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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 14 يوليو 2022

    The international community should lend full support to the incoming administration in Colombia, which has a tremendous opportunity to speed up implementation of the landmark 2016 Peace Agreement that ended more than 50 years of civil war, the top UN official in the country told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 14 يوليو 2022

    UN Photo

    Briefing by Carlos Ruiz Massieu, SRSG and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia...

  • 13 يوليو 2022

    The UN chief on Wednesday described progress between Russia and Ukraine on allowing the resumption of grain exports during UN-brokered talks in Türkiye, as a “ray of hope to ease human suffering and alleviate hunger around the world.”

  • 12 يوليو 2022

    The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution to extend lifesaving aid deliveries into northwest Syria from Türkiye for a further six months following a vote on Tuesday. 

  • 12 يوليو 2022

    Access to information is a human right, Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Tuesday, underscoring that for peacekeepers, it can be “a matter of life and death, and the difference between peace and war”.  

  • 12 يوليو 2022

    “I recall the civil war in Liberia vividly,” says Elfreda Dennice Stewart, a United Nations Police (UNPOL) officer serving with the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

  • 11 يوليو 2022

    Although the UN-brokered truce between the Yemeni Government and Houthi rebels continues to hold, the key issue of road openings remains outstanding, while the country’s “humanitarian catastrophe” is set to worsen, the Security Council heard on Monday. 

  • 11 يوليو 2022

    Amid reports that Sri Lanka’s President has confirmed he will resign after his residence was stormed by thousands of protesters at the weekend, the UN chief on Monday called for dialogue to “ensure a smooth transition of government and solutions to the country’s deep economic crisis.

  • 11 يوليو 2022

    The annual UN report on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC), released on Monday, details the devastating impact that various forms of conflict had on children around the world in 2021.

  • 10 يوليو 2022

    New York, 11 July 2022

    This year’s World Population Day falls during a milestone year, when we anticipate the birth of the Earth’s eight billionth inhabitant.

    This is an occasion to celebrate our diversity, recognize our common humanity, and marvel at advancements in health that have extended lifespans and dramatically reduced maternal and child mortality rates.  

  • 10 يوليو 2022

    As Mozambique looks to move on from its violent past, a UN-led programme is supporting efforts to reintegrate former combatants, and give them a chance to lead productive, peaceful lives in their communities.

  • 9 يوليو 2022

    Over the last 10 years, the number of people around the world who have been forced to flee their homes and become displaced in their own countries, has more than doubled. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the increase in internally displaced persons (IDPs) has been particularly stark, as Resident Coordinator Bruno Lemarquis, the senior UN official there, explains.

  • 8 يوليو 2022

    The UN health agency (WHO) issued an urgent appeal on Friday for access to sick and injured people caught up in the war in Ukraine, including “hundreds” of landmine victims, “premature babies, pregnant woman, older people, many of whom have been left behind”.

  • 8 يوليو 2022

    Mogadishu - The United Nations family in Somalia extends warm “Eid Mubarak” greetings to all Somalis.

    “The United Nations family in Somalia joins Somalis as they celebrate Eid-Al-Adha in a spirit of...

  • 8 يوليو 2022

    Stronger collaboration among countries is the only sustainable path to a peaceful, stable, prosperous world for all, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told G20 Foreign Ministers meeting in Bali, Indonesia, on Friday.  

  • 7 يوليو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Special Representative and head of UNOWAS briefs Security Council on the situation in the region 

    Special Representative of the Secretary-General Annadif Khatir Mahamat Saleh presented the latest report of the Secretary-General on developments in West Africa and the Sahel to the Security Council on 7 July. He said the region continues to evolve at different paces: on the one hand, citizens freely exercising their right to vote for their leaders, and on the other, the military seeking to dominate the political space. He went on to underscore that national dialogues are underway in many countries to consolidate democratic governance at a time when, in large parts of the Sahel, men and women are fleeing for their safety. 

    Watch his briefing here 

    Listen to his interview with the UN News Centre here 


    UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka completes official trip to Iran 

    The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, carried out her first visit to Tehran on 4 and 5 July. Her discussions with Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdolahian and other senior officials at the Iranian Foreign Ministry focused on the importance of maintaining peace, security and stability in Lebanon, including in the context of regional developments.  They also discussed the importance of accelerating the formation of a government in Lebanon, the implementation of urgent reforms and respect for constitutional timelines, including for the election of a new President later in 2022. The visit to Tehran is part of the Special Coordinator’s consultations with key regional stakeholders on Lebanon's stability and security. 


    Discussions held on electoral assistance for Iraq’s Kurdistan Region  

    On 2 July, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, met with the Head of the Commission for the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, Ahmed Hadi Banieh, Director-General of the Department of Labour and Vocational Training, Raid Jabaar Bahad, and Director of Social Protection Department, Thikra Abdel Raheem. They discussed support for the reintegration of displaced populations. They were joined by the International Labour Organization's Country Coordinator, Maha Kattaa, and World Food Programme Representative and Country Director in Iraq Ally-Raza Qureshi. 

    Vojáčková-Sollorano meets with Governor of Anbar province to discuss development projects 

    On 4 July 2022, the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq/Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, met in Anbar with the Governor of Anbar, Ali Farhan Al-Dulaimi. The discussion focused on the development and stabilization projects and the restoration of essential services in the province.

    Electoral assistance discussed for upcoming Kurdistan region parliamentary elections 

    Aamir Arain, Director, UN Integrated Electoral Assistance and UN Principal Electoral Advisor, United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), was received Wednesday in Erbil by the Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament, Dr. Rewaz Faeq. They discussed re-activation of Kurdistan Electoral Commission and the ongoing efforts to hold elections in the Kurdistan Region. In addition, the Head of UNAMI’s Regional Office in the Kurdistan Region, Ricardo Rodriguez, met on 3 July in Erbil with Hemin Hawrami, the Kurdistan Parliament’s Deputy Speaker. Their discussion focused on preparations for the upcoming Kurdistan Region parliamentary elections, as well as outstanding issues with Baghdad.

    UNAMI workshop focuses on international criminal law and prosecution methods 

    On 4 July, at a UNAMI Human Rights Office workshop on international criminal law with the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) in Ninewa, participants discussed how and where such crimes can be prosecuted, including those violating human rights. 


    New UN Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan arrives in Kabul 

    Markus Potzel, the new Deputy Special Representative (Political) for Afghanistan in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan arrived in Kabul to take up his post on 3 July 2022. He brings over 27 years of professional experience in diplomacy and international cooperation to the role, including eight years of professional experience working on Afghanistan. He served as the Ambassador of Germany to Afghanistan from 2014-2016. 

    Read more here  

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA co-organizes regional training course on enhancing information sharing on foreign terrorist fighters 

    The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) organized a training course from 4 – 7 July on enhancing information sharing on foreign terrorist fighters.  It took place in Dushanbe under the framework of the UNRCCA and UNOCT multi-year efforts to support the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Central Asia. Participants were acquainted with the latest methodologies used by INTERPOL to identify, track and disrupt foreign terrorist fighters’ mobility.  

    Read more here 

    The UN and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization agree on benefits of increased cooperation 

    On 6 July, Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča spoke with new Shanghai Cooperation Organization Secretary General Zhang Ming. They agreed on strengthened cooperation between the two organizations, including through UNRCCA, and discussed the Secretary-General's report Our Common Agenda, which aims to accelerate multilateral agreements.  

    Western Sahara

    The Secretary-General's Personal Envoy for Western Sahara meets with Moroccan Foreign Minister to discuss political progress in the region 

    On 5 July in Rabat, the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, had a useful meeting with Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita of Morocco, in the context of the political process on Western Sahara. The Personal Envoy has decided not to proceed with a visit to Western Sahara during this trip. He looks forward to doing so during his upcoming visits to the region, aimed at advancing the process.  

    Great Lakes region

    Special Envoy meets with representatives from regional organizations to discuss progress 

    On 6 July, Huang Xia, UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes, chaired a meeting of the Guarantor institutions of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework (PSC Framework) for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region. Participants included representatives from the African Union, the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat. 

    Technical Support Committee meets to discuss political and security issues 

    On 7 July, members of the Technical Support Committee of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region met in Nairobi today to review the latest political and security developments in the Great Lakes Region. Particular attention was paid to the situation in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 


    Special Representative James Swan meets with Uganda’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs  

    On 7 July in Kampala, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, met with Oryem Henry Okello, Uganda’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs, to pay tribute to the Uganda People’s Defence Force serving in the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). They also discussed the need for continued regional and international support for Somalia. 


    Countering hate speech and incitement to violence ahead of the Kenya 2022 elections through the PBF-supported UWIANO platform 

    The Peacebuilding Fund provides financial support to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Officer for the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR), in consultation with the Peace and Development Team (RCO), to support the Uwiano (which means ‘cohesion’ in Kiswahili) peace platform project, which aims to counter hate speech ahead of upcoming elections. On 5 July, Uwiano held a televised and radio-broadcast press briefing to share early warning information collected from its UN-supported Early Warning mechanism. It discussed localized political tensions, increasing hate speech and the rise in mis-and-disinformation, as well as the proliferation of organized criminal gangs as triggers of violence. Additionally, 100 youth social media influencers are disseminating peace messages that have been developed by the Uwiano team. 

    Peacebuilding Commission Chair addresses the Security Council on West Africa and the Sahel 

    Briefing the Security Council on West Africa and the Sahel on 7 July, the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission expressed concerns over the deteriorating security and political environment, highlighting the resurgence of coups d'état and the expansion of terrorism in the region, as well as maritime insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea.  She highlighted the importance of addressing socio-economic and humanitarian challenges and urged increased cooperation between partners, including through the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) and the Regional Strategy for the Stabilization, Recovery and Resilience of Boko Haram-affected areas of the Lake Chad Basin. Drawing on its country specific engagements, the Chair also encouraged The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia and Sierra Leone to pursue their peacebuilding efforts and welcomed the upcoming PBC meeting on Burkina Faso.  

    Next Week

    The Security Council will be briefed on the situation in Yemen on 11 July and developments in Colombia on 14 July.

    On 15 July, the Peacebuilding Commission will hold an ambassadorial-level meeting on Burkina Faso in the UN HQ Conference room 3.   


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org




  • 7 يوليو 2022

    Democratic and responsible governance is needed to counter ongoing insecurity in West Africa and the Sahel, the UN Special Representative for the subregion told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 7 يوليو 2022

    Photo: OSESGY/Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    The parties have a responsibility to ease the suffering of civilians and facilitate their safe freedom of movement. The parties have...

  • 7 يوليو 2022

    DUSHANBE, Tajikistan

    On 4-7 July, UNRCCA in partnership...

  • 6 يوليو 2022

    The members of the Security Council took note of the appointment of Najib Mikati as the new designated Prime Minister on 23 June, as well as the presentation...

  • 6 يوليو 2022

    To strengthen the Department’s accountability and organizational learning, DPPA commissions several evaluative exercises every year. The attached report contains summary findings and recommendations drawn from three lessons-learned studies and two self-evaluations undertaken in 2021 on a wide range of themes and countries such as Cyprus, Lebanon, Sudan/South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The exercises are confidential and cannot be shared in their entirety, but DPPA is committed to widely disseminate the executive summaries. These studies are largely funded by DPPA’s Multi-Year Appeal thanks to the support of our donors.

  • 6 يوليو 2022

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday echoed strong condemnation from the Security Council and elsewhere, of the killing of two more UN peacekeepers in northern Mali.

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    Photo: OSESGY/Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    Amman, 5 July 2022 – The military coordination committee convened its third meeting today...

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    In view of the upcoming Eid celebrations, the parties’ focal points in the military coordination committee agreed to consolidate their commitment to the current truce through a continued halt of all offensive ground, aerial, and maritime military operations, inside and outside of Yemen, and freezing current military positions on the ground.

    The parties agreed to work in the...

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    UN chief António Guterres lent his support on Tuesday to international efforts to rebuild Ukraine, as a conference began in Switzerland to garner support for the war-shattered country.

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    [as delivered]

    Good afternoon,

  • 5 يوليو 2022

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    Good afternoon,

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    [as delivered]

    Good afternoon,

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    [as delivered]

    Good afternoon,

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    The United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) has published a report outlining key climate change impacts on peace and security...

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    On 17 June 2022, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres appointed Markus Potzel of Germany as his new Deputy Special Representative (Political) for...

  • 5 يوليو 2022

    On 17 June 2022, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres appointed Markus Potzel of Germany as his new Deputy Special Representative (Political) for Afghanistan in the United...

  • 4 يوليو 2022

    ©UNMAS/Giovanni Diffidenti | Civilians have paid the highest price during the conflict in Libya.

    New suspected mass graves have been uncovered in Tarhuna, Libya, a ...
  • 3 يوليو 2022

    Criminal Investigation | UNODC refurbishes criminal investigation...

  • 2 يوليو 2022

    The Secretary-General is following with concern the demonstrations that were held in several cities in Libya, including Tripoli, Tobruk and Benghazi, on 1 July. Recognizing the right to...

  • 1 يوليو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    DiCarlo: Restoring Iran nuclear agreement will require additional effort and patience 

    Briefing the Security Council on 30 June on the Iran nuclear issue, Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, said that achieving the landmark Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) took determined diplomacy; restoring it will take additional effort and patience. She and the Secretary-General urged the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States to quickly resume cooperation under the JCPOA.  She hoped Iran and the United States would continue to build on the momentum of the last few days of talks, facilitated by the European Union in Doha, to resolve outstanding issues. 

    Read full remarks here 

    UN News on the briefing here 

    Syria needs urgent action to implement a comprehensive political solution 

    Geir Pedersen, the Special Envoy for Syria, briefed the Council on 29 June.  In his remarks, he reiterated the importance of the three-pronged framework of Security Council resolution 2585 (2021) - cross-line, cross-border, and early recovery. With humanitarian needs growing and civilians in desperate need, he said, it is essential for the Security Council to renew this framework for an additional twelve months. “My message is simple: Don’t forget Syria. Find unity on Syria. Help the Syrians begin to emerge from this tragic conflict,” he said in closing. 

    Read full remarks here 

    Death, destruction, dislocation and disruption must stop now in Ukraine 

    Speaking in the Council on the conflict in Ukraine on 28 June, USG DiCarlo said: “We have run out of words to describe the senselessness, futility and cruelty of this war.” Civilians continue to pay too high a price, she added, calling for an end to the fighting.  

    Read her full remarks here 

    UN News on the briefing here 

    UN’s priority in Libya remains to facilitate a return to the electoral process 

    On 27 June, USG Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Council on the situation in Libya.  She said that elections are the only path to settle the disagreements over the democratic legitimacy of all Libyan institutions. She urged members of the Council to press on the Libyan parties to move towards an agreement leading to elections at the earliest possible date.

    Read her full remarks here 

    UN News on the briefing here 

    Wennesland: “There is no substitute for a legitimate political process that will resolve the core issues driving the conflict” 

    Tor Wennesland, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council by video conference from Jerusalem on 27 June. He expressed his alarm at the level of violence in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel over the past months.  He noted that mounting violence has been further fueled and heightened by provocative steps and inflammatory rhetoric.  Mr. Wennesland said it is crucial that all parties take immediate steps to lower tensions and reverse negative trends that undermine prospects for a peaceful two-State resolution of the conflict, with a contiguous, independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian State.  

    Read his full remarks here 

    UN News on the briefing here 

    Central Africa

    Launch of UNOCA Report on Climate, Peace and Security 

    On 30 June, the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) presented its new report “Sustaining Peace in Central Africa through Addressing the Adverse Impact of Climate Change on Peace and Security” at a virtual workshop organized by the Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Forum with Member States from Central Africa, the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and UN entities in attendance. The report highlights six pathways linking climate change and stability in the sub-region, including human mobility, inter-communal violence, land conflicts, and pressures on the Congo Basin rainforest. It presents recommendations to prevent and manage resulting risks, and proposes the development of a regional strategy that strengthens capacities to manage the impact of climate change on medium- and long-term stability. With COP27 on the horizon, UNOCA will expand its work on climate, peace and security, including through partnerships with ECCAS and its Member States as well as within the UN family.  

    Read more here 


    Work continues to reach agreement on elections in Libya, despite setback 

    Stephanie Williams, the Special Adviser for Libya, in a statement issued in the wake of the meeting in Geneva of the presidents of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State on 30 June, said the two chambers had reached unprecedented consensus on a number of longstanding issues.  But she added that disagreement persisted on the eligibility requirements for the candidates in the first presidential elections.  Ms. Williams urged the two chambers to overcome the pending disagreement as soon as possible. She also continued to urge all parties in Libya against taking any precipitous action, emphasizing that calm and stability must be maintained.  She will draft a full report on the proceedings, with recommendations on alternative ways forward, for the Secretary-General. 

    Read more here 

    West Africa and the Sahel 

    Special Representative Annadif visits Nigeria 

    Mahamet Saleh Annadif, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), concluded on 28 June a two-day visit to Abuja, Nigeria’s capital. He met with the Chairman and members of Nigeria’s Independent National Electoral Commission, among other officials. SRSG Annadif emphasized during his discussions that the next elections constitute a major opportunity to strengthen peace, democracy, development and good governance in Nigeria. He encouraged his interlocutors to redouble their efforts to ensure the effective participation of women and youth in the electoral process.  

    Read more here 


    Special Coordinator Wronecka calls for additional support to critical humanitarian efforts 

    On 1 July, the Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, visited the areas of Akkar and Tripoli in north Lebanon that support vulnerable Lebanese and refugee communities, as part of her regular visit to regions. In Bhannine, Akkar, accompanied by the World Food Programme (WFP), the Special Coordinator met with nine female-headed Syrian refugee households and listened to their stories of struggle but also resilience and hope. In Tripoli, the Special Coordinator met with vulnerable Lebanese families who rely on WFP’s cash assistance through the Ministry of Social Affairs’ National Poverty Targeting Programme as well as in-kind assistance. The Special Coordinator also met in Tripoli with the founder of a WFP-supported small enterprise, “Sheghel Emme,” that produces local food products and by doing so offers local women job opportunities. The Special Coordinator reiterated the UN's strong commitment to supporting Lebanon’s recovery and to leaving no one behind.


    High-level policy dialogue on accountability for gender-related killings Erbil 

    In line with its mandate to strengthen the rule of law and accountability for human rights violations in Iraq, UNAMI’s Human Rights Office convened a high-level policy dialogue on 27 June aimed at enabling a structured forum to enhance capacities and build political will to investigate and prosecute gender-related killings, thereby increasing accountability for such crimes.   

    Read more here  

    Chief of UNAMI Human Rights Office stresses full implementation of Committee Against Torture 

    On 26 June, the Chief of UNAMI’s Human Rights Office, Danielle Bell, delivered remarks at an event in Erbil that was organized by Heartland Alliance International in cooperation with Office of Coordinator for International Advocacy and Democracy and Human Rights Development Center in the Kurdistan Region to mark the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Ms. Bell stressed the necessity of full implementation of Committee Against Torture and its recent concluding observations to eliminate torture and ensure accountability in Kurdistan Region and that victims are duly compensated.  

    Learn more here 

    UNAMI dialogue on reparative justice 

    Marking UN International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture on 26 June, the UNAMI Human Rights Office in cooperation with the Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights, Coalition for Just Reparations, International Organization for Migration, and the Government of Iraq’s General Directorate for Survivors Affairs, organized a “Dialogue on Reparative Justice: Ensuring Effective Reparations in Iraq”.

    Read more here 

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA discusses the establishment of a counter-terrorism early warning network  

    On 27 - 30 June, in Istanbul, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) and the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) convened a meeting to discuss the establishment of a counter-terrorism early warning network for Central Asia in the context of the rapidly changing situation in Afghanistan. Opening the meeting, SRSG for Central Asia and the Head of UNRCCA Natalia Gherman emphasized that this initiative will not only provide more comprehensive and timely information exchange in the current unpredictable environment, but it will also serve as a platform to coordinate engagement with Afghanistan among national, regional and international actors.  

    Read more here 


    Truth Commission's final report embodies the commitment to place victims at the centre of the Peace Agreement  

    On 28 June, the Commission for the Clarification of the Truth presented its final report, after years of investigation and extensive dialogue with some 27,000 people from across Colombian society and based on nearly 1,000 reports received from different actors. "Today is a historic day for the country, a day in which the centrality of the victims established in the Peace Agreement has been reaffirmed in the presentation of the Report of the Truth Commission," said Carlos Ruiz Massieu, SRSG and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia. The UN acknowledged the work of the Truth Commission and stressed that its work has provided an opportunity for dialogue and mutual recognition, laying the foundations for reconciliation, which is fundamental for the consolidation of peace in Colombia. 


    PBSO organizes staff retreat 

    The Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) organized a staff retreat this week to enhance its collaboration within the peace and security pillar and wider partnerships for conflict prevention and sustaining peace in the UN system and with key external partners. Led by the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Elizabeth Spehar, the staff brainstormed strategies to strengthen PBSO’s support to the UN system, national governments, civil society, private sector, international financial institutions (IFIs) and other key partners. Invited colleagues from the UN system provided valuable perspectives on the space for peacebuilding in the current global context and how to advance the UN’s peacebuilding impact. Facilitated by the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, dedicated sessions focused on exchanging ideas on strategic offer, transformative results, policy coherence, thought leadership and strategic partnerships of PBSO, in light of DPPA’s new strategic plan. 


    Next Week

    Under the presidency of Brazil, the Security Council will discuss the situation in West Africa and the Sahel on Thursday, 7 July.  



    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org




  • 1 يوليو 2022

    The UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet on Friday expressed alarm over the killing of at least nine protesters by security forces in Sudan a day earlier, including a 15-year-old child.

  • 1 يوليو 2022

    Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, congratulates the people and government of Somalia on...

  • 1 يوليو 2022

    Read here the latest UNSOM Quarterly Newsletter.

  • 30 يونيو 2022

    Despite diplomatic engagements, restoring the so-called Iran nuclear agreement continues to be hindered by political and technical differences, the UN political and peacebuilding chief told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 30 يونيو 2022


    Thank you, Mr. President for the invitation to brief the Council on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and resolution 2231 (2015).


    Diplomatic engagements in and around the Joint Commission to restore the Plan resumed in November 2021. But despite their determination to resolve political and technical differences, the participants and the United States are yet to return to full and effective implementation of the Plan and resolution 2231.


    Achieving the landmark JCPOA took determined diplomacy. Restoring it will require additional effort and patience. Together with the Secretary-General, I therefore urge the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States to quickly mobilize in this same spirit and commitment to resume cooperation under the JCPOA.


    In this regard, we welcome the step taken by the United States in February 2022 to reinstate waivers on nuclear non-proliferation projects. We again appeal to the United States to lift or waive its sanctions as outlined in the Plan and to extend the waivers regarding the trade in oil with Iran.


    We also again call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to reverse the steps it has taken that are not consistent with its nuclear-related commitments under the Plan.


    While the International Atomic Energy Agency has not been able to verify the stockpile of enriched uranium in Iran, it estimates a total enriched uranium stockpile of more than fifteen times the allowable amount under the JCPOA. This includes amounts of uranium enriched to 20% and 60%, which is extremely worrying.


    Moreover, on 8 and 20 June, the Agency reported that Iran had started to install additional advanced centrifuges at the Fuel Enrichment Plant at Natanz and began feeding uranium into advanced centrifuges at the Fuel Enrichment Plant at Fordow.


    The Agency has also once again reported that its “verification and monitoring activities have been seriously affected as a result of Iran’s decision to stop the implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, including the Additional Protocol”.


    In his latest report, the Agency’s Director General informed the Security Council that the decision of Iran to remove cameras at various locations and to place them and the data collected from them under Agency seals “could have detrimental implications”.


    The Agency’s ability to verify Iran’s nuclear activities and to confirm their peaceful nature are key to the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA.


    Mr. President,


    The Plan and resolution 2231 (2015) support our common objectives of nuclear non-proliferation and regional security. In this regard, the bilateral and regional initiatives to improve relationships with Iran remain key and should be encouraged and built upon.


    We also continue to encourage Member States and the private sector to engage in trade with Iran using available trade instruments to address ongoing challenges.


    In addition to the issues with regard to implementation of its JCPOA commitments, it is also important for Iran to address concerns raised by participants in the Plan and by other Member States in relation to annex B of resolution 2231 (2015).


    Mr. President,


    I will now turn to the measures set out in annex B to the resolution, as outlined in the Secretary-General’s thirteenth report on the implementation of resolution 2231 (S/2022/490).


    First, on the nuclear-related provisions, no new proposals were submitted to the procurement channel in the last six months. The Council, however, received five notifications, submitted pursuant to paragraph 2 of annex B, for certain nuclear-related activities consistent with the Plan.


    Second, regarding the ballistic missile-related provisions, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States provided information to the Secretary-General and the Security Council concerning ballistic missile launches and the presentation of a new Iranian medium-range ballistic missile between November 2021 and February 2022.


    We also received information from these same Member States about two space launch vehicle tests and two static engine tests by Iran between December 2021 and March of this year.


    The information provided reflects divergent views among those Member States as to whether those launches and other activities are inconsistent with the resolution.


    Third, we reported on our analysis and examination of information, from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, related to paragraph 4 of annex B to resolution 2231 (2015).


    This paragraph pertains to the supply, sale or transfer to or from the Islamic Republic of Iran of all items, materials, equipment, goods and technology as set out in Council document S/2015/546. This document includes ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and other Unmanned Aerial Vehicle systems with a range of 300 km or more.


    In the reporting period, we conducted a follow up visit to Riyadh, as well as a visit to Abu Dhabi, upon invitation of their respective authorities.


    We examined the debris of nine ballistic missiles, six cruise missiles and several UAVs used in various attacks by the Houthis against the territories of Saudi Arabia and the UAE since 2020 and which were alleged to have been transferred in a manner inconsistent with resolution 2231.


    We observed that the debris of the nine ballistic missiles and six cruise missiles had similar design characteristics and parts consistent with those of missiles it had examined previously and assessed to be of Iranian origin.


    We also assessed these missiles and/or parts thereof to be of Iranian origin. However, we have not been able to determine when the ballistic missiles or parts thereof may have been transferred from Iran, in particular, whether such transfer(s) occurred after 16 January 2016, the date on which the restrictive measures set out in annex B to resolution 2231 (2015) came into force.


    Finally, on the assets freeze provisions, we did not receive any information alleging actions inconsistent with these provisions of resolution 2231 (2015).


    Mr. President,


    The JCPOA was a triumph for non-proliferation and multilateralism. After many years of uncertainty, the Plan is now at a critical juncture. We hope that Iran and the United States will continue to build on the momentum of the last few days of talks, facilitated by the European Union to resolve the remaining issues.


    Will we realize the promise of multilateralism and diplomacy by reaching a compromise on the remaining issues? Or will we simply let the painstaking efforts of many years slip between our fingers?  


    The Secretary-General is convinced there is only one path to lasting peace and security for all Member States, and that is the one based on dialogue and cooperation. We hope that diplomacy will prevail. 


    In closing, I would like to thank the Facilitator for the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015), Her Excellency Ms. Geraldine Byrne Nason, for her leadership throughout her tenure, as well as the Coordinator of the Procurement Working Group of the Joint Commission for our continued cooperation.


    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 30 يونيو 2022

    Across Ukraine, the scale of needs caused by Russia's invasion is still massive and human rights concerns persist, UN humanitarians said in an update on Thursday, as they repeated calls for access to the country's Black Sea ports to export vitally needed cereals.

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    GENEVA, 30 June 2022 – Under the auspices of the United Nations, the presidents of the House of Representatives and High Council of State met in Geneva on 28...

  • 30 يونيو 2022

    ISTANBUL, Turkiye

    On 27 - 30 June, in Istanbul, the United Nations Regional Centre for...

  • 29 يونيو 2022

    The resurgence of the M23 armed group has “broad repercussions” for the security, human rights and humanitarian situation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and for the wider region, the UN Special Representative there told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 29 يونيو 2022

    Geneva - 29 June 2022- The Independent Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) on Libya uncovers further evidence of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and gross human rights violations in its...

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    The “horrific conflict,” in Ukraine shows no signs of abating, the UN political and peacebuilding chief told the Security Council on Tuesday, pointing out that since her last update on 5 April, “countless Ukrainian civilians” have been killed in indiscriminate attacks, cities and towns levelled, and much of the country’s arable land “horribly disfigured by shelling”.  

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    Mister President,

    When I last briefed this Council on 5 April, it hardly seemed possible that the devastation being wrought on Ukraine and its people could get any worse.

    In the 12 weeks since, countless more Ukrainian civilians have been killed in indiscriminate attacks, cities and towns continue to be levelled, and much of the country’s arable land has been horribly disfigured by shelling.

    And this horrific conflict, an open source of instability in Europe, shows no signs of abating.

    The depravity of the war was again on full display yesterday following the missile strike in Kremenchuk, in the central Poltava region.

    Hundreds of people, perhaps even some trying to get a respite from the daily horrors of the war, suffered one of the most shocking attacks of the conflict when a shopping center was hit by what are reported to be Russian missiles.

    Eighteen civilians were reportedly killed and 59 injured. The final toll may be much higher.

    This incident, which should be investigated, was the latest in a new wave of airstrikes and missile attacks in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv and other cities far from the frontlines, with many civilians killed or injured.  

    Presently, the most intense fighting is in and around the towns of Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and Sloviansk in the Donbas. Heavy fighting is also reported around the cities of Kharkiv and Kherson.

    In scenes reminiscent of the World Wars, large-scale artillery duels are devastating industrial areas, with thousands of civilians forced to hide in basements or flee for their lives. Large military casualties are claimed on both sides.


    Mr. President,

    Civilians continue to pay too high a price in this war. As of 26 June, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recorded 10,631 civilian casualties in the country: 4,731 killed and 5,900 injured. These are figures based on verified incidents; the actual figures are considerably higher.

    Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by explosive weapons with a wide impact area. Many of these weapons are inherently indiscriminate when used in populated areas and, therefore, result in increased civilian casualties and devastating humanitarian impacts.

    The Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine concluded earlier this month its first mission to the country, including visits to Bucha, Irpin, Kharkiv and Sumy.

    Though only in the initial stages of its work, the Commission received information and visited cities that quote “may support claims that serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, perhaps reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity, have been committed” end quote.

    The work of the Commission of Inquiry, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and other fact-finding efforts are essential for establishing accountability for the crimes and atrocities committed during this war.

    This work must lead to justice. It is imperative for the people of Ukraine. It is also crucial if we hope to be able to prevent such violations in the future, wherever they threaten to occur.


    Mr. President,

    Since 24 February, over 8.8 million people across Ukraine have received some form of humanitarian assistance and protection services. At least 16 million people need such aid.  

    Needs are increasing, especially ahead of winter. Humanitarian partners are working on a winterization assistance plan and revising the Flash Appeal, which runs through August, to cover the needs through the end of 2022.

    Women, in particular, are facing immense hardship when it comes to health, safety, and access to food. A Rapid Gender Analysis by UN Women and CARE in April revealed that women are increasingly becoming heads of households and leaders in their communities as men are conscripted.

    They must be included in formal decision-making processes related to humanitarian efforts, peace-making, and other areas that directly impact their lives.

    Perilous conditions are hampering efforts by humanitarian partners to reach civilians, or for them to access the support they need. One statistic sheds light on this concern: since 24 February, the World Health Organization has recorded 323 attacks on healthcare facilities and personnel, resulting in 76 deaths.

    We strongly remind all parties of their obligations under international humanitarian law: All adequate measures must be taken to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure.


    Mr. President,

    Ukraine is suffering the largest human displacement crisis in the world today. Since the start of the Russian invasion, more than one-quarter of the country’s population – 12 million people – have been forced from their homes.

    Within Ukraine, over 7.1 million people remain displaced by the war. UNHCR estimates there are over 5.2 million refugees present across Europe. Over 3.5 million refugees from Ukraine have registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe.

    The UN remains committed to provide support for the Government-led responses in host countries. 

    Also, given the increasingly protracted nature of the conflict, we must not neglect Ukraine’s long-term recovery and rebuilding needs.

    Using early socio-economic assessments, UNDP launched a new Resilience and Recovery Programme to support the Ukrainian Government’s emergency response, its commitment to public services, and to keeping the economy running, as well as to help assess priority needs to deliver for the people of Ukraine.


    Mr. President,

    The war is having devastating consequences not only on the country and the immediate region, but far beyond Ukraine’s borders. As the Secretary-General noted on 8 June during the launch of the second brief of the UN Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance, the war is exacerbating the greatest cost-of-living crisis in a generation.

    Price shocks in the global food, energy and fertilizer markets are escalating - in a world already grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

    To address this multi-dimensional threat, strong political will across the multilateral community and a comprehensive approach is foremost necessary.


    Mr. President,

    We have run out of words to describe the senselessness, futility and cruelty of this war.

    As the Secretary-General warned, “for those on the ground, every day brings new bloodshed and suffering. And for people around the world, the war, together with the other crises, is threatening to unleash an unprecedented wave of hunger and destitution, leaving social and economic chaos in its wake”.

    No country or community will be left untouched.

    The cycle of death, destruction, dislocation, and disruption must stop. For the sake of Ukraine, Russia, and the entire world.


    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 28 يونيو 2022

    Between 1 March 2011 and 31 March 2021, 306,887 civilians were killed in the on-going war in Syria - the highest estimate yet of conflict-related deaths in the country, according to a new report published by the UN rights office (OHCHR) on Tuesday.