and letter of the Agreements, and with a view to implementing the Minsk Agreements as a whole.

    Ukraine today has the opportunity to build further on its reform record, and to revitalize the diplomatic efforts to resolve the five-year conflict in eastern Ukraine.

    This will require, first and foremost, political will by all concerned, in the critical search for peace.

    We hope that following the parliamentary elections and the formation of a new government, the recent encouraging statements would be followed by concrete actions by all actors to bring, at long last, a positive dynamic to implement the Minsk Agreements.


    Mr. President,

    In his congratulatory message to President Zelenskyi, the Secretary-General underscored the full support of the United Nations for the crucial efforts of the Normandy Four, the Trilateral Contact Group and the OSCE to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine. He further reaffirmed the United Nations’ commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders, in accordance with relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions.

    In a regional and global environment that is increasingly fragile, the opportunity for the resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine is also a chance to achieve greater peace and security in Europe.  It should not be missed.   

    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 16 juil 2019

    QALA-E-NAW – Women from the rural and conflict-affected districts of the western province of Badghis seek involvement in peace efforts to ensure that their concerns are heard and their rights protected in any agreements.

  • 15 juil 2019

    The scale and barbarity of the crimes committed by ISIL have ultimately served not to divide but to unify, Karim Asad Ahmad Khan, head of the UN Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (UNITAD), told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 15 juil 2019

    New York – The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attack of 12 July 2019 in Somalia’s port city of Kismayo which killed and injured innocent civilians.

    The members of the Security Council expressed their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims, as well as to the people and Government of Somalia. The members of the Security Council wished a speedy recovery to those injured.

    The members of...

  • 15 juil 2019

    Kismayo - I am very pleased to visit Kismayo but have mixed emotions. I share with the people of Jubaland a terrible sense of loss in the aftermath of the terrorist attack of 12 July. On behalf...

  • 15 juil 2019

    The UN Secretary-General named Ambassador Mirko Manzoni (Switzerland) as his Personal Envoy for Mozambique on 9 July 2019. In this role, Mr. Manzoni is providing good offices support in mediating dialogue between the Government of Mozambique and opposition RENAMO towards implementation of the peace agreements between the parties, following the signing of the Agreement on the Definitive Cessation of Military Hostilities and the Maputo Accord for Peace and National Reconciliation in August 2019

  • 15 juil 2019

    PRESS STATEMENT 11/2019 

    Kismayo – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, James Swan, today visited the city of Kismayo, the interim capital of...

  • 15 juil 2019

    The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, and the Jubbaland President, Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe), address a joint press conference at the end of their meeting in Kismayo...

  • 13 juil 2019

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has condemned the terrorist attack that took place on July 12 in southern Somalia. 

  • 12 juil 2019

    In today’s Daily Brief: UN chief António Guterres condemns airstrikes on Syrian hospitals and meets survivors of Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique; the UN Human Rights Council votes to investigate the “war on drugs” in the Philippines; and UN weather agency tracks fires…in the Arctic.

  • 12 juil 2019


    6 - 12 July 2019

    This Week in DPPA aims to keep you abreast of developments and events on the agenda of the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, at UN HQ and in the field, and especially those that sometimes "fly under the radar".


    New York 

    Country reps, experts explore the link between peace and security and the SDGs
    The Permanent Missions of the Central African Republic, Iraq and the Republic of Korea and DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office hosted a high-level side event in the margins of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on 9 July. The event served to underline how the UN’s peace and security pillar, including through its peace operations, peacebuilding and conflict-prevention work, supports national governments in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), using the experiences in the Central African Republic and Iraq as concrete examples. “The 2030 agenda and sustaining peace are people-centric processes. We need to include national and local institutions, woman and youth, civil society, community and grassroot organizations and private sector to achieve our common goal”, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, said.
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    Human rights workshop in Bissau
    The Human Rights Section of the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau and the Human Rights Defenders Network provided technical support for a validation workshop in Bissau on 9 July. The workshop looked at the civil society report for the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Guinea-Bissau, taking place in Geneva in January 2020. The UPR is a unique process which involves a review of the human rights records of all UN Member States.   
    Read the full story on UNIOGBIS website.


    Training Women Mediators
    UNOGBIS Gender Unit and the Woman Mediators Network of Guinea-Bissau (REMUME) conducted an advance training course from 8 – 9 July. The training brought together community leaders, members of REMUME and other mediation actors, and aimed to strengthen the operational capacity of the network.      
    Read the full story on UNIOGBIS website.


    New head of mission visits Puntland
    James Swan, the new Special Representative for Somalia and Head of UNSOM, made his first trip to a regional center this week. In Garowe, the capital of Puntland, he met with President Said Abdullah Modamed Deni on 8 July. The SRSG reiterated the UN’s support for development programmes and inclusive dialogue between the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member states. While in Puntland, he also visited the Food for Asset-project in Laac-dheere, where a solar-powered irrigation system has improved vegetable and fruit production for the local cooperative.
    Read the full story on UNSOMS website.


    African Union 

    UN and AU launch call for nominations for commemorative book on UNSCR 1325
    2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council’s landmark resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security. UNOAU, in partnership with the African Union, has launched an open call for nominations for an upcoming joint publication that will feature exceptional African women who have remarkably contributed to advancing UNSCR 1325 and other related resolutions on the continent. This commemorative book also reflects a strengthened partnership between the UN and AU as envisioned in the joint framework in peace and security signed in April 2017. The open call closes on 12 August 2019.
    More information on the nomination process available here.



    Secretary-General meets staff in Nairobi
    During his visit to Kenya, Secretary-General António Guterres held a town hall meeting with all UN staff in Nairobi on 10 July. With him were the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, Huang Xia, the Executive Director of UN Habitat, Maimunah Mohd Sharif, and the Executive Director of UN Environment, Inger Andersen. 
    For more information, please contact DPPA

    Silencing the Guns in Africa
    The Assistant Secretary-General for Africa, Bintou Keita, participated at a side-event at the margins of the Africa Regional Conference on Counter-Terrorism and the Prevention of Violent Extremisms Conducive to Terrorism in Nairobi on 10 July. The event, named the Role of African Youth in Silencing the Guns, gathered more than 50 young activists from across the continent. The Assistant Secretary-General called on participants to “empower every single person in you are contact with”.  
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    Deputy Special Representative in Libya visits Tobruk and Benghazi
    Stephanie Williams, Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs, visited Tobruk on 7 July. There, she met with members of the House of Representatives and Municipal Council and reiterated the commitment of UNSMIL’s leadership to engage with all parties in Libya, and work with all to address the country’s political and economic crisis. In Benghazi on 9 July, she met with the Mayor and municipal council members and was briefed on the challenges in providing essential services. In the meeting, Ms. Williams asserted the UN’s commitment to support the people in Benghazi. While in the city, she also visited the Woman’s Police Center, where she hailed the role of woman police officers in the security sector. 
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    Special Envoy notes progress toward forming constitutional committee
    Geir O. Pedersen, the UN Special Envoy for Syria, held a number of meetings in Damascus this week. He met twice with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Walid Al-Moallem, and on 10 July he told reporters: “I believe we have made a very solid progress and we are very close to have agreement on establishing the constitutional committee”. The Special Envoy also called for a return to stability in Idlib province, and said a truce there agreed last year between Russia and Turkey should come back into force.
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    Special Envoy visits Iran
    Ján Kubiš, the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, visited the Iranian capital Tehran on 11 July. He met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Javad Zarif, and they had a thorough and substantive exchange on the work of the UN in support of Lebanon, implementation challenges related to Resolution 1701 and regional developments. 
    For more information, please contact DPPA


    Martin Griffiths holds talks with US officials
    Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Martin Griffiths met with US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo on 10 July to discuss the latest developments on the UN-led political track. Afterwards, Mr. Griffiths called the exchange fruitful and expressed appreciation for the U.S. support and commitment. The Special Envoy and the Secretary of State agreed that parties must continue working toward a political settlement and an end to the conflict in Yemen.
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    New internship program in Erbil
    The UNAMI office in Erbil launched its new internship program on 8 July. A group of 14 students, nine females and five males, from Tishk University and University of Kurdistan – Hawler, started on a month-long internship program at the Regional Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq in Erbil, Kurdistan Region. The students will learn about UN activities in Iraq, gain communications-related skills and prepare a research paper during their internship.
    Read the full story on UNAMI’s Facebook page.



    Special Envoy visits Pakistan
    Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative and Head of UNAMA, visited the Pakistani capital Islamabad on 8 July. He met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood, and other officials to discuss regional cooperation and peace. While in Islamabad, the Special Representative also met with representatives from the international diplomatic corps.  
    For more information, please contact DPPA

    UN-backed ‘local peace initiative’ culminates in pact to end longstanding land dispute
    In the eastern province of Kunar, a UN-backed ‘local peace initiative’ has helped two tribes reach agreement on ending a 40-year conflict over land. The conflict has been a source of tension and violence and has affected the lives of hundreds of people by disrupting social, economic and other activities. After several weeks of UNAMA-arranged meetings, the two tribes agreed to a two-day Jirga, a traditional form of conflict resolution used across Afghanistan to resolve disputes.
    Read the full story on UNAMA’s website.



    Security Council visits Colombia, expresses full support for the peace process
    A three-day visit of the Security Council to Colombia to assess developments in the peace process and to reiterate support for its implementation began on 11 July. On Friday 12 July, the Council delegation had meetings with President Iván Duque, members of Congress, civil society representatives, the FARC political party, and the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Repetition, among others. "All members of the Council are fully committed to and supportive of the peace process in Colombia," said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, Carlos Ruiz Massieu. During July, Peru holds the rotating monthly presidency of the Council, and the country is co-leading the visit to Colombia along with the United Kingdom.
    For more information, please contact DPPA




































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  • 12 juil 2019

    The Secretary-General condemns the terrorist attack that took place on 12 July in Somalia’s port city of Kismayo. He expresses his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the attack and wishes a swift recovery to the injured. The Secretary-General reaffirms the support and solidarity of the United Nations with the people of Somalia in their pursuit of a peaceful future.

    Stephane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General...

  • 12 juil 2019

    Reports that airstrikes have hit several health facilities in north-west Syria have been strongly condemned by the UN Secretary-General.

  • 11 juil 2019

    Bogotá, 11 July 2019.  This Thursday, the United Nations Security Council arrives in Colombia to assess developments in the peace...

  • 11 juil 2019

    As part of its mission to support women's participation in politics and decision-making, the UN Women Program in Guinea-Bissau, in partnership with UNIOGBIS, will promote between 11 and 12...

  • 11 juil 2019

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in partnership with the Government of Guinea Bissau and the Ana Pereira Foundation, celebrated today in Bissau World Population Day under the motto "25...

  • 11 juil 2019

    Mr. Tidjani Togola (left)

    Tuwindi, a Malian organization that promotes social and economic development using information and communication...

  • 10 juil 2019

    Cooperation between the UN Secretariat; Security Council; and countries contributing troops and police to peacekeeping operations; is “a crucial factor” to enhancing those operations, the UN peacekeeping chief told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 10 juil 2019

    This Wednesday’s UN top stories are: latest global terror warnings; political prisoners denied health access in Iran; high-level discussions on Sustainable Development Goals; continued abuse of Rohingya in Myanmar; Odessa killings in Ukraine; and partnering with NASA.

  • 10 juil 2019

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) congratulates the Supreme Judicial Council on the successful election of its members across Libya. These transparent elections are an example of democracy...

  • 10 juil 2019

    “Trauma from terrorism” hurts families, communities and destabilizes entire regions, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday, as he expressed solidarity with victims of extremist attacks in Africa.

  • 10 juil 2019

    On 9 July, the UNIOGBIS Human Rights Section in partnership with the Human Rights Defenders Network provided technical support to civil society organizations for the holding of the Validation Workshop for...

  • 10 juil 2019

    ASADABAD – A UN-backed ‘local peace initiative’ has helped two tribes reach agreement on ending a 40-year conflict over...

  • 9 juil 2019

    The less predictable threats represented by small-time criminals who have opportunistically embraced terrorism, are a source of growing concern, the UN Security Council heard on Tuesday. That warning came from Tamara Makarenko, an International Consultant, who works with the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), speaking at an open debate on threats to international peace and security.

  • 9 juil 2019

    From 08 to 09 July, UNIOGBIS Gender Unit, jointly with the Women Mediators Network (REMUME) of Guinea Bissau, continued the series of training courses on mediation and dialogue for conflict resolutions at the community level....

  • 9 juil 2019
  • 9 juil 2019

    Garowe, 9 July 2019 – On his first trip to a regional centre, the new United Nations envoy to Somalia reiterated the world body’s support for development programmes and...

  • 8 juil 2019

    This Monday, we cover: a record high number of civilian casualties in Kashmir this year; a new UN study showing that more people die due to homicide than war; how neo-Nazis target children online to expand their ranks; and condemnation by the UN human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet, over detention conditions for migrants in the USA.

  • 8 juil 2019

    I am pleased to have visited Puntland and engaged in a very constructive meeting with President Said Abdullahi Mohamed Deni and his team. After spending my first two weeks in Mogadishu, where I have had...