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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 16 يونيو 2022

    Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

    On 13-15 June,...

  • 15 يونيو 2022

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has strongly condemned a weekend attack in Burkina Faso that left dozens of civilians dead and displaced scores more, his Spokesperson said on Wednesday. 

  • 15 يونيو 2022

    The Women, Peace and Security agenda is “one of our best hopes” for a more peaceful future and a liveable planet, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 14 يونيو 2022

    Photo: OSESGY/Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    Good afternoon. It’s very good to be back in New York and very good to see you all. I have just briefed the Council on the latest...

  • 14 يونيو 2022

    The “unprecedented” truce in Yemen has so far led to a reduction in fighting and other positive developments, but action is needed on its full implementation and to address rising humanitarian needs and insecurity, the UN Security Council heard on Tuesday. 

  • 14 يونيو 2022

    Photo: OSESGY/Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    Thank you, Mr. President.

    I am pleased to be with you here...

  • 14 يونيو 2022

    Still suffering from the devastating consequences of the February 2021 military coup, the UN rights chief said on Tuesday that the people of Myanmar remain “trapped in a cycle of poverty and displacement, human rights violations and abuses”.

  • 14 يونيو 2022

    Food assistance to 1.7 million people in South Sudan has been suspended, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Tuesday, citing a funding crunch and rising needs.

  • 13 يونيو 2022

    The political crisis unleashed in Myanmar following the 1 February military coup last year, has “opened new frontlines that had long been at peace,” the UN Special Envoy told the General Assembly on Monday, noting that challenges in the country have “both deepened and expanded dramatically.”

  • 13 يونيو 2022

    Long-term uncertainty related to the length of the transition period in Mali has made it even more difficult to achieve progress on implementing the 2015 peace agreement, the top UN official in the country told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 13 يونيو 2022

    Madame Vice-President, Distinguished Delegates,

    It is an honour to address the General Assembly in my capacity as the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar.


  • 13 يونيو 2022
  • 13 يونيو 2022

    Dakar, 13 June 2022 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations...

  • 13 يونيو 2022

    New York, 13 June 2022

    Every year on 21 September, the United Nations calls on all people to lay down weapons and reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with one another. 

    Today, as we mark the 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace, this shared aspiration is more pressing than ever.

    This year’s theme is “End...

  • 12 يونيو 2022

    The widespread exploitation of men, women, and children at a refugee camp in Malawi has been uncovered by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Malawian Police Service.

  • 12 يونيو 2022

    Cairo, Egypt | 12 June 2022 © UNSMIL

    Cairo, Egypt | 12-19 June 2022


  • 11 يونيو 2022

    The UN issued a statement on Saturday calling for attacks on civilians by multiple armed groups in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to “immediately cease”.

  • 11 يونيو 2022

    SINGAPORE, 11 June 2022 – The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer affirmed her commitment today at the 19th Shangri-La Dialogue Asia Security Summit to work with all parties in Myanmar towards the cessation of violence and urgent access for humanitarian aid. 

    The Special Envoy delivered her address to the Special Session entitled “Myanmar: Finding a Way Forward” focusing on how the international community can best assist the people of Myanmar. She was joined by panelists including His Excellency Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia; Pornpimol Kanchanalak, Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Special Representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Myanmar, Thailand; and Derek Chollet, Counselor of the Department, U.S. Department of State.

    “There is an urgency for a coherent international response built on regional unity. The people of Myanmar need our collective support to respond to the realities on the ground, and to address the escalating vulnerabilities,” Ms. Heyzer said.

    Addressing the inter-governmental security conference, the Special Envoy emphasized that more needs to be done to deliver aid through all existing channels and inclusive processes, to support local humanitarian networks and to build community-based resilience. Humanitarian support must be delivered without discrimination and not be instrumentalized for political or military gain.

    Special Envoy Heyzer told the audience of her continuing consultations with all Myanmar stakeholders representing parties to the conflict and civil society, including women community leaders who have highlighted the the urgent need for humanitarian support and protection for women and children. In concert with Her Excellency Retno Marsudi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Ms. Heyzer continues to explore strategies to advance the Women, Peace and Security platform on Myanmar.

    In her bridging capacity helping to amplify the voices of the people of Myanmar and align regional and international efforts, Special Envoy Heyzer emphasized the crucial role of ASEAN in de-escalating the crisis and importance of restarting momentum on the Five-Point Consensus. In addition to the humanitarian obligation to the people of Myanmar, the worsening security situation has major consequences for the entire region.

    “The trajectory of growing violence and instability in Myanmar has dire implications beyond national borders,” Special Envoy Heyzer said. “The illegal economy is thriving and spilling over into the region as drug production and trade, human trafficking, export of timber and other illicit activities reach record highs.”

    As of 26 May, more than 1 million people have been displaced in Myanmar, with more than half of them losing their homes since the 1 February 2021 military coup. More than 40,200 people have fled to neighboring countries and 12,700 houses, religious buildings and schools have been destroyed.

    The Special Envoy will address the United Nations General Assembly on 13 June to brief Member States on the urgent situation.

    Press contact: Jeremy Walden-Schertz, Media and Communications Officer, jeremy.walden-schertz@un.org

  • 11 يونيو 2022
  • 11 يونيو 2022

    TRIPOLI, 10 June 2022 - UNSMIL has received reports of clashes in Tripoli last night between armed groups, which endangered the lives of civilians, and separately of mobilization of...

  • 10 يونيو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Security conditions worsen in the Central African region 

    Briefing the UN Security Council on 8 June, Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Africa Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee noted that while several countries of the Central African region - namely the Republic of the Congo, Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon - are on track to hold elections in 2022 and 2023, others continue to face political and security challenges that risk impacting neighboring countries. She reiterated the UN’s support to the region and urged steps to maintain dialogue with a view to avoiding any further escalation of tensions. The UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) will continue to serve as a key mechanism for preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention and conflict resolution, she said. 

    Read full remarks here 

    Five non-permanent members for 2023-2024 elected 

    On 9 June, the General Assembly elected Ecuador, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, and Switzerland as non-permanent members of the Security Council for the 2023-2024 term. The five newly elected countries will join Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana and the United Arab Emirates around the Council’s signature horseshoe table, replacing India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway as of 1 January 2023. China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States are permanent members of the Council. 

    Read more in UN News 


    BINUH workshop discusses country’s governance challenges 

    The UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) organized a two-day workshop on 8 - 9 June on governance, where Haitian experts and actors discussed the functioning of democratic institutions in Haiti. Opening the meeting, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Helen La Lime stressed that only through a constructive dialogue will it be possible to identify lasting solutions to the problems of governance and create the necessary conditions for the holding of elections.


    Women builders of peace from the territories

    On 4 June in Villavicencio, central Colombia, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia accompanied the second assembly of the Foundation “Sin Olvidos”, which includes women in the process of reintegration. The Foundation was established in August 2020 to support former women combatants and victims of the conflict who lost their husbands. During the assembly, new board of directors and the committees for accompaniment and guidance for victims, gender and disability, and development and sustainability were elected. 


    Special Coordinator visits Bourj Hammoud 

    On 10 June, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka visited neighborhoods in the area of Bourj Hammoud, east of Beirut, that received assistance for rehabilitation from the UN Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) following the 2020 Beirut Port explosion. The project, backed by Poland and Japan, was implemented in an area where Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees live together. “These kinds of projects clearly make a difference and can bring hope”, she said. “The UN and international community remain committed to supporting Lebanon and its people.”  


    UN delegation visits Al-Hol camp in northeast Syria 

    As part of a high-level UN delegation visiting Al-Hol refugee camp in northeastern Syria on 5 June, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert witnessed first-hand the dire conditions in the camp. “Keeping people in restricted and poor conditions ultimately creates greater protection and security risks than taking them back in a controlled manner,” warned the Special Representative. She stressed that the best and only durable solution is to manage repatriation swiftly and decisively, finding dignified solutions anchored in the principles of both accountability and reintegration.  

    Read more here  

    Watch the visit here  

    Special Representative discusses elections in the Kurdistan region 

    Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert participated in the meeting of political parties in the Kurdistan region on 9 June, organized by the President of the Kurdistan Region. Discussions centered around elections, including voting day, constituencies, voter registration, and the Kurdistan Region Election Commission. The UN will participate in the committee and continue consultations.  


    Military coordination committee convenes second meeting under UN-auspices 

    The Office of the Special Envoy for Yemen convened on 6 June the second meeting of the parties’ military coordination committee in Amman, Jordan. The meeting discussed technical issues related to the parties’ commitment to implementing the truce. Military representatives from the Government of Yemen, Ansar Allah and the Coalition Joint Forces Command participated in the meeting The military coordination committee also agreed to meet on a monthly basis to ensure regular discussions continue at a strategic level. 

    Read more here  



    Special Representative discusses humanitarian and economic situation 

    Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), met this week with senior Taliban officials to discuss efforts to revitalize the country’s banking and business sectors, international concerns on Afghan girls’ education, and counter-terrorism commitments. The Special Representative, who will complete her assignment in Afghanistan on 15 June, also held on 8 June a farewell meeting with members of diplomatic corps and regional organizations.  

    Central Asia

    Special Representative discusses peace and security cooperation with Tajikistan 

    Natalia Gherman, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), met on 4 June with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Sirojiddin Muhriddin, to discuss and exchange views on a number of peace and security developments in the region. The meeting took place in advance of the 2nd International High-Level Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2028”, which took place from 6 to 9 June. Special Representative Gherman expressed appreciation for the active support of Tajikistan of the activities within the recently adopted UNRCCA “Strategy in support of water, energy and environmental cooperation among the states of Central Asia for 2022-2025."

    Read more here 

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative takes part in the ECOWAS Extraordinary Summit  

    On 6 June, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office in West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Mahamat Saleh Annadif participated in the 6th Extraordinary Summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) held in Accra, Ghana. Among other things, he expressed regret over the duration of the transition and a lack of a clear timetable in Burkina Faso and voiced concerns about the transition period in Guinea. He reiterated the availability of UNOWAS and the entire UN system to work closely with ECOWAS for the region.  

    Great Lakes region

    Special Envoy concludes his mission to Rwanda and DRC 

    On 4 June, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region Huang Xia concluded his mission to Kigali, Rwanda and Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo. During his regional tour, the Special Envoy encouraged leaders to continue engaging in dialogue on key issues of concern, including the threat posed by armed groups. In Kigali, he met with Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Vincent Biruta, among other officials, exchanging views on recent political and security developments in the region. In Goma, he met with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), Bintu Keita. 


    UNITAMS facilitates the preparation of intra-Sudanese talks 

    The Trilateral Mechanism on Sudan, consisting of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), the African Union Commission (AUC), and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development Secretariat (IGAD), held a technical meeting on 8 June to discuss the preparatory details for the holding of intra-Sudanese talks aimed to facilitate a solution to the political crisis. The meeting was attended by a range of political parties and movements, the Sudan Revolutionary Front, and representatives of the military. The discussion touched upon rules of procedures, the format of talks on substantive issues, and for the establishment of a national body that includes respected Sudanese figures to supervise the political talks and work closely with the Trilateral Mechanism.   


    UN Behavioural Science Week 

    DPPA’s the Innovation Cell, together with the UN Office of Counter Terrorism’s International Hub on Behavioural Insights hosted on 7 June an online session on "Why Behavioural Science Matters for Peace and Security". Sophia Moskalenko, Research Fellow at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, and Josh Martin, Executive Director of Beyond Conflict, shared the latest research on Behavioural Science in the peace context, including issues such as biases, the measuring of the efficacy of political messages, affective empathy and public preferences, irrational politics and other themes relevant to multilateral diplomacy and the UN’s peace efforts.


    PBC visits to Liberia 

    The Chair of the Liberia Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström (Sweden), joined by the ASG for Peacebuilding Support, Elizabeth Spehar, concluded a week-long visit to Liberia. They met with President George Manneh Weah, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr. and other Government officials, among others. The visit focused on the PBC and the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF)’s support for Liberia’s peacebuilding priorities, including social cohesion and national reconciliation efforts, the promotion of women’s empowerment and gender equality, and the preparation for elections in 2023.

    Peacebuilding Fund’s newsletter is out 

    The Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) launched the Peacebuilding Fund’s quarterly newsletter this week. The newsletter aims to highlight the impact the Fund has had on the ground thanks to its donor partners. In this first edition, the newsletter features public hearings held by the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission in The Gambia. It also highlights the work of young peacebuilders in Somalia and of women who were victims of the armed conflict in Colombia transforming livelihoods through the Fund. 


    Read more here  

    Next Week

    On Tuesday, 14 June, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Hans Grundberg will brief the Security Council on Yemen. On Wednesday, 15 June, the Council will hold an open debate on the role of regional organizations in implementing women, peace and security in the face of political turmoil and seizures of power by force. On Thursday, 16 June, the Council will hear a briefing on Haiti by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of BINUH, Helen La Lime.  

    The Peacebuilding Fund’s Annual Strategic Dialogue with top 12 donors will take place from 14 to 16 June in the Hague, hosted by the Netherlands.  




    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 10 يونيو 2022

    Today, UN-Habitat in the presence of Mihara Kiyoshi, representative of Ambassador of Japan to Lebanon; H.E. Przemysław Niesiołowski,...

  • 10 يونيو 2022

    The UN human rights office, OHCHR, on Friday condemned the death sentence handed down to three foreign fighters in Ukraine by a court in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. “Such trials against prisoners of war amount to a war crime,” said OHCHR spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani.

  • 9 يونيو 2022

    It is essential to close the gap between the great potential of the Americas region and the daily struggles facing its people, UN Secretary-António Guterres told senior officials from across the hemisphere on Thursday. 

  • 9 يونيو 2022

    Five countries have been elected to serve as non-permanent members of the UN Security Council following a vote in the General Assembly on Thursday. 

  • 9 يونيو 2022

    Mogadishu – The United Nations in Somalia today congratulated President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on his inauguration, and said it looks forward to working with his administration in...

  • 8 يونيو 2022

    Crimes committed by the Da’esh terror network in Iraq constitute some of the “most gruesome acts we have seen in recent history”, the UN Special Advisor reminded the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 8 يونيو 2022

    Ripple effects from the war in Ukraine have generated a severe cost-of-living crisis which no country or community can escape, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday at a press conference to launch the latest report on the conflict’s impacts on food security, energy, and financing. 

  • 8 يونيو 2022

    If you’re a Ukrainian living in a hard-to-reach part of a city under fire, the chances of the UN being able to get lifesaving aid to you and your family are improving, thanks to an innovative partnership announced on Wednesday, between the UN World Food Programme (WFP), and global transportation platform, Uber.

  • 8 يونيو 2022

    As part of ongoing international efforts to address growing concerns over global food security linked to the war in Ukraine, a top UN official on Wednesday urged countries not to slap restrictions on the export of foodstuffs that are in such short supply elsewhere.

  • 8 يونيو 2022
    Madame la Présidente,
    Distingués membres du Conseil de sécurité,
    Je vous remercie de l’opportunité d'informer aujourd'hui le Conseil de sécurité sur la situation en Afrique centrale et sur les activités du Bureau régional des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique centrale (UNOCA). Permettez-moi tout d'abord de rendre hommage au travail du Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général pour l'Afrique centrale, M. François Louncény Fall, dont le mandat s'est terminé la semaine dernière.  Au cours des derniers cinq ans et demi de son mandat, M. Fall a contribué à l’élargissement des activités de l'UNOCA à travers ses bons offices, le renforcement des capacités régionales en matière de prévention et de résolution des conflits, et l’appui à la coordination et la cohérence de l'action des Nations Unies en matière de paix et de sécurité en Afrique centrale. Je tiens à remercier M. Fall pour ses services et son dévouement personnel en faveur de la paix.
    Madam President,
    Several countries in the sub-region are preparing for crucial electoral processes. For the current year, legislative and local elections are expected to be held in the Republic of the Congo in July, general elections in Angola in August, legislative, regional and local elections in São Tomé and Príncipe in September, and legislative elections in Equatorial Guinea with a date to be determined. In 2023, presidential elections are expected in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. Chad is also expected to hold general elections at the end of the transitional process. The United Nations has been clear in its message: all stakeholders must work towards the creation of conditions conducive for credible, inclusive and peaceful elections, in line with democratic principles. UNOCA and other presences in the region will pursue good offices, wherever required, to encourage inclusive and meaningful political dialogue in countries preparing for elections. The Office will also encourage Governments to widen the democratic space and further democratic gain, including through an expansion of women and youth’s participation in the elections, both as candidates and voters.
    Madam President,
    Some countries in the sub-region continue to face political and security challenges. In some instances, these challenges, if not addressed, could risk impacting neighbouring countries and the sub-region.
    In Cameroon, challenges persist, including the conflict in the North-West and South-West Regions, the crisis generated by Boko Haram affiliated and splinter groups in the Far North Region, and the influx of refugees fleeing conflict in neighbouring Central African Republic in the East. During my own visit with former SRSG Fall to Cameroon in March, I was able to engage in fruitful exchanges with national authorities and various stakeholders on the different peace and security challenges the country faces. The situation in the North-West and South-West Regions continues to be of particular concern, as violence is continuing.  It is crucial for the international community to step up support to national efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict in line with the conclusions of the Major National Dialogue and international standards.
    In Chad, despite delays in the timeline, the political transition continues to be on course. However, the most important challenges remain ahead. It is our hope that the Doha pre-dialogue with the armed opposition will lead to an inclusive peace agreement, including a viable process for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of Chadian armed groups present in neighbouring countries, particularly in Libya. I would like to underline here that a DDR process in line with international standards will facilitate the mobilization of support from the international community. The UN stands ready to support a donor conference to help mobilise funding for the implementation of the transition roadmap as and when the national dialogue process gains further traction. Meanwhile, I am concerned about the recent violence among groups of illegal goldminers, some of whom are allegedly from neighbouring countries, in an area of north-western Chad near the border with Libya. These clashes have resulted in at least 100 people killed, many injured, and significant displacement. In coordination with the transitional authorities, we will explore options for humanitarian support, while also cognizant of the need to address root causes of instability in this area.
    Madam President,
    UNOCA has continued its support to the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) in their efforts to implement institutional reform. UNOCA has also been working to strengthen the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for Peace and Conflict Prevention in Central Africa (COPAC). We look forward to hearing from Ambassador Gilberto Da Piedade Veríssimo, President of the ECCAS Commission and Ms. Danielle Nlate, Vice President of COPAC, during this morning’s session. I welcome Ambassador Veríssimo’s participation in the meeting of the Heads of UN presences in Central Africa earlier this year. UNOCA will continue to mobilize and coordinate UN system-wide support to building the capacity of ECCAS.
    Madam President,
    The Central Africa region continues to face persisting security challenges that are best addressed through regional cooperation. Last week, I briefed this Council on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I remain concerned by the activity of all armed groups in the eastern part of the country. In particular, the heinous attacks on civilians by the ADF and CODECO, and attacks by the M23 movement on Congolese security forces and MONUSCO. These attacks are exacerbating humanitarian crises, harming bilateral relations at different levels, and contributing to the spread of hate speech. In this regard, we welcome the timely mediation role of President João Lourenço of Angola. I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call to all armed groups to disarm and join the political process of the Nairobi Conclave. I also encourage all countries of the region to take steps conducive to peace, and to maintain dialogue with a view to avoiding any further escalation of tensions.
    Central Africa remains one of the regions in the world most severely affected by climate change, and this continues to compound peace and security challenges in the sub-region. This is manifested by the intensifying clashes between farmers and herders in Chad, and farming, fishing and herding communities in Cameroon. UNOCA, in close collaboration with the Climate Security Mechanism, is issuing a report on the negative impact of climate change on peace and security in Central Africa. The report is informed by several months of research and field visits, as well as consultations with UN and non-UN partners, in collaboration with ECCAS. It provides recommendations to regional stakeholders on how to better prevent, mitigate and manage security risks linked to climate change, under the leadership of ECCAS.
    In the Lake Chad Basin, Boko Haram-affiliated and splinter groups, including the so-called Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), continue to prey on civilian populations. Intensified air and ground operations by Nigerian and regional military forces have reportedly killed hundreds of terrorist fighters. At the same time, thousands of former associates of Boko Haram-affiliated and splinter groups have been surrendering to authorities in Nigeria and Cameroon, where they are undergoing a screening process. UNOCA continues to work with the Governments of the region, UNOWAS and other UN entities to support the implementation of the Lake Chad Basin Regional Strategy. UNOCA and UNOWAS also continue their high-level advocacy with member States of the Lake Chad Basin to increase coherence in their responses to violent extremism and provide technical support for DDR. The two offices jointly advocate for increased synergies between the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel and the Lake Chad Basin Regional Strategy.
    In the Gulf of Guinea, piracy incidents have decreased as a result of the commendable efforts of authorities in the region. At the same time, maritime security remains a key challenge and it will be crucial that initiatives to address this are further intensified going forward. I therefore welcome the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2634 (2022) of 31 May. As requested by the resolution, UNOCA and UNOWAS will continue to report on and support States and subregional organizations in their efforts to combat piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea.
    These security challenges were among those discussed at the ministerial level during the 53rd meeting of the UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC), which took place last week. The Ministers and Heads of Delegation exchanged views on the situation in Chad and adopted the Yaoundé Declaration renewing their support for the transition process in that country. They also discussed the situation in the Central African Republic and adopted a second Declaration reaffirming their support for the Government’s peace, national reconciliation, and reconstruction efforts. Furthermore, UNSAC member States adopted a third Declaration marking the thirtieth anniversary of UNSAC and reaffirming the importance of the Committee in promoting peace and security in Central Africa. I would like to thank the Government of Cameroon for hosting the meeting and commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of this important Committee that has over the years been a forum for cooperation between Member States in the region. In this Committee, the countries of the region agreed on important mechanisms such as the Council for Peace and Security in Central Africa (COPAX), the Kinshasa Convention on small arms and light weapons, and the regional strategy on counter-terrorism and the non-proliferation of small arms and light weapons. UNOCA will continue to work with UNSAC member States to ensure complementarity between the work of the Committee and that of the ECCAS Commission.
    Madam President,
    The women, peace and security agenda remains a key priority for the sub-region and for UNOCA. UNOCA continues to support the preparation or implementation of national action plans on Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) across the region. In Angola, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and São Tomé and Príncipe, the UN system provides support for capacity building, consultations and public initiatives by civil society, focused on women’s participation in mediation, peacebuilding, political dialogue and elections. In the case of Chad, the UN provides support to the transition process. Collaboration between UNOCA and UN Women has also led to a dialogue with the Peacebuilding Fund on opportunities to fund a multi-year regional programme that would help operationalize and strengthen the implementation of the agenda.
    Madam President, Distinguished Members of the Security Council,
    UNOCA has continued to demonstrate the utility of a regional office as a key mechanism for preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention and conflict resolution. We look forward to continued support by the Office to the sub-region in addressing its peace and security challenges under a new Special Representative of the Secretary-General.
    Je vous remercie pour votre attention.  
  • 7 يونيو 2022

    The creator of a women-only rapid intervention team who leads riot control activities inside the Central African Republic’s biggest all male high-security prison, was named the winner of a prestigious new UN award on Tuesday.

  • 7 يونيو 2022



    New York, 8 June 2022

    Last month, the World Meteorological Organization revealed that four key climate indicators broke new records in 2021: sea level rise; ocean heat; ocean acidification; and greenhouse gas concentrations.  It is clear that the triple crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution are threatening the health of our oceans, on which we all ultimately depend.

  • 7 يونيو 2022

    [As prepared for delivery]

    Ladies and...

  • 7 يونيو 2022

    The UN Secretary-General has condemned “in the strongest terms” a brutal attack on a Catholic church in southwest Nigeria at the weekend, which left at least 50 people dead and wounded dozens more.

  • 7 يونيو 2022

    DUSHANBE, Tajikistan

    On 6 June 2022, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, UNRCCA...

  • 6 يونيو 2022

    Amman, 6 June 2022 – Discussions resumed yesterday 5 June in Amman, Jordan with the delegations of both parties to reach an agreement...

  • 6 يونيو 2022

    Allegations of sexual violence by Russian troops in Ukraine are mounting, a senior UN official told the Security Council on Monday, expressing regret over a stark discrepancy between that painful reality, and the global community’s ambition to end the use of rape as a weapon of war.

  • 6 يونيو 2022

    OSESGY/Sulafah AlShami

    AMMAN, 6 June 2022 – The Office of the Special Envoy for Yemen convened the second meeting of...

  • 6 يونيو 2022

    Food insecurity and malnutrition worsen across Somalia as risk of famine increases amid historic fourth failed rainy season

    Mogadishu– A historic fourth consecutive failed...

  • 6 يونيو 2022

    Food insecurity and malnutrition worsen across Somalia as risk of famine increases amid historic fourth failed rainy season

    Mogadishu – A historic fourth consecutive failed rainy season, skyrocketing...

  • 6 يونيو 2022


    The United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) and Amani Africa, invite you to a high-level panel discussion in commemoration of the International...

  • 6 يونيو 2022

    On 4 June in Dushanbe, SRSG Natalia Gherman met with H.E. Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan...

  • 5 يونيو 2022

    On average, 90 per cent of those killed and injured by the use of explosive weapons used in populated areas are civilians. A political commitment to address the humanitarian harm arising from the use of these weapons in cities, towns and villages could be a major step towards protecting those caught up in conflict.

  • 5 يونيو 2022

    High-level Panel Discussion on International UN Peacekeepers Day on the theme: “People. Peace. Progress. The Power of Partnerships”

  • 4 يونيو 2022

    New York, 5 June 2022

    The theme of this year’s World Environment Day, “Only One Earth”, is a simple statement of fact.  This planet is our only home.  It is vital we safeguard the health of its atmosphere, the richness and diversity of life on Earth, its ecosystems and its finite resources.  But we are failing to do so.  We are asking too much of our planet to maintain ways life that are unsustainable...

  • 3 يونيو 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Xia: “The Great Lakes region does not need another crisis”  

    Briefing the Security Council on 31 May on the situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Huang Xia urged Security Council members to do everything to avoid a new escalation in the eastern part of the country and to avoid yet another crisis with immeasurable humanitarian, security and political consequences for the Great Lakes region. Also delivering remarks, Martha Pobee, the Assistant Secretary-General for Africa, said it is imperative that this Council lends its full weight to ongoing regional efforts to defuse the situation and bring an end to the M23 insurgency. 

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    Council members renew UNITAMS mandate 

    On 3 June, the Security Council adopted resolution 2636 (2022) renewing the mandate of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) for another year.  


    Renewal of truce in Yemen is “significant shift in the trajectory of the war” 

    Hans Grundberg, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, announced on 2 June that the parties to the conflict have agreed to the UN’s proposal to renew the current truce in Yemen for two additional months. The Special Envoy commended the parties for taking these steps.  He said the truce represents a significant shift in the trajectory of the war and has been achieved through responsible and courageous decision-making by the parties. He added that he will continue to engage with the parties to implement and consolidate all elements of the truce in full and move towards a sustainable political settlement to the conflict. The Secretary-General also welcomed the truce extension. 

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    Special Coordinator calls for prioritizing Lebanese people’s needs 

    As part of her meetings with Lebanese officials following parliamentary elections in Lebanon, Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka met on 1 June with Foreign Minister Abdallah Bouhabib to discuss the country’s institutional priorities and cooperation between Lebanon and the United Nations in the coming period. Underlining the importance of prioritizing the Lebanese people’s needs, the Special Coordinator called for expediting urgent reforms, including in the context of the staff level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The discussions also covered the next Security Council meeting on UN Security Council resolution 1701 and Lebanon in July 2022. 


    UNSCOL celebrates Innovation Day

    On 2 June, the Office of the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL) organized an innovation day event to explore new ways to work on peace and security in Lebanon. Supported by DPPA’s Innovation Cell, UNSCOL and UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) colleagues discussed modern practices for social media analysis, data visualization, and strategic foresight. They also took part in ideation and design thinking techniques to generate new ideas, including for a virtual reality (VR) experience on Lebanon. 


    Syrian-led, Syrian-owned, UN facilitated constitutional talks in Geneva 

    The Eighth Session of the Small Body of the Constitutional Committee convened this week in Geneva, Switzerland, chaired by Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria Geir O. Pedersen. On 29 May, the Special Envoy met jointly with the co-chair nominated by the government and the co-chair nominated by the opposition Syrian Negotiations Commission (SNC). They then met with the Civil Society delegation.

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative visits Burkina Faso 

    In Burkina Faso, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, started a two-day visit to the country on 1 June.  He met with the President of the Transition, Paul-Henry Sandaogo Damiba, Prime Minister Albert Ouédraogo, and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Social Cohesion and National Reconciliation.  

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    Sahel should be seen as region of ‘opportunity’ despite ‘multiple crises’: UN News interview 

    In an interview with UN News on the situation in the Sahel region, Special Representative Annadif said the region is facing multiple crises, for which the people of the Sahel are not responsible. “We are seeing more illegal migration, more terrorist influence and the destabilization of states,” he said. It’s important that the State, and public institutions play their role by ensuring the delivery of basic services and putting in place development infrastructures.  “There is no way out without development,” he stressed, adding that that requires a minimum of financial support. 

    Read the full interview


    UNAMA meets Afghan women leaders 

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Deborah Lyons, and Alison Davidian, Representative of UN Women in the country, met on 29 May with women leaders to discuss issues and challenges faced by Afghan women and girls. They stressed that women’s full contribution to society, including in civil service, is indispensable to Afghanistan’s future. 

    Central Asia 

    UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy completes training seminars 

    The UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA)’s Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) conducted two training seminars in May. Forty-two youth representatives from Central Asian countries and Afghanistan took part in the sessions, discussing the vision of the UN’s system-wide Youth Strategy with the representatives of the Office of the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth. They also learned about leadership and management skills.

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    European parliamentarians and union leaders visit Colombia 

    On 28–30 May, the Verification Mission in Colombia accompanied a delegation of British, Irish and Spanish parliamentarians and union leaders on their visit to Colombia to learn about the progress of the implementation of the Peace Agreement. In Bogotá, they met with Special Representative of the Secretary-General Carlos Ruiz Massieu and discussed the support of the international community to consolidate a sustainable and lasting peace in the country. They then traveled to the department of Putumayo, where they met social leaders, human rights defenders, former combatants and the community to learn about the security situation in this territory. The parliamentarians and union leaders ended their visit to the department of Caquetá, with a meeting with former FARC combatants about the progress and challenges in the implementation of the peace agreement and visited the premises of HUMANICEMOS to learn about their community work in humanitarian demining activities. 


    Peacebuilding Commission meeting on the impact of climate change on peacebuilding in the Pacific Islands 

    On 31 May, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) held an Ambassadorial-level meeting on the impact of climate change on peacebuilding in the Pacific Islands. The Commission heard briefings from the Permanent Representative of Fiji as the Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, UNDP’s Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific, the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, the Climate Envoy for the Marshall Islands, and a representative of the Pacific Community. Member States witnessed, for the first time, the effect of climate change in the region through a cinematic 360° virtual reality experience - “Sea of Islands” - developed by DPPA’s Innovation Cell and DPPA-DPO’s Asia-Pacific Division. Pacific Islands representatives, including from Nauru (co-chair of the Group of Friends on Climate and Security), Kiribati, Palau and Papua New Guinea, shared the realities of serious adverse effects caused by climate change and called on the international community to take urgent actions. They asked for the Commission's support in their efforts to unlock climate finance, particularly from multilateral climate funds. The Commission echoed the concern raised by the region that climate change poses serious security challenges in countries and communities in the Pacific Islands and called for global support for the region. Many members called for the Commission to continue considering the impact of climate change on peacebuilding, utilizing its advisory, bridging and convening roles. Several delegations stressed the need for an inclusive approach and engagement with women and youth in addressing the challenges caused by climate change. They commended DPPA for its work on climate security in the Pacific, including through the Peacebuilding Fund’s project and the development of the virtual reality experience.  

    Full recording here

    Next Week

    Next week starts with a briefing on Ukraine on Monday, 6 June. On Wednesday, 8 June, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa Martha Pobee will update the Security Council on the work of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) and the activities of the Lord’s Resistance Army. On Thursday, 9 June, the General Assembly will elect five new members of the Security Council, who will serve during the period 2023-2024.  

    From 4 -10 June, the Liberia Configuration Chair and the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support will undertake a joint visit to Liberia and to the African Development Bank in Abidjan. On 8 June, the Peacebuilding Commission will hold an ambassadorial-level meeting on South Sudan. 



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