Bienvenue aux Nations Unies

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 16 mai 2018

    The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) is a Dakar-based  special political mission managed by the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), which engages in preventive diplomacy, good offices and political mediation and facilitation in countries in West Africa and the Sahel. The Office also assists sub-regional institutions and States in strengthening their capacities in these areas, as well as in addressing cross-border and cross-cutting threats to peace and security. It promotes good governance, respect for the rule of law, human rights and the mainstreaming of gender in conflict prevention and conflict management initiatives, as well as the women, peace and security and youth, peace and security agenda.


    UNOWAS works closely with other UN entities and several regional and international partners - such as Economic Community of West African States, Mano River Union, Lake Chad Basin Commission, Gulf of Guinea Commission, Accra Initiative, and African Union - to promote an integrated approach to conflict prevention and regional issues, including terrorism and violent extremism, transnational organized crime, drug-trafficking, other illicit forms of trafficking, piracy and maritime insecurity, as well as to addressing the impact of climate change on peace and stability.

    To help address insecurity and promote sustainable development in the Sahel region, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for West Africa and the Sahel leads regional advocacy efforts for the implementation of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel, which was endorsed by the Security Council in June 2013. The strategy includes a range of innovative actions in the areas of governance, security and resilience in support of 10 countries of the Sahel. 


    The SRSG also serves as Chairperson of the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission (CNMC), which was established to facilitate the implementation of the 2002 ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the Cameroon-Nigeria boundary dispute. The mandate of the Mixed Commission includes supporting the demarcation of the land boundary and delineation of the maritime boundary; facilitating the withdrawal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the transfer of authority to the Republic of Cameroon; addressing the situation of affected populations; and making recommendations on confidence-building measures.  


  • 16 mai 2018

    Working Together for a Peaceful Africa: AU-UN Partnership

    On 19 April 2017, during the first United Nations-African Union Annual Conference, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General and Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission signed the Joint UN-AU Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security. This builds on an increasingly close cooperation since the two Organizations signed the Ten-Year Capacity-Building Programme for the African Union in 2006 (A/61/630). UN support is organized around numerous thematic areas, with the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) leading the cooperation in the area of peace and security.

    In January 2015, the African Union Assembly endorsed Agenda 2063 which aims at achieving an "integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena". DPPA works closely with the AU Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department to coordinate and support each other’s efforts in conflict prevention, mediation and peacebuilding in line with 2030 Agenda, Agenda 2063 and AU’s peace and security and governance architectures.

    DPPA strives to align and coordinate the work of the United Nations and the African Union in the area of peace and security so that their efforts become more efficient and effective in Africa.


    Key Areas of Work

    The strategic engagement between the two organizations is evident in the multiple consultative mechanisms on peace and security challenges in Africa, including on early warning, conflict prevention and mediation.

    Some examples of current areas of support and cooperation include:

    • Policy dialogue:
      • The annual joint consultative meeting between members of the UN Security Council and the AU Peace and Security Council: Since 2007, the members of the UN Security Council and the AU Peace and Security Council have held consultative meetings on an annual basis to exchange views on issues of interest to both bodies in the areas of maintenance of international peace and security, especially in Africa. DPPA facilitates cooperation between the members of the two Councils and provides support to their joint activities. In addition, DPPA offers assistance to the Secretariat of the AU Peace and Security Council, building on the Department's own experience in providing support to the UN Security Council, including the establishment of subsidiary organs and building institutional memory.
      • AU-UN Joint Task Force meetings at the senior-level, director-level video conferences and desk-to-desk exchanges: Since 2008, DPPA, Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and Department of Operational Support (DOS) officials maintain constant senior-level interaction (bi-annual Joint Task Force on peace and security) and working-level interaction (regular director-level videoconferences and annual desk-to-desk meetings) with AU counterparts to assess and discuss political developments in the region and responses on the prevention and management of conflicts. The meetings bring together UN and AU officials for information sharing, coordination, and the strengthening of the cooperation.
    • Mediation: Cooperation in mediation entails both institutional and operational efforts. Institutionally, it has comprised the reinforcement of the mediation capacity of the AU Commission, including support for the secretariat and the work of the Panel of the Wise including FemWise, development of strategic mediation guidance, as well as documentation of mediation experiences and practices through “lessons learned” exercises. Operationally, UN and AU increasingly collaborate to maximize strategic convergence and impact. For example, through its Mediation Support Unit in DPPA, the UN has supported the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic. The Initiative, led by the AU together with the Economic Community of Central African States and the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region with the support of Angola, the Republic of Congo and Chad, seeks to facilitate a comprehensive peace agreement for the sustainable disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups in the country. Another example is Sudan, where DPPA supported peace efforts led by the AU High-Level Implementation Panel through the deployment of specialized mediation expertise.
    • Electoral assistance: The United Nations provides technical electoral assistance to many of its Member States in Africa, based on their request. Close to half of the 56 countries currently receiving UN electoral support are in Africa. In recent years, DPPA has also been increasingly engaged in providing technical and senior-level electoral advice to good offices and mediation efforts in electoral crisis management situations in the continent. In this regard, a senior-level DPPA electoral expert has been deployed to UNOAU to provide more timely and effective support to electoral crisis management situations in the region where UN support is requested. In undertaking the above tasks, DPPA works very closely with the Democracy and Electoral Assistance Unit of the AU Commission (DEAU). DPPA and DEAU are in regular contact to coordinate on country specific issues particularly in electoral crisis management situations. DPPA and DEAU have also strengthened their partnership initiatives in recent years including by increased number of cases where the UN has invited DEAU to participate in the trainings and workshops that the UN organizes including on gender and elections and addressing election-related violence.
    • Peace Support Operations: Under the overall lead of DPO and DOS, the UN provides technical support and collaborates in the implementation of the African Standby Force Maputo Five-Year Strategic Workplan as well as in the conduct of ongoing AU-mandated peace support operations. Technical assistance and expertise are also provided on gender equality and women’s empowerment, including in the areas of human rights compliance and conduct and discipline, as well as mine action and the operationalization of AU Peace Fund.
    • Silencing the Guns in Africa: As part of the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union, the UN provides wide-ranging support to the AU Initiative on Silencing the Guns in Africa. Click here, for more information.


    United Nations Office to the African Union

    In 2010, the General Assembly established the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) to enhance the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union in the area of peace and security, provide coordinated and consistent United Nations advice to the African Union on both long-term capacity-building and short-term operational support, and streamline the United Nations presence in Addis Ababa to be more cost-effective and efficient in delivering United Nations assistance to the African Union (A/64/762). More on UNOAU here.




    Key Documents

    • Security Council resolution 2719 (2023)
    • Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2023/629) of 28 August 2023
    • Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2022/643) of 25 August 2022
    • Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2021/763) of 30 August 2021
    • Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2020/860) of 31 August 2020
    • Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2019/759) of 19 September 2019
    • Security Council resolution 2457 (2019)
    • Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2018/678) of 6 July 2018
    • Security Council resolution 2378 (2017)
    • Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2017/744) of 30 August 2017
    • Report of the Secretary-General on options for authorization and support for African Union peace support operations (S/2017/454) of 26 May 2017
    • Joint United Nations-African Union Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security, signed on 19 April 2017
    • Security Council resolution 2320 (2016)
    • Report of the joint African Union-United Nations review of available mechanisms to finance and support AU peace support operations authorised by the UN Security Council (S/2016/809) of 28 September 2016
    • First annual report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union on issues of peace and security in Africa, including the work of the United Nations Office to the African Union (S/2016/780) of 13 September 2016
    • Report of the Secretary-General on the future of United Nations peace operations: implementation of the recommendations of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (A/70/357-S/2015/682) of 2 September 2015
    • Report of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations on uniting our strengths for peace: politics, partnership and people (A/70/95-S/2015/446) of 17 June 2015
    • Security Council Presidential Statement 27 (2014)
    • Security Council resolution 2167 (2014)
    • General Assembly resolution on cooperation between the United Nations and the Africa Union (A/RES/67/302 of 1 October 2013)
    • General Assembly resolution on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (A/RES/66/287 of 10 August 2012)
    • Security Council resolution 2033 (2012)
    • Budget for the United Nations Office to the African Union (A/64/762) of 30 April 2010
    • Report of the African Union-United Nations panel on modalities for support to African Union peacekeeping operations (A/63/666; S/2008/813 of 31 December 2008)
    • Security Council Presidential Statement 3 of 18 March 2009
    • Secretary-General's report to the Security Council on the relationship between the United Nations and regional organizations, in particular the African Union in the maintenance of international peace and security (S/2008/186 of 24 March 2008)
    • Security Council resolution 1809 (2008)
    • General Assembly resolution on cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union (A/RES/61/296 of 5 October 2007)
    • Letter dated 11 December 2006 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly and Declaration Enhancing UN-AU Cooperation: Framework for the Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme for the African Union (A/61/630)
  • 16 mai 2018

    Madam President,
    Distinguished Members of the Council,

    Thank you for this opportunity to provide an oral update on the political and security situations in Guinea-Bissau and on the country’s preparation for elections.

    Since the adoption of resolution 2404 on 28 February 2018, encouraging progress has been made in the efforts to break the political and institutional deadlock that had persisted in Guinea-Bissau for almost three years. As the Council is aware, during the extraordinary session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on 14 April, President José Mário Vaz of Guinea-Bissau made several key commitments, which have since been fulfilled. These include the swearing-in of Mr. Aristides Gomes as the consensual Prime Minister on 16 April; the issuance of a decree on the same day confirming 18 November 2018 as the date for legislative elections; and the convening of the plenary session of the National Assembly on 19 April, for the first time in over two years. At its meeting, the Assembly approved the appointment of the President and Executive Secretariat of the National Elections Commission and extended the term of the Legislature until November. 

    Since then, with the facilitation of an ECOWAS ministerial delegation, which visited Bissau on 24 April, a new inclusive government has been sworn in. The new cabinet, which will be in office until the legislative elections in November, comprises twenty-six (26) ministers, four of whom are women.

    The significant breakthrough was achieved following an agreement reached between the two main political parties, the Party for the Independence of Guinea Bissau and Cabo Verde (PAIGC) and the Social Renewal Party (PRS), with the facilitation of the Catholic Bishop of Bissau. It also owes much to the consistent pressure mounted by ECOWAS on Bissau-Guinean political stakeholders, which culminated in the imposition of targeted sanctions on individuals deemed to be obstructing efforts to end the impasse, as well as the encouragement and facilitation by UNIOGBIS and the other members of the Group of five international partners in Bissau, namely ECOWAS, AU, EU and CPLP. These encouraging developments pave the way for launching the electoral process and creating openings for other peacebuilding initiatives long stalled because of the impasse.


    Madam President,

    Nonetheless, several key provisions of the ECOWAS-brokered Conakry Agreement of October 2016 remain to be implemented. As a crucial next step, the political stakeholders in Guinea-Bissau have initiated discussions that will culminate with the holding of a national roundtable dialogue as foreseen in the Conakry Agreement. Both the government programme and a Stability Pact, which outlines the principles for key reforms until the end of the current legislature, are expected to be endorsed by the political stakeholders following the national roundtable dialogue. The primary focus of the first meeting of the Council of Ministers, on 10 May, was on preparations for the elections. UNIOGBIS will continue efforts, including within the framework of the Guinea-Bissau Group of five international partners (G-5), to encourage the Government to move forward with the convening of the roundtable and, more broadly, with implementation of the remaining priorities outlined in the Conakry Agreement.   

    With respect to the legislative elections, a project document on the United Nations Development Programme electoral support to the Government, in the amount of 7.7 million USD, has been finalized.  The project will support technical preparations for cartography, an update of the voter register, voter education and electoral administration. The Government of Guinea-Bissau has made an unprecedented contribution of 1.8 million USD to the Basket Fund; UNDP has also contributed 200,000 USD to the Fund which, among other priorities, will allow UNDP to procure biometric equipment for the electoral technical wing of the Ministry of Interior. The tender and procurement process for the purchase of the biometric equipment and software will be launched on 21 May, and the National Electoral Commission, which supervises the process, is expected to begin voter registration on 1 June. Additional resources are urgently needed to fill a funding gap of 5.7 million USD to cover voter registration (USD 2.8 million) and operational costs for the elections (USD 2.9 million). In order to avoid yet another delay in the elections, it will be important for the international community to provide the requisite support to bridge the funding gap.

    However, we remain concerned about the situation of drug trafficking and associated forms of transnational organised crime. In the period after the adoption of resolution 2404, there have been at least five reported seizures of drugs at the international airport in Bissau, which many fear may be just the tip of the iceberg. It is our hope that the on-going efforts to enhance UNIOGBIS monitoring and reporting capabilities, in cooperation with UNODC and other partners, will, in due course, expose the true extent of the problem and contribute to fighting impunity.


    Madam President,

    Since the adoption of Security Council resolution 2404, steps have been taken by UNIOGBIS, with the support of the Department of Political Affairs, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support to re-orient the resources and interventions of the Mission towards effective implementation of the new priorities articulated by the Security Council.

    To that end, DPA led a Technical Assessment Mission to Bissau from 24 to 31 March composed of the relevant UN Departments and Offices.  The team met with national, regional and international stakeholders, and worked closely with UNIOGBIS to help re-align the mission’s resources.  Internal work on the re-orientation is well underway. 

    It was agreed that resources would be temporarily redeployed from the former Rule of Law and Security Institutions component to support the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in conducting good offices and providing support to the elections, as well as to the newly-established Combatting Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime (CDTOC) component; UNODC will be located within this component.  In addition, future UN police deployments are expected to focus on criminal detection and investigation; and the promotion of human rights and gender equality will be mainstreamed in all mission activities. The report and recommendations of the Technical Assessment Mission to Bissau will also inform the Strategic Review Mission that will take place later this year, in late August/early September. The Strategic Review will contain the Secretary-General’s assessment of UNIOGBIS, including options for a possible reconfiguration of the United Nations presence in the country and re-prioritization of tasks, as requested by the Council in resolution 2404.    


    Madam President,

    The latest successful efforts to assist Bissau-Guinean stakeholders to end the political and institutional impasse and launch the country on the path of sustainable peace and development gives cause for guarded optimism. The period until the legislative elections, and particularly until the next Presidential election in 2019, will be critical and fraught with uncertainties, and will require the continued attention and engagement of the international community.

    Before I conclude, I would like to recognize the commendable contribution of Mr. Modibo Touré, who completed his assignment as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on 6 May, particularly in forging close and constructive relations with ECOWAS and the region. I would also like to welcome his successor, Mr. José Viegas Filho, who will assume his responsibilities later this month and continue to build on progress made in Guinea-Bissau. I would also like to express our appreciation to our partners, ECOWAS, AU, EU and CPLP for their cooperation and efforts that have helped open the way for a better future for Guinea Bissau, an opportunity Bissau-Guinean should be encouraged, assisted and influenced to grasp.

    I thank you for your attention.

  • 15 mai 2018

    The United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU), established by the UN General Assembly Resolution 64/288 on 1 July 2010, is mandated to enhance the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union in the area of peace and security. The Office is also tasked to provide coordinated and consistent United Nations (UN) advice to the African Union (AU) on both long-term capacity-building and short-term operational support, as well as to streamline the UN presence in Addis Ababa to make it cost-effective and efficient in delivering UN assistance to the AU in the area of peace and security (A/64/762).


    The strategic cooperation between the African Union and the United Nations is manifested in the multiple consultative mechanisms on peace and security challenges in Africa, including on early warning, conflict prevention and resolution. UN, AU as well as the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms increasingly work together at all levels, and on a wide range of issues from capacity development and policy design, cutting across the conflict cycle from prevention to crisis response operations.


    For an overview on the UN-AU partnership, click here.

  • 15 mai 2018

    Nickolay Mladenov (on screen), UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace...

  • 15 mai 2018

    The Horn of Africa region has long been a focus of United Nations engagement and investment. The region faces significant challenges, including long-standing civil conflicts and unrest, deep poverty, and vulnerability to climate change. However, it also presents opportunities: rapid economic growth in several countries, a young and dynamic population, and new momentum for regional cooperation. Realizing the region’s enormous potential requires a collective approach, tackling shared challenges in a coordinated manner.



    In October 2018, the Secretary-General expanded the remit of the Special Envoy for the Sudan and South Sudan to cover the Horn of Africa region, defined for this purpose to comprise the members of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). This mandate derives from an exchange of letters between the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2018/955 and S/2018/979). The establishment of the Office of the Special Envoy the Horn of Africa in 2018 was  driven primarily by the dynamic changes in the region, triggered by the rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea and the strengthening of relations between Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia, as well as the cooling off of tensions between Eritrea and Djibouti. 


    The Office of the Special Envoy is mandated to support the region in sustaining the gains in peace and security, including the transition process in the Sudan and the ongoing peace process in South Sudan. The Office of the Special Envoy is responsible for supporting IGAD, in line with the framework for cooperation between the United Nations and IGAD signed in Djibouti on 17 November 2015, and other relevant regional organizations in promoting peace and security across the Horn of Africa. This primarily involves enhancing sub-regional conflict prevention and mediation capacities and working with partners to address cross-cutting issues such as the Women, Peace and Security agenda, the Youth, Peace and Security agenda and Climate, Peace, and Security issues. On this basis, the Special Envoy is tasked with carrying out good offices role and special assignments on behalf of the Secretary-General as required. The mission has been tasked with enhancing linkages in the work of the United Nations and other partners in the Horn of Africa region, to promote a joined-up regional approach, including facilitating coordination and information exchange within the United Nations system.


    The Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa retains responsibilities related to the maintenance of good and peaceful neighbourly relations between Sudan and South Sudan, initially established pursuant to the exchange of letters between the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2011/474 and S/2011/475). This includes cooperation with the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) in efforts to implement Security Council resolution 2046 (2012), which called upon the Sudan and South Sudan to reach an agreement on critical issues, including (a) the full and urgent advancement of all outstanding issues from the Comprehensive Peace Agreement; and (b) to ease the tensions and facilitate the resumption of negotiations on post-secession relations and the normalization of their relations.



    The United Nations Comprehensive Regional Prevention Strategy for the Horn of Africa

    The Office of the Special Envoy coordinates and helps to enhance the coherence of the collective work of the United Nations in the region and focuses on the prevention of crises affecting human security in support of Member States’ national strategies and regional strategies in pursuance of lasting peace and sustainable development.


    In July 2019, the Office launched the first internal five-year United Nations Comprehensive Regional Prevention Strategy for the Horn of Africa. Before the conclusion of the fifth year, the Office was tasked to revise the strategy in light of current developments in the region. In December 2023, the New United Nations Regional Prevention and Integration Strategy for the Horn of Africa was endorsed by the UN Executive Committee and officially launched in January 2024. The Strategy is the United Nations support framework for the Horn of Africa. It aims to operationalize the Secretary-General’s vision of prevention by rationalizing United Nations prevention-related mandates and encouraging a system-wide ownership of outcomes. The Strategy employs a regional approach – not just the sum of national approaches in the region – to prevention in the Horn of Africa and is informed by the regional strategies of IGAD and the AU. Given the fast-changing environment in the region, the Strategy is a living and flexible framework and will continue to evolve in light of emerging priorities.



    Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023 - Thoughts on Digitalization for Women’s Empowerment in the Horn of Africa by Special Envoy Tetteh 


  • 15 mai 2018

    The United Nations has been engaged with Somalia since 1991 to support its Government and people to advance peace and security. In 2012, following an extended transition period, a Provisional Federal Constitution was agreed through a broad-based consultation process, and a new Federal Parliament and Government were selected, with a pledge to deliver political transformation of the country and realize the vision of a peaceful, federal Somalia. 


    The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) backstops the work of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), a DPPA special political mission established in June 2013, with its headquarters in the Somali capital of Mogadishu. UNSOM, with offices across the country, is mandated by the Security Council to work with the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States to support national reconciliation, provide strategic and policy advice on various aspects of peacebuilding and state-building, to monitor human rights, and help coordinate the efforts of the international community.


    Since 2013, UNSOM has helped sustain Somalia's emerging federalism process. Key challenges remain, especially in statebuilding, security, and economic recovery. UNSOM is currently supporting efforts by the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States to further advance progress on its statebuilding process, including deepening federalism and completing the federal constitution through broad dialogue, as well as supporting the reform of the security and justice sectors.


    UNSOM is headed by Catriona Laing, a national of the United Kingdom serving as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia. She is supported by two Deputy Special Representatives: Raisedon Zenenga of Zimbabwe and George Conway of Canada, who is also the UN Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia.


  • 15 mai 2018

    Following six months of armed conflict in Libya in 2011, the United Nations established a political mission to assist the country's transitional authorities in their post-conflict efforts and support the Libyan people in their aspirations for peace, stability, and democratic governance.


    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), whose mandate was most recently renewed in resolution 2702 on 30 October 2023, through 31 October 2024, is primarily tasked by the Security Council with supporting an inclusive Libyan-owned Libyan-led political process, including to facilitate the conduct of elections. The mandate also includes supporting the implementation and monitoring of the Libyan Ceasefire Agreement of 23 October 2020. In addition, UNSMIL is mandated to conduct human rights monitoring and reporting and help consolidate the governance, security, and economic arrangements, including support for economic reform in collaboration with international financial institutions.


    Under the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023-2025, UNSMIL, together with the UN Country Team in Libya, is tasked with coordinating and supporting the provision of essential services, and the coordination of international assistance.


    The mission maintains a presence in Benghazi, Libya and Tunis, Tunisia.

  • 15 mai 2018

    @UNICEF/Mohammed Mahmoud

    The Special Envoy is making good progress towards the production of a framework for negotiations as promised in his briefing to the UN Security...

  • 14 mai 2018

    1. On 24 April in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in line with the decision of the Eighth high-level meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism (ROM) of the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework Agreement for the DRC and the region to “Complete the repatriation without preconditions of the FDLR disarmed combatants and their dependents located in transit camps in eastern DRC, and of the ex-M23 combatants that are in Rwanda and Uganda no later than 20...

  • 14 mai 2018

    Guinea-Bissau, one of the world’s poorest nations, has been plagued by chronic political instability since gaining independence in 1974. The international community including the United Nations is providing various forms of assistance aimed at helping the West African country build stable, democratic institutions and achieve greater economic prosperity.


    The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) provides support and strategic advice to the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office for Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS), a special political mission first established in 1999 following a two-year civil war in the country. The Mission is headed by the Secretary-General’s Representative for Guinea-Bissau, Rosine Sori-Coulibaly. The Security Council has extended the presence of UNIOGBIS over the years amid continued fragility in the country, whose problems have been exacerbated in recent years by a protracted political and institutional impasse characterized by the paralysis of the National Assembly and the absence of a State budget and programme of the Government.


    According to Security Council Resolution 2404 (2018), which defines the mandate of UNIOGBIS, the key political activities of the mission are to: (a) Support the full implementation of the Conakry Agreement and the ECOWAS Roadmap, and facilitate an inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation process, the strengthening of democratic governance, particularly with regards to the implementation of necessary urgent reforms;  (b) Support, through good offices the electoral process to ensure inclusive, free and credible legislative elections in 2018 within the legally mandated time frame; (c) Provide support, including by technical assistance, to national authorities in expediting and completing the review of Guinea-Bissau’s Constitution.


    Operative paragraph 4 of the same resolution affirms that in addition to the abovementioned priorities, UNIOGBIS and the Special Representative will continue to assist, coordinate and lead international efforts in several areas, including in providing support to the Government of Guinea-Bissau in strengthening democratic institutions and enhancing the capacity of state organs to function effectively and constitutionally; to ensure lasting peace and stability in Guinea Bissau.


    In parallel with the good offices of the SRSG in support of the implementation of the Conakry Agreement, UNIOGBIS is working with entities beyond the purview of the Government and State structures to facilitate an inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation process. UNIOGBIS is providing technical support in the reconfiguration of the former Women’s Facilitation Group, which played an important role in resuming dialogue among political actors in the first semester of 2017. 


    UNIOGBIS as an integrated office works closely with the UN Resident Coordinator (Deputy SRSG)  and the UNCT to strengthen UN system-wide synergies and to mobilize international financial assistance. The Office also works to enhance cooperation between the major international partners working for progress in Guinea-Bissau, especially in the format of the Guinea-Bissau P5 group namely the United Nations, the African Union (AU), the European Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), among other important bilateral partners and donors.


    In 2007, Guinea-Bissau was placed on the agenda of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), a step which has increased the international community’s attention to the country and its needs. A year later, the Peacebuilding Commission and the Government of Guinea-Bissau adopted a Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding in the country. The Secretary General declared Guinea-Bissau eligible to receive support from the UN Peacebuilding Fund in March 2008.


    The Mission is currently implementing six  PBF Projects funded under the IRD facility worth 7.8 mln USD in total, in the following areas: Support to political dialogue and national reconciliation in Guinea-Bissau ; Boosting the media sector for greater Peace and Stability in Guinea-Bissau; Strengthening Public Confidence in the Justice System; Supporting political and institutional stabilization of the Justice sector for peace consolidation in Guinea-Bissau ; Supporting Women's and Youth Political Participation for Peace and Development in Guinea-Bissau; and Mobilizing rural Youth and adolescents to serve as peacebuilding leaders.


  • 14 mai 2018

    The United Nations has long been engaged in efforts to bring peace and stability to Africa’s Great Lakes region, which has been plagued for decades by political instability, armed conflicts, porous borders, humanitarian crises, tensions over natural resources and other destabilizing factors.


    A key step in these efforts has been the adoption, on 24 February 2013, of a United Nations-brokered accord intended to end the recurring cycles of conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the region. The Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the region (PSC Framework) was signed by 11 countries, namely Angola, Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. In early 2014, Kenya and Sudan became the 12th and 13th signatories of the Framework, respectively. The United Nations, the African Union, the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, and the Southern African Development Community act as Guarantors of the Framework.


    The agreement includes commitments at the national, regional and international levels, geared towards addressing the root causes of violent conflict and ending recurring cycles of violence and suffering in eastern DRC and the Great Lakes region. Its implementation is championed by the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region. 


    In recent years, a positive momentum has emerged, with the peaceful holding of elections in the DRC in 2018 and the commitment by President Felix Tshisekedi of the DRC to restore peace and security in eastern DRC and to promote friendly and mutually beneficial relations with neighbouring countries. Steps taken by other leaders in the region to address tensions and advance political, security, and economic cooperation have also contributed to a reinvigoration of bilateral and multilateral diplomacy and an improvement in the region’s overall security situation. These efforts are supported by the United Nations, as a whole, and by the Office of the Special Envoy, in particular. 


    In this context, Secretary-General António Guterres approved the United Nations Strategy for Peace Consolidation, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Resolution in the Great Lakes region on 22 October 2020. The Strategy, developed by the Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region and the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including representatives of the signatory countries of the PSC Framework, proposes an integrated framework to leverage the political, operational and programmatic expertise of the United Nations, both at Headquarters and in the region, to help the countries of the region achieve inclusive peace, prosperity and sustainable, people-centred development. The Strategy lays out ten priority areas of intervention, arranged into three pillars, which are to guide its implementation, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. An action plan covering the period from 2021 through 2023 was also developed to chart the way forward. On 20 October 2021, the United Nations Security Council issued a Presidential Statement (S/PRST/2021/19) welcoming the Strategy and its Action Plan. It further encouraged ownership and political will by the PSC Framework’s signatory countries, and urged the international community and International Financial Institutions to contribute technical and financial support for the Strategy’s implementation.                                                 

    The Special Envoy is supported by his office, based in Nairobi, Kenya, and by DPPA.


  • 11 mai 2018

    UN Special Coordinator Mladenov’s in talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (11 May 2018)

    Thank you very...

  • 7 mai 2018

    High Level International Conference "Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism" in Dushanbe, Tajikistan (May 2018)


  • 7 mai 2018


  • 6 mai 2018

    On 7 May 2018, Nairobi, Kenya - Special Envoy Djinnit convened the first OSESG-GL partners’ briefing of the year 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya.  In attendance were...

  • 2 mai 2018

    “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas chose to use his speech at the opening of the Palestinian National Council to repeat some of the most contemptuous anti-Semitic slurs, including the suggestion that the social behavior of Jews was the cause for the Holocaust.

    Such statements are unacceptable, deeply disturbing and do not serve the interests of the Palestinian people or peace in the Middle East.

    Denying the historic and religious connection of the Jewish people...

  • 30 avr 2018

    Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator...

  • 26 avr 2018

    Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace Process, briefs the Security...

  • 26 avr 2018

    The sixth meeting of the Special Representatives and Envoys of the UN Secretary-General, Regional Directors and Resident Coordinators of...

  • 25 avr 2018

    On 25 April 2018, the 55th meeting of the joint Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) chaired by the United Nations was held in Gali town with the participation of Georgian, Russian, Abkhaz and EUMM (European Union Monitoring Mission) representatives.

    The overall security situation on the ground, since the previous IPRM meeting, which took place on 21 March 2018, was assessed as calm and stable without major incidents reported. The Chair commended this achievement, attributing it to the joint efforts of all participants. In relation to this assessment, the importance and exemplary use of the hotline was emphasized. Participants were once again encouraged to continue using this effective tool for prevention of and response to incidents, for addressing humanitarian issues as well as for information-exchange purposes on other matters.

    According to the agenda, participants followed up on the matters discussed at previous meetings. They also discussed in detail new agenda points, in particular several detentions for the alleged crossing at undesignated locations in the recent period. Information was shared on the investigations into two cases of previously committed serious crimes. The issue of the 6 April 2018 flight of two helicopters in close vicinity of the line of control was discussed in detail. In this context, the attention of the participants was drawn to the voluntary provision of advance notice on sensitive activities in order to avoid suspicion and misperceptions.

    The 55th IPRM meeting took place in a constructive and business-like atmosphere.

    It was agreed to hold the next meeting on 18 May 2018.

  • 25 avr 2018

    Photo caption: UN representatives in Central Africa during their fifth annual meeting held from 23 to 24 March 2017 in Libreville. Photo UNOCA/Norbert N. Ouendji Archives...

  • 24 avr 2018

    Participating in the launch of the Follow-up Mechanism for the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework agreement, Said Djinnit, UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region (2nd from left) with AU, ICGLR and Rwandan representatives (...

  • 23 avr 2018

    12th OECD forum, Paris, 17-19 April 2018 (Photo Hervé Cortinat)

    Paris, 20 April 2018 – The United Nations Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region, Said Djinnit,...
  • 21 avr 2018

    Let’s meet for reconciliation - 140 victims and 25 former FARC and AUC combatants met at the coliseum in the Municipality of Remedios, northeast of Antioquia to make progress in building territorial peace, coexistence and prevention of...

  • 20 avr 2018

    New York, 20 April 2018. The Secretary-General condemns the kidnapping and killing of three media workers, confirmed on...

  • 20 avr 2018

    19 April 2018 - The members of the Security Council reiterated their full and unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia and shared the assessment of the Secretary-General set out in his 29 March...

  • 17 avr 2018

    UN Photo Manuel Elias 

    Mr. President,

    I took up my assignment as the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Yemen. It began on 11 March. I approached this with...

  • 16 avr 2018

    The training workshop of the National Police Forces (FPN) of Gabon on "organized crime" was officially opened on Monday 16 April 2018 at the Ministry of Interior,...

  • 14 avr 2018

    The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - West Africa Regional Office (OHCHR-WARO), the...

  • 13 avr 2018

    Photo caption: Pastoralism, seen as "a way of life based essentially on livestock breeding, especially small ruminants, cattle and camels", is characterized, among other things, by the strategic mobility of animals - to ensure...

  • 13 avr 2018
  • 11 avr 2018
  • 11 avr 2018





    Asia and Pacific

    • UN Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) (1999)
    • UN Political Office in Bougainville (UNPOB) (1998 - 2003)
    • UN Observer Mission in Bougainville (UNOMB) (2004 - 2005)
    • UN Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL) (2005 - 2006)
    • UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) (2007 - 2010)




    Middle East and West Asia

    • UN Special Mission in Afghanistan (UNSMA) (1993 - 2001)
    • UN Tajikistan Office of Peacebuilding (UNTOP) (2000 - 2007)
    • UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) (2005 - 2009)
    • UN Commission of Inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (2009 - 2010)
    • OPCW-UN Joint Mission in Syria (2013 - 2014)
  • 11 avr 2018

    The United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) is a Special Political Mission with a regional mandate to help prevent conflict and sustain peace in Central Africa, with due attention to the principles of the UN Charter, including human rights and gender dimensions. UNOCA provides good offices and other assistance to support preventive diplomacy and mediation in situations of tension or potential conflict, particularly in countries facing electoral or institutional crises or violent conflicts. It also works closely with UN entities on the ground, governments, civil society, regional and sub-regional organizations, notably the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), to help strengthen regional capacity,promote good governance and advocate for measures to address cross-border challenges such as arms trafficking, organized crime and maritime insecurity, as well as persistent and emerging threats to peace and security, including those related to hate speech, the impact of climate change and the continued presence of armed groups in the subregion and of terrorist groups in the Lake Chad Basin and Sahel region. These include the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP).


    UNOCA’s mandate also includes the strengthening of the coherence and coordination in the work of the United Nations in the subregion on peace and security. In this regard, the Security Council stresses, among other things, the importance of interactions with Resident Coordinators and United Nations country teams. Improved collaboration and coordination with the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) is also highlighted. The aim is to strengthen the action carried out by United Nations entities, regional and international efforts to address cross-cutting and cross-border challenges to peace and security. In addition, UNOCA mobilizes, at the sub-regional level, support for the peace process in the Central African Republic, in close cooperation with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic.


    UNOCA was established through an exchange of letters completed in August 2010 between the United Nations Secretary-General and the Security Council, and was inaugurated in March 2011 in Libreville, Gabon. Its mandate was renewed for another three-year period (1 September 2021-31 August 2024) in August 2021. The Office is currently headed by the Secretary-General's Special Representative Abdou Abarry (Niger). 


    Since May 2011, the Office is also the Secretariat to the UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC), which meets twice a year at the Ministerial level to assess the state of the geopolitical and security situation in the sub-region and to report on disarmament and arms limitation programs as well as on initiatives aimed at promoting peace, including through confidence-building mea­sures.


    UNOCA is the third regional political office attached to the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA). Along with the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia (UNRCCA), these regional offices have demonstrated the value of preventive diplomacy and other assistance in helping regions to manage shared problems, crises and tensions peacefully.



    Supporting regional multidimensional response to the crisis in the Lake Chad Basin region

    As mandated by the Security Council, UNOCA works jointly with UNOWAS to support regional efforts aimed at addressing the crisis related to the activities of Boko Haram and ISWAP in the Lake Chad Basin region. This includes regularly monitoring, analyzing and reporting on developments on the ground to inform the Security Council of the evolution of the crisis and maintain the latter high on the agenda of the international community.


    UNOCA supports the implementation of the Regional Strategy for the Stabilization, Recovery and Resilience of the Boko Haram-affected Areas of the Lake Chad Basin led by the Lake Chad Basin Commission and the African Union. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOCA is a member of the Regional Strategy’s Steering Committee while UNOCA also co-chairs the Governance Cluster of the Regional Strategy’s Regional Task Force. Jointly with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Central Africa supports resource mobilization efforts for the implementation of the Regional Strategy and promotes greater cooperation between the affected States through joint high-level engagement, including their joint visits to Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria.  


  • 11 avr 2018

    Said Djinnit, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, briefs the Security Council on the situation in the Great Lakes region. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe


  • 11 avr 2018

    The members of the Security Council met on 10 April 2018 to discuss the situation in the Great lakes region, five years after the signature of the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Region. They were briefed by Mr Said Djinnit, Special envoy of the Secretary General for the Great Lakes, and Amb. Raymond Serge BALE, permanent representative of the Republic of Congo, as chair of the PSC Framework Regional Oversight...

  • 10 avr 2018

    Photo caption: Participants at the meeting in Libreville discuss several topics, including those related to the root and immediate causes of violence between farmers and herders in Central Africa. Photo UNOCA/Norbert...

  • 10 avr 2018

    The 49th edition of INTERFACE, the quarterly newsletter of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), provides...

  • 10 avr 2018

    Photo caption: The joint summit scheduled for July 2018 marks an important step in the implementation of a decision taken at the extraordinary session of the...

  • 10 avr 2018

    The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) has been supporting regional efforts to help resolve Burundi’s political crisis since civil unrest erupted in April 2015 in Bujumbura in connection with the candidacy of President Pierre Nkurunziza. The violence that followed an attempted coup d’etat in May 2015 saw hundreds killed, thousands internally displaced, and some 420,000 flee to neighboring countries. Since then, Burundi has been trying to find a peaceful solution to the political crisis through the Inter-Burundian Dialogue, which is led by the region and supported by the United Nations, while the country is also preparing for the 2020 elections.


    As mandated by Security Council resolutions 2248 (2015)2279 (2016) and 2303 (2016), the Secretary-General appointed on 5 May 2017 former President of Burkina Faso, Michel Kafando as his Special Envoy to provide assistance to the efforts of the East African Community (EAC) for political dialogue among all Burundians as well as to lead and coordinate the UN political efforts to promote peace and sustainable development in Burundi. The Special Envoy’s team in Bujumbura has been working with the EAC and the African Union as part of a Joint Technical Working Group (JTWG) to facilitate and support the process, previously under the leadership of Special Adviser to the Secretary-General, Jamal Benomar. Special Envoy Kafando completed his assignment on 30 November 2019 and the Secretary-General has yet to appoint a replacement. The Office of the Special Envoy in Bujumbura is currently under the leadership and management of DPPA-Department of Peace Operations (DPO).  


    Progress since the end of civil war in the 1990s

    As mandated in Security Council resolution 2137 (2014), the UN Electoral Observation Mission in Burundi (MENUB) deployed 72 election observers across the country to report on the 2015 elections. They concluded that while the vote was adequate in conduct, the overall environment was “not conducive” to a free and credible process. MENUB concluded its mandate on 18 November 2015.


    In the decade before the 2015 elections the United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB) supported the country in its efforts to build itself out of decades of civil war through reconciliation, equitable economic growth, and effective institutions.


    In 2010 the UN provided electoral support to five elections, from the communal to the national level. One result was a record representation of women in public office -- over a third of elected officials and almost half of the government ministers.


    In 2005 the UN Operations in Burundi (ONUB) organized the 2005 election in the context of the country emerging from conflict. The former Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, was a member of a strategic consultative committee which aimed to assess key aspects of international community assistance to the process. The Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) availed resources for the production of 1,000,000 identity cards. The UN Development Program (UNDP) was also a member of key electoral technical committees and supported fund mobilization. The elections came off successfully under the watchful presence of BINUB’s blue helmets.


    Despite ongoing difficulties, Burundi has taken important strides forward since its civil war in the 1990s. The peace accord signed in Arusha, Tanzania in 2000, envisioned a new constitution, which was adopted on 18 March 2005 with an alternating presidency and ethnically balanced institutions designed to blunt the potential for conflict. A new constitution has been proposed by the government and will face referendum in May 2018.



  • 10 avr 2018

    Mine Action day exhibition at AU Headquarters

    ‘Currently 179 life-saving Mine Action projects are taking place in 22 countries, many of which are in Africa’, Colonel Nurudeen Azeez, Head of...

  • 5 avr 2018

    The Secretary-General takes note of the announcement by the National Electoral Commission on 4 April of the final results of the presidential run-off election in Sierra Leone. He congratulates Mr....

  • 5 avr 2018

    Statement by United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,Nickolay Mladenov, on the situation in GazaJerusalem, 5 April 2018

    “I am following with concern the continuing preparations and rhetoric for this Friday’s ‘Great Return March’ in Gaza.

    Israeli forces should exercise maximum restraint and Palestinians should avoid friction at the Gaza fence.

    Demonstrations and protests must be allowed...

  • 3 avr 2018

    3 April 2018


    Distinguished guests,

    Ladies and gentlemen,


    Thank you all for being here today to show your solidarity with the women, men, girls and boys of Yemen.

    And I want to thank my co-chairs, the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland, for hosting this conference for the second year and for their continued humanitarian commitment.

    Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

    As the conflict enters its...

  • 1 avr 2018

    Sana’a International Airport, 31 March 2018 -  I just completed my first visit to Sana’a as Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen.  This trip follows a visit to Riyadh where I met with the...

  • 31 mar 2018

    DPA’s mission is to help prevent and reduce violent conflicts and sustain peace through inclusive political solutions. The Department’s Theory of Change recognizes that a multitude of actors and variables affect achievement of the Department’s mandate. Therefore, deep and effective partnerships, within the United Nations system and outside it, are required to address root or immediate causes that lead to violent conflict. As conflict is complex and its dynamics are embedded in societal, economic, legal and political systems, conflict prevention and management require a non-linear and cyclical approach.

  • 31 mar 2018

    DPA’s Strategic Plan is also accompanied by a Results Framework to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of DPA’s performance in the period 2016-2019. A biennial Results Framework with the expected accomplishments and indicators was defined for the first two years (2016-2017). Following a mid-term review, the second (2018-2019) biennial Results Framework was developed for the remaining two years of the Strategic Plan.

    The objectives of the Results Framework are to: 1) Operationalize the priorities of the Strategic Plan (SP) into concrete and achievable results; 2) Support integrated planning across Divisions of the Department; 3) Support better and more regular monitoring and reporting of achievements; 4) Form the basis for the Annual Work Plans (AWPs) of the Divisions and Offices of the Department.

  • 30 mar 2018
    Mr. President,
    Members of the Security Council,
    As you know, today’s Great Return March near the Gaza fence has unfortunately resulted in violence. Based on the information at our disposal, around 30,000 people participated in and around the march at various locations in Gaza. Soon after the demonstration started, the situation deteriorated in several locations. Late afternoon local time the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza confirmed that at least fifteen Palestinians had been killed, and more than 1,000 had been injured, including by tear gas suffocation.
    Several of the casualties were reportedly the result of live ammunition used by the Israeli Security Forces during the march, but also following armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces, including the shelling of a Hamas observation point. Reports indicate that most of the demonstrators stayed well away from the border fence and did not engage in violence.
    However, there are also reports that some protestors engaged in stone-throwing and violent behavior, some reportedly carrying weapons.
    According to Israeli Security Forces’ reports, militants tried to get through the fence in an attempt to plant explosives. Palestinians reportedly also sent a nine year old girl across the fence, but Israeli troops were able to send her safely back. Hamas leaders reportedly also were present at some of the gatherings.
    Prior to the march, Israel had increased its forces along the border, deploying snipers, special units and drones, and sent out warnings that it would act to prevent any breach of the border fence or violation of Israel’s sovereignty. Violence also broke out in the West Bank with an estimated 900 Palestinians demonstrating, mostly in central West Bank cities such as Ramallah and Hebron. According to the Red Crescent, 27 Palestinians were wounded during clashes near Nablus.
    Mr. President,
    In his Security Council briefing earlier this week, Special Coordinator Mladenov noted the developing Palestinian plans for today’s march and called on all to exercise restraint and to take the necessary steps to avoid violent escalation. In statements to the media he reiterated these calls and emphasized the need to ensure that civilians, particularly children, should not be put in harms way.
    UNSCO has also engaged with the Israeli Defence Forces and Palestinian factions, particularly in Gaza, to reinforce the same message. In order to ensure the safety and security of UN personnel, the UN Department for Safety and Security issued repeated security advisories to all staff. Throughout the day, UNSCO has been in contact with both Palestinian and Israeli security forces and will continue do so, as more demonstrations are expected throughout the next six weeks. There is fear that the situation might deteriorate in these next days.
    We will continue to underline that it is imperative that civilians, in particular children, not be targeted and that all actors refrain from putting children at risk at any time. Israel must uphold its responsibilities under international human rights law and humanitarian law. Lethal force should only be used as a last resort, with any resulting fatalities properly investigated by the authorities. We will therefore also continue to urge Israeli security forces to exercise maximum restraint to avoid casualties.
    Mr. President,
    The developments in Gaza today are again a painful reminder of the consequences of a missing peace between Israel and Palestine and the need to step up our efforts in support of a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
    As the Secretary-General and the Special Coordinator have repeatedly reminded this Council, the UN strongly urges Israelis, Palestinians and the international community to take concrete measures that will reverse the current course of the conflict and advance the goal of a just and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution.
    Thank you.
  • 29 mar 2018

    Rosemary A. DiCarlo

    Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Rosemary DiCarlo of the United States, President of...